Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 193 He panicked

However, Zhao Qingquan didn't seem to be afraid of death at all, and took away the shining blue diamond earring on her earlobe with complicated eyes, and played with it for a while.


Heh, Guo Chen, you really always surprise me!
After noticing Zhao Qingquan's pupils shrinking, Leng Xin immediately realized that he must have discovered something, so he put his index finger on the trigger without hesitation, and said coldly:
"give me back!"

She threatened every word without any emotion.

"Miss Leng, are you taking things for granted?

Don't forget, you can't kill me.

The initiative now is in my hands! "

Zhao Qingquan clamped the earring between his thumb and forefinger, observed it carefully, and then was speechless:
"This imitation is really lifelike!"

Thinking of this, Guo Chen, who was dressed in black tonight, with a dark red rose-trimmed evening dress around his waist, and shining brightly on his earlobes, suddenly appeared in his mind.

Illuminated by the warm yellow light of the crystal lamp, the glamorous and beautiful face did not lose any indifference and alienation. Between the dancing postures under the feet, there seemed to be thousands of coquettish blood-red flowers blooming quietly.

To meet the opponent on a formal occasion, black clothing can undoubtedly bring a silent sense of oppression and impact to the enemy visually.

But she, like a thorny rose in a frosty night, is charming with every frown and smile, and there is a dangerous danger hidden in it.

Just when Zhao Qingquan was distracted, he stared coldly at his black eyes that couldn't hide his thoughts, and couldn't help sneering.

Only then did Zhao Qingquan react quickly, and looked at the iceberg beauty who suddenly laughed in bewilderment:

"What are you laughing at?"

Why is this woman so strange?
Hearing this, Leng Xin stopped, her cold and ruthless eyes locked tightly on his slightly dodging eyes, and said suddenly:
"I'm laughing. Some people are obviously moved, but they always want to avoid their feelings."

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Qingquan felt as if an invisible sharp knife pierced his chest fiercely and accurately.

A woman who has never personally experienced love is enough to discover the fact that he dared not face it until now!
Obviously, when he approached Guo Chen at the beginning, he just took a fancy to the shares and geographical location of Guo's Group. Who would have thought that the people in the game who are just playing tricks will one day unknowingly start to make fake plays, and then make the fake come true?
What's even more frightening is that when he found that he could love and hate like an ordinary person, he couldn't turn back.

Zhao Qingquan panicked. For the first time in his life, he, who had always been ambivalent and ambiguous when dealing with his feelings, finally completely panicked...


On a sunny midsummer afternoon, on the pedestrian street in Yangcheng, the most conspicuous large LED screen has already been surrounded by Zhao people, and even almost caused a stampede accident.

Fortunately, the timely handling by the traffic police prevented a man-made disaster from happening.

At the same time, at the door of Bo Group.

An imposing middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes stood at the door, muttering:

"I want to meet your Bo Dong!"

The front desk saw this strange man who had never met before, and found that he did not have an appointment, and Bo Qing did not come to work today, so he had no choice but to turn him away.

But the man seemed to be determined, and he was determined not to leave until he saw Bao Qing.

In desperation, the front desk had no choice but to dial Bo Moyan's internal number.

"Mr. Bo, there is a man surnamed 'Zhao' who wants to see Mr. Bo, but he didn't come to work today, so can I trouble you to deal with this matter?"

As soon as the words fell, Bo Moyan's deep pupils froze suddenly.

Is it him? !
Immediately, he collected his mind and responded immediately:

"Okay, I'm going down now."

After hanging up the phone, Bo Moyan strode out of the office.

Aurora stared dumbfoundedly at Bo Moyan, who was walking like flying, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Has something urgent happened?

With this in mind, she quickly followed.

When he came to the entrance of the company, the man's face was already gloomy and somewhat terrifying.

Bo Moyan followed the front desk to him, and asked in a friendly and polite way:

"May I ask who is calling?"

Although he could roughly determine the man's true identity without saying it clearly, in order to avoid any accidents, he still opened his mouth tentatively.

"I am Zhao Qingquan's father, the chairman of the Zhao Group, Zhao Xiujie."

The man's tone was full of displeasure and sullenness.

Bo Moyan had just returned to China not long ago. He grew up abroad, so he naturally didn't know Zhao Xiujie's appearance.

But I have to say that Zhao Qingquan really inherited those excellent features from his father, especially the facial features, which are profound and tough, evil and wild.

"Excuse me, you want to meet Bo Dong, right?"


The man suppressed his anger and replied.

"Okay, please wait a moment, Aurora, take Mr. Zhao to the reception room to rest!"

But before Aurora could say anything, Zhao Xiujie quickly waved his hand:

"No need, I'll wait for him here!"

His tone was extraordinarily decisive and firm, and there was obvious dissatisfaction and anger between his brows.

Seeing this, Bo Moyan simply stopped persuading him and made a phone call directly.

The bell was picked up after a few rings.

"The chairman of the Zhao Group is in the lobby of the company and said he wants to see you."

He got straight to the point.

Hearing this, Bo Qing's eyes darkened.

After hanging up the phone, he couldn't help looking worriedly at Guo Chen who was leaning on the bed and looking at his phone.

The latter quickly realized that the situation was wrong, raised his eyes slightly, and said with red lips:

"Did something happen?"

Her tone was full of eagerness and tension.

Seeing this, Bo Qing immediately comforted and relayed:
"It's not cold-hearted, but——


Zhao Qingquan's father wanted to see me. "

The reason why Zhao Xiujie didn't choose to call him and ask him to meet in private was enough to show that he wanted to make things big.

In this case, it seems that he has to go to deal with this matter himself!

His gaze fell on Guo Chen from beginning to end.

After finishing speaking, Guo Chen understood it in his heart, and hooked the corners of his lips in relief and trust:

"Go ahead, I'm sure you can handle this.

I will obediently stay at home and not go anywhere. "

As soon as the words fell, Bao Qing's deeply furrowed handsome eyebrows relaxed a little bit, but they didn't relax completely.

After pondering for a moment, his eyes froze, and he said suddenly:
"Is your stomach still hurting?"

Hearing this, Guo Chen couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Immediately, a faint smile slowly appeared on her charming but not bewitching red lips.

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