Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 239 Gas Poisoning

It is said that if a person loses family and love at the same time, then he is very likely to lose confidence in the whole world and hope of living.

Thinking of this, Bo Moyan's lips began to tremble uncontrollably, he got up from his seat without hesitation, and ran out of the office at a brisk pace.

Seeing that Bo Moyan had already rushed out of the office, Aurora quickly shouted: "President Bo, do you still need to hire bodyguards?"

However, Bo Moyan's figure had already disappeared at the elevator entrance.

Liang Meng had already lost Liang Yuxuan, and just this morning she told him herself that she hated him, and from then on, they were separated and happy each other.

Although the whereabouts of his biological parents have not been found until now, Liang Meng may have completely lost confidence in that family.

Otherwise, such a fragile little woman like her would not suddenly make up her mind to leave America with Liang Yuxuan and come to Yangcheng.

For her, the world may have lost its warmth long ago...

So, what choice will Liang Meng make at this time?
He didn't dare to think about it any further.

Because he was afraid that the truth would be the same as what he thought in his heart.

At the same time, the door of the president's office.

Aurora closed the door gently, with a sad and disappointed expression on her face.

Mr. Bo, I've been working with you for so long, can it be that you really can't see my intentions at all...

With complicated emotions, she staggered away from the place, as quiet as a breeze that had never been here before.


Half an hour later, the old residential building, in front of Liang Meng's house.

When Bo Moyan arrived here, Guo Chen and Bo Qing had already knocked open the old wooden door.

The moment the door opened under the violent impact, a pungent smell rushed over, and the three of them immediately subconsciously covered their mouths and noses.

At the same time, they also unanimously widened their eyes.

This is, the smell of gas!

Almost rushing in without the slightest hesitation, Bo Moyan quickly searched for Liang Meng in the room.

In the end, Liang Meng was found unconscious and pale on the narrow iron bed.

He hugged Liang Meng involuntarily, only then did he realize how light she really is, you can even touch the bones on her graceful waist and fragile back.

Some crystal clear light swirled in Bo Moyan's eye sockets, and he took a step forward and ran towards the door firmly.

What has she experienced in the past few years to become so skinny?

Guo Chen wanted to go in, but was blocked by Bo Qing, so he had to stand at the door and wait anxiously and dial 120.

Bo Qing quickly turned off the gas tank and opened the closed windows, and then walked out right behind Bo Moyan.


An hour later, at the entrance of the operating room at the Central Hospital.

The three of them stood together in the corridor, each with their own thoughts and heavy faces.

Guo Chen stared at the closed door of the operating room, his nose sore, and his eyes filled with tears.

After sending Liang Meng home this morning, she told her to keep in touch with her, but it was only half a day later, but no one answered her calls.

If she hadn't discovered it in time, and Bo Qing had arrived quickly, would Liang Meng really have passed away?
Thinking of this, she suddenly raised her eyes and glanced in Bo Moyan's direction.

To her surprise, Bo Moyan was able to find out that something was wrong and arrived in time.

As if aware of Guo Chen's gaze, Bo Moyan was still staring at the door of the operating room, eagerly hoping that the doctor could bring good news.

The last time I had a phone call with Liang Meng and found out where they lived, Bo Moyan originally thought that he came here to meet their mother and son.

But he never thought that when he came here for the first time, Liang Meng already had the idea of ​​suicide, and even almost died in Huangquan.

A series of complex emotions, such as worry, regret, and pain, rushed to his heart. For a moment, he really wished to die with Liang Yuxuan.

If Liang Meng couldn't be saved, then what's the point of him living alone?
Bao Qing stands beside Guo Chen, like the most solid backer, only opening his heart for her, warm as before.

His eyes were filled with turbulent undercurrents and subtle fluctuations, as well as a trace of sympathy and intolerance.

Seeing Liang Meng being carried out by Bo Moyan, he seemed to see his former self.

In order to conceal the dark and cruel truth, he had no choice but to kill her with his own hands, and chose to commit suicide without hesitation, and left the world with her cold body...

As a man, he can naturally tell that Bo Moyan, a man who has always been indifferent to emotions and always suppresses all aspects of his emotions, is really moved by Liang Meng.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but hug Guo Chen's body even tighter, like an insecure child, afraid that she would leave him.

After an unknown amount of time, the light at the door of the operating room finally went out, and a doctor came out. They immediately recognized that this doctor was the same as Liang Yuxuan that night.

When he saw the three of them, the doctor nodded, and under their eager eyes, he said without hesitation:

"The patient is out of danger, and the follow-up situation remains to be seen. Family members can move to the VIP ward to visit!"

As soon as the words were finished, Bo Moyan took strides towards the direction of the VIP ward.

Guo Chen looked directly at the male doctor in front of him, and quickly nodded his thanks: "Doctor, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, the patient's mood is very unstable, as family members and friends, you must accompany and comfort her more!"

Obviously, experienced doctors have already seen that Liang Meng's gas poisoning was caused by suicide, not an accident.

After all, Liang Yuxuan was the one who performed the operation.

Pity the hearts of parents in the world, their own flesh and blood pass away, and white-haired people give away black-haired people. No one can continue to live in peace.

"it is good."

Hearing this, Guo Chen nodded with complicated emotions.

Seeing this, Bao Qing patted her shoulder very lightly and softly, her sexy thin lips were tightly pressed, and obsidian-like deep pool-like eyes were filled with obvious distress and regret.

Guo Chen hooked the corners of his lips somewhat far-fetchedly and shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

Who would have imagined that in just one month, she had come to the Central Hospital three times.

The first time was Norika Fujiwara, the second time was Liang Yuxuan, and this time it was Liang Meng.

She really didn't want something like this to happen again.

Although she is not glass-hearted, such painful partings happen again and again, no matter how strong her heart is, it is unbearable.

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