Lin Shao's Love Symphony

254. The appearance of love

Luo Ruirui felt that she had never been so witty in her life, and those ten minutes bought her a lot of time to escape.

Because she was afraid of those two people chasing her, she ran away recklessly. Because she was so spoiled, she had no experience of walking mountain roads at all.

She came down with one deep foot and one shallow foot, and finally slipped and rolled down the steep slope.

The rolling speed was much faster than her walking, but she was very flustered, she didn't know where she would roll, and she was looking for something to grab along the way.

After spinning around for a while, she finally stopped. She should be thankful that she was dressed thick enough, and she was still wearing the thick coat on the boat.

There are so many broken stones along the way, if she was dressed thinly, she would have been cut by the broken stones on the road.

The moment she stopped, her head unfortunately hit a big rock, Luo Ruirui felt her head was hit with a bang.

Feeling something flowing down her forehead, she stretched out her hand to touch it, and it turned out to be blood. Every bone in her body felt like it was about to shatter. Coupled with the injury on her forehead, she was really terrified.

But at this moment, she didn't dare to stop at all. The two people were from the mountains, and this kind of road couldn't help them at all.

She had to escape, the farther the better.

Luo Ruirui didn't care about the injury on her forehead, nor the pain all over her body, she ran forward rolling and crawling.

However, the speed of her escape could not keep up with those two people at all, and she had already heard the voices of their exasperated voices.

"It's all your fault. That woman must have noticed something was wrong a long time ago. We should have fucked her in the car earlier."

"What's my fault? I'm afraid she is an actress, and she acts so realistically. Didn't you realize that?"

"Stop arguing, anyway, how far can such a delicate lady like her run, hurry up and chase after her."

Luo Ruirui found a dilapidated old tree hole. She curled up and just hid in the tree hole. She couldn't see what was inside from behind.

She could hear the footsteps of the two getting closer, and she bit her fingers tightly, for fear that she would make a sound because of being too nervous.

God please bless me once, don't let them discover my existence!

"Dong dong dong..." At this moment, she felt that her heart was about to jump out, and the hair on her forehead slipped down her eyelids. She tightly closed her eyes, not daring to face the reality.

"Damn, I saw her running this way, why didn't she see her after a while?"

"Who knows, it should be going there. Hurry up and chase her. If I catch her, I will fuck her until she cries and let her run away."

The voices of the two rang right next to Luo Ruirui's ears, and she felt a little relieved when she heard their footsteps leaving Luo Ruirui.

She wiped the blood from her eyes with her hand, the back of her hand was already full of blood, Luo Ruirui hugged her knees with both hands, now she dare not go out.

Thinking of her hard work along the way, tears rolled down her cheeks, she bit her sleeves and dared not cry, tears flowed down silently.

No matter how hard she was in the past, she could still think of Amiou and regard Amiou as her hope of survival.

However, Amiou's words "Let's break up" kept reappearing in her mind.

Tears mixed with blood flowed down her face, Luo Ruirui never thought that one day she would spend a night in this wilderness.

At the moment, all the people in her mind are Zhang Mu, the foolish but best Zhang Mu to her.

"Brother Zhang..." Luo Ruirui murmured, until now she didn't understand who is the one who really treats her well.

She thought of the night with Amio. Amio is a very good lover, he will know what women need and what women like.

The one with Amiou can be said to be perfect, he knows how to make a woman comfortable, but now thinking about it, Luo Ruirui realized that if he hadn't experienced many battles, how could he figure out all his preferences so easily.

I came here just to enjoy myself, but I didn't see much passion from him, even the man wearing the condom was orderly.

Luo Ruirui suddenly realized that she was the only one who sank from the beginning to the end. Amiou didn't feel happy, he was just accomplishing a certain purpose.

On the other hand, Zhang Mu, he didn't know much about this kind of thing, relying on his physical instinct to satisfy her, Luo Ruirui could feel his longing for her for a whole night.

But his movements without the slightest skill made her feel very happy, so she woke up from the medicine in the middle of the night and was willing to continue to sink with him.

