Lin Shao's Love Symphony

236. One wrong step

Luo Ruirui lay limp on the ground, she didn't expect that even Master Lei, the life-saving straw, would disappear because of Luo Chu's relationship.

Luo Chu, Luo Chu, why is it the damn Luo Chu again!She recited this name thousands of times in her heart, because she became like this, and she will continue to have an influence on herself.

Luo Ruirui came down from the stairs in a listless state, and Lei Li was already sitting at the dining table.

The other women were all sitting at the other table, and he was the only one at the big table. He was like a monarch who ruled the world, with no one around him, lonely and cold.

"Miss Luo, sit down and have breakfast together." The butler was always smiling.

Luo Ruirui shook her head, "Don't bother me." There was no reason for her to stay here, and Lei Li just now made it very clear that he would not save himself.

"Then I'll arrange a car to take you off. There's no taxi here, let alone today is the first day of the Chinese New Year. There must be no taxis at this point." The butler is a caring and caring person.

"Thank you." Luo Ruirui didn't refuse this request, and she didn't know how many days she would have to walk with her own legs.

When Luo Ruirui walked out of the villa, the snow outside hadn't stopped, and she stayed in the air-conditioned room all night, and when she came out, she was chilled by a gust of cool wind.

Snowflakes fluttered one after another, it was clearly such a beautiful scene, but Luo Ruirui felt extremely cold in her heart.

The car left slowly, and the driver knew her after seeing her off several times before, "Miss Luo, where are you going?"

"I..." Luo Ruirui suddenly didn't know where to go, she hardly slept all night, her face still had yesterday's makeup, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

She had no choice but to report the place name of her apartment, she should go back and take a shower and rest, she felt that she was going to be overwhelmed.

She dragged her exhausted body back to the apartment. When she was at Luo's house, Liu Qingmei called for a beauty sleep, and she usually didn't get up until ten o'clock.

Later, she was kicked out of Luo's house and went to prison soon. Now she has no habit of sleeping in, and she feels very insecure.

Even if there is a small movement at night, she will wake up, and she wakes up very early in the morning.

When Luo Ruirui came home, she saw Liu Qing sitting alone at the dining table eating glutinous rice balls, "Ruirui is back? Just right, I had nothing to do last night and made a lot of glutinous rice balls, come and eat."

"Mom, I'm going to take a shower first."

"Okay, hurry up, I'll cook glutinous rice balls for you now, it won't be long." Liu Qing hadn't noticed Luo Ruirui's unusually depressed mood yet.

"Yeah." Luo Ruirui quickly went back to the room to take a shower, she came out wearing warm pajamas, Liu Qing happily waved to her, "Come here and try my handicraft, you have never tried my handicrafts at your age. Did you wrap the glutinous rice balls yourself?"

"I haven't tasted it. In the past, I just ordered what I wanted to eat at Luo's house. Mom, have you ever cooked before?" Luo Ruirui also had a sad face when she said this.

"Don't talk about it, isn't Mom still alive now? After these things, I really understand a truth, gold and silver are not as important as freedom and health.

This was when I was at home when I was a child, and your grandma told me to knead the dough and make glutinous rice balls. Come on, eat glutinous rice balls in the new year, we all want to be reunited, and Li'er is the same, and he doesn't go home on the first day of the thirty. "

Liu Qing complained softly, but she didn't mean to blame him in her words. In Liu Qing's heart, Luo Li would always be just her son who didn't grow up.

Hearing her mention Luo Li and Luo Ruirui felt very sad, and took a bite of the glutinous rice balls, which were filled with brown sugar.

"Now the glutinous rice balls are fruit glutinous rice balls bought in supermarkets, sesame glutinous rice balls and peanut glutinous rice balls, and few people make brown sugar glutinous rice balls by themselves.

Mom still remembers sitting at the wooden table when I was a child, and your grandmother babbled and taught me. It has been so many years, and you are all so old. "

Liu Qing seldom misses her family when she was in the Luo family, but now that she is quiet, she thinks about the past from time to time, especially when she was a child.

"Mom, why don't you ever tell us about grandma and grandpa? It's been so many years, we've never seen them."

"Ruirui, it's not that mom doesn't say anything, there is a reason for it. Mom was always at the top when she was studying. Mom is the pride of our family.

