Lin Shao's Love Symphony

224. kiss goodbye

Seeing her wet hair coming out, Qu Jingbo got up and brought her a dry towel, "It came out without wiping her hair."

"You're used to wiping it for me." Luo Chu chuckled, obediently sat on the sofa, and let Qu Jingbo wipe her hair.

In the past few days when he left, I really didn't get used to it, like a person who used to eat only vegetables and radishes, once he got used to eating other meat, he suddenly changed back to his original appearance, which made people not used to it.

Qu Jingbo took good care of her, like a housekeeper. Leaving him was like losing her mobile phone.

Every reunion after a farewell will make people feel very warm and tender all night, and Qu Jingbo still has things to do the next day, so Luo Chu told him that he would look around when he woke up.

She is not a child who has gone abroad for the first time, and her English is also very good. Qu Jingbo left an assistant for her.

She was still sleeping when he left, and when she woke up early in the morning, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, and there were many more bruises on her body, which proved the intensity of last night.

Luo Chu refused to be accompanied by the secretary, and took a sightseeing bus to visit the scenic spots in the city by herself. She wanted to try this kind of free travel a long time ago.

Helplessly, she never had time. Today she dressed simply, removed her identity, and walked around like an ordinary person.

From time to time, I took a selfie and sent it to Qu Jingbo. Qu Jingbo, who was in the meeting room, was also tempted by her, and wanted to go on a trip with her and take a lot of beautiful photos for her.

He decided that after the official launch of this project, Luo Chu got his graduation certificate, and the two would get married. After the wedding, he must prepare a long vacation to accompany her on their honeymoon.

She went to the ancient Roman Colosseum alone, and those magnificent buildings are also announcing to the world the prosperity and magnificence of this place.

The sun was about to set, and Luo Chu was attracted by a shop, which was an antique shop, but the antiques here were all domestic.

Seeing a Chinese-style store in a foreign country will inevitably make Luo Chu feel kind, and she walked into that store by accident.

The store is decorated in a very old fashioned style. When entering the door, a shopping guide came over and said, "Miss, what do you need?"

"I'll take a look."

Luo Chu didn't plan to buy anything, but just happened to see familiar scenery in a foreign country, which made her suddenly interested.

There are indeed some antiques inside, most of which are objects from the old society. "This red jadeite is not bad." Luo Chu pointed to the red jadeite jade bracelet in the showcase.

The emerald that people know has always been green, but in fact there are many other colors besides green emerald.

"Miss, you have a good eye. This red jadeite is the best cockscomb red. It has a bright color and is the best among jadeites. However, many people think that red is a bit evil and they don't like it."

The shopping guide lady took out the bracelet, "Miss, try it, this bracelet has been in our store for a long time, and no one cares about it."

Luo Chuben didn't want to buy it either, but now that the shopping guides had already been brought out, she was too embarrassed to refuse, so she had to put the bracelet on her hand.

Elder Ye also gave her a superb bracelet before, but Luo Chu fell in love with this bracelet that seemed to be soaked in blood at first sight.

The red jade set off her fair skin, "Miss, you look good in it."

"This red jadeite is probably quite old." Luo Chu looked at the fineness of the jade and saw that it was an old object from many years ago.

"It seems that the lady understands it very well, and I don't hide it anymore. In fact, our objects are all dated. After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, wars broke out everywhere.

Some prominent families quietly left the country to escape the war and went to develop in other parts of the world.

Some of them fled to the nearby countries of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, and some even fled to the United States or Europe. Although they had rich family backgrounds, they did not have skills in foreign countries, and their descendants gradually declined.

When desperate, some people pawn their belongings at home, which is also the origin of most of our belongings here.

Miss, you can buy it if you like, maybe a certain one is an object from your former ancestor's mansion. "The more the shopping guide talked, the more mysterious it became.

Luo Chu smiled, "How could there be such a coincidence?"

"Miss, don't think that I'm just saying this for the sake of sales. My house used to be a pawn shop. Although it has changed its name now, what we want most is to return the property to its original owner.

