Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 288 Where's Her 5 Meter Machete?

After some jokes, Benjamin straightened up and sat on the grass with his legs slightly bent.

The black slacks wrapped around the two long legs, one high and the other low, were stained with some young green grass.

The warm sunlight hit his profile impartially, softening his domineering aura and adding to the peaceful atmosphere of time.

He restrained his expression, and turned to get down to business with a serious face: "Okay, let's not talk too much, let's talk about the business.

There are not a few people who have come to see me these days, so if I guess correctly, you are also here for the film and television base, right? "

"Well, actually, I have a question that I don't quite understand.

Why did you temporarily decide to leave this opportunity to those small and medium-sized enterprises? "

Guo Chen's pupils full of curiosity were dotted with doubts, and he asked out his puzzlement in such a blunt manner.

Benjamin was still staring at the golf course in front of him, his gaze was affectionate as if he was staring at the love of his life.

"Because after my on-the-spot investigation after I came to country Z during this period of time, I found that many small and medium-sized enterprises are hidden potential stocks, but they just lack an opportunity to catch up.

It's not that the large companies disappointed me, but that the competition among many large companies in country Z is fierce, but there are also people who want to come through the back door. I've seen it a lot. "

Hearing this, Guo Chen couldn't help frowning, and bursts of intimidating and ruthless coldness emanated from his glamorous eyes, "But you can't just choose to beat everyone to death just because of rare circumstances. .

It is true that many businessmen are coveting this opportunity, but doesn't this just prove how powerful WB Film and Television is? "

Regarding Guo Chen's indignant remarks, Benjamin expressed noncommittal, but a pair of blue-green pupils quietly set off a wave of light.

Seeing this, in Guo Chen's mind, Bo Qing's guidance and earnest teachings to him once emerged——

"If you want to be watertight, then you can't tell lies, and you can't tell all the truth."

The bright and dazzling red lips, which are as charming as the flowers on the other side, lightly raised a confident smile, and she continued to add calmly:

"In the face of such fierce competition, there will always be people who choose to go through the back door, which is understandable.

But what is more behind this is the company that is working hard to get this rare cooperation opportunity.

Mr. Benjamin, besides the Bo Group, there are many down-to-earth and aboveboard enterprises. Leaving aside those unscrupulous people, you should also give them a chance to compete fairly with small and medium-sized enterprises. "

"Clap clap-"

A burst of crisp applause suddenly sounded, echoing in the empty golf course, which seemed a bit abrupt.

Guo Chen, who had been keeping his eyes on the distance from the beginning to the end, realized that Benjamin had gotten up from the grass at some point, and was standing on one side, looking directly at him with a smile on his face.

"Miss Guo, as I expected, you are indeed a very eloquent businesswoman.

I also have a question to ask you, I hope you can answer it truthfully. "

His shrewd eyes projected a bit of ambiguity and awe-inspiring awe, and said seriously: "As the chairman of the Guo Group, why did you come to persuade me for the benefit of the Bo Group in your busy schedule?" ?
Is it for your boyfriend or..."

Benjamin's question that stopped abruptly made Guo Chen suffocate, but he still had a calm expression on his face.

Without the slightest hesitation, she opened her red lips lightly and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Benjamin to be interested in my private affairs.

But I think it's not a bad thing to maintain a proper sense of mystery between people, what do you think? "

As soon as the words were finished, the expression on Benjamin's domineering and uncompromising deep face gradually eased, and there was a gleam of light in the blue-green eyes that was fleeting.

Immediately, he laughed boldly, "Haha, you are right.

No matter what you are here for, it is ultimately for the benefit of the Bo Group.

For me, it is also beneficial and harmless. "

Hearing that there seemed to be something in his words, the smile on the corner of Guo Chen's lips deepened, "So what do you mean?"

I thought that Benjamin would explain his thoughts directly, but he never expected that the corners of his lips curled up maliciously, and his sly eyes dimmed.

"Play another round of golf with me and I'll tell you."

Guo Chen, who suddenly wanted to hit someone: "..."

What about her 50-meter machete?
After catching a glimpse of Guo Chen's deflated expression, Benjamin changed his cynical attitude and looked serious.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you. I will seriously consider what you said today and discuss it with the directors, and then I will give you an answer."

"Then I will wait for the good news!"

The corners of Guo Chen's drooping lips curved again, and his eyes were filled with dazzling starlight.


At the same time, Bo Group, in the chairman's office.

Ou Ziye frowned and went to the door and knocked.

"Dong dong dong..."

From the slightly hasty and flustered knock on the door, Bo Qing was enough to hear the uneasiness in the knocker's heart.

So, he suddenly stopped what he was doing, raised his eyes to look in the direction of the door, and said sharply, "Come in!"

After pushing the door and entering, Ou Ziye immediately stood in front of Bo Qing in three steps at a time, and said straight to the point:

"Bo Dong, the current situation is not good, the American NS Group has also found a suitable online partner, and the micro-movie promotional film it shot has already entered the public's attention.

You see, should we also do some publicity work? "

"Microfilm promotional film?"

The thin and handsome eyebrows were deeply knit together, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

"Yes, it is currently playing on the LED advertising screens of major shopping malls in a loop."

Waiting for Bo Qing's reply for some unknown reason, Ou Ziye was anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Why is Bo Qing still able to deal with things in such a calm and calm manner at this critical and imminent juncture?
Is it true that "the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry"?

But he didn't think he was making a fuss out of a molehill, did he?
Bo Qing pondered for a moment, then parted her sexy thin lips and said, "Promotional work is necessary, but microfilm promotional videos are not."

Confused Ou Ziye: "Ah? Why?"

"This level of commercials was indeed very novel and very popular in the early days——

But now it is necessary to use micro-movies for every advertisement. This kind of shoddy film is already rotten on the street.

Unless we can invite celebrities, it's still a so-so choice. "

Methodically analyzing the current situation and the specific reasons, Bao Qing's black eyes are still full of tranquility.

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