She used to be a young lady, so she didn't have to worry about having no money and no future at all. She spent all these years in school just for fun, as if she didn't learn her true skills.

Those big companies would not give her this threshold at all, so Luo Ruirui had to lower her requirements and start doing other jobs first.

Other jobs are either that a supermarket needs to recruit cashiers, or a restaurant recruits waiters.

She didn't dare to think of herself standing in the supermarket like a log to collect money, or serving tea and water to others. Her self-esteem had not been completely thrown away by her.

These positions do not require much academic qualifications, not only hard work, but also very meager income, and the monthly salary is not as good as what she used to buy a skirt.

After thinking about it, Luo Ruirui could only do something with a relatively high commission, that is sales, and the education requirements for sales were not too strict.

She knew so many people before and had good connections, so she decided to apply for a salesperson.

I sent my resume online, and soon someone notified her to go for an interview. The basic salary of the salesperson is relatively low, and once the sales performance is good, there will be a lot of commission.

Relatively speaking, education is not valued. Luo Ruirui's image and temperament are relatively good in all aspects, so she got the interview without too much trouble.

She was interviewing for housing sales, and it happened that the company was preparing for a new real estate recently, and this project was short of manpower.

The supervisor brought Luo Ruirui to the others and introduced, "This is Xiao Luo, the newcomer. You can help her a lot in the future."

"Yes, Director."

Everyone introduced each other. The people in this project were very busy, and soon everyone dispersed.

Luo Ruirui didn't know what to do when she first arrived, "Xiao Luo, go and make a copy of my document and send it to everyone later." One of them handed over a document directly.

"Oh, good." If she had been furious before, she was relatively calm today, after all, today is different from the past.

"Xiao Luo, go to the dessert shop over there and buy afternoon tea for all of us. This is what we want."

Luo Ruirui just distributed the information to everyone, and a post-it note was pasted on her body, which densely recorded what everyone wanted to eat and drink.

She came to do sales, not to run errands for everyone. Even if she was very upset, she didn't dare to express it. It was only the first day, so she endured it.

It was cold and freezing outside, Luo Ruirui hurried back to the office with big bags and small bags, and a person passed by hurriedly on the way.

The coffee and dessert inside were thrown out and spilled all over the floor, "What are you still doing? Why don't you tidy up this place and buy it for everyone!"

Luo Ruirui clenched her teeth. When a person's dignity is trampled under her feet, all she has left is hatred.

She has to persevere, she has to climb up, and one day those who bully her today will regret being born in this world!

Everyone in the company came and went, but she cleaned up the garbage on the ground by herself, and then went to the store to buy it again.

When she was shivering from the cold and returned to the office with big bags, no one else thanked her.

"Why so slow? How do you go to work after your efficiency is so poor?"

"I'm sorry." Luo Ruirui squeezed her fingers tightly, even though her hands were already numb from the cold, she told herself to suffer.

"The president will come over to inspect the finishing work of this project in person in a while. You are new here today and have not participated in the project before. Be smarter later."

"Okay, I see." Luo Ruirui rubbed her frozen fingers, and she went to fetch a cup of hot water to warm her hands.

Before his body warmed up, he saw the supervisor hurried over, "Get ready, the president will be here soon."

"The president is coming? I heard that our president is very handsome, but he is usually too busy to take care of it, and rarely manages projects."

"No matter how handsome you are, there is no place for you. Our president has already been engaged, and his fiancee is also very powerful."

"Okay, don't be an idiot, come and welcome the president with me."

"Good supervisor." Everyone put down what they were doing, and walked out together with the supervisor. Luo Ruirui wanted to stay in the air-conditioned room to keep warm first, but had no choice but to go out together.

Everyone stood by the door in two groups, Luo Ruirui was still wondering if this president was someone she knew?After all, Roche was so big before, and she also knew many rich bosses.

Just thinking about it, a black Bentley approached from far to near, and the expression of the person who was still laughing just now changed instantly, and no one dared to be presumptuous anymore.

