Ou Ziye immediately turned around pretending to be calm, "I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

As soon as the words fell, Bao Qing's body trembled in fright from Bao Qing's eyes that were as cold as ice and snow.

"I came to you purely to inform you that there are a total of 53 well-known companies participating in the bidding for the base of WB Film and Television Company."

After hearing Ou Ziye's words, Bao Qing's cloudy complexion eased a lot.

"Hmm. What did you just say?"

Seeing this, Ou Ziye breathed a sigh of relief, and asked with a serious face:
"Bo Dong, what do you think Bo's chances of winning this time are?"

After all, WB Film and Television Company is not an idle person, and even many domestic film and television companies admire its strategic plan and are moving closer to its general structure.

After a moment of silence, Bo Qing's eyes froze and he said:


"Is it a conservative estimate or the most?"

Ou Ziye asked curiously.

After finishing speaking, Bo Qing had a faintly captivating smile on his sharp-edged handsome face, "Conservative estimate."


After leaving the Dynasty Hotel, Guo Chen returned to the Guo Group with a heavy heart.

Why on earth would Ah Chen do such a thing...

Obviously, in her impression, he has always been a positive, optimistic, ignorant young man.

Who on earth could bring such a big change and influence to him?

After thinking for a moment, all her guesses finally turned into a sigh.

No matter what, the friendship between her and Ah Chen has already created a gap, and I am afraid it will be difficult to close it again!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the interview about the CNO started on time.

Guo Chen sat between the two interviewers, with a pleasant smile and a modest demeanor. He lacked the aggressive posture of the chairman of a listed company, but instead had an amiability that made people want to get close.

The several "candidates" were indeed recommended by the directors and screened by her for the first time. Most of them were well-worded and cautious in their words and deeds.

While showing his professional skills and possible benefits to the Guo Group, he did not forget to point to the end, which is really admirable.


The appearance of Vivian.

A crisp and powerful sound of high-heeled shoes came from far and near. The difference from the first time I saw it last time was that Mu Lingwei was wearing a lavender-like purple hip-covering skirt today.

Although it is a workplace suit, it is not enough to cover up her charm.

The well-protruded figure and the delicately sculpted skin like jade made Guo Chen's mind instantly come up with a matching word——


Obviously, Mu Lingwei's beauty is also extremely aggressive, but compared with Guo Chen, while she is less feminine, she is more aggressive.

The exquisite makeup showed her beautiful facial features just right, as if she had frozen her age, and people couldn't help but sigh that after so many years, she was still charming, sexy and charming.

Those plump and rosy lips make people want to kiss Fangze, but at the same time, they will not be dreamy because of it. The words revealed during the period must be a good secret of flirting on the bedside at night.

A pair of white and flawless long legs exposed to the air is enough to make countless men bow down under her pomegranate skirt and bow their heads.

There is no doubt that if Guo Chen were a man, he would most likely have fallen in love with her at this very moment.

But the truth is, she's a woman.

Therefore, as a woman, she would only subconsciously develop a trace of hostility towards Mu Lingwei.

The strong intuition always reminded her from time to time that the other party——

The visitor is not good.

And as Mu Lingwei walked in front of the three interviewers, the eyes of the only male among them, as expected, inadvertently enlarged a bit.

"Good afternoon, leaders (good afternoon, leaders.)
I am very glad to be appreciated by your company, which gave me the opportunity to come for an interview.

So, let me introduce myself first.

My name is Mu Lingwei, and my English name is Vivian. I think you are more familiar with the latter. "

She was wearing domineering and strong makeup, and a pair of predatory eyes like ice and fire were looking down at Guo Chen, who was less than one meter away, like a cheetah staring at its prey.

It made her feel uncomfortable and unspeakable.

After calming down a bit, Guo Chen looked back at her without fear, and then cut to the chase:

"Okay, then Vivian, may I ask why you choose our company?"

As soon as the words fell, Mu Lingwei responded with a fluent lips, "First of all, when I was studying at the University of Pennsylvania, I was already eager to work in the Guo Group one day.

Although it is an old company for many years, it is obvious that compared with other companies, Guo's Group has more advanced concepts and strives for progress in stability.

I have always been curious about how this company managed to stay in the business world and survive?

It wasn't until later that I discovered that Guo's Group was not willing to stop in the traditional model dominated by the secondary industry, and was one of the first batch of enterprises that carried out industrial upgrading and industrial transformation.

Therefore, the current glory is enough for us to see its success. "

Next, no matter how tricky questions Guo Chen and the other two interviewers asked, Mu Lingwei was able to take it easy and handle it with ease.

If she used eight words to describe her interview performance, it would be——

Steady and steady, step by step.

There is no doubt that, despite the hostility of Zhou Ming, Mu Lingwei can definitely be called the most suitable candidate for CNO, not one of them.

After the interview, Guo Chen told everyone to go back and wait for news.

Most of the others were satisfied with their performance today, and left calmly.

Apart from--

Mu Lingwei...

"Vivian, do you have any questions?"

Guo Chen's eyes flickered, and he took the lead.

Glancing at the surrounding environment, Mu Lingwei blinked her charming black eyes, "Let's talk about it in another place."


After the two moved to the reception room, Mu Lingwei took the tea from Linda, "Thanks."

Seemingly a little unaccustomed to her western style of conversation, Linda was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook her head, "No thanks."

Seeing Linda walk out of the office, Mu Lingwei put down the teacup in her hand, looked at Guo Chen beside her and said bluntly:
"He came to see me before he died."

Just one sentence, quickly lifted Guo Chen's heart.

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