At that time, some people were desperate to make a living, so they became beloved things. We only kept them temporarily, and still hoped that the owners of these prices would be able to redeem them one day.

Everything has a soul, this jade bracelet has been here for hundreds of years, since my grandfather's generation, no one has ever looked up to it.

But the young lady fell in love with this jade bracelet as soon as she came in. Don't you think it's fate? "The shopping guide's gentle words came.

"I like this bracelet very much. Such a red jadeite is rare, how much is it?" Luo Chu wanted to buy it because of her words.

"This bracelet was pawned a lot of money back then. According to the current market price, it should be this amount." The shopping guide pressed a number on the computer.

It's not cheap, Luo Chu has also been engaged in the jewelry industry anyway, and she also knows that this price is indeed not a high price.

The jade bracelet on her wrist looks like an obedient child, as long as she buys it, she can take it away.

Although the jade bracelet that Old Master Ye gave her before was also top-quality, it was just like a work of art in her eyes. Although it was beautiful, it didn't touch her too much.

Only this bracelet is very different to her. People always believe in love at first sight, not only for people, but also for objects.

It's rare for Luo Chu to have something he likes so much, maybe he really complied with the shopping guide's words, she likes it so much because it belongs to her ancestor's house.

In short, meeting is a kind of fate, Luo Chu swiped his card to check out, and left wearing a jade bracelet.

After Luo Chu left, the shopping guide also entered the inner hall, "Boss, someone bought that red jadeite bracelet."

"After so many years, someone finally bought it..." The man sighed softly.

Luo Chu returned to the hotel wearing the jade bracelet, and Qu Jingbo came back in a hurry, "I'm sorry, I agreed to have dinner with you. Today is a busy day."

"It's okay, I just came back."

"How did you go today?" Qu Jingbo took her out for dinner, and Luo Chu shared with him the results of the day.

"Here, does it look good?"

"Red Fei?" Qu Jingbo saw the shining cockscomb red in her hand, the best among red Fei. "Like this color?"

"No, I just bought it when I saw it and felt a little kind."

"Anyway, as long as you like it, it's getting late, let's go eat."


The life in Rome is unspeakably leisurely, Qu Jingbo has to go to work during the day, but Luo Chu has an extra vacation, sleeping until he wakes up naturally every day.

Then she got up and looked around, and she also visited the center of Rome. She received a call early this morning.

"Hello, Gore." Luo Chucai got up from the bed and scratched his somewhat messy hair.

"Little ancestor, do you still remember me, come to Europe and come to see me? It takes only two hours to fly from Rome to Paris." A frantic man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You know my whereabouts, big boss." Luo Chu joked.

"Of course, I not only know your whereabouts, but also know that you have customized a set of world-out-of-print ruby ​​jewelry for Candy."

"This is a little secret between me and her, how do you know?" Luo Chu asked.

"Candy and I also have some friendship. We met at an awards dinner two days ago. I knew it was your handwriting at first glance. After asking, it turned out to be your design."

"Boss, our contract does not restrict me from giving jewelry to others personally, so I am not in breach of the contract, right?" Luo Chu smiled.

"You have no conscience, you think I'm calling here to talk about breaking the contract? My big designer, you're not going to ignore my jewelry now that you're making perfume, right? Your fans are starving for food!" Gore's voice is exaggerated.

This person is the jewelry tycoon that Luo Chu signed with, and he owns the world's top jewelry design company. When DO became famous in one fell swoop, he took a fancy to her design and her person by the way.

Of course, Luo Chu rejected both of them. Design was just a hobby of hers. At that time, she still had her own company to start.

A little girl without any experience turned Gore down, and Gore still remembers that scene until now.

At that time, his mouth must have been so surprised that he could stuff a salted duck egg. How many world-renowned designers are there in his company.

This time he broke the rules and wanted to recruit a newcomer. He went to the door to sign the contract in person, but he refused immediately.

Not only refused to enter his company, but also refused to have dinner with him.

To be honest, he has countless romantic affairs, and a lot of beauties come to the door one by one. He immediately fell in love with the college student who has a pure appearance, but is cold and thorny like a rose.