The car stopped slowly, Luo Ruirui felt a little ridiculous when she saw this battle, it was really a turn of events.

In the past, she was the daughter of the Luo family and often sat in a luxury car. There were many people waiting respectfully outside the car. She never thought that one day she would become a person waiting for others.

The car door opened, the secretary came out from the co-pilot, walked to the back seat and opened the car door, and the project leader also bowed his waist and stood quietly by the side.

A tall figure appeared in people's field of vision, wearing a navy blue long coat with a floral vest and shirt inside, elegant and gentlemanly.

There was an indifference on her body that rejected people thousands of miles away, Luo Ruirui felt cold when she saw that figure.

How could it be him?Qu Jingbo!
Because she hates Luo Chu, she also dislikes Qu Jingbo. I joined his company on the first day I came to work today. Even novels can't be such a coincidence.

Luo Ruirui's expression was ugly, if it was just Qu Jingbo, at least Luo Chu didn't come.

Just now she was glad that Luo Chu didn't come, and the next second she saw Qu Jingbo got out of the car and stood quietly by the side, obviously waiting for someone.

Damn it, Luo Chu is here too?Isn't this project Qu Jingbo's?What is she here for?
The more Luo Ruirui was afraid of something, the more something would appear, and a familiar figure appeared in her vision.

Qu Jingbo's hand was used as an invitation, and one hand was placed in his palm. Everyone was also curious, didn't the president come over?Why is there someone in the car?
Looking at the white and beautiful hand with the ring on it, the owner must be pretty too, right?

A woman in an off-white coat slowly came out of the car. The two of them, one black and the other white, were like two colors on a chessboard. Black and white were distinct but they seemed to fit together.

It's really Luo Chu, she's here!
Luo Ruirui just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in. Although she was already in a mess, she could be seen by everyone, but she didn't want to be seen by Luo Chu in this state.

She has tried to reduce her sense of existence as much as possible, and those two people are already walking towards this side. God bless me, don't be seen by her.

Luo Ruirui's heart was beating wildly, and now she was wearing the same work uniform as the others, standing at the door to greet everyone.

And Luo Chu is the high-ranking and genuine Miss Luo family, and the fiancee of the president.

The two who used to live under the same roof are like clouds and mud, and Luo Chu made him who he is today.

When she leaves, if she doesn't live well, she loses. Luo Ruirui subconsciously wants to leave, but now everyone is standing still, wouldn't it be more obvious if she moves.

After thinking about it, Luo Ruirui could only lower her head very low, as if she would not be discovered by people if she lowered herself into the dust.

As the two got closer, Luo Ruirui felt her heart burst out of her throat.

"President, please." The person in charge respectfully invited them into the room.

Luo Ruirui didn't look up, so she didn't know if Luo Chu had noticed her, and when she looked up, the two of them had already entered the room.

Looking at the two people who were surrounded by the crowd, they were shining like pearls, and now he has become a small stone on the side of the road and is unknown.

"Why don't you go in quickly, the president has already gone in."

"Oh." Luo Ruirui hurriedly followed, Luo Chu was inside, she definitely didn't want to confront Luo Chu head-on, so she found an excuse and went straight to the toilet.

Luo Chu could tell at a glance that that person was Luo Ruirui. After all, she used to hate him so much that she hated him even in her dreams. How could she not recognize him?

It's just that she has never had the habit of throwing stones into trouble. Luo Ruirui almost buried her head in her chest. The purpose was to prevent herself from discovering her existence, so she pretended not to see her.

For Luo Chu, Luo Ruirui, Liu Qing and the others had already been punished, and she didn't need to kill them all.

As long as Luo Ruirui doesn't provoke her in the future, she can stop having anything to do with Luo Ruirui.

"Why is Luo Ruirui here?" Not only Luo Chu saw it, but even Qu Jingbo also discovered Luo Ruirui's existence.

"Maybe I'm looking for a job to live on. Don't worry about her." Luo Chu knew that Qu Jingbo was disgusted and impatient with those who had hurt her, so what he wanted to do now was to fire Luo Ruirui.

