"Then do you dare to make a bet with me, Miss, if he loves you and you love him so much, if you can still be together after you forget him, then the rules will be abolished, and I I also did my duty, and I will not interfere with you in the future, how about it?"

Luo Chu still didn't move, "You still want me to inject FT2?"

"Yes, please forgive me, this is my duty, and I really want to see how deep the love in your mouth is." Gu Sheng's eyes were somewhat deep, as if he had thought of other things.

Luo Chu is silent, if you forget how unfair she is to Qu Jingbo?He just found himself, how could he treat him like this?
What about mom?The mother was still in the hospital bed, and she also found that the R family is a family without the slightest humanity, they only care about the interests of the family.

"How is Missy thinking about it? Are you afraid to promise because you don't have confidence in your love?" Gu Sheng asked.

"You don't have to deliberately use aggressive methods against me. I accept this bet. If I can fall in love with him again after amnesia, you won't interfere in the future?"

"Yes, no more, and you have proved to us the greatness of love, I will also burn the formula of FT2 potion."

"I have to redo the rules, is that okay?" Luo Chu really couldn't stand the family's perverted rules.

"If you can break it, of course you are eligible to reshuffle the cards." The Great Elder nodded with a smile. What he is doing now is just a duty, but from his heart he doesn't think it is a good thing.

"Okay, I take this bet, Grandpa Gu, you won't deny it by then, will you?"

"Miss, who do you think I am? I only do this for the benefit of the family. If your appearance can lead to the best development of the whole family, I support all your decisions."

"Well, I will prove everything to you. Love and family can have both. Our love will not be defeated by anything."

"I am very happy that Miss has this determination. I have read your profile and you are a very capable person. I believe that you will be qualified for the position of Patriarch, so let's start now." Gu Sheng was very anxious.

"Grandpa Gu, I have a request."


"I want to see him again. Give me three days. I will come to you in three days. Since I want to leave, shouldn't I say goodbye to him?" Luo Chu thought that the man must have come to find him in despair.

I'm sorry, I'm going to make him sad again.

"Okay, I believe you, Miss, you won't lie to me, right?"

"I do not know."

"That's good. I'll ask Mira to pick you up in three days. This place is hard to find."


"Miss, don't blame me, our time is running out, you are the hope of the family."

"I know, there is another friend who came with me, I don't want him to wait for a long time, can I leave now?" Luo Chu was probably very anxious when he thought of Xiao Yang.

"Of course, I'll take you to see him."

Gu Sheng stood up and opened the door of the study.

This villa is terribly big and terribly quiet.

"Grandpa Gu, can't that curse be lifted?" The reason why Luo Chu agreed to his condition was because of the reason she was thinking about. How could she let her mother have something to do?
"After you become the head of the family, you can find the answer yourself." Gu Sheng sighed.

It seemed that he still hadn't finished speaking, and Luo Chu strengthened her determination. Since there was a curse, she believed that there was a way to break it.

While speaking, Gu Sheng had already brought Luo Chu to a room, and Xiao Yang's voice came: "Hurry up and hand over her to me! If she loses a hair, I won't let you go."

Mira picked her ears, looking impatient, "I told you that the eldest lady is chatting with the elder, how can you be a mother-in-law?"

"The devil knows what you're doing?"

"Yangyang." Luo Chu opened the door and saw Xiao Yang jumping anxiously.

Xiao Yang rushed over as soon as he saw Luo Chu, "Did they do anything to you?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just asked the Great Elder some questions, and he just told me the truth." Luo Chu turned around in front of him, "Do you think I'm fine?"

"That's good, it's not good here at all, let's go."

"Alright, Yangyang, I'm going to visit my mother, you can go with me."

"Yeah." Seeing that nothing happened to her, Xiao Yang let go of his worries.

"I'll take you there." Mira said.

"Forget it, why don't you give us the address directly, and we will drive there by ourselves, who knows where you will take us?" Xiao Yang was about to die of anxiety when he didn't find Luo Chu just now. Experience it once.

"Hmph, forget it if you don't believe me." Mira reported an address, then turned and left arrogantly.

Gu Sheng smiled kindly: "The master knows that you will be happy to see her. Although she never said it, we all know that you are the person she misses the most in her heart."

