Lin Shao's Love Symphony

247、He just loves you too much

"There are quite a lot of people involved here. I can't tell you the truth one by one. If it wasn't for some purpose, do you think Amiou would approach Luo Ruirui?" Qu Jingbo snorted.

"My sister is not as bad as you said!" Luo Li said angrily. According to Qu Jingbo, Amiou is not worth mentioning, and Luo Ruirui is also a worthless person.

"Then how good is your sister? Do you tell her she is good-looking or capable? Or is she worth over [-] million?" Qu Jingbo's question made Luo Li speechless.

He snorted coldly and added: "If you don't have any of these, then tell me if she is kind-hearted or kind? She doesn't have any of these good qualities.

In my heart, she is a vain, sinister and vicious woman!She has no humanity at all, and she can do whatever it takes to achieve her own goals, not to mention that Amiou won't like her, and no man will like her! "

"You..." Luo Li was so angry that his body was shaking, "My sister is not as bad as you said, it is clear that you have repeatedly disturbed our peaceful life.

We were kicked out from Luo's house, people outside said we were shameless, but birth is not something we can choose.

My sister has changed from a famous daughter to an illegitimate daughter. There are so many gaps in the process, and how many jobs she has to find before she can find a job that she can do.

Maybe she is not a good person to you, but how much she has paid to our family, she is not as useless as you said. "

When Liu Qing was suffering, Luo Ruirui asked for help everywhere, and when Luo Li was detained by the gambling house, she ran around alone, no matter what An Miou was thinking, at least he saved herself.

"Okay, if you are here because of Luo Ruirui's affairs, I don't have so much free time to accompany you to talk about these useless things." Qu Jingbo said that he was about to see off the guests.

Regardless of whether Luo Ruirui is a fairy in their hearts, in his heart Luo Ruirui is just a maggot that makes him feel sick!The maggots of the tarsus are like a shadow.

"No, Mr. Qu, we came here to talk about their falling into the sea. I want to ask you some details." Liu Qing hurriedly brought the topic back to the main topic.

"Let's talk, if you have anything else to say, it's better to say it clearly at once." Qu Jingbo didn't bother to waste time with Liu Qing.

"It's like this. We saw the news that you are looking for Luo Chu, and we are also looking for Ruirui's whereabouts. I think you have great powers. If we communicate with each other, it will be easier for you to find her whereabouts."

Liu Qing used words like searching instead of salvaging. Liu Qing may have failed as a woman, but as a mother she is competent.

Qu Jingbo immediately discovered the problem, "What do you mean?"

"Has Luo Chu reported your safety?" Liu Qing asked.

"Did Luo Ruirui report your safety?" Qu Jingbo's heart suddenly became agitated for some reason, his mood was like a pool of stagnant water before, but Liu Qing's arrival completely broke his pool of stagnant water.

"She called me the morning after she fell into the water, saying that she was going to play in the sea by boat, and there was no signal on the seamount. She told me not to worry about her, and she sent me a special photo. .

Before she told me not to worry, even if there was any news, don't believe it. At that time, I didn't know what happened. Now I know the reason.

It turned out that it was to report that she fell into the water and might drown in the sea. Fortunately, she reported to me in advance that she was safe, otherwise I wouldn't worry about dying. "

"She's not dead? How did you report it to you? Tell me quickly." Qu Jingbo's excited face changed. He was still so cold before, but now his face turned red because of excitement.

Liu Qing originally thought that Luo Chu should have reported to Qu Jingbo and the others that they were safe just like Luo Ruirui, and since Luo Ruirui was fine, Luo Chu should also be with her.

"She called me the morning after she fell into the water. I was still surprised when she said those words. She also sent me a photo to prove that she was fine."

"Show me the photo and phone number." Qu Jingbo suddenly felt that there was hope in life. Although he hated Luo Ruirui before, at this moment he became happy because of Luo Ruirui.

Liu Qing took out the phone under Qu Jingbo's cannibalistic expression, "Look."

Qu Jingbo looked at the call time, which was only tens of seconds and less than 1 minute, and the phone number he called was obviously not from China.

"Where did she call you? Tell me exactly what she said to you!" Qu Jingbo felt that this phone number might be the best way for him to find Luo Chu.

Seeing that he was so excited, Liu Qing had no choice but to tell him the content of the call between herself and Luo Ruirui.

