What will this home look like in the future?

Will Guo Mingyuan and Chen Xinyi divorce?

Guo Xi didn't dare to think any further.

Just as she was just wiping away the tears that were about to be dried by the wind at the corners of her eyes, accompanied by a dazzling light, a burst of car horns rang in her ears.

The footsteps under her feet stopped abruptly like a broken string, and Guo Xi subconsciously covered her eyes.

Getting out of the car almost without hesitation, Guo Chen quickly closed the car door and strode over to Guo Xi's side.

"It's so late, where else do you want to go?"

The tone was serious and cold, as if the two were sisters.

As if angry, Guo Xi frowned and said: "Where am I going, does it have anything to do with you?"

As soon as the voice fell, he made a gesture to leave.

He just took a step out, but Guo Chen quickly grabbed his arm again.

Knowing that she had something to say, Guo Xi pulled her arm away in resistance, and simply stopped to listen to her explanation.

"Guo Xi, I know you must be feeling very uncomfortable right now.

But no matter how much you don't want to have entanglements with me, you still can't change the fact that we are connected by blood.

In order to prevent Dad from getting sick, come back with me, okay? "

Guo Chen's eyes were dimmed, and his cold and beautiful face in the past was filled with unconcealable fatigue and helplessness at this moment.

After hearing the word "illness", Guo Xi's pupils finally shrank unbearably, his lips were pursed tightly, and a trace of hesitation and entanglement flashed in his eyes.

That's right, Guo Mingyuan already had high blood pressure, and his physical condition was getting worse and worse. Even the irresistible entertainments were always replaced by tea. She must never tell him about this...

After a long silence, she finally bypassed Guo Chen without saying a word, came to the Rolls-Royce, opened the door and sat in the back seat of the car.

Seeing this, the boulder weighing on Guo Chen's heart finally sank, and the corner of his lips moved in relief.

Right now, Chen Xinyi has confessed her heart clearly, the person she really loves is Guo Mingyuan.

Guo Chen can still tell if the truth is revealed.

After all, she had seen and remembered the affectionate appearance of the two in the past.

That being the case, it means that there is still room for maneuver in the whole matter.

So for now, as long as Guo Xi is willing to conceal this matter, that's enough.


In the early morning of the next day, in the office of the president of Guo Group.

Guo Chen absently flipped through the documents in his hand, recalling that during the meeting just now, Guo Mingyuan's high-spirited appearance of pointing out the country as before.

Since Guo Xi also knew about this incident last night, it was obvious that the atmosphere in the entire Guo family was much more depressed than usual.

However, when Guo Mingyuan was at home, Chen Xinyi and Guo Xi still had to pretend to be a warm scene on weekdays. On the surface, they interacted frequently, but in fact they had changed.

I hope that Chen Xinyi can quickly let go of her feelings for Xu Zhengfan, as well as the close contacts in private.

Otherwise, no matter how hard she tried to persuade her, it would be useless after all if the person concerned did not repent.

Just as she was preoccupied, a knock on the door suddenly rang, interrupting her restless thoughts.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in!"

Linda pushed the door open and entered. Although one glance was enough to tell that Guo Chen's mood was not right, but her intuition told her that it would be better to avoid talking about it.

So, she cut to the chase and said:

"Mr. Guo, what do you need from me?"

Pulling away from the flustered thoughts, Guo Chen's eyes shone, "Well, I have accepted the bidding task at the end of the month, and the relevant documents have been sent to your mailbox. Draft the bidding documents as soon as possible in the next few days."

"Okay, Mr. Guo."

Hearing this, Linda nodded without hesitation.

Immediately, as if thinking of something, he casually mentioned a few words:

"By the way, Mr. Guo, I saw the plan on your schedule, so I want to ask.

Is Dong Guo's birthday coming soon?

The year of fate should be celebrated properly. "

After finishing speaking, Guo Chen lowered his eyes and was in a complicated mood.

Linda's reminder certainly didn't mean she didn't think about it.

It's just that too many things have happened recently, especially the incident of Chen Xinyi's derailment, which has dealt a big blow to her and Guo Xi.

In addition, Guo Mingyuan kept a low profile. Even if he held a birthday party, he might not be willing to invite relatives, friends, or even more compatriots from the business community to attend.

Seemingly aware of Guo Chen's hesitation, Linda blinked, and changed the topic: "Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo is low-key and unwilling to do it, but you can give him a surprise!"

As soon as the words fell, Guo Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

That's right, Guo Mingyuan is about to turn fifty years old, and he has a lot of work recently, so it's not a bad idea to hold a birthday party to relax.

Moreover, if Chen Xinyi can take advantage of this opportunity to reflect on her mistakes and understand how much Guo Mingyuan has paid for this family, including her and Guo Xi, that would be even better!
Thinking of this, Guo Chen's charming but not bewitching red lips could not help but raise a bright arc.


At the same time, Bo Group, in the chairman's office.

Bo Qing took a sip of the Pu-erh tea in his cup, flipped through the list of top high-tech enterprises in his hand, and made a sudden movement, his handsome eyebrows flying into his temples were deeply knit together.

An electronics company called "Ketai" attracted his attention.

If he guessed correctly, there might be someone else behind this electronics company.

After all, it can rise in just two years and invest a lot of money in the research and development of artificial intelligence. The human, material and financial resources required are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Just as he was thinking non-stop, Ou Ziye happened to walk to the door of the office and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in!"

When Ou Ziye heard the sound, he immediately walked in, and respectfully placed a document on the desk in front of Bo Qing.

"Bo Dong, this is the latest progress of the resort project."


His eyes, as deep as a pool of thin obsidian, were mixed with some undetectable dark lights, and his tone was as cold as ice and snow, "Midnight, investigate Ketai.

If you want the exact shareholder meeting list and identity information, please give me a reply within three working days at the latest. "

As soon as he finished speaking, it was as if a gust of dark wind had blown into the back of Ou Ziye's neck without a sound, and the chilling feeling quickly ran through his whole body, but he still nodded without daring to neglect.

"Okay, Bo Dong."

It turned out that Bo Qing came to the company so early today to investigate the outstanding high-tech enterprises in mainland China.

Ou Ziye could guess who she was, even with his toes.

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