"It's because I'm unfilial. I haven't known my mother's good intentions for so many years." Luo Chu was ashamed that he wasn't there when his mother needed him most.

"It's okay, just make it up later, go quickly, don't keep her waiting for a long time."


Luo Chu and Xiao Yang left the huge manor villa, and after getting into the car, Xiao Yang said, "He really didn't do anything to you?"

"I am a pregnant woman, what can he do to me?" Luo Chu smiled when she saw Xiao Yang's nervous appearance. It is her good fortune to meet a friend like Xiao Yang in this life.

"If he didn't do anything to you, he must have said something to you, otherwise what would he do to trick you?" Xiao Yang frowned and found that the matter was not simple.

"Yangyang is really fine, don't worry." Luo Chu didn't tell Xiao Yang what happened before, lest he would be worried if he knew.

"It's good that it's okay, if something happens to you, Qu Jingbo doesn't know how anxious he will be." Xiao Yang felt that Qu Jingbo would definitely go crazy by then.

nursing home.

Tina's health has gradually improved since Luo Chu returned home safely, and An Mi took good care of her by her side every day.

Erica hurried over, "Master, it's not good, just now I heard someone from the company tell me that Miss went to the company to look for you."

"What? She came to see me? What about the person now?" Tina was also very nervous. When did Luo Chu come to the United States? Why didn't she get any news.

Someone quickly got her phone. Qu Jingbo had called her more than ten hours ago. Recently, she was not in good health, and the phone was always on silent.

"Qu, since we are friends, can I handle this account?"

"Li Zhenbo, what will you do to your relatives to satisfy me?"

A coldness flashed across Qu Nuo's eyes, although the words were spoken very gently, they carried an undoubted deterrent force.

Lowering his head slightly, at this moment, Li Zhenbo really couldn't think of a better way to dispel Qu Nuo's anger.

"It's still a month away. I don't want Li Qian to be angry because of this after she is discharged from the hospital."

Stuffing out the cigarette in his hand, Qu Nuo turned around and sat down on the rest chair, his gaze was cold, obviously, he had no mood to continue talking.

Li Zhenbo stood there, a little embarrassed, checked the time, and finally left.

At around 6 o'clock in the evening, Chu Ningxin took Lan Mo to the hospital.

They didn't know much about Chu Jiang's matter, but from what they said that day, Ning Xin already knew something had happened.

Moreover, this matter is related to Qu Nuo and Su Liqian.

I'm afraid that Chu Jiang got into trouble.

Ning Xin is grateful to this brother, and feels sorry for him for wandering alone all these years.

Now that my brother is afraid that he has provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, she doesn't know what to do for a while.

In the end, it was at Lan Mo's suggestion that he found out that Su Liqian was in this hospital.

The assistant is bringing dinner to Qu Nuo.

Qu Nuo has not had a good rest for several days, and his demand for food has dropped a lot.
After a few mouthfuls of soup in a hurry, and two mouthfuls of rice, he lost his appetite.

"Mr. Qu, how is Li Qian?"

Ning Xin walked over timidly, lowered her voice, and asked in a very humble tone.


Qu Nuo, apart from hating Chu Jiang, hated everyone and everything related to him.

"Hey, what happened?"

Lan Mo stepped forward and reached out to pat Qu Nuo on the shoulder, but Qu Nuo dodged his hand while it was in the air.

Originally thinking that Qu Nuo was so resistant because he was angry, but unexpectedly, Qu Nuo stood up in vain and punched Lan Mo in the face.

The speed was too fast, and Lan Mo's height was not as tall as Qu Ye's. After receiving a punch, his body was thrown several meters away.

"Get out of here, and it won't be a punch if I see you again."

Qu Nuo's eyes were icy cold, and his gaze towards Ning Xin was like a sharp sword.

Ning Xin panicked when she was seen, she wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, so she could only help Lan Mo.

"Qu, why are you like this? You can't speak well if you have something to say? What kind of skill is it to hit someone?"

"What do I need to tell you? I won't say anything, don't come here in the future, Li Qian won't see you."

Qu Nuo issued a eviction order not to visit the two of them again.

"Hey, what did my brother do?"

