Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 233 Congenital Heart Disease

It was almost equivalent to a thunderbolt from the blue sky hitting Guo Chen impartially. She suppressed the uneasiness surging in her heart, tried her best to maintain a calm mood, and comforted her:
"Don't worry, it's getting late, and it's not safe for you to go out and look for it alone.

How about this, you first look around at home and in the community, and Bo Qing and I will rush over there right away! "


Liang Meng's weeping and trembling voice came from the other end. After hearing Guo Chen's words, he became a little firm.

After hanging up the phone, before Guo Chen could explain anything, Bo Qing picked up the car keys on the coffee table, and changed his shoes at the door first.

Guo Chen couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

"What are you doing in a daze? Aren't you going out?"

Bao Qing crossed his arms and stared down at her like a high-ranking emperor, but his pupils, as deep as a pool, were full of affection and tenderness.

Even the tone of voice seems to be the most tender and sweet existence in the vast expanse of heaven and earth, as if when he is by his side, he can always stand on the same frequency with her, and have a perfect understanding without any unnecessary explanation.

With this in mind, Guo Chen ran briskly to the door to change his shoes, then took his broad and well-knit left hand, and ran towards the Maybach.

Looking directly at Guo Chen, who was holding onto his hand tightly, her thin and sexy lips slightly raised a curve more beautiful than a shooting star across the sky.


When the two arrived at the old-fashioned residential building where Liang Meng's mother and son lived, Liang Meng was hovering nearby and shouting the name "Liang Yuxuan" non-stop.

Guo Chen quickly got out of the car, walked to Liang Meng's side, and asked:

"What's going on? Why did Xuanxuan suddenly disappear?"

Liang Meng sniffed, trying to suppress his impatience, "Miss Guo, it's like this, Mo Yan just called me, I was so happy, that's why I didn't find out when Xuanxuan left the house ..."

Immediately afterwards, she took out another note from the yellowed shirt pocket, handed it to Guo Chen, and added:

"He is a sensible child, and he left a note for me before going out. When he first came to Yangcheng, Xuanxuan said that he could feel that his father lived in this city, and he wanted to see him very much."

A few lines of words were written neatly and orderly on the note——

"Mum, I miss Dad so much, since you don't want to take me to see him, then I'll go find him myself!
Also, today is my birthday, Mommy, have you forgotten?

But it's okay, I'm going to find Dad to celebrate our birthday with us, don't worry, I'll bring him back soon!

Xuan Xuan
January 8"

Guo Chen couldn't help feeling sad, and there were sparkling tears in his eyes.

If the poor little Baozi knew that his biological father had already taken the first step and that they would be reunited soon, wouldn't what happened tonight wouldn't have happened?
Thinking of this, Guo Chen looked at Bao Qing who was standing behind him with the same gloomy expression, "Bo Qing, let's split up and find Xuanxuan!"

Immediately, he looked at Liang Meng again:

"What color is he wearing tonight?"

"A plain white T-shirt and black slacks."

Liang Meng replied without hesitation.

Hearing this, Bo Qing got into the car decisively again, "I'll drive to find him, you guys pay attention to safety."

Guo Chen nodded and watched the Maybach leave.

He just took a step, but Liang Meng grabbed his arm again.

"Miss Guo, there is actually one thing I haven't told you.

Xuanxuan suffers from congenital heart disease and cannot exercise vigorously..."

She said this almost in tears.

Guo Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes:

"Then my personal bodyguard almost ran into him last time, why didn't he get sick?"

Now that the matter has come to this point, Liang Meng had no choice but to confess: "Xuanxuan felt chest tightness and shortness of breath after saying goodbye to you last time, but luckily I brought medicine with me, so nothing happened.

But tonight will he..."

Liang Meng no longer dared to speculate any further.

As soon as the words fell, Guo Chen immediately comforted him:
"Don't think about it, the most urgent thing is to find Xuanxuan quickly!
Let's find it separately, don't go too far!

Meet at the gate of the community later!Remember to call when you find it! "

"it is good!"

After parting ways, Guo Chen walked along the silent Xiao Zhao while calling out the name "Xuan Xuan".

It's a pity that the only response to her is the sound of the night breeze and the occasional meow of wild cats.

I don't know how long she searched for, but just when she was about to give up this Zhao and was about to change another Zhao to search again, a small figure suddenly appeared in her line of sight.


She yelled uncertainly.

After trotting over, Guo Chen was frightened by the scene in front of him, his eyes suddenly enlarged a little, and he covered his lips to keep himself from screaming.


An hour later, at the entrance of the operating room at the Central Hospital.

Guo Chen and others sat at the door anxiously, Liang Meng was already out of breath from crying, and even almost passed out from crying several times.

Bo Qing's sexy thin lips were tightly pursed. Although he didn't say anything, he sat beside Guo Chen without saying a word from the beginning to the end, never leaving.

After waiting for another ten minutes, a doctor came out of the operating room and handed a critical illness notice to Liang Meng:

"The patient's condition is very unstable now. Please ask the family members to sign the critical illness notice. We will do our best!"

Liang Meng signed the letter with trembling hands. Her eyesight was blurred from crying, and she could only vaguely see that the critical illness notice read——

"Persistent cough, dyspnea, heart failure, pulmonary edema" and other recognizable words.

Seeing this, Bo Qing suddenly got up from his seat, moved to the window sill, and made a phone call without hesitation.

As if aware of his intentions, Guo Chen continued to comfort Liang Meng, handed her a tissue, and silently prayed in his heart that Liang Yuxuan would be safe.

When he was about to fall asleep, the phone rang suddenly, and Bo Moyan on the other end frowned and pressed the answer button.

"What's up?"

Bo Qing almost never called him at night, let alone it was almost eleven o'clock now.

"Come to the Central Hospital, immediately!"

His tone clearly reveals the urgent urgency and undeniable strength.

Bo Moyan was a little confused, "It's already so late, tell me a reason for me to go out?"

After taking a deep breath, Bo Qing explained in a depressing tone, almost filled with grief and indignation:
"The one lying in the operating room is your own son!"

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