Later, Mom passed the entrance examination to the best high school in the city. Your grandma and grandpa were very happy. It's a pity that Mom came to the big city from that poor little place. Like many people, she didn't resist the prosperity of the big city.

The friends around me have changed. They are no longer dressed in ordinary clothes like the friends I used to know. They laugh at the coarse cloth skirt I wear.

No matter how good my grades were, I was ridiculed as a little girl, and people in big cities looked down on me. "

"Mom..." Luo Ruirui was deeply moved when she heard her talk about the past for the first time.

"At first I thought my studies were everything, then I didn't want to be told that and I started dressing up.

Your grandfather and grandmother's family is just an ordinary family. It is not easy for them to provide for my education, and the living expenses they give me are only enough for daily expenses.

I can only buy street stalls. I am good-looking and tall, and I attract a lot of attention when I dress up a bit.

The boys lined up to strike up a conversation with me, ask me out to play, and gave me gifts, while the girls were jealous of me and continued to laugh at me for only wearing street clothes.

At that time, I was not convinced. They were born better than me. I must change all this.

I started to use my vacations and weekends to make money by myself, and it was when I was working part-time outside that I met a man who changed my whole life.

He is a married man, but he proposed to give me 3000 yuan a month as a maintenance fee. In our era, [-] yuan was a sky-high price!

I started to wear and carry name tags, and no one dared to underestimate me anymore. I put my mind on these things, and my academic performance plummeted.

In the second semester of my second year of high school, I had already dropped to the last few places. At that time, I thought that the purpose of graduating and going to college is to make money anyway, and there is nothing wrong with me being able to make money in advance now.

I enjoyed that kind of life very much, until I got pregnant unexpectedly, the man who took care of me had a wife and child, and his wife ran to the school to make a big fuss when she found out about it.

The school expelled me, and my parents felt disgraced and reprimanded me severely.

After being fired, I didn't want to stay in a small place for the rest of my life. I went back to the big city to find a job. The job I was looking for at the beginning was more formal. I hated it because it was tiring and hard.

I was introduced by someone to go to a nightclub to accompany drinks. Although it is cheap, the money is quick. I want to find a long-term meal ticket, where I can meet rich people.

Who would have thought that if one step is wrong, mom will be wrong for the rest of her life..."

In the past, Luo Ruirui only knew that Liu Qing's past career might not be very good, after all, how many mistresses were good women.

But that was just her guess, it was the first time she heard Liu Qing really tell her about her past.

It was the same as she imagined but different from her imagination, "Mom, it's not your fault, it's those people who like to laugh at others."

"Why don't you blame me? It was great to be able to pass the college entrance examination at the time of my mother, especially in our small place, there are people who went out to work before finishing junior high school or elementary school.

When your mother was admitted to the best high school in the city, your grandparents were overjoyed. Anyone who graduated from that school could go to a university no matter what.

Your grandfather put so much effort into me. If I hadn't been dazzled by money and material things, I would have been admitted to university, and I would definitely have a bright future when I came out.

It is only my fault that I was too young to withstand the temptation of money and enjoy the material conditions that I only had later.

The person who took care of me would definitely not marry me. I had an abortion by myself and was expelled from school. Your grandma cried for a few days until her eyes were red.

I will always remember how lonely and helpless I was lying on the cold operating table, but what I thought at the time was not that I was wrong, but that the world was unfair.

It was they who were jealous of me and ridiculed me that pushed me to this point step by step, so I continued to work hard by myself later.

When your grandpa and grandma knew what I was doing, they thought I was stubborn and ignorant, so they completely cut their hearts against me, kicked me out, and didn't want me to go home.

Our family has been a scholarly family for generations, and our ancestors also had ancestors who were high officials. They can't afford to lose me.

And I felt that they didn't understand me, so I got angry and didn't go back. At that time, I made a lot of money, and I was addicted to that kind of life, and I couldn't care less about homesickness.

It wasn't until now that I have fallen into this situation, and I have you, so I understand what your grandpa and grandma were thinking back then.

Perhaps their biggest wish is not how much money I have and how rich I can live, but that I can live in good health and not forgetting my roots.

