Lin Shao's Love Symphony

257、Don’t mind

Luo Ruirui was already in tears at the moment, and she nodded repeatedly, "I was wrong before, I was vicious, but from now on I won't be like that again."

Even she herself felt dirty like this, "Zhang Mu, you really don't mind my past?"

"Do you mind? What if I say I mind?"

Luo Ruirui's face turned pale, although he knew that he had done something wrong and he should mind, but his heart was extremely painful.

She bit her lips tightly, "Even if you mind, I have no choice, it is impossible to turn back time."

Zhang Mu hugged her even tighter, "I'm lying to you, I just want to say, even if I mind, what can I change? After all, things have already happened.

Besides, I didn't participate in that period of time. What I knew was that I was shivering when I picked it up from the sea, and it was Luo Ruirui who was afraid of the dark and pulled me by the corner of my clothes.

Your past may have been miserable, but from now on you have to learn to be a good person. If you want to hurt others again, I will really mind. "Zhang Mu gently wiped away the tears on her face.

He was also shocked when he heard Zhang Mu talk about the past, maybe others would not scold Luo Ruirui to death when they heard such words.

Zhang Mu was more meticulous than others, he keenly felt that Luo Ruirui's ability to do these things was not entirely due to her.

Her mother instilled a wrong concept in her since she was a child. She always thought that she was right. This deep-rooted thing will not change for a while.

Only after she suffered a lot did Luo Ruirui realize how stupid she was in the past, and what happened to her afterwards should be a debt to her past.

Zhang Mu couldn't hate Luo Ruirui like this, the only person she was sorry for was Luo Chu, other than that, he saw someone that no one else saw.

In order to save her mother, Luo Ruirui ran around and begged for help on her knees, which showed that she was also filial and did not let things happen.

In order to save Luo Li, she tried her best. She gave everything to her family, even if she was hurt and suffered.

Isn't this her advantage?Now she can understand that these are the best results.

"Zhang Mu." Luo Ruirui threw herself into Zhang Mu's arms and wept bitterly. She fell from a proud little princess to dust, even if she was filthy all over, there was still such a person who didn't dislike her filth and was willing to wash off the filth on her body with her own hands. .

"Don't cry, let's let the past go, don't think about it anymore, I can't control your past, but I can participate in your future." Zhang Mu gently patted her on the back.

"Yeah." Luo Ruirui cried into tears in his arms.

The old lady came in with a bowl, "Why are you crying so sadly? What's wrong?"

"Mother-in-law, I am happy, really happy."

"Just be happy. Come on, young man, come over and eat noodles. Grandma has nothing in this mountain, so don't be disgusted." The old lady's kind smile was reflected in the eyes of the two.

"Why do you dislike it? Mother-in-law, I also grew up in the mountains, it's like returning to my own home." Zhang Mu smiled honestly.

Luo Ruirui wiped away the tears on her face and came out of Zhang Mu's arms, at this moment Zhang Mu's arms were already full of tears.

"I hope this is the last time I see your tears, and you are not allowed to cry in the future."

"En." Luo Ruirui saw the tears on Zhang Mu's chest, she felt so relaxed at this moment, as if she had never been so relaxed.

Zhang Mu devoured a bowl of noodles to the bottom, seeing that he was eating in such a hurry, he was obviously starving, Luo Ruirui felt even more embarrassed.

"Why didn't you tell me when you were hungry, I wasted so much time just now."

"It's okay, as long as you can untie your knot." Zhang Mu rubbed her head.

Amio had done this to her before, but Amio's movements were as elegant as those male protagonists in comics, but there was no love in his eyes.

Zhang Mu rubbed randomly, his hearty laughter and bright eyes made Luo Ruirui feel warm in his heart.

It turned out that she was still a princess, but she was just a princess in Zhang Mushou's heart.

After eating, Zhang Mu originally wanted to have a good sleep, but he hadn't showered for several days, and his beard and hair were messy.

"Mother-in-law, do you have a bathhouse here? I want to take a bath." Usually he doesn't care if he is on the boat, but now that Luo Ruirui is around, he doesn't want to be as sloppy as before.

