Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 110 3 Men 1 Play

Bo Yang is a smart person, he can guess what happened tonight without saying anything.

After all, isn't Angela begging herself so hard just to get close to Bo Qing tonight and make some hype?

He had been watching from the sidelines for a long time, and finally found a suitable time to appear, just to give her a step down.

However, when the waitress said this, she brought back the situation that had been so hard to ease in an instant!

Angela's complexion suddenly sank when she heard this, not to mention how embarrassing it was!

Even such a small waitress dared to criticize her!

She took a step forward, the veins on the back of her hand were popping out, she was about to explode, but Bai Yang stopped her in time.

A decent smile appeared on the corner of his lips:
"Director Bo, Mr. Guo, I'm really sorry. Ms. Angela is a newcomer, so it's inevitable that she acted recklessly. If there is any offense, please forgive me!"

Bo Qing's eyes were slightly darkened, and they were full of a seductive and fierce cold light.

"Boss, please discipline the newcomers of Xingyao, otherwise, Mr. Bo can't guarantee whether he will continue to invest in Xingyao!"

As soon as the words fell, Bai Yang couldn't help but trembled.

The reason why Xingyao can rise is naturally the investment of Bo Group.

If the Bo Group withdraws its capital, it may be even more difficult for Xingyao to continue to maintain its current achievements!

So, he hastily responded:
"It must be, what happened tonight was caused by Angela, and Bai will definitely punish her severely!"

Immediately afterwards, he took Angela's hand and left in a desperate manner.

Guo Chen looked directly at the depressed backs of the two of them, speechless.

Why bother?
Knowing that with Bo Qing's power, it is really easy to bring down a company, but Bai Yang dared to bring Angela to this banquet together!
Isn't this shooting yourself in the foot?
After the two left, Bo Qing scanned Guo Chen's skirt from top to bottom, and his handsome eyebrows frowned slightly:
"Did something else happen?"

As smart as him, he guessed the reason why she changed her skirt so quickly.

"It's not that arrogant and unreasonable eldest lady who didn't buy the dress yesterday, so she just came to me to vent."

Guo Chen spread his hands, and she became angry when this matter was mentioned, with a helpless face.

When Bao Qing heard this, instead of relaxing her brows, they frowned even deeper.

"It's not because of this, she is Zhou Hong's childhood sweetheart."

After finishing speaking, Guo Chen's jaw was so shocked that it almost hit the ground.

How could Luo Xinying, such a spoiled and defiant young lady, have childhood sweethearts with Zhou Hong, such a gentle and personable young master?
What a trick!
Such an unexpected thing, not to mention her, even others, I'm afraid they can't imagine that two people with such different personalities will be childhood sweethearts who grew up together since childhood, right?

How did Zhou Hong bear it?
At this moment, the crowd in twos and threes on the deck was already walking towards the hall.

Apparently the wine tasting has officially begun.

Seeing this, Guo Chen and Bo Qing simply did not continue this topic, but walked towards the hall together.

Standing in the middle of the stage, Chen Jun ordered several waiters to lift the curtain covering the dining table, and all kinds of wine were displayed in front of everyone's eyes in an instant.

"Please taste it to your heart's content. If you have any questions, please feel free to come to me!"

He only said this with a smile, then stepped off the stage and walked towards Xu Zhengfan and Lin Xueping.

Bo Qing stretched out his bony right hand, and picked up a glass of wine from the table without hesitation.

The mellow and strong smell of wine is enough to spread into his nasal cavity even through layers of goblets.

"I didn't expect you to be interested in wine."

Guo Chen stared at him in amazement, seeing him taking a sip of the wine in his glass, his sexy Adam's apple rolling up and down, making her mouth dry for no reason.

"There are still many things you didn't expect, and there will be more time in the future to let you understand them one by one."

The corner of his lips hooked slightly.

At this moment, a disturbing figure suddenly broke into the line of sight of the two of them.

"I heard that a woman fell into the water on the deck just now, and Mr. Guo was standing beside it?"

Zhao Qingquan was holding a glass of rum, with a hypocritical businesslike smile on his face.

Consciously or unintentionally, he glanced at Guo Chen's changed dress, his eyes darkened.

Why did Guo Chen change clothes suddenly?
Is it...

Bo Qing snorted coldly:
"Mr. Zhao is really well-informed, but you obviously made a mistake, that is——

Not only Ran Ran, but I also stand by her side. "

His tone seemed to be covered with a thick layer of ice, which made people shiver.

The smile on the corners of Zhao Qingquan's lips didn't decrease but increased, and he didn't comment on his answer.

Immediately, he shifted his gaze to Guo Chen again.

"Then can I understand that Bo Dong is disregarding other people's lives in order not to make his own woman jealous?"

His ironic and provocative words made Guo Chen angry in just an instant.

And almost at the same time, a figure with an extraordinary bearing walked over.

"Bo Dong, Mr. Guo, Mr. Zhao, stay safe!"

There was a soft and warm smile like a spring breeze on the corner of Zhou Hong's lips, bright and moving.

The three of them nodded, and the atmosphere was dead silent for a moment.

But Bao Qing replied unhurriedly:
"Mr. Zhao, don't arbitrarily put your values ​​on others, let alone speculate on others' thoughts."

Although he didn't lose his temper, it was as if every word came from the bottom of the gloomy valley, extremely cold.

Only then did Zhou Hong realize that something was wrong.

Did he come at the wrong time?
Zhao Qingquan couldn't help but sneered:
"What? Dong Bo is guilty?"

"It is recommended that Mr. Zhao go to the hospital to check whether there is any water in his head before speaking. After all, everyone is at sea."

In an instant, the arrogance of the two of them reached Guo Chen and Zhou Hong, spreading wantonly.

Zhou Hong couldn't help being speechless as he watched the two of them come and go, refusing to admit defeat.

It seemed he needed to do something.

So, he cleared his throat and advised:

"Why are you arguing? Can't you sit down calmly and slap each other a few times?"

As soon as the words fell, the two immediately stopped arguing and couldn't help thinking for a moment.

Zhao Qingquan: "It makes sense."

Bo Qing: "Agreed."

Immediately afterwards, the two really put on a pose as if they were about to fight.

Guo Chen: "..."

"Zhao Qingquan, do you drink dichlorvos? Are you brainless?"

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