The two men are completely different, maybe... Amiou never loved herself from the beginning to the end.

After comparing Zhang Mu, Luo Ruirui found out how big the gap was between the two. Amiou was just trying to play a gentle lover.

There was no pity for him in his eyes, the two of them blended together, and there was only clarity in his eyes.

Luo Ruirui suddenly felt that she was a clown, except that he touched her once in Rome that night, and then he came to City A.

Even though the two were lying side by side on the bed, he didn't touch himself even though he was only wearing a nightdress with suspenders.

At that time, Luo Ruirui thought he was considerate, but now that he thinks about it, he probably doesn't love her at all, so why would she touch her?

From beginning to end, he was just a clown, a clown dancing happily in his palm.

Luo Ruirui smiled and shed tears, the clown put on funny makeup, his big mouth grinned behind his ears, the clown was still smiling even when he was crying.

She clutched at her clothes tightly, her body trembling uncontrollably, she was in so much pain, it really hurt.

This kind of pain is not the pain that she just rolled down the steep slope and her body is about to fall apart, nor is it the pain that her head was smashed on the big rock, but that she was stabbed in the heart.

At this moment, only when she thinks of Zhang Mu will she feel the slightest warmth in her body, and she misses Zhang Mu's warm embrace.

But now she has nothing but a piece of paper besides the 1 yuan. She looks at the piece of paper with the phone number written on it over and over again. Where's the phone?
Luo Ruirui fell asleep unconsciously after being tired from crying, and when she woke up with a headache and head swelling, she felt as if her whole body had been run over by a car.

The blood on her forehead had stopped a long time ago, half of her face was covered with blood, and her body was even more embarrassing.

She lost too much blood, her face was pale, Luo Ruirui licked her dry lips, even if she didn't have any strength in her body, she had to keep going, otherwise she would really die here!

Luo Ruirui got out of the tree hole in disgrace, she was very grateful to this big tree that saved her life, maybe it was because she had committed too many crimes in the past, and now God will make her pay back.

The morning sun fell into the woods, the spring breeze in the forest was blowing head-on, the birds were singing on the branches, and there were some unknown small wild flowers under the trees.

If Luo Ruirui didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery here if it wasn't for the embarrassment all over her body at the moment, now she just wants to find someone to take a good rest and treat the wound on her body.

Now Luo Ruirui's body is working hard and tired, and she is also hungry. She really wants to find a comfortable place to sleep well.

She knew she couldn't sleep, and once she fell asleep, she might never wake up again.

Luo Ruirui dragged her tired body through the forest, she was lucky enough to find a very clear river.

When she looked down at her own appearance in the river, Luo Ruirui was startled by that inhuman appearance.

She cleaned the blood on her face with clean water and hurriedly, the wound on her forehead had scabbed over, she felt refreshed after washing her face.

By the way, she also lay down by the river and drank some water. If she used to be, she would definitely look disgusted. Is the water dirty, will there be bugs, and will it cause stomach pain after drinking it.

When a person wants to live, she doesn't think about anything. She just wants to live and live well.

After drinking the water, she became much better. Luo Ruirui continued to walk forward, but she didn't know what mountain those beasts took her to.

Seeing the place where she jumped off last night, if the car continues to move forward, it will go deep into the mountain, and she will really not be able to get out by then.

Luo Ruirui walked for several hours and finally saw the cooking smoke, but she didn't dare to take it lightly.

She didn't know if the people here were also buying wives, Luo Ruirui had already been cheated once, and she couldn't trust anyone anymore.

Luo Ruirui took a look at the house, it wasn't a very old building, it was just a common brick house in the countryside, but it had regional characteristics.

"Who are you? Why are you sneaking around behind my house?"

Luo Ruirui was like a frightened bird, she was startled suddenly when someone spoke, and almost scared her soul out.

She turned around and saw that it was an old woman, even if she was an old woman, she did not dare to take it lightly.

"Mother-in-law, I'm just a passerby, and I'll leave right away."

"What's wrong with your forehead, little girl?"