"That's all she said?"

"Well, that's all I said, but I have a lot of questions, and now you have answered some of them for me, so it's Ruirui's current situation.

Her tone of voice to me was not tense, not much different from usual, so her life was not threatened for the time being.

That being the case, why didn't she tell me the details?At first I thought she killed Luo Chu in order to avoid your revenge, but she got the visa in advance, so she can go home and get a passport to fly to the United States, why bother?

I also wondered if she was kidnapped, so it is not convenient to disclose it. If she is kidnapped, she must ask us for a ransom, right?I have many questions that I don't understand, and I came to you because I was worried. I wanted to ask if there is any news from you. "

"Chu'er didn't report my safety. Now I just hope that she can be with Luo Ruirui. What about the photos?" Qu Jingbo saw hope. something will happen.

"At this."

Qu Jingbo took a look at the selfie Luo Ruirui sent, it was a photo without makeup, with a haggard face.

"This dress is not what she usually wears, is it?"

"How can my sister wear such old-fashioned clothes?"

"Okay, you send me this photo, and I'll send it to someone for identification right away, see if I can find any clues, and this phone number."

"This number has been disconnected since Ruirui called me." Liu Qing added.

"It doesn't matter, the real-name system is now required, even if you can't get through, you may not be able to find something." Qu Jingbo's face that had been gloomy for three days finally cleared up.

"Aunt Liu, although I hated you very much in the past and hated you for hurting Chu'er, but this time I really want to thank you!" Qu Jingbo said sincerely.

Qu Jingbo who lost Luo Chu was like losing his soul, and the news Liu Qing brought was like giving him how to get his soul back.

Qu Jingbo quickly called Gui Bo, "I have news from here."

Gui Bo was also at a loss, but Qu Jingbo had evidence first, "Tell me, what news."

"On the second day after falling into the water, Luo Ruirui used a foreign phone to report her mother's safety, and also sent a photo. I will send you the photo. The sea is nearby, but there are some things that cannot be seen clearly in the distance. buildings, see if you can zoom in on those buildings with professional means."

"With a phone number, our technicians will find a way to find out the location, and it would be much easier if the phone number is registered with real names."

"Then I'll send you the photo and phone number right away." Qu Jingbo was overjoyed, hung up the phone and sent the number and photo.

Liu Qing saw that she was right to come to him, "Mr. Qu, I don't want to talk about the past grievances. I was sorry for Luo Chu before, but I also received the retribution I deserve. Now I don't want to come here at all." Excuse me, I just want to live my life well, but I didn't expect that child Ruirui..."

"Mom, you can't blame my sister. Before you were hospitalized, it was Luo Chu who called to irritate you. You almost fell ill. Can my sister not be angry?" Luo Li inadvertently let this matter slip by.

Qu Jingbo keenly heard the question inside, "Who called to provoke? What is this?"

"I went to the casino to gamble and my sister came to ask you to borrow money. If you don't borrow money, it's fine. Luo Chu actually called Mom and said some threatening words, so scared that Mom almost died of a coronary heart attack."

"Chu'er will never do things that add insult to injury. She also said before that you have already received retribution when you were kicked out of Luo's house. Why should she do things that are superfluous? If she wanted to, she would have done it long ago, and would let you stop?

I know Chu'er's character very well. She will never offend anyone if she is not offended. What's more, she was with me all the time on the first day of the new year, and she never made any phone calls. "

When Qu Jingbo said this, Liu Qing also became suspicious, "Speaking of which, the phone number is unfamiliar, and it is not the number that Luo Chu usually uses, but the voice sounds a bit like Luo Chu's, I am not lying."

"On the first day of the new year, Amiou is here, right?"


"That's right, that day he found out that Luo Li was detained by the gambling house. On the one hand, he and Luo Ruirui went to save people, and on the other hand, he found someone to pretend to be Luo Chu to provoke Aunt Liu."

"My mother has no grievances with him, why would she do this?"

Qu Jingbo felt that Luo Li was really hopeless, if he and Luo Ruirui were half as smart as Liu Qing, they wouldn't be where they are today.

"If you can infer from what Mr. Qu said just now, Amiou did this to stimulate Ruirui, let Ruirui be used by him, and stimulate the conflict between her and Luo Chu."

