Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 387 I'll Leave It To You

At the same time that Wang Yu, whose body was almost covered with crystal clear snowflakes, was walking towards Guo Guochen's direction——

Andre subconsciously took a step forward, a pair of dark silver pupils that were as cunning as a fox were filled with complex waves of pity.

However, Wang Yu, who has always been observant, quickly sensed his intentions, his eyes turned cold, and his tone seemed to be covered with a thick layer of ice:

"Stop being hypocritical, you never take me personally.

I'm just a valuable tool for you. "

As soon as the lingering sound fell, a filthy undercurrent flashed in Andre's eyes, and it filled his eyes in an instant.

Mu Lingwei, who was standing behind him holding an umbrella, tugged at his suit sleeve, shook his head slightly, and signaled him not to act rashly, lest it would lead to a big mistake.

Seeing that Wang Yu finally took the envelope from his hand, Guo Guochen put the umbrella on top of her head almost without hesitation, protecting her from the snowflakes falling from the top of her head.

But the biting cold wind still blew and cut everyone's skin like a knife, and also drifted the goose feather snow into their umbrellas.

It was clearly where the five people were, but the air was as cold as an ice cellar, and no one made a sound to break the silence.

Apart from the whistling cold wind, the only sound that came out was the sound of Wang Yu flipping the paper.

The content of the letter is not very long, only two pages, and the writing is not very dense, but it is full of grandma's love for her, which made her teary.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Yu finally finished reading the letter, folded the two pieces of paper neatly and thinly, and put them into the pocket of the cotton coat.

And the stack of money that is not too thick but not too thin——

She decided not to spend it in this life, but to collect it as a treasure.

After all, these are the last things grandma left her, how could she be willing to spend them?
At this moment, no one spoke, but Wang Yu hugged the envelope containing the money tightly into his arms, as if he could feel the warmth of grandma...

For Wang Yu who is only 24 years old, the future is full of too many possibilities, but unfortunately, there is no one in this world worthy of her nostalgia...

Flying and icy snowflakes were reflected in a pair of empty eyes, she struggled for a long time until——

When Guo Guochen's right hand holding the umbrella was frozen to the point of losing consciousness, Wang Yu finally smiled at her and Bo Qing:
"Thank you for giving me the last warmth in the last moments of my life."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly took steps, without any hope of light and life in her eyes, she walked towards the most dangerous place with firm will!
Seeing this, everyone felt a panic at the same time, and Guo Guochen, who was closest to her, stretched out his left hand with almost no heat to grab her sleeve without hesitation.

She roared almost hoarsely:

"Wang Yu! The cold wind has been blowing for so long, don't tell me you haven't woken up yet!
Have you forgotten what you said when we were girlfriends? ! "

Hearing this, Wang Yu's footsteps stopped suddenly.

In my mind, I couldn't help but recall the scene from that year.

At that time, she had not lost her parents. With their high salary, she was able to go to the same university as a wealthy daughter like Guo Guochen.

Perhaps because of her optimistic nature, she never thought of leaving this world no matter how many setbacks and shocks she experienced.

At that time, she even made an oath with Guo Guochen, saying that even in the end of the world, she would never choose to commit suicide, but quietly waited for the arrival of death.

In fact, she is really a person who is afraid of death...

But now, she wanted to die with all her heart, and she was still in front of Guo Guochen. Isn't this slapping herself in the face?

Thinking of this, Wang Yu couldn't help pursing the corners of his lips, let out a bitter dry laugh, and raised his head to look at the vast pale sky with distant eyes.

"You don't understand, my parents died in a stampede the year I was graduating from college, and now my grandma left me in a car accident...

I don't have any relatives anymore, how can I convince myself to continue living with such a loveless me? "

After that, she lifted her footsteps again and walked forward resolutely.

However, Guo Guochen finally couldn't bear the fear and reluctance surging in his heart anymore, and cried out with tears in his eyes:

"You still have me! Without family affection, you still have friendship!"

After hearing the word "friendship", the dark light in Wang Yu's eyes was covered with a warm light like spring, and he stopped, but he didn't look back.

It seemed to be waiting for Guo Guochen's further supplement.

Guo Guochen let out a choked sob from his throat, sucked his nose that was already red from the cold, and then added:

"Do you know? Bo Qing, I, and Zhao Ninglu are all looking for you! And I've been looking for you for a long time!
It was so hard for us to see you again, we didn't want to see such a decadent you!
Where did the optimistic Wang Yu I knew back then go? ! "

Hearing this, Wang Yu finally turned around slowly, with a self-deprecating sneer on his lips, and asked hesitantly: "I...

Can I really be friends with you like this..."

Guo Guochen frowned and scolded her coldly:
"Why not?!

You are still you, it's just that you didn't think about it for a while!

As long as you are still alive, everything has a chance, and you can completely start over! "

As if he was really moved by what Guo Guochen said, Wang Yu almost subconsciously glanced at Andre who had been standing aside for a long time, and expressed concern in his words:


Guo Guochen followed her gaze, and soon realized what she wanted to express, and rebuked a few words with anger:

"Andre, how long do you want to torture her?
She is a human being, not a tool you use to achieve all interests, let her go! "

I thought Andre would feel angry, but he never expected that he would let out a sneer from his nose in a nonchalant and calm manner.

"Heh, since that's the case, I'll leave it to you."


The other four people present couldn't believe it, for fear that he was playing some tricks under their noses, they couldn't help tensing up.

However, the sneer at the corner of Andre's lips was even worse:

"Anyway, I don't need a bodyguard who thinks all day about how to help his opponent to bring me down, and even wants to commit suicide."

After finishing speaking, he walked away briskly alone, and disappeared into the icy and snowy land where the heavy snow was flying.

Wang Yu has never felt so lonely and lonely from his back for such a moment...

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