Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 151 Turning enemies into friends

As soon as the words fell, Leng Xin remained unmoved, his eyes were full of dead silence and emotionlessness:
"But I can't guarantee whether I will do anything to you."

The man was speechless, and when he thought of the other two companions who had fainted on the ground just now, he couldn't help but tremble a little.

In any case, it was terrifying enough for a woman to be able to stun two men with her bare hands and silently in such a quiet place.

What's more, she actually carried a gun with her.

"Hey ma'am, how about we make a deal?"

The man takes a tactical step back, trying to turn the enemy into a friend.


With a deadpan cold heart: "..."

"Not interested in."

After hearing Leng Xin's tone without the slightest emotion at all, the man felt like a lump in his throat, but he continued to add without giving up:
"If you are willing to follow me back to my companion, then I may consider helping you escape."

Hearing this, a gleam of brilliance appeared in Leng Xin's black eyes that seemed to have no attachment to the whole world, but it was as fleeting as a dandelion blowing down the grass.


Inside a Japanese hotel.

Guo Chen and Linda were sitting in the same room, anxiously waiting for Ah Chen's reply.

At such a critical juncture, damn it, he couldn't be contacted!

Seeing Guo Chen's anxious look, Linda changed the subject thoughtfully and reassuringly:
"Mr. Guo, how can you be sure that Leng Xin's disappearance has nothing to do with Mr. Zhao?"

"He didn't dare to do that."

Guo Chen replied firmly.

Zhao Qingquan didn't dare to do anything related to human life.

Otherwise, Wang Yu's evil thoughts almost caused them to have a car accident last time, Zhao Qingquan would not have personally cleaned up the mess and kicked her out of the house.

"What about Zhao Ninglu? Her motivation is not small."

"She doesn't have that IQ."

Although Zhao Ninglu is impulsive at times, she will never do anything illegal, not to mention that her goal has always been to be gentle, so there is no need to attack Leng Xin.

And with her IQ, the possibility of letting Leng Xin leave the room is almost zero.

Linda who has nothing to say: "..."

Well, she was powerless to refute.

"The reason why the other party attacked Leng Xin was probably because of me."

Otherwise, she wouldn't have made a big move in this situation and attacked her bodyguards!

At this moment, a cell phone ringing suddenly broke the silence in the room.

After seeing the caller ID, Guo Chen pressed the answer button without hesitation.

"Sorry, I just woke up after drinking some wine last night."

Ah Chen's lazy voice came from the other end, with a hint of nasal sound after waking up.

"Ah Chen, my personal bodyguard Leng Xin has disappeared!
Can you help me hack into her phone?I can't get in touch with her right now! "

After hearing Guo Chen's anxious tone, Ah Chen immediately recovered, and instantly became full of energy:
"Yes, but because you are in Japan, it may take longer."

"Okay, then please, you must give me an answer as soon as possible no matter what!

I will pay you a certain amount afterwards! "

Just as Guo Chen was about to hang up the phone, he heard the sound of Ah Chen typing on the keyboard from the other end. His tone was a little anxious, serious, and there was even a trace of——

"No need."

Immediately afterwards, he hung up the phone without hesitation and without any explanation.

Guo Chen gripped the phone tightly, feeling a little helpless.

Ah Chen had helped her so many times, but she never asked for payment every time, and she really felt a little sorry.

However, as long as I can find Leng Xin's whereabouts, no matter what Ah Chen wants to eat, she will treat her without hesitation.


At the same time, Japan Qianhe Electronics Company, in the conference room.

Fujiwara Norika lowered her head and glanced at her watch. She had repeated the same action countless times, but she still hadn't waited for Guo Chen's arrival.

Zhao Qingquan and Zhao Ninglu sat together, their faces were calm, and they didn't say anything.

Zhao Ninglu even had a hint of joy in her heart.

Guo Chen's not coming is of course beneficial to them, and she can't wait for her to not come all morning!

However, Fujiwara Norika was obviously a little angry. As a Japanese, she was very concerned about the concept of punctuality, but it had been more than half an hour, and Guo Chen still hadn't come.

Just as Fujiwara Ji Xiang couldn't sit still and was about to get up, Zhao Qingquan suddenly said:

"Mr. Guo may have been delayed due to some urgent matter, why don't you call Ms. Fujiwara and ask?"

Zhao Ninglu tugged Zhao Qingquan's sleeve under the table, winked at him, and signaled him not to meddle in his own business.

Fujiwara Norika's mood eased a little because of Zhao Qingquan's words, she nodded, took out the mobile phone from her suit pocket, and turned on the sound of the mobile phone.

After swiping open the phone screen, she realized that Guo Chen had already called herself several times, but she was used to mute the phone before the meeting, so as not to disturb the meeting.

So, he immediately called back.

When Guo Chen received the call, she couldn't help being a little surprised. She thought that Norika Fujiwara didn't plan to answer the phone during the meeting and deal with other things, but she never thought that she would reply to herself so early.

"Mr. Guo, I think I need a reasonable explanation."

As soon as the words fell, Guo Chen replied sincerely and sincerely:

"Ms. Fujiwara, I'm sorry that I can't make an appointment on time today, because my personal bodyguard is missing, so I really can't talk about business calmly in this situation."

After finishing speaking, the other end was silent for a moment, then nodded in understanding:

"I didn't expect Mr. Guo to be such a person who values ​​affection and righteousness.

Don't worry, I will never favor the Zhao Group. I will reply after you find out the whereabouts of the private bodyguard. The meeting is postponed! "

After receiving Fujiwara Norika's response, Guo Chen felt a little grateful, and slightly hooked his red lips:

"Thank you for your understanding. I will definitely handle my private affairs as soon as possible, so as not to waste too much of your time!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Ninglu was already blushing.

It wasn't until he bid farewell to Norika Fujiwara and left Japan's Qianhe Electronics Company that he could finally open his mouth to blame:

"Brother, tell the truth, are you really in love with Guo Chen?"

Today is such a good opportunity, he actually opened his mouth to help Guo Chen get out of trouble!

They are competitors, not partners!

Zhao Qingquan couldn't help but his eyes darkened, there was a hint of dodge and evasion faintly, and he said firmly:
"Absolutely impossible!
Impossible in this life! "

It is said that a good horse never turns back, Zhao Qingquan never needs to keep a woman who is too smart by his side, let alone a strong and rational woman like Guo Chen!
"Then why are you talking to her?

Got water in your head in the shower last night? "

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