I failed their hopes and did not demand the so-called propriety, righteousness and shame, and thus became what I am now. They are right.

When I break up other people's families, I do things that will be punished. It's not that there is no retribution but that the time has not yet come.

At that time, I only felt that one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. It was a matter of mutual consent. What was wrong with me?
It turns out that the retribution is not on me, but on you, Ruirui, can you promise your mother that you will be an ordinary person in the future, let's not take revenge or anything, and just live our own lives, okay? "

In the past, Luo Ruirui only knew that Liu Qing's past career might not be very good, after all, how many mistresses were good women.

But that was just her guess, it was the first time she heard Liu Qing really tell her about her past.

It was the same as she imagined but different from her imagination, "Mom, it's not your fault, it's those people who like to laugh at others."

"Why don't you blame me? It was great to be able to pass the college entrance examination at the time of my mother, especially in our small place, there are people who went out to work before finishing junior high school or elementary school.

When your mother was admitted to the best high school in the city, your grandparents were overjoyed. Anyone who graduated from that school could go to a university no matter what.

Your grandfather put so much effort into me. If I hadn't been dazzled by money and material things, I would have been admitted to university, and I would definitely have a bright future when I came out.

It is only my fault that I was too young to withstand the temptation of money and enjoy the material conditions that I only had later.

The person who took care of me would definitely not marry me. I had an abortion by myself and was expelled from school. Your grandma cried for a few days until her eyes were red.

I will always remember how lonely and helpless I was lying on the cold operating table, but what I thought at the time was not that I was wrong, but that the world was unfair.

It was they who were jealous of me and ridiculed me that pushed me to this point step by step, so I continued to work hard by myself later.

When your grandpa and grandma knew what I was doing, they thought I was stubborn and ignorant, so they completely cut their hearts against me, kicked me out, and didn't want me to go home.

Our family has been a scholarly family for generations, and our ancestors also had ancestors who were high officials. They can't afford to lose me.

And I felt that they didn't understand me, so I got angry and didn't go back. At that time, I made a lot of money, and I was addicted to that kind of life, and I couldn't care less about homesickness.

It wasn't until now that I have fallen into this situation, and I have you, so I understand what your grandpa and grandma were thinking back then.

Perhaps their biggest wish is not how much money I have and how rich I can live, but that I can live in good health and not forgetting my roots.

I failed their hopes and did not demand the so-called propriety, righteousness and shame, and thus became what I am now. They are right.

When I break up other people's families, I do things that will be punished. It's not that there is no retribution but that the time has not yet come.

At that time, I only felt that one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer. It was a matter of mutual consent. What was wrong with me?
It turns out that the retribution is not on me, but on you, Ruirui, can you promise your mother that you will be an ordinary person in the future, let's not take revenge or anything, and just live our own lives, okay? "

The life she despised the most in the past has now become what she yearns for the most, and there is nothing wrong with an ordinary life.

Luo Ruirui nodded, "OK."

"Look at me, I am so talkative just eating a few glutinous rice balls, the glutinous rice balls are cold, eat it quickly, taste whether it is sweet or not, I remember that when you were young, you and Li'er liked sweets the most.

I had a toothache when I was only five years old, and after I had two decayed teeth pulled out, I didn’t dare to eat sweets anymore. I saved a few for Li’er, and cooked them for him when he came back.

When I was a child, my parents asked me to eat glutinous rice balls, and I still thought they were old-fashioned. Eating glutinous rice balls will make you happy?Now that I have you, I realize that this is just a beautiful spiritual sustenance. "

Liu Qing has been talking a lot lately, maybe she has changed after she got out of the prison, she wants to cherish every minute and every second with her child in the rest of her life.

Luo Ruirui bit the glutinous rice balls, and the brown sugar flowed into her mouth, it was soft and sticky, even sweet, but her expression was not happy at all.

Hearing what Liu Qing said, tears fell into the bowl one by one. Liu Qing saw her drooping face, "Why are you crying? Ruirui, is someone bullying you?"

"Mom, no, it's nothing. I just thought about our time in Luo's family." Luo Ruirui hurriedly made up a lie, and she absolutely must not let Liu Qing know about it.

With Liu Qing's current physical and psychological endurance, she absolutely cannot withstand this blow, and she doesn't want to hurt Liu Qing again.