After many unsuccessful pursuits, he had to lower his requirements. Luo Chu finally signed a contract with him, but the contract was not his company's designer.

She is just a name, she needs materials to make, and the company is responsible for providing them, and the finished products will be released on the company's platform, and the two will share.

But this girl has to limit it every time. She said that her things can only be artworks rather than commodities. The difference between artworks and commodities is that one is rare and the other is common.

At first, Gore thought the girl was crazy and wasted money, but in order to keep her, he still signed this somewhat humiliating contract.

You can't urge her, you can't modify her design, you can't mass-produce, and you can't reveal her identity. In short, she has absolute freedom.

Gore finally agreed. It has been half a year and DO has not released a new product. Didn't he call to ask this little ancestor, and he wants to meet her by the way.

"You also know that I'm relatively busy in China, and we won't be able to release new products until spring." Luo Chu said seriously, although the contract signed by the two did not specify a time, but she was also a little embarrassed, and there were no new products for more than half a year.

"That's good, which hotel are you in? I'll pick you up later." Gore changed the subject.

"Are you in Rome? Are you here on a business trip?" Luo Chu asked.

"Otherwise, you thought I would fly over from Paris for you? It would be fine if you agreed to be my girlfriend."

"Gore, I have a fiancé, don't make jokes like this again in the future." Luo Chu looked serious, she knew that Gore, a playboy, was not a bad person, and she was only interested in her at the beginning, and she definitely didn't like it very much. Even if it's not true, she doesn't want to have anything to do with other men.

"Okay, okay, I won't open it, hum, I value sex over friends." Gore sneered. He was sensitive to news, so he had already known about Luo Chu and Qu Jingbo.

Luo Chu reported her address and then hung up the phone. Gore is probably one of her only friends. Although he was really annoying at the beginning, the relationship between the two gradually improved. After all, they both have the same Like it.

After hanging up the phone, Gore smiled helplessly, "What if I really flew here from Paris just for you? You have no conscience."

He knew how ruthless she was three years ago, he thought she would be with Xiao Yang, but who knew that she would be with Qu Jingbo after returning to China.

He is still the young master who carelessly plays with flowers, Luo Chu was originally just a prey that he didn't catch.

But every time he went to the cloud and rain with a woman, he would always feel an inexplicable sense of emptiness in his heart.

He can want many women, but he can't want her. On the surface, he is the same as before, still a playboy who changes girlfriends every month. Only he knows that there is someone in the playboy's heart.

Knowing that she came to Rome, which was very close to where he was, and the plane only took two hours, he specially took the early flight to fly here.

The feelings for her cannot be discovered by her, otherwise she will definitely stay far away, and what he wants is not much, just to be able to see her and talk to her.

She was the only woman in the world who could be sarcasm instead of flattering herself, and Gore went to a psychiatrist before.

"Doctor, I like someone to scold me. Do you think I'm sick?"

"Well, I'm sick, and not seriously ill."

"Quack doctor, what do you know, this is called love."

At that time, the psychiatrist was frightened enough, this young lady also knows about love?I also want to see who he likes, who knows that every day the entertainment gossip about him is more popular than the other.

He really is sick, crazy!

Knowing that she wouldn't like him, he still dressed up specially, drove a supercar in a personable manner, and came downstairs to pick up Luo Chu from the hotel.

Luo Chu looked at the open supercar and the coquettish man inside, she was a little contemptuous, "Are you sick? Are you afraid of being cold to death in winter?"

Gore was a little excited at first, so he rushed all the way here, and it happened that his apartment was not far from her hotel, and he also forgot to raise the canopy.

He was scolded by Luo Chu as soon as they met, but the key point was that he was willing.

Different from Qu Jingbo's black suit and black coat every day, Gore is a flower peacock in Luo Chu's eyes, and he can be as coquettish as he dresses up every day.

Is it normal for NPC to open the convertible in winter?Not afraid of being cold to death, Gore said to himself: "No wonder I don't think the air conditioner is hot today."

