Guo Xi's face was as pale as a sheet of paper, and she didn't even know how to clear her "crime" and defend herself with a half-knowledge of these things.

She only felt unprecedented coldness and fear.

Who is going to frame her like this...

Is it Andre, or—

Someone else?

Just when she was eager to find an excuse to leave the conference hall, a warm male voice suddenly sounded from everyone's ears:

"It won't be Mr. Guo."

After being signaled by Guo Chen's gaze, Tan Yehan stood up and expressed his opinion:
"As far as I know, that project is currently in the product testing stage. President Guo is not good at this aspect. He mainly communicates with Vice President Mu and has no contact with other people in the project.

And recently, she was reviewing last month's monthly report, so she didn't spend much time on the project. "

Guo Xi raised his head in astonishment and looked at Tan Yehan, but the latter cast a trusting look at her firmly.

In this situation, she still speaks for her, and it is false to say that she is not moved.

Hearing this, Guo Chen couldn't help turning his cold gaze to Mu Lingwei's delicate and colorful face, "Okay, then, does Vice President Mu have anything to say?"

In Mu Lingwei's charming and coquettish pupils like ice and fire, there was a gloomy wave, which was filled with a calm light, so that no one could see the slightest guilty conscience.

"It seems that the most suspect people right now are me and Mr. Guo, but——

Have you ever thought that Guo is always the president of the Guo family, and even Guo Dong's sister; and I am the executive vice president who is still in the probationary period, and I may be fired at any time.

How likely are we to betray the company? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present fell into a lengthy silence again...

Seeing the current situation, I am afraid that it is impossible to get any further clues, so Guo Chen simply stopped wasting time and broke the silence directly:

"Okay, let's do this first, I will investigate this matter again, I really don't want to find out that the news leaked from our side.

Also, regarding that email, please keep the company's collective interest in mind and keep your mouth shut.

So today's meeting will come to an end and the meeting will be adjourned. "


After Guo Chen left the conference hall and returned to his office, he sat on the office chair with one hand on his forehead, closed his eyes and meditated on a series of recent events.

However, before she had time to think of any reasonable result, someone knocked on the office door again.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in!"

Her tone clearly and audibly added a sense of fatigue and powerlessness.

Linda pushed the door open without hesitation, and after closing the door, she walked up to Guo Chen respectfully, with a complicated and dignified expression.

"Guo Dong, the public relations department is dealing with this matter urgently, and the news has been blocked, and it will not be released for the time being."

Guo Chen's eyes were lowered, he just felt that the recent events were so sudden that they could always catch her off guard, and his mind swelled, "Hmm..."

Seeing this, Linda's eyes flashed with obvious distress, and she immediately picked up the teacup on Guo Chen's desk, poured out the cold water in it, and made another cup of tea.

Immediately, she put the teacup back to its original place, and asked with puzzled eyes:
"Actually, I don't understand why you didn't directly expose the fact that Vice President Mu is one of Cooltech's shareholders at the meeting?
Now almost the whole company is pointing fingers at Mr. Guo, and doubting her has become an inevitable thing. "

As if he guessed that Linda would ask himself such a question early in the morning, Guo Chen's eyes froze, and he opened his red lips with a gloomy expression:
"Because Mu Lingwei came to my office before the meeting started."


Seeing Linda's astonished expression, Guo Chen simply opened the file folder under his hand, found the unusual page, and explained:
"This document seems to be about the information and list of new product manager candidates, but in fact——

Written in the cracks of one of the pages is a line of inconspicuous symbols. "

Linda's expression eased a little, and she said what she was thinking: "Do you suspect that Vice President Mu is taking the opportunity to hint something?"

Guo Chen nodded slightly with admiration in his eyes, and the dark light condensed in a pair of cold and beautiful eyes was covered by dots of light.

"Well, I've thought about it, but I still don't have a clue.

Maybe Bao Qing will see something.

That's it for now, you go to work, I may not be able to deal with part of the work on hand today, so please. "

Hearing this, Linda raised the corners of her lips and patted her chest without the slightest hesitation, "Okay, Guo Dong, you can rest assured and leave it to me!"

Watching Linda walk out of the office, Guo Chen closed the folder and made an internal call.

She was connected by the other party within a few seconds.


Guo Xi's voice was a little trembling, obviously crying, which made people feel uncontrollably distressed.

Hearing the sound, Guo Chen's heart couldn't help but twitch, "Guo Xi, I grant you a day off, go back and have a good rest!"

Almost subconsciously glanced at the pile of folders on the desk, Guo Xi's tone was mixed with a trace of entanglement:
"However, I haven't finished the work at hand..."

As if expecting that Guo Xi would say this early in the morning, Guo Chen's red lips curled slightly, and he comforted him softly:
"Leave it to Vice President Tan, he has strong business ability, I believe he will be able to handle these well.

Let Lao Fang come to pick you up, don't think too much, I'm on the company's side. "

As soon as the words fell, Guo Xi finally couldn't hold back the surging emotions in his heart, and burst into tears in an instant, "Okay..."

After hanging up the phone, Guo Chen hastily opened the anonymous email. After a period of deliberation, he finally decided to call Mu Chenfeng.

Although he is the president of Cooltech Electronics, he is actually a skilled hacker.

This kind of thing is right to find him.

Although the relationship between them is a bit difficult to explain in a word now, and too many trivial matters are involved, but given the imminent situation of the Guo Group, she can't care about thinking about it.

Feeling apprehensive, he dialed the familiar yet unfamiliar cell phone number, and was picked up within a few rings.

Guo Chen's tone was quick and straightforward:

"Hey, Mr. Mu, it might be a bit arrogant to say that, but——

I need your help with something. "

Hearing the sound, Mu Chenfeng's gray eyes, which were as clear as spring water, could not help but sparkle brightly, "Oh? Could it be..."

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