If there is really retribution, she feels that all of this is enough, and the other things will be borne by herself as a child.

"Yeah, we used to have enough food and clothing in Luo's house, and we were used to staying in one place if we wanted the wind or the rain, but of course we are not used to it now.

Ruirui, you have to slowly adjust your mentality. Our era has passed. In fact, this is not a bad thing. You see, you are more sensible than before. If you make mistakes, you will have gains. "

Liu Qing has already learned to have fun while suffering, from being unwilling at the beginning to now getting used to it, Luo Ruirui hastily wiped away her tears.

"Well, if there is a loss, there must be a gain."

"Don't worry, Feng Shui takes turns, no one will always be lucky, and no one will always be unlucky, Mom believes this now.

Suffering is only temporary. We have already experienced such painful suffering, and we will never suffer more in the future. I believe that good luck will surely come. "

Luo Ruirui murmured: "Feng Shui turns around, yes, Feng Shui turns around, suffering is only temporary."

"That's right, mom won't talk anymore, you can eat quickly." Liu Qing smiled gently.

Luo Ruirui quickly ate the glutinous rice balls, met Shang Liuqing's gentle eyes, "Mom, I think you have changed."

"Silly boy, a flower has countless changes in its short life from flower bud to withering, not to mention us humans, people will change."

"In the past, my mother only knew how to pamper us blindly and never reasoned with us. Now you have learned to comfort others." Luo Ruirui felt that Liu Qing is more realistic now.

"That's because my mother didn't grow up before, and people always have to go through setbacks to fully grow up." Liu Qing patted Luo Ruirui's head.


"How is that child? If it's good, take it home another day and show it to mom. Mom doesn't expect you to find someone rich, as long as she treats you well." Liu Qing said softly.

"I'll bring him back when I'm free. He also wants to visit you, and he's very nice, really nice." Luo Ruirui's expression changed a little when she mentioned Amiou.

"Looking at you like this, I know he should be good."

"Mom will know when he comes. By the way, I'll go out later. Don't call my brother for now. He told me yesterday."

"This kid is really serious. He's still playful at such a big age. Remember to go home early."

"Okay mom." Luo Ruirui originally wanted to take a break, but she couldn't be at peace until Luo Li's matter was resolved, so she hurriedly changed her clothes and went out.

Luo Ruirui felt much better after eating the warm glutinous glutinous rice balls, and she felt refreshed after taking a bath. She is not in the worst situation yet, and she is not desperate.

Lei Li couldn't help, so she had to go to Luo Hou. The last thing happened was that Luo Hou helped.

Although he has broken ties with the Lin family, the emaciated camel is bigger than the horse, maybe he still has some hidden assets.

At the beginning, he was able to spend tens of millions casually, which meant that his family was rich. He would definitely not stand idly by if something happened to Luo Li again.

To be honest, Luo Ruirui is against Luo Hou very much, the person who has been with them all these years is Luo Chun, even though Luo Chun kicked them out later.

But in the past 21 years, Luo Jiu really had nothing to say to them, Luo Ruirui would never hate Luo Jiu if he hated anyone.

So knowing that Luo Hou had a car accident, Luo Ruirui hasn't visited Luo Hou in the past few months.

Luo Hou was lucky, he just got into a car accident and was not maimed or killed. With the careful care of Luo Mingyuan and Su Mei, he recovered well.

A few months ago, when Luo Hou woke up again, he found that he was not dead, but lying on a hospital bed.

Thinking of what happened not long ago, he came out of the hospital in a daze with the divorce agreement signed by Lin Xiulan and was hit by a car and flew out.

The piece of paper flew in the sky with him, and then fell to the ground, very much like their relationship, which finally came to an end.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, it's fine to die, but the debt he owes to Lin Xiulan can only be repaid in the next life.

The driver's yelling gradually became blurred. He thought he was going to die, but unexpectedly he survived.

"Dad, you're awake." Luo Mingyuan sat beside him, looking at him worriedly.

"Ming Yuan, you clearly know that you are not..." Luo Hou has subsidized Liu Qing and the two children a lot in private these years.