Although Liu Qing didn't know why An Miou wanted Luo Ruirui to take the blame, if Qu Jingbo didn't lie, that was the purpose of An Miou.

Luo Li still couldn't understand, after all, in his mind, Amiou was the one who spent 500 million to save him, and he couldn't think of his savior with sinister intentions.

Several people talked for a while, and then Liu Qing got up to leave, "Mr. Qu, today I have provided you with information. If you find Luo Chu, I hope you will not blame Ruirui in the future. Although Ruirui has a bad temper Well, but it is easy to be used by others, and she is also bewitched by others."

"Well, please let me know anytime you have any news." Qu Jingbo admired Liu Qing's method. On the surface, she wanted to find Luo Chu for herself.

In fact, she also wanted to use herself to help her find Luo Ruirui, and in the future, she would not do anything to Luo Ruirui because she had provided information.

It's a pity that Liu Qing didn't use her intelligence on the right way when she was young, and she ended up with nothing in her later years.

As long as Luo Chu can be found, why should he have trouble with Luo Ruirui?Besides, if Luo Ruirui knew An Mio's true thoughts, it would be enough to make her suffer.

After seeing off the two of them, Qu Jingbo let out a long breath. Although Luo Chu's whereabouts were not known yet, at least he was sure that Luo Chu was still alive.

Luo Ruirui's facial expression is not tense, which means that her life is not in danger for the time being. She said that she has no signal on the boat, and the background is a sea. Maybe which boat they are on.

If the geographical location of the mobile phone can be found out, and then analyzed from the geographical location, there may be whereabouts.

Qu Jingbo can't do anything now and can only wait for news from Guibo. After a while, Guibo called him.

The phone rang once and Qu Jingbo immediately picked it up, "How is it?"

"Which one should listen to first, the bad news or the good news?"

"Bad news." First the bad and then the good, Qu Jingbo can no longer accept the blow.

"Okay, the bad news is that the calling card is now sunk in the sea, which means that it has never been used after making the call, and the sea area is open in all directions, and you can go anywhere, but you can't tell where the ship went in the end from there. "

"What about the good news?"

"The good news is that I asked the technician to zoom in on that picture, and there are several buildings in the lower left corner, and a rough sign was made with special means.

You're lucky, the person in the technical department happened to have a hometown there, so he recognized it at a glance, otherwise we really don't know what it is. "

Qu Jingbo felt that he was one step closer to finding Luo Chu, "Where is there?"

"It's a relatively backward small county town. There is a small port there. Some passing ships will replenish water and food there. You can go there to try your luck and maybe you will gain something."

"What about the phone number?"

"The phone number is from a foreign country, so I have asked someone to check it with someone from abroad. I believe it will take some time. Don't worry."

"Guibo, I really want to thank you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to get this photo."

"Thank you so much? You are Sihan's friend, that is, my friend. But I may not have time to accompany you to the port. I have something to do here. I will send you the address."

"Okay, go get busy if you have something to do, and I'll call you again if there's anything else to do." Qu Jingbo heard Sihan mention before that Ghost Potter's vacation is to settle lifelong affairs, and she can't disturb him. He has already helped enough.

"Success." Ghost Bo hung up the phone.

Soon Guibo sent a string of addresses. That county didn't have an airport or a high-speed rail, so Qu Jingbo immediately asked someone to book a train ticket to set off.

The train takes more than five hours. Qu Jingbo sits on the train and looks at the scenery passing by outside. Four years ago, he missed Luo Chu and let her go. He suffered so much. This time he must find her sooner. , will not let her leave again.

It was already afternoon when he rushed to the small county town, Qu Jingbo ate something casually on the train, got off the train and went straight to the port.

When he arrived at the port, although it was his first time to come to this kind of place, Qu Jingbo didn't feel strange at all, just because Luo Chu had stayed there before.

Fortunately, this port is not too big, so there should not be too many ships passing by. If only one ship passed by that morning, someone might be able to find out if they saw it.

After all, if Liu Qing didn't come, he wouldn't know these clues. God was kind to him. When Qu Jingbo arrived at the port, there were several fishing boats moored in the port, and the place looked deserted.

Qu Jingbo stepped forward to inquire about the people nearby. He first observed the people nearby, and generally chose older people who had stayed here for a long time.

"Old man, what are you doing here?" He walked towards an old man who was smoking a cigarette and sitting on the steps looking at the sea.