Ning Xin asked in a low voice, her eyes were a little sad.

Qu Nuo looked down at the wedding ring, and silently stopped talking.

"Let's go, instead of asking him, let's check it ourselves."

Lan Mo covered her face, tightly holding Ning Xin's hand and was about to leave, Ning Xin looked back at Qu Nuo, feeling unwilling.

However, Lan Mo also got angry and pulled her straight out of the hospital.

Once out of the hospital gate, Ning Xin shook off Lan Mo's hand.

"How can I learn about my brother from Qu Nuo?"

"You can't see Qu Nuo's attitude? Your brother must have done something to anger Qu Nuo. If you keep asking, I'm afraid Qu Nuo won't let you go."

Lan Mo's voice was a bit loud, but she wasn't blaming Ning Xin.

Ning Xin blinked her eyes, bit her lower lip tightly, and looked at him silently.

Seeing her like this, Lan Mo was so distressed that he was about to die, and hurriedly hugged her.

"Don't be afraid, I shouldn't have yelled at you, I was just in a hurry to fear that you would suffer,
You have seen who Qu Nuo is, we can't know the result from him, understand? "

Ning Xin leaned against Lan Mo's arms, sobbing softly, her slender body trembling constantly.

"I know, but I, I'm just worried about my brother and Li Qian."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will find out."

Lan Mo sent Ning Xin back home, and went to Chu Jiang's company alone.

Although he is not in the company, the internal operation of the company is still as usual.

Except for those who were wounded or killed by Han Zheng, Chu Jiang's subordinates didn't know what happened.

Lan Mo had been in the company for a whole day before he sent someone to find Chu Jiang and found out the general situation.

Hearing this, my body couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. The assistant said that his body was trembling,
Recalling the scene that day, the assistant was in a bad mood.

"Is Chu Jiang crazy?"

The assistant followed suit and shook his head, "Mr. Chu was also fascinated by ghosts for a while, so there is room for relief.
But the phone of the person sent out that day was broken, and he couldn't get through no matter what, so it happened. "

Lan Mo listened, he could think of the scene at that time in his mind, and finally knew why Qu Nuo's attitude was like this.

After coming out of the company, Lan Mo stood in the empty square, not knowing how to tell Ning Xin what happened.

He didn't have to go back until 10 o'clock at night.

As soon as she entered the room, Ning Xin greeted her.

The well-behaved and gentle appearance fell into Lan Mo's eyes and became a kind of intolerance.

"Has it been found out?"

Lan Mo was at a loss for words for a while, his eyes wavering from side to side.

"Did you say so?"

"Your brother, your brother."

"What's wrong with my brother? You said it!" Ning Xin was so anxious by him that tears almost came out.

"Your brother sent people to hunt down Su Liqian, which caused a serious car accident. Su Liqian was rescued in the hospital for more than 20 hours.
Your brother was later taken away by the crown prince, that big devil Han Zheng. "

Ning Xin listened, her feet went weak, she took a few steps back, and finally fell on the sofa.

Lan Mo didn't even have time to help her.

"How did this happen? How did this happen? Is my brother crazy? He actually sent someone to attack Li Qian?
How could he attack Liqian?That's Su Liqian, it's Su Liqian."

Ning Xin talked to herself first, then burst into tears, and kept calling that it was Su Liqian.

Lan Mo looked distressed, went up to hug her, but was pushed away by her, "How should I face Li Qian?

That's my benefactor, I actually went to blame Qu, what face do I have to ask Qu?

Ohh Ohh ohh."

The more Ning Xin cried, the more sad she became, she never thought it would be like this.

Qu Nuo came out of the ward, stood at the window outside the door and lit a cigarette.

"When did you start smoking so much?"

At the entrance of the corridor, a thick and playful male voice sounded.

Qu Nuo looked sideways, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"How did you come?"

"What? Let me see how my younger siblings are doing. Are you unhappy?"

"You've lost weight, and it looks like you're not doing well."

"You're wrong. I'm losing weight. I live like a retired old man every day. You can't imagine that I actually changed my habit of smoking, drinking and staying up late."

"It's not like you're crooked."

"You're becoming less and less like Qu Nuo."

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