Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 401 Andre's Whereabouts

The moment Bo Qing received the call from Wang Yu, his right eyelid jumped faster than ever, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

He pressed the answer button, and even his usually calm voice was covered with a layer of clearly audible worry and tension:

Sure enough, Wang Yu's tone was even more anxious and panicked than his:

"Bo Qing, Guo Guochen was kidnapped by Andre just now!"


As soon as the lingering sound fell, Bo Qing suddenly felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky strike his back impartially, causing bone-biting numbness and heart-piercing pain.

As long as he thought of Guo Guochen being in danger, he who had always been calm in situations would not be able to be as calm and calm as usual.

As a result, his brain fell into chaos in an instant, and he quickly threw out a series of questions, all of which were mixed with strong urgency and anxiety:

"How long have you been walking? In which direction? Andre didn't do anything to her, did he?"

After realizing Bo Qing's panic, Wang Yu couldn't help but sighed heavily, and hurriedly comforted her: "...Bo Qing, don't worry, just listen to me.

Leng Xin has already caught up, so Guo Guochen should be fine in a short time. "

Immediately, she pondered for a moment, then continued to add:

"So all we have to do now is trust her and—

Think carefully about where Andre is most likely to take her. "

Hearing these words, Bo Qing's restless thoughts calmed down a little bit. He suppressed all his worries and worries, tried his best to keep calm, and began to analyze the current situation:

"You're right, I was so confused that I almost forgot that I installed GPS positioning software on Ran Ran's phone.

Wang Yu, please stabilize Mr. Zhong first, and tell him not to rush to call the police, and don't bluff, lest you anger Andre and cause irreparable consequences. "

The voice that restrained all emotions made Wang Yu's heart stop, and he really felt how passionate and deep his love for Guo Guochen was.

After all, for Bao Qing at this moment, no matter how well he hides it, there is still an unavoidable tremor in his voice.

A worried glint flashed across Wang Yu's eyes, and he nodded empathetically, "Okay, I'll go right away."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yu rushed into the hall briskly, ignoring the doorman's shouts, and went straight to the private room.

The moment Zhong Yuan saw her, there was a momentary astonishment in his eyes, which gradually turned into doubt.

His assistant subconsciously wanted to call the security guards to drive Wang Yu out, but saw him frowning and waving his hands, motioning for her to come in.

Without the assistant's obstruction, Wang Yu was able to walk into the private room, with a serious and solemn expression, and lightly opened his lips:

"Mr. Zhong, I am Guo Guochen's friend.

She was kidnapped by Andre, I'm here to advise you not to rush to call the police, in case you offend him and do something dangerous to Guo Guochen. "

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yuan nodded slightly with understanding in his heart, his slightly sunken pupils were full of remorse and guilt, and his tone was low:
"Okay, actually, I don't need you to tell me that.

Alas, Guo Chen is a good girl, I hope nothing happens to her, otherwise I will have no face to see Mingyuan in the future..."

He suddenly covered his face and wept, as if Guo Guochen was his own daughter, suffering endlessly.


At the same time, in the bedroom of the Bo family villa.

Bo Qing searched several times, but each time the map still showed that Guo Guochen's location was in the prosperous hotel.

Is it...

Did she leave her mobile phone where she left it?

Thinking of this, the glimmer of hope that Bo Qing had ignited with great difficulty was quickly shattered, and it disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he recalled what Wang Yu had said on the phone, that Leng Xin was most likely chasing them.

So, without thinking, he dialed Leng Xin's cell phone number.

After a few long seconds passed, only a cold mechanical female voice came from the receiver:

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service area, please try again later, Sorry..."

It was the first time in Bao Qing's life that he felt so helpless and tired, as if all the strength in his body had been sucked out, leaving only an empty shell.

But even so, his brain was still running fast, looking for a breakthrough to solve the problem.

Immediately, he thought of a person, a person who might know something.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he dialed a series of numbers almost without hesitation.

The bell was picked up after a few rings.

Mu Lingwei's stunned but teasing voice came from the other end, obviously a little unbelievable, "Hello, Bo Qing?
This seems to be the first time you have taken the initiative to call me. "

The handsome brows were deeply knit together, and Bao Qing cut straight to the point almost without the slightest hesitation:
"I'm not here to chat with you, Vivian.

Guo Guochen was kidnapped by Andre. Do you know anything about his actions this time? "


Hearing the sound, Mu Lingwei suddenly felt a burst of thunder, and an ominous premonition surged up strongly, surging in her chest, and she couldn't help but suffocate.

"How? Andre didn't tell me this at all.

Or in fact—

Ever since he started to doubt me, he has never informed me of many of his major plans..."

Once again, without getting any clues, Bao Qing's face was slumped, and he stroked his forehead in extreme disappointment, and his tone became a little weaker:
"……okay, I get it."

After finishing speaking, he made a gesture to hang up the phone, but was quickly stopped by Mu Lingwei's urgent voice:
"Wait! Don't hang up yet!
Andre once mentioned a place when he was drunk, and I overheard it, maybe..."

Bo Qing, who refused to let go of any opportunity, lit up with glimmers of hope, and made a decisive decision:
"Then send me the address quickly, and—

Ask Mr. Mu to help investigate Andre's whereabouts, and remember to call me anytime you have news. "

Sensing that Bo Qing's slumped tone became a little more joyful, Mu Lingwei also tried her best to propose:

"Okay, I'll also try to find a way to contact Andre's other subordinates to see if I can get some words out of their mouths."


After only a low reply, Bo Qing hung up the phone first.

Within a few seconds, along with a pleasant mobile phone notification tone, Mu Lingwei's text message was sent:

"The address is in the old town, and Andre was drunk at the time, and seemed to mention the earthquake or something.

I don't know the specifics, but I heard that no one has lived in that place for many years. "

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