As for Luo Mingyuan, he just wanted to hug her back to make Lin Xiulan happy at first, and he didn't have much affection for Luo Mingyuan.

As the child grows up day by day, watching him slowly learn to crawl from a state of being unable to speak, the first word he can say is not mother, but father.

Luo Hou didn't care whose child he was, he also cared about him, he really regarded Luo Mingyuan as his own child.

I thought that he would leave me after knowing his life experience, and I would have nothing, but I didn't expect that Luo Mingyuan would still sit by his side and never go away.

"I call you Dad every day, and you will always be my dad. This will not change." Although Luo Mingyuan has a complicated personality and usually doesn't talk much at home, he still remembers Lin Xiulan and Luo Hou's kindness to him clearly.

"Good boy." Luo Hou felt a little comforted in his heart.

It happened that Lin Xiulan and Luo Hou both lived in the same hospital, Luo Mingyuan moved them to the same ward for the convenience of taking care of them, so as to save him and Su Mei from running around.

Lin Xiulan didn't say anything, and Luo Hou also made him fully understand one thing because of the car accident. It turned out that the person he loved was always by his side.

In the past, he only thought that Lin Xiulan was domineering at home and never gave him any masculine dignity. He hated women who had nothing to do every day.

Later he found out that Lin Xiulan treated him that way because he always worked overtime every day, fell asleep and ignored her every day when he came back.

She will find something to prove her sense of existence, to prove that she still loves her. Now that she thinks about her acting like a baby and making a fuss just to make him look at her more, Luo Hou suddenly feels that such Lin Xiulan is not at all. annoying.

Both of them were in the same ward, and they were accompanied 24 hours a day. Luo Hou and her never had a chance to speak again.

Every day, Su Mei, that darling, told jokes to liven up the atmosphere. Her laughter was low and strange, and she usually laughed by herself. Luo Mingyuan looked at her with a look like a fool.

Lin Xiulan and Luo Hou felt that it was wrong to laugh, and it was wrong to not smile. Sometimes they thought this little girl was funny and smiled.

In the past, when everyone was in good health, they rarely had the opportunity to be together. Unexpectedly, they get together every day when something happens.

Lin Xiulan's wound was either deep or shallow, and she could be discharged from the hospital and go home to recuperate after suturing.

But the Lin family was worried about something, so they simply asked her to rest in the hospital for a longer period of time, Luo Hou didn't know, this was Lin Xiulan's intention.

Even if the two of them have never had a face-to-face conversation, what she wants is to stay with him.

Their injuries were slowly recovering under the care of Luo Mingyuan and Su Mei. On this day, Su Mei was late and there were only two people in the ward.

Lin Xiulan has changed, she used to be very noisy at home, she would definitely come over when I was working, either let me play games with her, or give her a massage.

At that time, her little trick was just to interact with Luo Hou. Luo Hou used to think it was very troublesome, so she couldn't finish her own work.

It's been a long time since he saw her little coquettish, and he still misses her a little bit. Now she often looks out the window without saying a word.

She seldom touches the phone because she is a mobile phone addict, and more often than not, she makes Su Mei buy a lot of books, and she sits on the bed and reads the books without saying a word.

If Su Mei didn't speak, the whole ward was so quiet that only the sound of pages turning could be heard.

Luo Hou looked at the beautiful figure by the window, thinking that when he saw her for the first time, he was still a girl with beaming eyebrows.

When I first met her, I thought she had a straightforward personality and was very cute. Later, after the two got married, they were overwhelmed by various trivial matters, so they ignored her cuteness.

When you hate someone, even if she breathes a little harder, you will feel disgusted.

Conversely, when you like someone, even if she just sits there quietly without doing anything, you will be full of joy.

It would be great if he could be with her, be with her, and watch her for the rest of his life.

Luo Hou quietly got out of bed and limped to her side, "Xiu'er."

The person on the bed trembled, maybe he hadn't called her that for many years.

I still remember when she introduced herself, "My name is Lin Xiulan, and they all call me Lanlan and Xiaolan, but I don't like them both."

" about I call you Xiu'er?"

"Xiu'er? Okay, Miss Ben is sure."

Later, he kept calling her that way, but he didn't know when, his name became wife. Wife is a common vocabulary, but it still lacks a trace of intimacy.

