Instead of Guo Chen saying it directly, Bo Qing could tell that she was trying to keep herself awake by virtue of the pain!

There was a hint of distress and loss in my heart. Could it be that Guo Chen was so unwilling to give everything to him?

The elevator finally reached the top floor, and Bao Qing immediately carried Guo Chen into the presidential suite, and called the front desk to quickly deliver the antidote.

However, Guo Chen was lying on the bed, rolling back and forth restlessly, but the heat from all over his body couldn't be dissipated no matter what.

So, holding on to the last sliver of waking consciousness, she walked straight towards the bathroom!
Bo Qing immediately understood Guo Chen's intentions, and a touch of touch and appreciation flashed in his eyes, as well as the unconcealable distress.

He stood by the windowsill and lit a cigarette, trying to calm himself down.

Hearing the continuous sound of water coming from the bathroom, he had the urge to go in and take a look.

Apart from the instincts and desires of the body, most of them want to know how Guo Chen is doing now.

Guo Chen stood under the shower and adjusted the water temperature to the most comfortable temperature. The cold water poured down from the top of his head, and he felt much more comfortable for a while.

However, this bit of coldness is of course not enough to cover up the hotness in her body!
"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door, and Bo Qing put out the cigarette butt in his hand and walked over.

"Bo Dong, this is what you asked for. Do you have any other orders?" The receptionist lowered his head and did not dare to look directly into Bao Qing's cold eyes, showing a timid look.

"Go down!" Bo Qing took the antidote and immediately closed the door.

The front desk was suddenly shut out, trembling all over with fright, with a look of astonishment on his face, but he left the place immediately as if he had been pardoned.

Bo Qing took the antidote in his hand and knocked on the bathroom door.

After hearing the knock on the door, Guo Chen resisted his moans of pain and irritability, "Is there something wrong?"

But even so, her voice at this moment is an invisible temptation to Bo Qing.

Fascinating but not bewitching, gorgeous but not vulgar.

Bo Qing swallowed subconsciously, her sexy Adam's apple rolled up and down, exuding a strong masculine aura, even across a door, Guo Chen still had the urge to rush out immediately and give him "the Fa-rectification on the spot" impulse!

"Chenchen, take the antidote!" Bo Qing still stood outside the door, and did not push the door to enter.

Just because he didn't want Guo Chen to be disappointed in him again.

After waiting for a while and finding that there was no reply, Bo Qing's eyes flashed doubt and worry, and he knocked on the door again.

"Chenchen, are you okay?"

Guo Chen tried his best to endure the heat and pain all over his body, and kept biting his lips, from which a little bit of bright red blood seeped out, which looked shocking under the white light.

"Chenchen?" Seeing that Guo Chen's panting was gone, Bo Qing pushed open the bathroom door in fright and broke in!

But he saw that Guo Chen had passed out on the ground, naked!
Bo Qing was so frightened that she immediately took out a bath towel next to her, wrapped her body up, then led her out of the bathroom, and gently placed her body on the bed.

"Chenchen, be good, take the antidote!" He gently supported Guo Chen's body, just now it was not obvious through a bath towel, but now when he touched her head, he found her body How hot it is!
Obviously, Zhao Ninglu really used a ruthless hand this time, and the effect of the medicine is obviously much greater than the last time!

Bo Qing just took out a pill, but Guo Chen swung it to the ground with a "shua" and rolled to the bottom of the bed.

Just when Bo Qing was feeling helpless and at a loss, Guo Chen's lips were already on fire!

The fiery touch made Bo Qing close her eyes subconsciously, turning passive into active, and began to attack the city from Guo Chen's mouth.

Suddenly, a mobile phone rang, and the eagerness in the eyes of the two dropped to freezing point in an instant.

Guo Chen pushed away Bao Qing in his arms, and the lust in his eyes disappeared in an instant, leaving only a coldness.

She covered the wrinkled bath towel on her body, and looked at the antidote on the bedside table.

"Bo Qing, thank you." Guo Chen, relying on his consciousness just after waking up, picked up the medicine just brought from the front desk from the bedside table, and picked up the water glass that Bo Qing had prepared earlier, and swallowed it.

The waiters at Yese Hotel are generally very considerate, so it is not surprising that they will prepare a spare box of medicine.

What's more, Bo Qing also reminded the front desk early in the morning to prepare two copies, just in case.

Bo Qing's complexion was a bit gloomy, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but it was like ripples on the water, fleeting.

I wanted to blurt out an apology, but at this moment, I found that I couldn't say anything.

After that, it was just three words: "You're welcome."

Bo Qing took out his mobile phone from his pocket, glanced at the caller ID, and then walked straight towards the balcony.

Guo Chen's complexion has mostly recovered, and the burning heat on his body is also slowly dissipating.

However, he still couldn't control his heartbeat that was beating like a drum.

After she regained consciousness, she couldn't help but start thinking about who drugged her tonight?
Although Zhou Hong was very close to her, he would never do such a nasty thing.

With Wang Yu's clumsy means, I'm afraid she won't escape her eyes.

But Zhao Ninglu just...

After answering the phone, Bo Qing's complexion became even more gloomy, and she walked to Guo Chen's side, her thin lips parted and said: "Zhou Hong and your parents are looking for you, do you think I should tell them that you are here?" ?”

As soon as the words fell, Guo Chen managed to ease his complexion a lot, and then sank again.

It's nothing for Zhou Hong to look for her, just explain to him in the future.

But Guo Mingyuan and Chen Xinyi were looking for her, not necessarily for the sole purpose of looking for her!
Perhaps, the current home is just a mess!
After all, Chen Xinyi and Guo Guoxi had longed to see her make a fool of themselves outside!

And if she doesn't come home tonight, I'm afraid she will attract all kinds of ridicule from them again.

That's right, she just planned to stay out at night and leave her own home, leaving others with no home to leave!

What's more, the current home is no longer as warm and reliable as it used to be for her!

Since the death of her biological mother, even Guo Mingyuan's attitude towards herself has not been as good as before.

That wife's strict management at home almost always listens to Chen Xinyi, which is quite funny.

So, she suddenly hooked her lips, looked at Bao Qing's handsome face and said, "Bo Qing, the night is so beautiful tonight, and the wind is so gentle..."

Seeing a faint flash of fluctuation and dark tide in Bao Qing's eyes, she continued to add: "It's suitable for stabbing."

Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Bao Qing's terribly handsome face sank in an instant.

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