"Waiting for the sunset, I just come here to look at the sea every day when I have nothing to do, watch the sunrise and sunset, young man, what are you doing here?" The old man looked at Qu Jingbo.

"Old man, I'm here to find my fiancée, who also likes the sea."

"Oh? What about her?"

"I accidentally lost her, so now I need to find her back, old man, are you willing to help me?"

"What can I, a bad old man, do to help you?"

"The thing is like this..." Qu Jingbo said briefly.

Only then did the old man understand, "At nine o'clock in the morning on the 22nd, let me think about it. There seem to be two boats at that point, but I don't know which boat your fiancée is on."

"What do the two boats look like?"

"One is a passenger ship and the other is a black ship."

Passenger ships can definitely be ruled out, so it must be the black boat, "Old man, what kind of black boat do you recognize?"

"There are black sails on the ship, and there is no flag of any sign, but I think the ship is not simple, it should not be a serious ship."

"What about a non-decent ship?"

"You young people may not know it now, but I grew up by the sea. Seven or eighty years ago, it was not a legal society like it is now, and it was very chaotic.

Bandits and pirates were rampant. At that time, my hometown was still a small fishing village, and sometimes there would be some pirate ships parked outside our village.

Those pirate ships hung the flags of skulls or sharp knives, and some black cloths were hung on the ships. I saw the ship that morning and knew it must be a pirate ship.

Although there is no skeleton flag hanging on it, I found out that the ship has a fort. Now that the arms and guns are so strictly controlled, they dare not even go up the mountain to shoot a bird. Who dares to install cannons on the ship?

The people who got off the ship were all dressed in sloppy clothes, and they didn't look like serious people, young man, if your fiancée falls into the hands of pirates, you will never get it back. "The old man exhaled a puff of smoke, his eyes full of vicissitudes, as if recalling his past.

All of Qu Jingbo's fantasies were also shattered at this moment, "Old man, did you read it wrong? How could there be pirates now?"

"Although I am old, my eyes and ears are neither blind nor deaf. I can see clearly. There is a high probability that it is a pirate ship.

Our port is small, and there are many ships passing by, but very few dock. Most ships will choose to call at large ports.

The current tourism industry is so developed that tourists can only disembark when the big port docks on the shore. Our broken port can be seen at a glance, and passing ships rarely dock.

Only pirate ships dare not go in and out of big ports casually will choose small ports like ours to supply water, so I will not be wrong. "

pirate!It turned out to be a pirate!

Qu Jingbo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, no wonder Luo Ruirui didn't dare to reveal her position, and no one asked Liu Qing and the others for ransom.

Maybe... the condition is not money, but that they stay on board!
The boat was full of men, and Qu Jingbo didn't even dare to think about how Luo Chu would live on such a boat. With Luo Chu's temperament, if she was pushed into a hurry, she would rather die than submit, otherwise she would suffer.

Chu'er, you must live, no matter how you live, I will find you, I will find you.

Qu Jingbo was terrified, but he became more determined to find Luo Chu as soon as possible and not let her suffer on the boat.

"Supply water and food? Then where did they go to resupply?" Qu Jingbo found some clues. Now many stores have installed surveillance cameras. If they can call out the surveillance cameras and capture those people, there may be a chance to find more clues. .

"You can go to the store near here and ask."

"Okay, thank you sir." Qu Jingbo looked at the nearby shop and walked in quickly.

When he walked into the small shop, everyone was attracted by his appearance, "Sir, do you want to buy something?" Everyone looked straight at such a handsome man.

"Boss, I want to see the surveillance on the morning of the 22nd."

As soon as she heard that he didn't buy anything, the face of the proprietress immediately changed, "There is no surveillance in my store."

"It should be like this." Qu Jingbo took out a few hundred yuan casually, and the proprietress's eyes lit up and she nodded repeatedly.

"I just misremembered. Our store has surveillance cameras. I'll call them out for you right away." Seeing the open-eyed proprietress, she was very happy, and immediately went to call Qu Jingbo's surveillance cameras.

The business in the store was not good, so it wouldn't take too much effort to find it. Sure enough, Qu Jingbo found someone dressed like a pirate during that time period.

It's not that they dress like pirates, but that they don't pay too much attention to their appearance when they are drifting at sea all year round, and their beards and hair are longer than ordinary people.

