Lin Shao's Love Symphony

Chapter 66 Can heart disease be cured?

At the end of the song, many audience members couldn't help but shed tears, and they didn't know why.

"Ya Gui." Cai Ziyou lowered his head indifferently.

"Huh?" Chen Yuxin smiled and walked back to him, and sat down.

"You don't need to be like this." He drooped his slender eyelashes and looked vulnerable for a moment, "If you just feel that you owe me, then I don't want this kind of feeling."

"Oh, really..." Chen Yuxin smiled sweetly, but did not answer him directly, "I will accompany you back, so promise me, take good care of the doctor, and you will be cured."

"Can the heart disease be cured?" He raised his head and met those light green eyes.

"Yes, because I'm here." Chen Yuxin chuckled faintly, "I still remember the supreme music."

Cai Ziyou frowned: "Don't pity me, if I didn't have cancer, your attitude wouldn't have undergone a 360-degree change."

"I didn't pity you. I really couldn't control myself. I wanted to be unfeeling to you, but I couldn't control it anymore."

Chen Yuxin pointed to her heart and smiled lightly, her smile was as beautiful as the moment when an angel fell.

Cai Ziyou's eyelashes flickered a few times, and finally said nothing, looking outside in silence.

It's getting closer and closer to the airport, does it mean that we will see them soon...?

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