Luo Chu was speechless. This man was a playboy with high IQ and low EQ. Speaking of which, he felt it when he first met him.

Gore and her haven't seen each other for nearly half a year. Every time I see her, it's either on the news or in a magazine.

Compared with the Luo Chu she met half a year ago, she has changed a lot. At least now she understands the ways of the world, and she is no longer so cold and repulsive.

"It hurts me as soon as we meet, what a bad guy." Gore didn't mind, after all, no other woman besides her would dare to talk to him in such a tone, but he still accepted it.

Really complied with that sentence, Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai, one was willing to hit Huang Gai, and the other was willing to suffer.

"It's so late, do you want breakfast or lunch?" Gore looked at his watch, it was almost eleven o'clock.

He remembered that this woman never slept late in the past. When he called her today, it was obvious that she hadn't woken up yet.

"Let's have lunch. Speaking of which, I'm really hungry."

"Your man didn't feed you enough? Why don't you stay with me, three meals a day are enough." Gore and Xiao Yang seem to be the same, but in fact they are very different.

Both of them have a more cheerful personality, of course in front of Luo Chu, the difference is that Xiao Yang is Nuan Yang, and this person is an asshole.

Ever since Luo Chu knew him, he hadn't had a good time, wishing he could try his best to abduct himself into his bed every day.

Luo Chu always felt that he regarded himself as a prey, and it was precisely because he didn't get it that he was always unwilling.

"Do you think I can't eat without a man or something?" Luo Chu had long been used to his nonsense and was not angry. After all, this is a person's nature.

"Just kidding, I know a good Chinese restaurant." Gore quickly changed the subject, this is his shrewdness, always wandering on the edge of ambiguity.

If it was another woman, I'm afraid she would have fallen into his trap long ago. Only Luo Chu's mind is clear from beginning to end.

Before she met Qu Jingbo, she didn't have the habit of promiscuity, and she would never get involved in anything that wasn't hers.

"It's a good thing you didn't take me to eat Western food." To be honest, Luo Chu often ate Western food in China, and he almost ate Western food in the past few days.

Compared with Western food and Chinese food, she is still more used to Chinese food, Gore chuckled lightly: "You probably got tired of eating these few days after you came here."

Playboys treat women with care, and Luo Chu knew this a long time ago.

"Candy told you my whereabouts?" Luo Chu talked with Candy on the phone before leaving, and Candy met Gore again.

"Yeah, if I hadn't taken the initiative to find you, would you have never planned to contact me in your life?" Gore asked.

"It's not, it's just that I've been out on vacation recently."

"Don't come to see old friends on vacation? Little ancestor, fortunately, the person I miss is you."

"Boss, you are probably thinking about the female star who just slept with you last night, right? Didn't you gossip a while ago and you are with the Victoria's Secret Angel again?"

"So you care about me so much?" Gore was delighted.

Luo Chu was helpless, "It's the gossip automatically pushed by the mobile phone, and I just popped up like that if I didn't want to read it."

"You dislike me so much? It's fine if you don't contact me usually, and you don't even care about my news?"

"You know I don't like gossip. Well, that model has a good figure. I look good. In the future, your baby will definitely grow tall and powerful."

"Bah, it's just your mouth that hurts." The happiest thing for Gore was bickering with Luo Chu, enjoying himself.

Luo Chu smiled, "Big Boss, since you're here, I happen to have one thing to ask you."

"Tell me, let me hear what you actually asked me for."

"I plan to enter the European market. You are familiar with this area. I wonder if you have any plans to invest recently." Luo Chu's visit this time was not purely for vacation.

She vowed secretly in her heart that one day she would be the same as Mira, or even higher than her position, but she was not satisfied with just a domestic market.

"Yo, you're about to get married, you don't want to stay at home and take care of your husband and children, but you plan to show your face?" Gore joked.

"Look at what you're talking about like people from the 21th century. The big bosses are now in the [-]st century, and women don't have to bind their feet anymore."

"If I marry you, I can't keep you at home every day. I have to deal with men all day long with such a big piece of fragrant steamed bun. I can't be jealous. Your family has a really big heart."