She didn't look back, Luo Hou continued: "I'm sorry."

"There is no one between you and me who is sorry for anyone." Lin Xiulan didn't look back.

"The past thing is that I was wrong, I want to understand, I was sorry for you before, because I ignored your kindness to me because of work, I know you will not forgive me, but I just want to use the rest of my life to redeem my sins. "

The knock on the door sounded at this moment.

At this point, Su Mei or Luo Mingyuan usually came, Luo Hou had no choice but to say: "Xiu'er, when the two children are away, I have something to say to you."

Lin Xiulan didn't answer, but her heart was beating wildly, and Luo Hou returned to the bed.

"Come in."

The person who came in was not Luo Mingyuan or Su Mei, but a woman he really didn't want to see, Li Yulin.

She came in with a food box, Luo Hou frowned, "Why are you here?"

He has done many things to sorry Lin Xiulan these years, but he doesn't like these women who play tricks on the spot.

Anyway, they just want money and packages, and they want to stimulate and relieve stress, and win each other.

However, now he has figured it out, no matter whether the marriage is divorced or not, he will treat Lin Xiulan well to make up for the mistakes he made before.

It would be great if God was so easy to talk about. What Lin Xiulan did to Li Yulin at the beginning still makes Li Yulin brood.

Of course, Lin Xiulan also saw her. At that time, Luo Hou and Li Yulin's troubles were known all over the city. She went to the company to make a big fuss, but she didn't know that it had planted the seeds of disaster.

This world is very fair, if you do something bad, it's not that you don't report that the time has not come yet.

"I... I'll come and see you." Li Yulin walked to him.

"No, we have no relationship for a long time." Luo Hou said indifferently, not because Lin Xiulan was here to put on a show, but because he had sincerely repented.

No matter whether Lin Xiulan accepts him or not, he will not hurt Lin Xiulan again. Some things have happened long ago, and the harm is doomed long ago.

"I'm pregnant." These four words were like shocking, Lin Xiulan's face turned pale on the bed, and she held the corner of the quilt calmly with both hands.

Even if she said she wanted to give up Luo Hou, how could someone who had loved him for so long just give up?What's more, Luo Hou said that to her just now, which gave her hope again.

Li Yulin's words poured down like cold water, drenching the little flame in her heart.

"How is it possible!" Although Luo Hou has been messing around outside these years, with Liu Qing as an example, he did it very meticulously and took measures every time.

Even with this Li Yulin, it's the same. There haven't been any problems for so many years. How could there be a problem at this time?

"It may be that the condom fell off, or other reasons. In short, I am pregnant and the child is yours. If you don't believe it, you can go for a paternity test after the child is born.

I know that you and the Lin family have broken away. Anyway, you liked me so much before, so we will be together and give the child a home, okay? "Li Yulin sat beside him and said softly.

Although she said these words to Luo Hou, every word pierced Lin Xiulan like a needle.

Li Yulin was talking to Luo Hou on the surface, but in fact she had been observing Lin Xiulan's expression from the corner of her eye, and found that her expression was ugly, and the joy of revenge made her feel very happy.

She laid the groundwork for so long and finally it is useful today. The two called her a slut in front of everyone.

"Impossible!" Luo Hou said indifferently, he doesn't love Li Yulin at all, and if he didn't love in the past, he won't love now.

"Why? You're already divorced, and now you're alone, don't you need a woman by your side?"

"Li Yulin, everyone knows why you were with me in the first place. But let me tell you, if you want to use this child to gain more benefits, you may have lost your calculation.

I have already agreed to a divorce, and the two houses under my name will be transferred to Luo Li and Luo Ruirui. Besides, I will leave the house without any money.

Now I am no longer the vice president of Roche Enterprises, I can't give you the material life you want, let alone I had a car accident, such a me..."

"I don't care whether you have money or a house, I just know that you are the father of my child, you can rest at home if you are not healthy, and I will go out to find a job.

I have some savings, although not much, but enough for us to live on. I don't dislike that you are older than me, even if I take care of you later, I am willing. "

Once Li Yulin changed her previous greedy and seductive image, her words blocked Luo Hou's speech. "you……"

"I know I used to be with you for money, but not now, I found out that I fell in love with you, and I want to marry you." Li Yulin pleaded.

