Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 488 Children

Mr. Bo wanted to bring Guo Chen over for dinner, and ordered the servants to tidy up the yard early in the morning, so the old Chinese doctor also knew about it.

Bo Qing was impatient: "Yes, what's the matter."

"If yes, I will congratulate the young master, old Li." The old Chinese doctor looked at Bo Qing with a smile, and then turned to old man Bo, "Old..." Lord, congratulations, you are going to be a great grandfather."

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the room.

Bo Qing immediately retorted: "Impossible, impossible so fast.

"So fast?" The old Chinese doctor keenly grasped the words in Bo Qing's words, and his smile was even wider, "For ordinary doctors, the Ximai needs to be pregnant for more than a week before the number can be issued, but Lao Li, I am not an ordinary doctor. It can be numbered three days after conception.

Three days after conception.

Bo Qing took half a step back in disbelief. Three days ago, it was the first time he and Guo Chen met.

At that time, he was confused and emotional, he didn't take any measures, and the two times he vented, he completely released it in Guo Chen's body.

Mr. Bo was no less surprised than Bo Qing. What shocked him tonight was one after another, and his old brain could barely react.

After seeing his grandson Bo Qing's reaction, Mr. Bo knew that this matter did not go away.

He also said in a serious manner that he brought this girl back to cook and eat, but he didn't know that she had already wiped out everyone.

"It's a happy event, a great happy event." Mr. Bo coughed a few times, and after digesting the thunderous news, he smiled happily, "Old Li, take a quick look, is the girl okay? What do you want?" Baby insurance?
"Don't worry, master, this lady is fine, but she has been malnourished for a long time, and her body is very weak. In addition, she has too much worry recently, so she suddenly fainted due to overwhelm, and she will be fine if she recuperates properly."

"That's fine, that's fine."

After ordering the nanny to change Guo Chen's wet clothes, Mr. Bo called Bo Qing out.After dismissing the others, old man Bo said to Bo Qing earnestly, "Qing, no matter what you think, grandpa, grandpa is getting old and wants to hug his great-grandson. This child must be saved and born healthy."

"Grandpa has a headache.

"Qing, grandpa won't live for a few years, maybe one day he suddenly falls down and won't wake up. Grandpa knows that you don't like being persecuted, so except for that one time, grandpa never forces you to do things you don't like. Marry with a famous lady from another family. But now that we have a child, we should follow the law of nature and let the child be born safely.

Bo Qing nodded confusedly in response, Grandpa even said that he would not live for many years, he couldn't just say no in a disobedient way.

Besides, as a man, he never thought of killing his own flesh and blood casually.

It's just that the shocking news came so suddenly that he didn't react for a while, and even at this moment, he was in a daze.

He is going to be a father?
This was a great happy event, but when he thought that the child's mother was the newly-acquainted Guo Chen, a woman who tricked him into climbing into his bed, he felt very uncomfortable.

He had always thought that in the future his child would be born to Anya and him.

He didn't understand why his grandfather was so opposed to An Ya, who was so educated and did everything well, but liked Guo Chen so much, who had no ability.

Seeing Bo Qing lowering his head, with a complicated expression on his face, Mr. Bo seemed to have thought of something, and said unceremoniously: "Qing, what God bestows on you is often the best. Those who are hard to find are not suitable. your."


"Since the girl is pregnant, I hope you can treat her well. If there is no problem with her status, give her a status as soon as possible after the child is born. Don't be too preoccupied, this is your destiny."

In a daze, Guo Chen felt that his body was being carried around, but fortunately, the movements were very light and did not hurt her.

She wanted to open her eyes, but her eyelids were heavy and she couldn't open them no matter what.

She didn't know how long it took before she suddenly woke up.

What came into his eyes was the face of an unfamiliar middle-aged woman. Guo Chen was puzzled and stared at the woman blankly.

"Young Mistress, you are awake."

Guo Chen became more and more puzzled, Young Mistress?
After waking up, the memory came back to his mind bit by bit, and Guo Chen remembered that he was standing by the edge of the lotus pond, and plunged into it in a daze.

Looking at the pajamas on his body, he must have been rescued and changed into dry clothes.

Guo Chen knew that she had caused trouble to others, so she was very embarrassed, she sat up with her hands on the bed, and pretended to get out of bed.

The nanny quickly stopped Guo Chen, and said nervously: "Young Mistress, Dr. Li said that you are weak and need a good rest. You should lie down."

"No, I'm fine."

Guo Chen didn't dare to lie down in broad daylight like this. She might make Bo Qing unhappy if she fell into the lotus pond. If she lay down all the time, wouldn't she be courting death?
Seeing that Guo Chen insisted on getting out of bed, the nanny was in a hurry, "Young Mistress, even if you don't think about yourself now, you should think about the young master in your stomach."

The little master in the belly?
What's the meaning?
"Young mistress, you just fell into a coma. You don't know it yet. Dr. Li came over to give you a pulse. It's a happy pulse! The master has already called the young master to talk, young mistress, you are blessed!"

Guo Chen froze like a wooden man.

There were no uncommon words in the nanny's words, she could understand everything, but why, her brain suddenly went blank, as if she couldn't understand a single word.

After staying for a full 3 minutes, Guo Chen slowly regained his strength.

She looked at the nanny in surprise, opening and closing her mouth: "You mean, I'm pregnant?"

"Yes, young mistress, you are pregnant!"

The nanny was so happy that she almost clapped her hands.

The old man of the Bo family wanted to hug his great-grandson. This was something everyone in the Bo family knew, but it was a pity that young master Bo had not been close to women in recent years, and he did not associate with women, which once made old man Bo worry so much that he couldn't even eat.

Now that Young Master Bo just found his girlfriend, and then his girlfriend is pregnant. Now, Mr. Bo must be very happy.

Once Mr. Bo was happy, they, the servants and nannies, would all have a good life
After a short period of panic, Guo Chen shook his head: "Impossible, even if I am pregnant, it is impossible to find out so quickly. It has only been a few days, and I can't find out."

"Oh, those who can't be found out are ordinary doctors. Dr. Li is a famous doctor from his ancestors. His ancestors were the emperor's physicians. Just to accompany the master, the annual fee is tens of millions. There is absolutely no mistake."

Guo Chen's last sliver of luck was shattered by the nanny's words.

She unconsciously stroked her lower abdomen, not knowing what to do.

If she really had a child, what would she do? Bo Qing even felt ashamed to introduce her to Master Bo, and asked her to be taken away indifferently, not wanting to take another look at her.

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