Luo Chu thought about Qu Jingbo's face, that person wished he could put himself in his pocket every day, so why was he so ambitious?

"It's not that he has a big heart, but that his heart is too small, so small that he can only accommodate me alone. He knows that I am not a woman who likes to hide under the wings of men.

So he gave me a piece of sky, let me fly freely, let me do whatever I want, that's what love is, isn't it? "When Luo Chu mentioned Qu Jingbo, his facial expression was filled with something called happiness.

"No wonder you fell in love with him."

"Of course, don't change the subject, but answer the question I just asked."

"Okay, let's talk about the details later, the restaurant is here." Gore parked the car.

Although Gore is not forgiving, he is a capable and powerful person. If he joins forces with him, he will be one step closer to success.

Gore maintained his usual gentlemanly demeanor. As soon as the car was parked, he planned to come over and open the door for Luo Chu. When he got to the door, Luo Chu got down by himself.

"We've known each other for so long, so you don't have to be so polite." Luo Chu stood beside him elegantly, carrying a bag.

Gore spread his hands helplessly, he knew that this woman would not give any man a chance to be courteous.

Today, she could so easily agree to meet her. For herself, she just wanted to meet her, but for her, she wanted to negotiate terms with herself.

This shrewd woman has not changed at all. If she hadn't come to her today because of something, how could she have come out so easily?
The two walked towards the restaurant side by side, seeing the place they are used to in a foreign country will make people feel kind.

It's just that there is such a coincidence in this world, Qu Jingbo came to this restaurant just after finishing his business and meeting people.

Luo Chu and Gore ran into each other as soon as they came in, and saw the expression of Qu Jingbo, the man beside her, change.

Naturally, Mira also saw this scene, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Is the good show about to begin?

Luo Chu also saw Qu Jingbo, besides Mira, there were two foreigners beside him, an Asian and his assistant.

Before he could say hello, the two foreigners saw Gore and came over kindly, "hello."


"Your girlfriend is so beautiful." A foreigner praised.

When Qu Jingbo heard the word girlfriend, her face became even more gloomy, "Sorry, She is my girl!"

Several people are confused, they both know each other, and the woman standing next to Gore is actually Qu Jingbo's girlfriend?this world……

The scene was awkward for a while, but Luo Chu walked up to say hello calmly, without any embarrassment.

"Since we are all friends, let's go together at noon." Mira suggested.

The others agreed, but Gore was a little unhappy. He finally took the early flight and came here to see Luo Chu and Qu Jingbo show their affection.

Qu Jingbo and Gore have met each other before, but neither of them thought that they would meet each other in such a capacity.

As soon as Qu Jingbo came, she hugged Luo Chu's waist, and by the way, stood next to Luo Chu and Gore, thinking that she was worried that she was in the country before, and she would be safe staying under her nose.

The woman who was still snuggling in her arms in the morning now had another inexplicable man appear beside her.

Qu Jingbo didn't know whether he underestimated Luo Chu's charm or overestimated his ability. In short, he was a little tired, and he was really helpless with Luo Chu's attractive physique.

Thinking of Luo Chu's DO status, she and Gore should only be in a cooperative relationship, even if he knew this, he would be unhappy.

Several people took their seats, Qu Jingbo habitually sat on Luo Chu's left, and Gore even unceremoniously sat on Luo Chu's right.

"Mr. Qu, it doesn't matter if I sit here?" Gore has already sat down, can Qu Jingbo let someone lift his ass up.

Since there were other guests present, he could only say coldly: "It's okay."

"I take back what I said before, your man doesn't have a big heart at all." Gore leaned closer to Luo Chu's ear and whispered.

Luo Chu felt that Qu Jingbo was about to explode. This Gore likes to make trouble. When Xiao Yang was around, he liked to tease Xiao Yang. Now it is Qu Jingbo.

Before Qu Jingbo exploded, she took the initiative to pull Qu Jingbo's hand to appease the jealous man's jealousy.

Because there are outsiders present, everyone's topics will not revolve around business affairs, and everyone chats in different directions.