And since I have decided to send Luo Ruirui home, I will meet her family. She used to be the daughter of a wealthy family, so her family's demands must be very high.

Even his own appearance didn't scare people to death in the past, but he didn't forget the first time Luo Ruirui called him uncle.

"Bathhouse? We happen to have one in our village, over there." The old woman pointed out the direction for Zhang Mu.

Luo Ruirui was also reluctant to part with him for a moment, for fear that he would never come back after leaving.

"Don't worry, Ruirui, I'll be back soon, why am I willing to part with you?" Zhang Mu smiled.

"Well, then you should come back early." Luo Ruirui gradually had the appearance of a little girl in front of him.

Zhang Mu left freely, Luo Ruirui watched him go, feeling a little more relaxed.

When she was with Amiou, she couldn't let go, she was always paying attention to her appearance, and wanted to keep the most perfect appearance in front of him.

It's different around Zhang Mu, she can cry and laugh whenever she wants, and she can be herself.

"Ruirui, this young man is not bad, you have to take good care of it." The mother-in-law came over and said with a smile.

"Mother-in-law, you have only seen him not long ago, how can you be sure?"

"My old lady has lived to such an old age. Do you think I'm misjudging people? There are fewer and fewer good men nowadays. If you meet one, you must take good care of it and don't let him run away." The old woman It looks like someone who came here.

"The mother-in-law's husband is also a good man?" She asked curiously.

"Of course, he has spoiled me all my life." When the old lady mentioned her husband, she was as cute as a girl, and began to tell Luo Ruirui about her past.

Luo Ruirui was fascinated by what she heard. People of the older generation fall in love differently from them, and the most important thing is not to love each other but to stay together.

"Girl, remember, it's not difficult to love someone, but the difficult thing is how to stay together for the rest of your life. I see this young man is suitable for talking about marriage. You will not suffer if you marry him."

"I think so too." If Luo Ruirui met Zhang Mu a year ago, she would definitely not have even glanced at him. Zhang Mu's clothes looked like a beggar in her eyes.

Now she was poisoned by him, and felt that his every move moved her heart.

Yes, there is time besides people.

Zhang Mu finally came back after waiting for two hours, and Luo Ruirui was surprised the moment he opened the door.

"Ruirui, I'm back."

Luo Ruirui turned her head to look at the person in front of her, "Zhang Mu?"

"What? You don't know me?" Zhang Mu walked up to her.

Luo Ruirui looked at the image of a tough man in front of her. The long and messy beard had been shaved clean, and even her hair was shaved into a short cut.

The shaved Zhang Mu seemed to be a different person. His outline was very tough. Although the clothes on his body were relatively old-fashioned bought in the village, they were still eye-catching.

His figure was already good, Luo Ruirui was so surprised when all his facial features were exposed, he was a very handsome man.

"Where's your beard?"

"Scratch, I can't go to see your family in a mess, can I? I just want to tidy up before going, isn't that pretty?"

"If you were like this in the morning, I wouldn't call you uncle." Luo Ruirui thought that Wu Qi was like this before, and after shaving and cutting her hair, she looked like a different person.

"What do you like?"

"As long as it's you, I like everything." Luo Ruirui touched his face, and when he kissed, his beard would prick her face, but now she was not used to it being clean.

"Ruirui, I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep first." Zhang Mu almost fell asleep in the bath just now.

Seeing the bloodshot eyes in his eyes, Luo Ruirui felt very distressed, "Okay, let's go to sleep." She led him to the bed where she slept these days.

Zhang Mu could have fallen asleep on his head, but Luo Ruirui planned to take a nap and lay beside him. Anyway, now that they have confirmed their relationship, and they have done even more intimate things that night, it's not a big deal .

"Go to sleep, I'll accompany you." Luo Ruirui leaned her head in his arms, except for the night in Rome when she and Amio were together, they also slept side by side when they were lying on the bed afterwards, Amio was not at all Will not hug her, and she dare not touch his body.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Ruirui felt that it was not real. How could such a perfect person like him, she was always cautious.

But with Zhang Mu, she likes to take the initiative to approach him, this man just makes her feel real.