It's not necessary, after all, Luo Ruirui didn't come to provoke her now, so why did she do it so badly?

Although she didn't say it clearly, Qu Jingbo also understood what she meant, and Luo Chu's heart was still very kind.

"Okay, then leave her alone."

Qu Jingbo brought Luo Chu over today. This new domestic project is similar to the Nordic project in Baden.

It was the first time for Luo Chu to come into contact with such a project, so Qu Jingbo brought her here to learn about it.

The Nordic project is hundreds of times bigger than his project. Qu Jingbo vaccinated Luo Chu in advance, and she was able to cope with it smoothly.

There is too much preparatory work to be done in the early stage of a big project. It doesn't mean that I just pour money into it and wait for the money to be distributed.

How to deploy and operate needs to be discussed. This project requires too much funds. Luo Chu almost needs to mobilize all the working capital on hand, and also needs a loan to be able to buy shares.

Of course, she didn't want to waste so much money in it, and she would be relieved only after the project was completed.

The two quickly got into the mood. The person in charge introduced this new model to Luo Chu, and Qu Jingbo would supplement her from time to time.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon it was time to get off work, and no one dared to say leave even if the president was still here.

Others looked at the two people in front of them and felt that they were very suitable, especially because they had a special magnetic field.

It seems that the two of them belong to the same world, and everyone else is out of tune. Not only that, but both of them are extremely handsome and beautiful when they are serious.

The two of them stopped there like a pair of beautiful landscape paintings, which was very pleasing to the eye.

The winter night came very early, and it was already dark outside, Qu Jingbo looked at his watch, "Okay, it's getting late, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me when you get home."

Luo Chu closed the notebook. She was a serious and good child. The person in charge and Qu Jingbo were talking about her while taking notes.

She raised her head and glanced outside, "It's getting dark." Then she looked at the surrounding staff, who were too embarrassed to leave work, "Thank you for your hard work today, everyone, let's get off work."

"No hard work, no hard work, this is what we should do."

Qu Jingbo glanced at everyone, "Let's get off work."

"Yes, President."

Everyone watched Qu Jingbo lead Luo Chu away, and heard complaining voices from time to time: "You are good at everything, but you forget the time when you get busy, and you don't even look at what time it is."

"Didn't you remind me by your side, Brother Bo, I'm hungry."

"Still hungry? I thought you were going to become a fairy, let's go, Wang Ma has already cooked the food."

If the two of them were the all-powerful CEO before, they have become a very ordinary couple now.

As soon as the two left, the others began to discuss, "Is that the wife of the president? She looks so pretty."

"Of course, she is not only good-looking, but also a wealthy young lady. She is a good match with our president, and she even came out to start a business. Nowadays, there are very few young ladies like her."

"It's like a clear stream among the rich and famous ladies." Everyone talked about each other.

"Didn't this young lady run a beauty company by herself? I bought a new set two days ago when the new product was released. It's really easy to use, refreshing and not greasy."

"I also like her perfume. It smells good and is good for everything, but the price is a bit expensive. My boyfriend bought it for me."

"Tsk tsk, your boyfriend is really nice to you."

"However, since she is in the beauty industry, why did she come to learn about real estate projects today? The president made it clear today that he was here to teach her how to carry out projects. The president is really generous."

"Who knows, she belongs to Luo's enterprise, maybe she also needs to know about these things. Hey, I really envy her. She is a good-looking boyfriend who is handsome and capable. It's just perfect."

"That's right, she can rely on her appearance to make a living, but she relies on her talent."

"Xiao Luo, why do you look so ugly? You have to cheer up, our company is very busy, and you are only here for the first day." Seeing Luo Ruirui's paler and paler face, one person encouraged him.

How could they know that every compliment to Luo Chu was like a needle piercing Luo Ruirui's heart fiercely.

Obviously all these honors could belong to her, but now everyone only remembers Luo Chu!Yes, who still remembers that there was once Miss Luo?Oh, it's really a trick of good fortune.

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