Gore was originally a talkative person, and he chatted with those few people. Qu Jingbo's knowledge and insight were not inferior to Gore's, but his personality was cold, and he seldom talked nonsense in front of outsiders.

If he speaks, he will definitely say every word to the point, short and powerful but also low-key.

Now that Luo Chu was by his side, he was still focused on talking to everyone, and kept on serving Luo Chu.

As soon as the soup was served, she scooped a bowl of soup for Luo Chu and put it aside to wait for it to cool before drinking, and then picked some dishes for Luo Chu that she liked.

Especially for the prawns, he must have done it himself. He peeled the prawns for Luo Chu with his own hands, one of them ate quietly, and the other quietly served her to eat.

It's not an exaggeration to use the word "serve". If Qu Jingbo was at home, he would be even more terrifying. He wished he could chew up the food before feeding him. In short, he was very good at Luo Chu.

Luo Chu was not used to it at first, but she was infected by him a little bit, and now she is completely used to having someone treat her well.

So she didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, this was the way the two of them really got along, and it wasn't for anyone.

Mira knew Luo Chu's position in Qu Jingbo's heart long ago, but when she saw that the iron-blooded president who was aggressive in the mall and frightened his opponents was suddenly so gentle and considerate to a woman, even to such an extent, she began to envy Luo Chu It's the beginning.

Gore calls himself a love saint, he can travel through the flowers and leaves without touching himself, and he only thinks that he is a gentleman enough to treat women, so that all the women he gets close to will love him to the core.

After seeing Qu Jingbo vs Luo Chu, he finally understood why Luo Chu chose Qu Jingbo and rejected him back then.

He seemed very cold, but he was only warm to Luo Chu.And he seems to be affectionate and treats every woman equally well. In fact, he just enjoys the process of chasing prey, and after he gets it, he lacks something.

Luo Chu is the most difficult type to deal with. It took him three full months to be the last type like Luo Chu. In the end, the cold goddess became like other women after being with him, making him He lost interest and broke up within a month.

And Luo Chu made him pursue him for a long time without moving. Now he realized that Luo Chu and Qu Jingbo were really a match made in heaven.

Qu Jingbo's kindness was only for her, and after she accepted his kindness, she did not become the same as those women before her, she still maintained her independent personality.

I like men and don't rely on men, she is still her, and it happens that she makes people cherish and love her more.

The rare thing is that she is so strong, and Qu Jingbo can let her go to fly, which Gore finally understood after living for 30 years.

Although there was a table of people eating, and the two of them didn't talk too much during the meal, everyone had a feeling that they were out of tune with others, and they were people from the same world.

When others saw that they were getting along well, it was not easy to interrupt them. Luo Chu lowered his head to eat the food, and from time to time he also picked up some food for Qu Jingbo.

The meal ended amid different thoughts, and Qu Jingbo still had plans in the afternoon, he stared at Gore, as if if you touch my woman, I will strip you.

Gore felt a little helpless, "I'm her boss and her friend, Mr. Qu won't even interfere with her seeing her friends, right?"

"That's not the case. I'm just worried that there are too many gossips about Gore, and it won't look good if my little rabbit is included." Qu Jingbo replied coldly.

"Brother Bo, don't worry, Gore and I haven't seen each other for a long time, and we just happened to talk about the new products that will be released next quarter." Luo Chu explained as he took his hand begging for mercy.

"Come back early at night!" Qu Jingbo's hard heart also disappeared under her tenderness.

"Okay, they are still waiting for you, you can go there quickly." Luo Chu pointed to the private car parked over there.

Qu Jingbo didn't leave, "Did you forget something?"

When Luo Chu saw him raising his eyebrows, he tiptoed helplessly and kissed him on the cheek.

Unexpectedly, Qu Jingbo hugged her into her arms, her thin lips were printed on her red lips, and she didn't care about Gore next to her.

Let go of the blushing Luo Chu, "Call me if you need anything."

"Understood." Luo Chu looked shy, and Qu Jingbo was willing to leave.

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