Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 466 Come Be My Assistant

Liang Meng got into the car with blank eyes like a ghost, and Bo Moyan's complexion was also unprecedentedly bad, and it was obvious that his mood was no better than hers.

He stepped on the accelerator and started the Maserati. The air in the car seemed very dead. After some time, he finally called out her name solemnly: "...Liang Meng."

Liang Meng, who was immersed in complicated emotions, couldn't help turning her head slightly in a daze, and a puzzled question escaped from her throat: "Huh?"

In Bo Moyan's deep and cold black eyes, there are bits and pieces of clearly visible care and worry, and his tone is also rare and gentle: "Are you still planning to go back to live?"

On the day Liang Meng turned on the gas tank and decided to commit suicide, he had visited her home once, and he still had a fresh memory of those dilapidated old homes.

And that old-fashioned residential building is so old that it looks like a building left over from the [-]th century, so how can it accommodate people?
Sure enough, as he expected, Liang Meng responded unswervingly almost without the slightest hesitation, leaving him no room for negotiation:

"Well, that's where Xuanxuan and I lived together, and I don't want to move away."

A trace of helplessness flashed across the eyes, Bo Moyan pursed his lips, and then changed the subject to ask her: "Then, have you thought about work?"

Liang Meng's attention was quickly diverted by his series of questions, and his depressed mood subsided a lot unconsciously, and he shook his head sadly.

"...Not yet, I plan to go to the nearby convenience store and department store to see if I can interview."

As soon as the words fell, Bo Moyan's gloomy pupils narrowed into a slit, revealing a little of the keen light that only belongs to a businessman, and said to the point: "Still working as a cleaner?"

Liang Meng, unable to refute: "..."

Unexpectedly, a resolute light flashed across Bo Moyan's eyes, and he gave her a decisive and decisive move: "Come be my assistant."

Liang Meng couldn't believe it: "!!!"

After a brief shock, she almost rejected his proposal without hesitation, shaking her head constantly, as if she was afraid that he would force her, "No, I can't..."

Soon she noticed Liang Meng's mood swings and resistance, so before she had time to finish the rest, Bo Moyan slowed down and made an addition:

"At least, give me a chance to make up for you, or if you have any work you want to do, I will try my best to help you."

Liang Meng fell into silence again: "..."

Is she dreaming?

Just now, why did she seem to hear such a humble and begging feeling from Bo Moyan's voice?
But soon, she killed this idea in the cradle without hesitation.

No, it must be her illusion. How could a young master like him bow his head for her?
Just when she kept doubting her own judgment, Bo Moyan had already chosen to skip this topic first, and there were some emotions that she couldn't see through in her cold black eyes.

"Do you still have my cell phone number?"

With mixed feelings in her heart, Liang Meng nodded frankly and without concealment, ""

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything more, Bo Moyan simply didn't continue to urge her, but ended the conversation in a caring way again:
"Then call me after you think about it."

Liang Meng cast his eyes on the fleeting scene outside the car window, with mixed feelings, and did not respond to what Bo Moyan said.

As far as she is now, she only wants to live a free life alone, and has never considered starting a relationship, even if that person is Bo Moyan...


As the Chinese New Year approached, the various affairs of Guo's Group had also entered the finishing work, and the whole company was extremely busy, but the year-end bonus and annual leave gave them full motivation.

If there is no accident, then today will be another day of working overtime.

in the chairman's office.

Linda stood beside Guo Chen, and while reporting on her work, she did not forget to take the opportunity to ask about overtime work:

"Guo Dong, the advertising schedules of TV stations in various regions have been sent. It is in your mailbox. Please remember to check it out. I also want to ask, do you need to work overtime today?"

Hearing this, Guo Chen, who has always been perceptive, saw through her intentions in just a moment, and then asked her bluntly: "What's the matter? What do you want to do?"

Nodding her head almost without hesitation, Linda told the whole truth:
"Yes, my parents have always wanted to see Sizhe. He is going back to Yangcheng tonight. We decided to go directly to my parents' house for dinner, so I want to go buy some New Year's goods with him first."

A pair of beautiful eyes that are as cold as water and charming are shining with warm light. Guo Chen is really happy for her from the bottom of his heart, and his red lips curled up, "So that's how it is."

After that, she quickly changed the topic with a joke: "Don't worry, I don't need to work overtime today, and I have to work overtime on New Year's Eve, isn't it too inhuman for me as the chairman?

Moreover, the year-end bonus will also be distributed to the accounts of all employees today, please let me know! "

Hearing this, Linda almost couldn't hold back her admiration, suppressed the urge to jump three feet high in place, and exclaimed with glowing eyes:
"Wow, I don't need to work overtime, and I get a year-end bonus, my God, I am so happy in this young year!

Long live Guo Dong, long live the goddess! "

Guo Chen had expected her reaction to be so intense early in the morning, and the smile on his lips couldn't help but intensified, but he reminded Linda who was immersed in joy in a timely manner:
"Hurry up and let me know, it's better to be alone than to be happy."

Only then did Linda temporarily withdraw from the joyful mood, and echoed with great approval: "Yes, yes, such a good thing, I can't just make me happy.

Then Guo Dong, I will go out first! "

After realizing that even the tone of her voice had become uplifted and cheerful, Guo Chen seemed to be infected by her emotions, and there was a clear and visible smile between his brows.

"Okay, let's go."

Watching Linda leave her office, Guo Chen then subconsciously glanced at the desk calendar placed on the desk, feeling that time flies like an arrow, time flies.

In a blink of an eye, she has been in the Guo Group for three years, and Linda has been with her as an assistant for nearly three years.

However, even though the years have changed, Linda can still feel so happy about not having to work overtime and year-end bonuses, which is enough to bring Guo Chen back to three years ago.

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