Every time she said a word, Lin Xiulan's heart ached. Li Yulin was a woman, and she knew too well where women's weaknesses were.

Sometimes it is not the hard knife that hurts but the soft knife. It looks soft but actually the knife is life-threatening.

Lin Xiulan was born into a wealthy family and loves Luo Hou deeply. If she didn't love him, she would have divorced Luo Hou long ago.

Did she really not know the things about Luo Hou outside these years?A woman's sixth sense is very strong, and Li Yulin guarantees that she knew it early on.

She came to the company to make a big fuss because of her incident, which made everyone in the city know about it. If it wasn't for love, she would have had to divorce at that time.

The more she loves someone, the more hurt she is now, even though Luo Chu has been persuading her to forget the past and live her own life.

Li Yulin will never forget everything she did in the company, she must take revenge, at the expense of herself, she will make Lin Xiulan regret what she did that day!
From Liu Qing to Lin Xiulan, there are her plans in it. She has laid the net for so long and it is finally time to collect the net. This is a good time to be happy.

The time Luo Hou and Li Yulin have been together can be long or short. She is clearly a materialistic gold digger. Now she suddenly says that she doesn't want money and needs to take care of herself. This is simply impossible.

"It's impossible for me to give you a home. You should go and fight this child."

"This is your child, do you really have the heart?" What Li Yulin didn't care about was a child. The child was her bargaining chip, her revenge against Lin Xiulan!

"I don't know how the child in your womb came about, and I don't know what your intentions are. In short, we have nothing to do with each other."

"Okay, if you don't want this child, I will give birth to it myself." Li Yulin threw down the lunch box and left.

After she left, there was a dead silence in the room, Luo Hou said: "Xiu'er, I..."

"You don't need to say anything. We have already agreed to a divorce. As long as you and I are discharged from the hospital, we can apply for a divorce certificate. I will not hinder you from pursuing your happiness now." Lin Xiulan's lips were already red from being bitten by herself.

"Xiu'er, I used to mess around outside, but now I..."

"Luo Hou, you have failed many people, are you going to continue to fail her? She has your child in her belly!"

When Lin Xiulan turned her head and Luo Hou saw that her eyes were flushed and tears were rolling in her eyes, she tried her best not to let the tears fall.

"Xiu'er, you..." Luo Hou didn't expect her to react like this, if she didn't know what ugly words she would say before, what kind of crazy behavior would she do.

But today she told herself not to let Li Yulin down, even though she was already so sad.

The greatest pain in Lin Xiulan's heart was not that Luo Hou betrayed her, but that she herself had lost her fertility and she had no children.

Although Luo Mingyuan treated the two of them like their biological parents, the biggest regret in her life was that she didn't give birth to Luo Hou's child, but by accident, other women had his child.

As a mother, no matter how much Lin Xiulan hated Li Yulin or Liu Qing, she never vented her anger on her children.

At that time, when Luo Hou said that he would give Luo Li and Luo Ruirui two houses, she did not veto the proposal. This was what Luo Hou owed her, not what the two children owed her.

Lin Xiulan didn't say much, but left the house to them. Now that Li Yulin has his child, no matter how much she hates that woman, this child is innocent.

"We are already divorced. Since she doesn't dislike you for having no money and no house, then you should stay with her, give her a home, and give the child a father." Lin Xiulan clutched the quilt tightly, she had already made her biggest concession .

As she said before, she let go, and she has changed a lot after going through these things. Love is not just possession. Since she can't get this man with all her efforts, she might as well let go.

"Xiu'er, I love..." Luo Hou was eager to explain that he had done wrong to Lin Xiulan all these years, and he realized that he wanted to make up for her, but Li Yulin came out again.

"Uncle and aunt, are you hungry? Today I specially made black chicken soup for you." Su Mei came in with a food box.

"Come on, the soup you made for my mother last time made me want to throw up, don't lie to me." Luo Mingyuan's blowing voice sounded.

During this period of time, they have also gotten used to the way Luo Mingyuan and Su Mei get along. If they used to smile at each other, but today when Su Mei and Luo Mingyuan came in, they saw Lin Xiulan wiping away tears, her eyes were red, and Luo Hou's expression was also very serious. complex.