Qu Jingbo exported the video and passed it to Gui Bo to see if he could find out the identity of this person.

It's a pity that he didn't know what the ship looked like, otherwise it would be much simpler. He could only simply draw a rough hull diagram based on the old man's dictation.

The old man said that the boat went to the south, so Qu Jingbo had to let Guibo pass on the order, and when he encountered a boat similar to this one, he stopped the boat immediately for inspection.

The sea area was not very calm either. All the coast guards thought it was a big case of drug smuggling and drug trafficking, and strictly followed the orders issued by the headquarters above.

The checkpoints on the sea also started to move, we must find the pirate ship.

In order to find Luo Chu, Qu Jingbo and others worked hard and laid a net. They must find Luo Chu in the shortest possible time. The sea is not like the road, and there are surveillance cameras everywhere on the road. Finding a car is easy and easy.

There is no signal at sea, how easy is it to find a black ship painted in manuscript?Rao is much better than before, at least now I can find some clues.

Luo Chu, who was at sea, didn't know what Qu Jingbo had done for her, but she could imagine that Qu Jingbo would be very anxious.

A person fell into the sea for no reason, he must be anxious and nervous, and now there is no signal at sea to tell him that he is still alive.

For the sake of the baby in her belly, Luo Chu didn't dare to be too nervous. If she was better at home, she could see what pregnant women should pay attention to. There is no Internet or mobile phones on this boat.

Luo Chu relied on Mrs. Zhang to tell her some things. Luo Chu felt novel and curious when she was pregnant for the first time. Obviously her stomach was still so flat, and there was a little life inside.

Every day the little life will grow a little bigger, and gradually her belly will grow bigger and bigger. Luo Chu is full of expectations for what her child will look like.

And Wu Qi was too embarrassed to share a room with her after she woke up, fearing that she might need something at night, Aunt Zhang temporarily exchanged rooms with him.

So Luo Chu didn't know that she slept with Wu Qi for those three days. She regarded Wu Qi as a caring elder brother.

Because being on the boat was rather boring, Luo Chu always wanted to do something, and it happened that she had a new inspiration.

"Brother Wu, do you have brushes and paper on board?" Luo Chu wanted to finish the unfinished design draft.

"Paintbrush? Were you a painter or a designer?"

"I can't talk about a painter or a designer. I just like painting more. I'm bored on the boat and want to do something to pass the time."

"We are all a bunch of rough people, let me ask for you." As long as it was Luo Chu's request, Wu Qi would satisfy, and he forcibly took away a set of painting tools that Pirate C bought for his son.

When he gave the painting tools to Luo Chu, Luo Chu was very happy to see the complete painting tools, so that he could create a lot of design drafts.

At that time, I'm not afraid that Gore will urge me to hand over things again. Seeing her holding a knife, Wu Qi's face immediately changed, "What are you going to do?"

"Sharpen your pencil."

Wu Qi also felt that his behavior just now was too aggressive, "Ahem, let me sharpen it for you." He quickly snatched the pen and knife from Luo Chu's hand.

Seeing him, a big man, sharpen her pencils carefully, this picture is very cute, he carefully sharpened one for Luo Chu, "Okay."

"Thank you, Brother Wu." Luo Chu first practiced on the paper proficiently, and Wu Qi peeled off the other colored pencils by the way.

The two chatted one after another, but what Wu Qi was most curious about was about her fiancé, so she deliberately changed the topic to this, "Tell me about your fiancé, how did you meet?"

When Qu Jingbo Luochu was mentioned, the corners of his mouth slightly twitched, "We also met at sea..."

Luo Chu began to talk, Wu Qi heard the story of the two, he did not expect that the rich and powerful man would be so infatuated, waiting for her for so many years.

But this time was different from before, he didn't even know that Luo Chu was still alive, how could a living person wait for a dead person all his life?

"Brother Wu, tell me your story."

" story is very ordinary, and I have nothing to tell like everyone else." Wu Qi didn't want to tell Luo Chu that they were pirates.

After being pregnant for three years, Luo Chu would have discovered the clues long ago. Now she is immersed in her pregnancy, and she is very happy.

The people on board were very enthusiastic about her, especially Wu Qi. Luo Chu didn't think about other aspects at all.