Luo Ruirui took the initiative to lean her head in his arms, Zhang Mu's body froze, probably thinking of the hot night before.

"Rui Rui..."

"Huh? Can't sleep?" Luo Ruirui replied.

"That...cough cough, I want to kiss you, is that okay?" Zhang Mu's honesty was exposed again.

Luo Ruirui suddenly felt like she was in love for the first time, Zhang Mu's relationship history can be said to be very blank.

She didn't speak but closed her eyes, and she still remembered the feeling of a deer bumping like this when she first fell in love.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Mu didn't move, Luo Ruirui opened her eyes and looked at him, "Why don't you kiss?"

"I thought you were asleep." Sometimes Zhang Mu's words are convincing, but sometimes they are silly and cute.

Luo Ruirui chuckled, "What an idiot." She took the initiative to meet her lips, and Zhang Mu kissed him in a haphazard way, doing everything according to her instinct.

It's not that Zhang Mu has never touched a woman, but that was just to solve his physical needs, he doesn't know how to kiss each other, only on that hot night with Luo Ruirui he offered his first kiss.

Both of them really love each other, this kiss is very likely to go off the rails, and Zhang Mu is a man of blood.

Luo Ruirui clearly felt the changes in his body, but this good old man didn't know how to continue, and kept his hands on her waist.

Stupid, she laughed in her heart.

Fingers started to ignite Zhang Mu's body, and Zhang Mu's breathing was obviously messed up. Finally, he let go of Luo Ruirui's lips, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Well, Ruirui, I just took a shower."


"It was well washed."

Luo Ruirui had already smelled the scent of soap on his body, it was refreshing and refreshing, not as fragrant as shower gel, it was very suitable for him.

"Well, so what?" She knew exactly what he wanted to say, but she just liked to see him nervous and bully honest people.

"So... I want to do something with you, is that okay?" He obviously wanted to, but he still asked himself if it was okay.

Luo Ruirui suddenly liked seeing him like this, and deliberately pretended not to know: "What matter?"

"That's what we did that night." Zhang Mu blushed after saying this, really like a fledgling boy.

"tell a story?"


"What on earth is that? I stayed with you for a month. Could it be that we were looking at the stars on the deck?" Luo Ruirui felt very cute seeing him wanting to say but being embarrassed to say so.

"That's it." Zhang Mu turned over suddenly and pressed her under him.

It was time for Luo Ruirui to blush, Zhang Mu saw the blush on her fair cheeks, "I... can I?"

"Are you a pirate?"


"Do pirates still ask for consent?"

"So you agree."


"But...the mother-in-law is still here, in case she hears." Zhang Mu began to whine again.

Luo Ruirui is going to be driven crazy by his honesty, this good old man is not good at everything, for example, he is not overbearing when he should be overbearing.

"My mother-in-law went to pick wild vegetables in the mountains, and she won't come back for at least a few hours. There is no one else in this room. If you want, I...of course I am willing."

Before the words were spoken, the kiss had already hit like a storm. After this catastrophe, Luo Ruirui became more dependent on Zhang Mu, and Zhang Mu also found that Luo Ruirui was more important than he imagined.

Loving someone is such an inexplicable thing, before you realize it, that person has already been deeply in love with you.

The two of them clasped their fingers tightly, Luo Ruirui was immersed in his gentle gaze, her cheeks were blushing.

"Ruirui looked at me, who am I?" Zhang Mu didn't forget who Luo Ruirui called out that night.

Luo Ruirui met those fiery eyes, "Zhang Mu."

"Call me by my name." He said seriously.

Zhang Mu's skin is bronze. When he was on the boat, he would exercise and read books when he had nothing to do, so he had a good figure.

Luo Ruirui didn't have time to look carefully last time, but this time she realized that Zhang Mu turned out to be in such a good figure.

Every muscle in his body was full of strength, which made her fascinated, and her red lips parted slightly: "Zhang Mu."

This time she saw very clearly who the person in front of her was, the man she was about to spend her whole life with, and she would never like anyone else except him.

Everything in the past has come to an end. From today on, she will be a reborn Luo Ruirui, who treats everyone kindly in this life.

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