Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 501 Lost Freedom

So he didn't refute for himself, just begged for mercy and said: "I'm sorry Mr. Bo, I was negligent."

Seeing Guo Chen's reaction, Bo Qing became more and more angry, and his tone became disappointed: "You are not thinking about it, so tonight's meal is very bad.

"I'm sorry Mr. Bo." Guo Chen lowered his head.

She didn't know what else to say besides apologizing.

Because Bo Qing was not wrong, when she was cooking tonight, she kept thinking about what grandma said, and she kept thinking about how to leave in the future, she was really half-hearted.

Bo Qing wanted to continue the attack, but Guo Chen's attitude of admitting his mistake made all his unhappiness feel like a fist hit on cotton, and he couldn't find the point of force lightly.

He stared at Guo Chen's pointed chin for a few seconds, then narrowed his eyes.

"A reminder, don't have unrealistic fantasies about Yang Miao. In this world, the person who can snatch a woman from me has not yet been born!"

After finishing speaking, he let go of Guo Chen's wrist and left the restaurant coldly.

It took Guo Chen several minutes, but he didn't realize what Bao Qing's last sentence meant.

She looked suspiciously at the direction where Bao Qing left, and couldn't help thinking, isn't the incident with Yang Miao already over?
At that time, Bo Qing personally said that she and Yang Miao would no longer be part of the same world, and she also said that there would be no future.With her, Yang Miao has already turned the page, does Bao Qing still remember?
Bo Qing's mind is a little too small!
After dinner, Aunt Wang cleaned up the kitchen, and Guo Chen went upstairs to wash up.

Walking into the bedroom, she saw the dressing table that was shining like a dream in a fairy tale at a glance, and she was stunned for a moment.

Skin care products and cosmetics have been placed neatly, arranged in order according to function and color, which looks even better than those displayed in the counters in the mall.

The dressing table must have been bought by Bo Qing, Guo Chen is sure of this.What Guo Chen wasn't sure about was Bo Qing's thoughts.

Different from Yang Miao, the only man she is familiar with, Bo Qing seldom talks, never speaks at length, let alone chatting about gossip with a casual expression on his face.

He seems to be indifferent to everything, everything and people are ignored by him

Therefore, this dressing table should be bought because she saw that she filled the bedside table to the brim.

Without tangling about this matter for too long, Guo Chen went into the bathroom to wash up briefly, applied some skin care water and lotion casually, took out his small notebook from the suitcase, and sat by the bed to open it.

There are still ten days before school starts, and her design work is not finished yet.

The School of Design holds a design competition every year at the beginning of the semester. The scale is not large, and it is only held in the school. Each department will select the best works of this major and hang the works on the display column of the school.

More importantly, No.1 in each department will receive a scholarship of 1000 yuan provided by the college.

Most of the students who study design are from wealthy families, and this 1000 yuan is not enough for them. Moreover, this competition is held as soon as the school starts, which means that students are required to use their vacation time to complete it.

This is undoubtedly taking up valuable vacation time, so most students will not participate.

Of course Guo Chen does not belong to the majority. For Guo Chen, she has to participate in this kind of competition, firstly because she likes designing, and secondly because she is greedy for the 1000 yuan scholarship

On weekdays, Guo Chen opened his own small takeaway shop during the day, and after cleaning up at night, he would open his notebook to do design.

Originally, she asked Zhao Lihua to do it together with her. After all, they are a professional, and sometimes they can communicate with each other when they encounter problems.But Zhao Lihua was not willing to participate, saying that she would definitely not get the scholarship, so it was better not to waste time.

Therefore, Guo Chen decided to participate alone.

The theme of this design is "Household Clothes". She has finished drawing eight of the ten sketches, and there are two left.

Although Guo Chen usually wears simple clothes, she is actually obsessed with the complicated workmanship and patterns of the clothes, so her design this time also changed the simple and comfortable style and chose the princess style.

Once the design idea is broken, it is not easy to connect it again.

Guo Chen scribbled and changed on the digital board. After drawing for a long time, he still didn't have any inspiration.

Suddenly, she glanced out of the corner of her eye and noticed the arrangement of skin care products and cosmetics on the dressing table.It looks like a formation, more like a flower pattern.

In an instant, Guo Chen's inspiration exploded, and she moved her hands quickly. In less than half an hour, she finished drawing the design of a set of home clothes.

To mark the moment, she pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of what was on the dresser.

After checking his design again and uploading it to the cloud disk, Guo Chen turned off the computer and went to bed satisfied.

After tossing and tossing for a day, she is already extremely tired from the inside out.Before Bo Qing finished her work and came back to sleep, she fell into a drowsy sleep.

When I woke up the next day, Bo Qing had disappeared.

Only the traces of pressure on the side of the body and the messy bed can prove that Bao Qing really went back to bed last night to sleep.

Going downstairs full of doubts, Aunt Wang told Guo Chen that there had been new changes in the Bo family's personnel, which had had a certain impact on the Bo family's industry and group. Bo Qing would be busy with trivial matters these days.

Guo Chen was quite pleased with this.

Bo Qing eats less often at home, so she cooks fewer meals to relax.

Just take this opportunity to get a good look at her design.Try to get everything ready before school starts before Bo Qing is free again.

For several days, Bo Qing couldn't see the end of the dragon.

Guo Chen also completed the ten design drawings required for the design competition according to his own plan.

This morning, Bo Qing went out early again.

Guo Chen got up, washed up and had breakfast, and told Aunt Wang that he was going home.

"There's been no one at home for a few days, so I want to go back and have a look. Besides, school is about to start, and I haven't brought some things I need for school, so I have to get them."

Aunt Wang heard that the request was reasonable, so she didn't tell Bo Qing.

But just to be on the safe side, she still called the driver at home to take Guo Chen there.And secretly told the driver to stay by Guo Chen's side for protection.

Although Guo Chen doesn't like to be followed when she goes out, she also knows that she is now Bo Qing's lover and has no freedom.

All she could do was ask the driver to park the car in a parking space a few hundred meters away from the community, get off the car and walk home with the driver one after the other.

Changying Road is still the same, with dilapidated houses and rough roads.

Guo Chen walked home familiarly, took out the key and opened the door.

"Looking at the driver following him like a shadow, Guo Chen was embarrassed, "I want to get some personal items, can you wait for me at the door?"

The driver nodded silently, and stood by the door with his hands down, like a door god.

Guo Chen entered the house.

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