She smiled awkwardly but politely, but Guo Chen's calm complexion suddenly eased, and her red lips slightly hooked:
"Okay, it's okay to shout in private, but you have to be careful in formal occasions!"

Linda immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"carry on!"

"Okay, Mr. Guo!"

Accompanied by a slight sound of closing the door, the office once again returned to a lengthy silence.

Guo Chen turned his gaze back to the document in his hand...

Lin Xueping, a strong, intelligent, and well-mannered woman, does not know what reaction and choice she will make when faced with her husband's cheating?

Will she continue to maintain a nominal marriage like Fujiwara Norika, or will she resolutely choose to leave like Liang Meng?

The woman's intuition told her that Lin Xueping was likely to make some unexpected moves...


At the same time, Bo Group, in the conference hall.

After the meeting was adjourned, all the directors signed and left one after another.

Only the young director still sat in his seat indignantly and puzzled, and looked at the expressionless Bo Qing unwillingly, "Director Bo, can you tell me why you chose President Bo?"

Is it because his ability is not enough, or because his qualifications are still shallow?

Hearing this, Bo Qing's unsmiling poker face unexpectedly saw a trace of undetectable fluctuations, solemnly patted the man's shoulder, and said softly with thin lips:
"You are still young and energetic, the position of COO, you are really not qualified for it at present.

But don't be discouraged. Compared with some people who are trying to catch their fame, those who are calm in their hearts are the ones who will last forever. "

As soon as the words fell, the young director had already guessed who the person Bo Qing was talking about, so he nodded clearly, "I understand, Director Bo, I will definitely not forget my original intention and continue to work hard!"


Regarding today's result, although the young director was unwilling, after hearing Bo Qing's explanation, he left contentedly.

As soon as Bo Qing packed up the documents, Bo Moyan turned back again.

Being able to come back not long after the young director left, one doesn't need to think about what he is planning.

"Grassing fame?
Heh, Bo Dong is really a native of country Z, it's like a mobile idiom dictionary! "

Even though she knew that Bo Moyan was deliberately sarcasm, Bo Qing still didn't take it to heart, but followed his words and continued: "Oh? But I didn't name names.

So Mr. Bo didn't ask for it? "

As soon as the words fell, Bo Moyan's pupils, which always hid his emotions very well, also inadvertently emitted a little cold light. Instead of denying it, he hooked the corners of his lips bluntly and said:
"So what?"

After all, he got what he wanted, didn't he?
After finishing speaking, Bao Qing's cold eyes suddenly projected a chilling and powerful aura, and his tone became as cold as ice:

"The market in country Z is not comparable to that of the United States, do you really think that your radical ideas can be introduced?

The chief operating officer is far from being as simple as you imagined. It only takes a moment to get you out of trouble. "

Immediately, before Bo Moyan had time to respond, he took a step forward and strode straight to his side, his eyes flickered, and he added:

"Reflect on yourself, I don't want to see my chosen COO die so soon."

Immediately afterwards, like a gust of icy cold wind in a winter night, he left without nostalgia.

Looking directly at Bo Qing's tall, silent and aura back, Bo Moyan's black eyes as deep as the sea, silently flashed a secretive and obscure treacherous and cold light.


The night was as cool as water, and Guo Chen was sitting in the Dynasty Hotel, surrounded by a silent and expressionless Leng Xin.

Although she has been preparing for the battle for several days, it is inevitable that she will still feel a little uneasy and nervous when she is "on the battlefield".

After all, she and this woman Lin Xueping had never met much before, and the only time they fought was enough to make her remember and leave a deep impression on her.

It was also the battle for land between Hengxu Real Estate Company and Bo Group. Lin Xueping came to Guo Group to look for her, hoping she could help.

At that time, Guo Chen was shocked by the powerful arrogance emanating from this woman.

But now, how can she convince herself to deal with everything in a calm and unhurried manner like last time?
Obviously, he only waited for less than 10 minutes, but to Guo Chen, it seemed like years passed by.

Therefore, the moment Lin Xueping pushed open the door of the private room, Guo Chen immediately raised a just right official smile on the corner of his lips, stood up, and spoke first:

"Deputy Director Lin, stay safe and sound!"

As a middle-aged woman, Lin Xueping is undoubtedly a well-maintained type. The natural arrogance on her body makes her look a little aggressive, but she does not lose her elegance and demeanor.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, why has Mr. Guo become obsequious?"

The implication is that she prefers Guo Chen's straightforward personality.

Seeing Lin Xueping sitting opposite her, Guo Chen simply didn't care about these things with her, but sat down with a slightly helpless expression.

Lin Xueping was undoubtedly cutting holes in the needle and finding fault with her. She was already older than her, so if she didn't say hello, it would be impolite.

And there is a good saying, if a person has a deep disgust for you, no matter how perfect you are, she will not show a good face to you.

Therefore, Guo Chen decided to follow her meaning——

"Deputy Director Lin is right. We are not a ball, so there is no need to be so smooth."

It was a joke, but the other two people present did not smile.

Guo Chen: "..."

Although it was the expected situation, but I have to admit that the atmosphere is indeed a bit weird...

Taking a deep breath, Guo Chen, who had made enough mental preparations, simply stopped beating around the bush and said straight to the point:

"Deputy Director Lin, first of all, I want to apologize for you here.

I'm sorry that my 'mother' ruined the relationship between you and your husband. "


Time rewinds to noon.

"Why do you have to apologize first?"

Guo Chen stared suspiciously at Bao Qing who was sitting opposite him.

"When negotiating, you need to recognize the other party's negotiating style at all times, and at the same time, you must occupy a favorable position and take the initiative to seize the opportunity.

This is called retreating. "

I thought Lin Xueping would be furious, but she just snorted coldly and responded with disdain: "You don't have to apologize to me, I don't love him at all."

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