"I can understand, Xuanxuan and I are already very grateful for your willingness to help us.

Miss Guo, thank you very much! "

Liang Meng got up from his seat quickly, and bowed deeply to Guo Chen.

Seeing her so passionate about sleeping, Guo Chen had a helpless smile on his lips:

"I will personally check the residences of you and Xuanxuan, select suitable locations and send someone to accompany you to choose them together. I will pay the expenses.

I will take the initiative to contact you after the matter is settled, remember to keep the phone open. "

Although Liang Yuxuan didn't quite understand what Guo Chen said, but the children's hearts were relatively clean and clear, and one could tell at a glance that Guo Chen was not hostile to them.

"Okay, I will, bye!"

Liang Yuxuan immediately waved to her:
"Goodbye, Sister Guo!"

"See you!"

After saying goodbye to Liang Meng's mother and son, Guo Chen got into the Rolls-Royce.

"Go to the Guo family."

She looked at Leng Xin who was sitting in the driver's seat, and spoke suddenly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he nodded coldly, stepped on the accelerator and turned the car around without hesitation.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Guo Chen glanced at an extra number in the phone's address book, with mixed feelings in his heart.

I really didn't expect that Bo Moyan would ever be ashamed of such a ill-fated woman.

Flipping down the address book, she suddenly remembered a very important thing.

Seeing that it wasn't too early, she made a call nervously.

The bell was picked up after a few rings.

"Hello, Mr. Guo."

Mu Ziqian's tone was obviously a bit puzzled.

"Director Mu, the Japanese branch lacks a CMO (that is, the chief marketing officer, also known as the director of the marketing department), would you like to take this position?"

Hearing this, Mu Ziqian couldn't help but burst into tears of gratitude:

"Mr. Guo, no matter what, I still want to thank you for nurturing me."

Seeing that he seemed to say the word "but", Guo Chen immediately dissuaded him decisively and slightly uneasy:
"Director Mu, don't say that. Everyone recognizes your business ability. I really don't want to watch a talent go from my hand."

After finishing speaking, Mu Ziqian couldn't help laughing heartily:
"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Guo, I won't give you this chance."

Guo Chen was slightly taken aback:

"I am willing to obey the deployment and go to the Japanese branch to serve as the CMO."

Mu Ziqian's tone was firm and loud.

The boulder that had been pressing on Guo Chen's heart for a long time finally fell to the ground, and his red lips curled slightly:
"Then wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

After hanging up the phone, Guo Chen thought for a while, and finally decided to discuss with Bo Qing about the French EM Group and Liang Meng's mother and son.

After all, he has more experience than himself, and he is quite familiar with the world.


At the same time, Bo Group, the chairman's office.

When receiving a call from Guo Chen, Bo Qing's unsmiling poker face had a faint smile that captivated people's hearts and turned all sentient beings upside down.

"What's up?"

After all, Guo Chen rarely called him during working hours.

It seems that since the announcement of the relationship, she has become more and more unscrupulous.

Seeing that his tone was still so calm and businesslike, Guo Chen curled his lips in displeasure:

"Can't I find you if it's okay?"

However, Bo Qing raised his eyebrows and changed the subject:

"Miss me?"

This time, his tone of voice at the end of the sentence was obviously slightly raised.

Guo Chen: "..."

"Bo Qing, why are you getting more and more brazen?

Can we have dinner together tonight?The kind you ask for. "

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere was weird and dead silent for a moment.

A moment later, a helpless and doting smile quietly flashed across the thin obsidian-like eyes, and the sexy thin lips gently opened:

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, the corners of Bo Qing's eyes and brows were filled with a soft and light smile that couldn't be concealed, and even when he was reviewing documents, he didn't feel so boring.


During the lunch break, because he had chatted with Liang Meng's mother and son in the coffee shop for some time in the morning, he came to the company later than usual, so Guo Chen has not stopped working until now, and is still buried in a mountain of documents.

Linda stood at the door with concern and knocked.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Come in!"

Guo Chen spoke without raising his head.

After pushing the door open, Linda brought in Guo Chen's lunch and put it on the side coffee table.

Immediately, he slowly opened his lips with a little hesitation:

"Mr. Guo, can I ask you a question?"

Hearing this, Guo Chen immediately stopped what he was doing, looked directly at her who was blushing, and said with red lips:

"Of course, what's the problem?"

"On Zhao Shang who came to the company this morning, I ran into Gu Sizhe.

Then he drove me over.

But, now I don't know how to face him, and I don't know whether to agree to his pursuit..."

Linda's hands, which had no place to rest, were tightly clutching the corners of her skirt, her expression a little unnatural and shy.

Guo Chen couldn't help but smiled helplessly.

It seems that Linda not only regards her as a leader, but also as an emotional mentor!

Thinking of this, she got up from the office chair, moved to Linda's side, sat down on the sofa, and stared:
"What did you all say?"

After finishing speaking, the corners of Linda's lips twitched:
"To be honest, we sat and didn't speak, and the scene was very embarrassing at one point."

Guo Chen was stunned: "..."

After pondering for a moment, Linda seemed to suddenly recall something, with a trace of dissatisfaction in her eyes:
"Oh yeah, after getting in his car, I asked him why he didn't turn on the air conditioner.

But he said something very unflattering——

'The weather is very embarrassing. If you don't turn on the air conditioner, you have to add freon. '

Then I got angry and refused to communicate with him. "

Guo Chen was shocked: "..."

As expected of a sand sculpture youth, his ability to be single with his strength is not inferior to her at all!
What's more, what's wrong with being submissive to women occasionally?
Thinking of this, she patted Linda on the shoulder comfortingly, and stood up quickly:

"I don't blame you for this matter. Gu Sizhe wants to chase you. He doesn't want to spend too much money, and his straight-male thinking is deeply ingrained. He just wants to peach!"

She can understand that he is usually frugal, but chasing women, what is he frugal about? !

Even if it were her, she would never agree to his pursuit!

Immediately, Guo Chen angrily picked up the phone from the desk and made a call.

Linda silently watched her every move.

The bell was picked up after a few rings.

"Doctor Gu, don't tell me that you drive a Buick LaCrosse worth more than 20 yuan, but you are not even willing to add Freon to the car's air conditioner!"

Guo Chen cut to the chase with indignation.

Gu Sizhe was a little confused, but still nodded:

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