Everyone has their own secrets, and Luo Chu didn't continue to ask, but there were more and more manuscripts in her hand.

"Brother Wu, take a look at the wedding ring I designed, do you think it looks good?"

She took out the latest draft, Wu Qi didn't understand art but thought it was very beautiful, the ring was made up of two abstract lines of dolphins, and the dolphins had the shape of a bouquet of flowers on top.

"Very beautiful, is this a dolphin?" Wu Qi pointed to the abstract lines, and he saw the unique design at a glance.

"Yes, in fact, I also designed ten kinds when I was at home, but now I have overturned the previous concepts and redesigned them." Luo Chu replied.

"The source saved your dolphins?"

"Well, I was in a coma and couldn't see those cute little dolphins. I will remember their kindness to me in this life." Luo Chu stroked the design draft with his fingers.

She never thought that one day she would be rescued by dolphins, and such a thing that ordinary people would never encounter in their entire lives was met by her.

After that, she occasionally saw some dolphins when she was on the boat, and every time she would throw something to the dolphins.

Luo Ruirui has to work hard every day, while Luo Chu is surrounded by people and lives a completely opposite life to her.

Finally, after the boat sailed for more than half a month, Wu Qi was finally about to dock. It is impossible for the boat to float on the sea for a lifetime.

Once it lands, it means that he will have a showdown with Luo Chu, "Brother Wu, I heard that we are going to land soon, right?"

"Yes." Wu Qi's expression was serious.

Luo Chu was so happy that he was about to dance, "Brother Wu, do you have a mobile phone? You should have a signal when you land in a while. It has been 20 days since I fell into the sea. My family doesn't know how much to worry. I have to Say hello to them."

"..." Wu Qi bit her lip and did not answer.

"What's the matter, Brother Wu? Don't you have a mobile phone? It doesn't matter if you don't. I can go ashore and ask someone to borrow it. Brother Bo will come to me then."

"I won't let you go." Wu Qi said suddenly.

Luo Chu didn't realize it for a while, she thought that Wu Qi was reluctant to part with her, "Brother Wu, there is no feast that never ends. Although we are very happy together these days, I am also very reluctant to part with you, but in the future you can also You often come to City A to look for me."

"No, I mean not to let you leave my side." Wu Qi raised his head and looked straight into Luo Chu's eyes.

Luo Chu was a little confused, so, "Brother Wu, you, what do you mean? Why don't you let me go?"

Wu Qi suddenly took a step forward and held her hand, and said seriously: "Because I like you, I fell in love with you deeply from the first time I saw you, I have decided in this life, so I Won't let you go."

Luo Chu only felt a bang in his head, after all, the elder brother she had been calling for, now Wu Qi actually said that he liked her!

"No, no, it's not true." It's not that Luo Chu has never met someone who confessed to her, but now she has a child and a fiance, and Wu Qi, who she only regards as her bosom brother, clearly knows.

"Chu'er, I really love you. I know it's good for you if your fiancé is rich. Maybe my money is not as much as his, but it's enough for us to live comfortably.

I will be nice to you, even to the unborn child in your womb. If you don't like my job, I just don't do it.

You can live in any country you want, as long as you promise me, I will become what you want. "Wu Qi grabbed Luo Chu's hand tightly.

Luo Chu pumped it several times without taking his hand out, "Brother Wu, you hurt me."

"Yes, I'm sorry." Wu Qi quickly let go, Luo Chu couldn't laugh anymore, she saw the seriousness in Wu Qi's eyes, he really liked her, and he didn't lie.

"Brother Wu, it's wrong for you to do this. If you really like someone, it shouldn't be possession, but fulfillment. I don't love you."

"Chu'er, I know it's wrong for me to do this, but I can't restrain myself from not loving you. I want to see you, and I can see you every day!"

"Brother Wu, if you say such things again, I will hate you. You are a good person and a lifesaver for me and my children. I don't want to hate you." Luo Chu frowned.

"Even if I want to be hated by you, I can't help it, Chu'er, I will not let you go in this lifetime, even if you are unhappy, I will not let you go, I'm sorry." Wu Qi turned around and was about to leave.

Luo Chu's smile towards him before disappeared at this moment, and he also knew what he would look like once he confessed, but he couldn't let her go.

"Wu Qi, restricting personal freedom is against the law." Luo Chu's voice became cold.

