Lin Shao's Love Symphony

Chapter 30 Hai Yun's Difficulties

It was night, as cool as water.

The prosperity of the city is fully manifested in the life of feasting, feasting and luxury.

Golden Coast Entertainment Club, one of the most upscale and luxurious clubs in City A.

In the spacious KTV box, the explosive music is extremely noisy.

Hai Yun's pretty eyes were stained with a hint of drunkenness, holding a glass of cocktail in her slender white hand, she bent down to toast the person in front of her.

This person was leaning lazily on the black leather sofa chair, his body was bloated and fat, and his chubby belly looked like a ball.

"Uncle Wan, after drinking this drink, I hope you can keep your promise and lend 1000 million to my dad to help the Hai family get through this difficult time."

"Uncle Wan, I have been in the shopping mall for many years. Are you such a dishonest person?" The man called Uncle Wan, with his legs crossed, tapped his round fingers on the sofa, his cloudy eyes glowing with slyness. With a faint light, he stared at the wine in Hai Yun's hand seriously.

"Of course not." Hai Yun smiled, raised her glass boldly, and drank the glass of wine in one gulp.

After the wine passed her throat, a hot burning sensation hit her whole body. She has always been incapable of drinking, and she will come here today.

Due to the failure of Haijia Clothing's investment, the capital chain of the operation project was broken, and it was in danger of bankruptcy at any time.

Well, everything will be fine!Start now!From the time she drank this glass of wine!Uncle Wan is a friend of my father's business. He is wealthy and treats her well.

Therefore, he will definitely help their family.

"Uncle Wan, it's getting late, so I'll go back first. You can remit the money to my dad's account." Hai Yun picked up the bag on the sofa and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, you want to leave before you're done?" Uncle Wan slapped the wine glass on the coffee table heavily, got up and walked towards her.

Hai Yun frowned delicately, not quite understanding what he meant: "Uncle Wan, what is this?"

Suddenly, an uncontrollable small flame burst out of his body.

How is this going?

So hot!

Beads of sweat oozed from her forehead, which was as white as jade, and a cluster of red clouds burned on her delicate and beautiful face.

"Uncle Wan has admired you for a long time, otherwise how could he have promised you to drink with me tonight, 1000 million, do you think I will give you generously if you toast a few glasses of wine? Tonight, let me be happy, hehe, I Then consider giving you 1000 million in charity." A plump hand grabbed her slender arm.

Pulling hard, her limp body fell headfirst onto the sofa.


The damn fat man actually wanted to do something wrong to her.

Thanks to her still calling her uncle sweet, she is really stupid.

Supporting the sofa with both hands, she wanted to bounce up, but the round beer belly pressed up mercilessly, and the bones in her whole body were about to burst under the pressure.

This fat man, what kind of pig feed did he eat to grow up like this, fat and disgusting.

Hai Yun put all her strength into trying to push him away, but her strength was like ants, it didn't help at all.

The pockmarked pig's face approached her little by little, and his hands grabbed her restless hands.

The cold touch instantly relieved the heat in her body.The face in front of her turned into a phantom, and she could no longer see his face clearly.

Hai Yun's slender waist was wriggling on the sofa like a water snake, arousing the desire of the man on her even more: "Well, it's so uncomfortable, it's hot!"

The hideous and ugly face exuded a glimmer of greed and desire. The man leaned down and searched for the zipper of her dress, while kissing those glistening and sexy red lips.

"Go away, don't touch me." Hai Yun opened her beautiful eyes, regained a little bit of consciousness, raised one foot, and kicked him vigorously.

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