The two used to quarrel all the time. Could it be that they quarreled again today?Su Mei also noticed something was wrong, "Auntie, why are you crying?"

"It's okay, it's just that the wind just picked up and the wind blew into my eyes." Lin Xiulan quickly changed the topic, "Did Xiaomei make black chicken soup? Let Auntie try it."

"Okay." Su Mei was also an optimist and didn't think much, only Luo Mingyuan glanced at the window, the window was closed tightly and Lin Xiulan must be lying.

Lin Xiulan pretended to be unimportant and drank the soup there. Su Mei looked at her expectantly with her big eyes open, "Is it delicious, Auntie?"

"It's delicious."

"Have you heard? This is a craft I learned from my grandma. It can't be bad. Auntie, drink more if you like it. By the way, this is for uncle." Su Mei brought another bowl to him. Luohou.

Lin Xiulan tried her best to keep herself calm, "Ming Yuan, you will go through the discharge procedures for me later."

"Mom, you're not in good health." Luo Mingyuan is such a smart person, Lin Xiulan could have gone home to recuperate, but she didn't leave for a long time. Although she didn't say anything on the surface, she still couldn't bear Luo Hou.

There are some things that everyone knows well and there is no need to expose them at all. Now why is Lin Xiulan being discharged from the hospital? Does it have something to do with her crying just now?
"I just need to come to the hospital after a while to have the stitches removed, and it's the same when I go home to recuperate from this injury."

"Mom, look, Dad is here anyway, you can rest up with him, and you can relieve boredom by the way." Luo Mingyuan tried his best to persuade the two to get back together.

"You don't need to say any more. I've made up my mind to go. If you don't help me go through the discharge procedures, it's the same if I call someone to do it later."

Lin Xiulan is really determined, she doesn't intend to give Luo Hou a chance, now it's not that she doesn't give it, but God doesn't let her.

Su Mei was so nervous that she didn't realize what they meant, "Auntie must be tired of staying in the hospital every day. Since the wound is not serious, it's fine to go home. After all, there is nowhere as safe as my own home."

Luo Mingyuan glared fiercely at this rough-natured person, she really didn't know which pot to open and which pot to carry, forget it, it seems that something big happened between the two of them, and that's out of his control.

"Okay, I'll do it for you in a moment."

"You don't need to do it in a while, you can go now."

"Mom, even if you have to do it, don't be in a hurry." Seeing Lin Xiulan's appearance, Luo Mingyuan didn't want to stay here for a second.

"I'll drink the soup first. I just finished drinking and left when you're done. What Xiaomei said is right. There's nothing like home to make people feel more comforted. I'm homesick after being away from home for too long." Lin Xiulan said softly.

In Luo Mingyuan's impression, Lin Xiulan in front of Luo Hou was mostly arrogant and domineering, and she had never looked so gentle.

"I'll do it right away."

During this process, Luo Hou has been silent on the spot without saying a word, he wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words, what else could he say?
"That's right, Xiaomei, you can help me pack my things now when you are free."

"Good auntie." Su Mei started to pack her things without saying a word, her hands and feet were quick, she was originally a quick-tempered person.

Lin Xiulan still left, and Luo Hou knew that her departure this time would be a farewell. In the past, Su Mei was permissive and reluctant to divorce. Once she made up her mind, there was no room for refusal.

It wasn't Li Yulin between them, but the child in Li Yulin's womb. Although Lin Xiulan was tricky and domineering in the past, her heart was actually not bad.

She is too aware of the weight of a child to a mother, anyway, they are all over, why not let Li Yulin be fulfilled.

Luo Hou saw Su Mei leaving in front of him without even saying goodbye, "Xiu'er." Seeing that the person was about to walk out of the door, he hastily called to her.

Lin Xiulan paused, "Everything will be handled according to the divorce agreement. I have no opinion on whether the two suites under your name are for your own use or for other people. You should take good care of your wounds. Goodbye."

After saying goodbye, she planned to never see her again.

"Auntie, let's go."

Su Mei helped Lin Xiulan to leave, and Luo Hou lay down in the quilt annoyed. If he had known this was the case, he might as well have been hit to death by a car, rather than having to face such a thing now.

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