"For you, I will not hesitate to kill people. I am not afraid of breaking the law, because my very existence has already violated the law." Wu Qi stopped and turned to look at Luo Chu with a serious face.

"You..." Luo Chu looked at him in confusion.

"Because the ship you boarded is not an ordinary ship, I don't think you would want to know the name."

"What is it?" Luo Chu's heart suddenly tightened. When she looked at Wu Qi again, her eyes were a little flustered. She had a premonition that what Wu Qi would say next might make her unacceptable.

Wu Qi stared into her eyes and said word by word: "Because this is a pirate ship, everyone on this ship is an out-and-out pirate, and I am the captain of this ship and the leader of the pirates."

Luo Chu's eyes widened. To be honest, her experience in the first half of her life was already exciting enough, but she had never encountered a pirate. The word pirate only existed in books or movies.

The word "pirate" has always been associated with bad things. In her impression, pirates should also be extremely vicious, but although the people on board are rude, everyone is very enthusiastic.

Wu Qi is a person with a tough appearance and a soft heart. This image of a pirate is incompatible with her impression.

Seeing Luo Chu's dumbfounded expression, Wu Qi finally said: "Once you get on this boat, you will never have the chance to disembark again."

Luo Chu was dumbfounded on the spot, Wu Qi turned and left, Luo Chu heard him ordering outside: "Look out for her, she will be docking soon, don't let her get off the boat."

He was like a pirate when he gave important orders, not the kind-hearted elder brother in front of Luo Chu at all.

"Wu Qi, why are you doing this to me? I have no grievances with you, I don't belong to you!" She was anxious, Wu Qi meant it.

What about the child in her womb?If he didn't contact Qu Jingbo all the time, he would really think that he was dead, and his grandfather was old, how could he bear this kind of fright.

"Now you don't belong to me. One day in the future, you will be mine sooner or later. I will go ashore immediately. I can buy whatever you need."

"I don't want to stay on the boat, I want to go home, I want to go home!" Luo Chu's personality changed a lot after she got pregnant, and she was easily agitated. If she had been able to maintain rational thinking at any time before.

Seeing the tears falling from her eyes, Wu Qi wiped her tears with distress, "Don't cry, I don't want to hurt you."

Luo Chu opened his hand. If she used to think that it was the kind brother comforting her, now she knows what kind of heart he has.

"Do not touch me!"

The coldness and alienation in Luo Chu's eyes made Wu Qi feel very sad. He didn't want to go to this point, but what could he do.

These days he has been struggling in his heart, should he let her go or keep her by his side?The more he gets along with her, the more he can't let go. She is so good, he just wants her to stay by his side.

"Chu'er, don't do anything stupid, even if you don't think about it yourself, you have to think about the child in your belly."

Wu Qi is a smart person, he knows that just relying on others to watch Luo Chu is not safe, only that child is her most important tie.

If there is no child, Luo Chu may do some extreme things to escape, but now that she has a child, she dare not!

This child, who was conceived with great difficulty, was regarded as a treasure by her even before it was born, and she was reluctant to let the child suffer a little.

Moreover, the first three months were the most dangerous time. Many women had miscarriages in the first three months. Luo Chu had already narrowly escaped death once, so she didn't dare to bet on her child again.

Wu Qi left, Luo Chu looked at his back and bit his lip fiercely, why didn't she see his true face earlier!

"Miss Luo, you'd better stay on board obediently, the boss will definitely treat you well." The pirate on the side persuaded, she thought they were all villains now that she thought they were kind.

Aunt Zhang brought her food, "Today I steamed egg custard for you, try it, after a while the water source and food are replenished, I can cook fresh dishes for you."

Luo Chu didn't even look at it, and knocked over the egg custard, "Do you want to lock me up on the boat for the rest of your life?"

Such an irritable Luo Chu is completely different from the gentle and watery one before. Mrs. Zhang has noticed something, and she must be about to land soon. Luo Chu is about to leave Wu Qi for a showdown.

It was inevitable that she would get angry. If she knew the truth, she would have to overturn the whole ship.

"Of course not, Chu girl, I can't say anything about emotional matters, but I have watched Xiao Wu grow up.

He has never been tempted by anyone, and finally fell in love with you, you, he is reluctant to let go.

It is understandable for you to blame him, but that child really has no ill intentions towards you, he just loves you too much. "

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