Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 146 Steady with the skin

There was a flash of consternation in the woman's eyes, but it quickly disappeared in the depths of her eyes. She blinked in her heart, took the pocket square from Ou Ziye's hand, and said "thank you".

Immediately afterwards, she no longer stared at Bao Qing unscrupulously as before, but tactfully brought the two of them to the entrance of the conference hall, and left quickly.

Ou Ziye couldn't help being dumbfounded in his heart.

As expected of his Bo Dong, who has been single for so many years with his strength, he can silently flirt with girls when he is not talking, and completely kill people without paying for his life when he speaks.

After "admiring" Bo Qing from the bottom of his heart, the latter opened the door of the conference hall without hesitation.

After pushing the door and entering, it seemed as if a burst of intense and dazzling white light radiated from Bo Qing's body, and a powerful aura suddenly spread throughout the conference room, even James, who was sitting in the middle, couldn't help being shocked.

Herman originally placed his legs wantonly and freely on the conference table, but since the moment Bo Qing came in, he subconsciously withdrew his legs, as if he was sitting upright, as if he had changed himself.

Immediately afterwards, he glanced at James, who was also a little shocked, from the corner of his eye, but the latter did not give him any response.

They originally thought that Bo Qing was just a playboy with a name in vain, and he insisted on doting on a woman he just met not long ago because his fiancée didn't want her.

But what I didn't expect was that Bo Qing's aura was so powerful, especially the calmness and introversion gathered in the eyes, and the indiscernible and insignificant light, which was enough to convince them——

This is a vigorous and experienced businessman.

"Mr. Bo, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

James stood up, walked up to Bo Qing and extended his hand in a friendly manner, with a businesslike and indifferent smile.

Bo Qing also smiled back, and shook hands with James, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips:

"Mr. James, nice to meet you!"

Herman raised his eyebrows, and instead of walking over to greet Bo Qing like James did, he directly sat on his seat and waved to him, saying "Hi".

That tone was like an acquaintance, without any strangeness at all.

But Bao Qing just hooked the corners of his lips, nodded, and didn't say much.

Herman's light gray pupils faintly had a faintly invisible dark light, and he had a preliminary understanding of Bo Qing in an instant.

So, he quickly wrote down a few words with pen and paper——

Mature, sane, slow-heated, and temporarily unsure of sullenness.

Because Herman's seat was very close to the two of them, Ou Ziye accidentally caught a glimpse of the words written by Herman, and couldn't help but laugh.

I couldn't help but slander in my heart:

Brother, there's nothing wrong with him, he's really boring.

After Bo Qing was seated, James returned to his seat, and with a simple opening remark heralded the official start of the meeting:
"Presumably everyone here has heard of Bo Dong of the Bo Group, so I won't introduce too much here.

So now I announce that the meeting has officially begun! "


Meanwhile, in Japan, inside the hotel.

Zhao Ninglu was leaning on the bed, constantly typing on the laptop in front of her, her face darkened.

"How's the situation over there?"

Not long after, a reply came from the other end:

"Everything is going well, don't worry."

"Well, Guo Mingyuan is an old fox, you'd better gain his trust in a short time!
Also, Bo Moyan might be waiting for an opportunity behind his back, so you must pay more attention! "


After finishing the chat, Zhao Ninglu turned her attention to Guo Chen again.

It is said that in the lonely and silent night, people will take off their disguise, and any emotion will be infinitely magnified.

The feeling of being splashed with water by Guo Chen at noon today is still vivid in my memory, and the sense of shame can't help but make Zhao Ninglu gnash her teeth.

"Guo Chen, one day, I will make you realize that I, Zhao Ninglu, am no longer the former Zhao Ninglu who knows nothing about business. pride!"

Her knuckles were white, and she was grabbing the quilt tightly, with a cruel and feminine smile on her lips.


American HD Group, in the conference hall.

Not long after the meeting started, James took the initiative to mention:
"Mr. Bo, as the representative of HD Group, I am really glad that you can come to discuss with us in person!

But the plan can't keep up with the changes. It's a pity that a newly emerging company plans to hold a press conference opposite the HD Group in the United States, and the reason for this...

Mr. Bo is a smart person, and I think you can understand it without me making it too clear. "

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere became cold and silent for a moment.

Ou Ziye quickly glanced at Bo Qing, and a flash of astonishment and admiration flashed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, what Bo Qing said actually happened!
Moreover, James obviously wanted to use this incident as a reason to deliberately embarrass Bo Qing, or in other words, to test his business knowledge and ability to deal with emergencies!

A trace of profound and thoughtful brilliance quietly flashed across the thin obsidian-like eyes as deep as a pool, the light in the eyes sank slightly, and the sexy thin lips opened lightly:

"Have any of you heard of the market battle between Coca-Cola and Pepsi?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and even James, who had always been calm and indifferent, inadvertently had a look of admiration in his eyes.

This young man has the demeanor he had a few years ago!

Although he is only in his early 30s, he has a keen eye and has always been very accurate in judging people.

Herman crossed his arms and licked his dry lips, like a swift and cunning tiger, which spied some business opportunities.

Seeing that no one responded, Bo Qing continued to add:
"Pepsi once used a method to successfully pry Coca-Cola away from the market.

It performed a Pepsi robot operation performance in a theater next to the Coca-Cola press conference, and provided Pepsi to the audience for free. "

As soon as the words fell, Herman couldn't help applauding, but James gave him a hard look, so he immediately stopped what he was doing.

James looked at Bao Qing sitting opposite him impartially with a coercive gaze, and said with a glint in his eyes:

"What does Chairman Bo mean to say, we can also follow what Pepsi did at that time and take away the gimmick from DK Group?"

When faced with James' pressing question, instead of looking away, Bo Qing locked his eyes tightly and explained in a leisurely manner:
"Mr. James, shopping malls are like battlefields, where the strong eat the weak and the fittest survive. Since there are previous success stories, why is it not worth a try?"

While the two were talking, Ou Ziye was already dumbfounded, his jaw almost fell to the ground.

But what I have to admit is that Bo Qing's operations are really steady in the show, with the skin in the skin, and there is a trace of——


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