"I accidentally rolled down the mountain, can you tell me where mother-in-law is here?" Luo Ruirui looked at the old woman carefully, at least she felt that she was not bad at first.

It's not unreasonable to have a heart-to-heart. When Master Huang came to contact her before, if An Mio hadn't just told her to break up and made her look dazed, otherwise she would never have gotten into Master Huang's car.

The man looked a bit mischievous, and the clothes on the old man's body could be seen to have been washed many times, and the color had faded from washing, and the eyebrows were also very kind.

"Rolling down the mountain? You little girl is really lucky. Where's your family?"

"Mother-in-law, to be honest, I got into a black car. That black car was going to sell me to a remote village to be a wife. I tried my best to escape, but I accidentally rolled down the mountain."

"It's really a crime, those gods." The old woman cursed in dialect, Luo Ruirui had a hard time listening, after all, it was different from her usual accent.

"Mother-in-law, do you have food at home? I'm so hungry." Luo Ruirui saw that her righteous indignation didn't seem like a fake, which showed that she also hated traffickers.

"It's not easy for you little girl, come in with me." The old man led her into the yard, where there were several fruit trees and some free-range chickens.

Those chickens swaggered around in the yard as if no one was there, and from time to time lowered their heads and pecked the ground to pull out a small bug.

There was a big yellow dog lying at the door. The big yellow dog lay lazily lying on the ground basking in the sun. A white cat was lying in a dustpan not far away, and the white cat was sleeping with its belly exposed.

Such a peaceful and peaceful picture made Luo Ruirui almost cry. The first half of her life went smoothly, but the second half of her life was ups and downs.

Thinking about last night's scene, if she hadn't become more alert, she might have been sold out by now.

After the storm, she suddenly saw such a peaceful scene, and when she said it, her heart trembled. She had never thanked God so much that she was still alive like now.

Living is a very good thing, and she doesn't think it matters whether she has money or not.

"Mother-in-law, are you the only one in your family?" Luo Ruirui took a look at the extremely simple home, which shows that the old man's life is not rich.

"Well, my wife left the year before last, and the children went to work in the city again. Now they have settled in the city and don't come back very often."

"If they don't come back, why don't you go to the city to accompany them? Look, you're the only one here." Although Luo Ruirui felt that the old man was a good person, she still couldn't help wanting to say something more.

"Why didn't I go? I couldn't understand what the people in the city said, and I had to take the elevator and car every day when I went out. I wanted to go for a walk but I was afraid of getting lost.

The kids are busy and don't have time to accompany me. I came back after staying in the city for a month. It's better to stay at home. I can go wherever I want when I go out.

Besides, fallen leaves return to their roots, here is my root, I am about to die at this age, even if I die, I will die in my own home. "The old man murmured.

When Luo Ruirui saw her, she thought of Liu Qing. She had never met her grandparents. Where is Liu Qing's roots?
Recently, Liu Qing keeps mentioning that she ate the food made by her grandmother when she was a child. Apart from that, she probably misses her own roots more than anything else.

"Grandma, no matter where you live, as long as you feel happy."

"That's a good point, little girl, look at you in such a mess, I'll boil water for you to wash, and the wound on your forehead also needs to be treated properly." The old man was very enthusiastic.

Luo Ruirui only wanted to call one person at the moment, and she came here on that cold night by missing him.

"Grandma, do you have a phone at home? I want to call my friend and ask him to pick me up."

"Telephone? Yes, but my old lady doesn't know how to use it. It's all left in the ashes. I'll find it for you."

The old woman found a phone number for her, "I only call them when I miss my grandchildren. Usually, the children are too busy to answer my calls."

Luo Ruirui was quite emotional in her heart, her mother was worried when her son traveled thousands of miles, and she didn't know how worried Liu Qing should be.

The phone has long been out of power, and Luo Ruirui felt that the whole world brightened up the moment the phone was turned on after the charger was connected.

At the end of the mountain, she still sees the willows and the flowers, God, thank you for saving me this time!
Luo Ruirui carefully took out the note and dialed the phone number she knew by heart.

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