Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 275 Enemy Like Friend

"Okay, I already understand the general situation.

I'll think about it first and then contact you later. "

The man was silent for a while, then suddenly opened his lips.

Hearing the sound, Bo Qing didn't make any unnecessary explanations or additions, but got up directly from the sofa.

"Well, goodbye then, Mr. Lu!"


After coming out of the small bungalow, Ou Ziye finally couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and asked all the questions:

"Bo Dong, why can't I understand your operation?

We can obviously maximize the market possibilities, and properly exaggerate Bo's advantages!
Why tell investors about potential risks?Isn't this tantamount to 'digging one's own grave'? "

As soon as the words fell, the thin and sexy lips lightly burst into a faint smile.

"If nothing else happens, you will know the answer to your question within today."

Ou Ziye suddenly wanted to curse: "..."

Immediately, he responded in a low voice: "Oh..."

Is it necessary to play tricks with him like this?
This feeling is like watching a TV series and discovering that the finale has been forcibly divided into two episodes, and a long and stinky advertisement was inserted in the middle. It's really tantalizing...


At the same time, Guo Group, in the chairman's office.

After hearing Mu Lingwei's words, Guo Chen smiled instead of anger and raised his eyebrows, "If you leave aside the emotional issues, you really suit my appetite.

If you guessed it right, the person I like will never be dismissed easily.

What's more, as far as I am concerned, work belongs to work, and private life belongs to private life. Although the two are related, they are not yet inseparable. "

"Heroes see the same thing."

Mu Lingwei raised her eyebrows full of heroism, and her bright red lips were like roses dripping blood, exuding a strong domineering and wild beauty.

Glancing at the time, Guo Chen immediately changed the topic:

"Okay, let's not talk about that.

I think it's time for your debriefing to begin! "

There was some imperceptible gleam in a pair of enchanting and charming eyes, Mu Lingwei nodded, "OK, that's why I came here."

The two walked into the conference hall one after the other with smiles on their faces.

This also made the members of the board of directors who were wondering if there was any grievance between Guo Chen and Mu Lingwei stopped chatting and kept silent.

It is said that the rumors are not credible, but now that they have seen them talking and laughing together with their own eyes, all speculations will be self-defeating.

After the two were seated, Guo Chen's cold and beautiful eyes projected a sharp and majestic look, "I think everyone already knows something about the new CNO.

Then this work report will be delivered by Vivian, that is, Executive Vice President and Vice President Mu! "

As soon as the words fell, Mu Lingwei stood up calmly and confidently, her lips parted lightly and said:

“I was very pleasantly surprised to see so many new faces, because many of them were young people my age, with a fire in their eyes.

In the eyes of the elders, there is the calmness and wisdom accumulated over time.

Oh, I fell in love with it right away! "

After the brief opening remarks were over, the directors present were still surprisingly quiet, apparently not quite used to Mu Lingwei's western-style speaking style.

Mu Lingwei also obviously noticed this, instead of showing the slightest bit of disappointment and frustration on her delicately made-up face, she retracted it freely, "OK, without further ado, let's get to the point.

Guo Dong asked me to prepare a half-hour debriefing report, but I prepared two.

Do you have any good opinions? "

After speaking, when many people were still immersed in Mu Lingwei's western style of speaking, a young director stood up.

It was Tan Yehan, the vice president who wanted to recommend himself as the CNO at the last meeting.

Guo Chenxiu frowned slightly. When he thought that Tan Yehan would utter wild words again out of jealousy, he never expected that the latter would speak calmly and calmly:

"This is your debriefing meeting. You can say whatever you want, and we will definitely listen."

Mu Lingwei took another meaningful look at Tan Yehan.

This man was the friend she wanted to be with, and she had his appearance firmly in her mind.

"Well, does anyone else have any input?"


During the entire debriefing meeting, Mu Lingwei briefly described to everyone her blueprint for Guo's future industrial development, and whenever she talked about profound things, she always stopped at the end.

That eloquent and tongue-in-cheek speech almost made everyone feel excited.

They obviously underestimated Mu Lingwei and her understanding of the country Z market.

No wonder Guo Chen chatted so speculatively with her.

There is no doubt that Guo Chen has spent so many days of energy and thought concentrating on CNO, and the final result is worth it.

Even Tan Yehan, who said last time that he knew the Z country market like the back of his hand, couldn't help but feel inferior and ashamed.

Guo Chen's eyes were full of admiration from the beginning to the end, until the end of Mu Lingwei's report, she stood up and concluded in a timely manner:
"As the executive vice president, Vivian is mainly responsible for the daily operations of the company. When the general manager is away, he can be entrusted by the general manager to act as the general manager."

After pondering for a moment, Guo Chen and Mu Lingwei looked at each other, and then glanced at everyone one by one, "Do you have any questions?"

There was a moment of silence in the atmosphere.

"Okay, since there are no problems, then the meeting will be adjourned!"

Following Guo Chen's order, all the directors packed their things and started to go out.

But of course, except for Guo Chen, Linda, Mu Lingwei and——

Beyond Tan Yehan.

"Vivian, do you need someone to guide you to familiarize yourself with the company's environment?"

Seeing Mu Lingwei's delay in leaving, Guo Chen already guessed what she was thinking.

Almost as soon as the words were finished, Mu Lingwei nodded without hesitation, "Of course (of course), I need it very much."

"Okay, then Tan Yehan..."

Although Guo Chen knew that Tan Yehan was just pretending to be packing up documents on purpose, but he was actually eavesdropping on their conversation, but he didn't expose it directly, but mentioned his name through it.

The latter couldn't help but startled.

However, before Guo Chen could finish the rest of the sentence, Mu Lingwei hooked the corners of her lips, put her hands on her chest and said:
"Such a good opportunity, of course, can't be wasted on a person who wants to date."

After finishing speaking, Guo Chen couldn't help laughing, "Then who do you want to take you to familiarize yourself with the environment?"

The smile on the corners of Mu Lingwei's lips gradually deepened, but the smile remained silent, and her right index finger pointed to the most inconspicuous corner in the conference hall without warning, and then her lips parted and said:


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