With Luo Chu's threat, no one in the audience dared to continue to hide it, and everyone scrambled to reveal the truth.

"Miss Luo, someone came to me that day and asked me to do something for them, and one of them gave us an ointment.

Tell us to just put this ointment behind our ears and let us take some pictures and post them online. "

"So do I."

"How much did she give you?" Luo Chu asked coldly.

"..." A few people looked at me and I looked at you. No one was ashamed to say this. The generous rewards they thought before actually brought huge losses to Luochu Company.

As Luo Chu just said, it's not easy for people, they are too selfish.

"Don't say yes?"

"I said, I said, a deposit of [-], and there will be another [-] after the matter is completed." The man immediately lowered his face after speaking.

Speaking of which, they are not feeling very well at the moment, but the disaster caused by ten of them requires so many people to make up for it.

Before, they thought it was just a few bubbles, and they said they were allergic to perfume. Who can find out this kind of thing?Who knew that Mr. Luo was not an ordinary person at all.

She actually took countermeasures in such a short time. Not only did she deal with it in an orderly manner, she even found out the truth.

I have to say that everyone still admires such a Luo Chu, she has such means at such a young age.

"What a big deal, one person is 20, ten people is 200 million, and so many sailors are bought to promote it." Luo Chu snorted coldly.

"Mr. Luo, we've already told you everything we know, can you let us go?"

"Who is her name?" This is the most critical.

"Mr. Luo, it's not that we're hiding this, but that we really don't know. Just judging from the people around her calling her Miss, she should be a lady from a rich family."

"You don't have to tell me who I am, you just need to be present and help me correct her. As my witness, I will let the lawyer intercede for you and save you from punishment."

The corner of Luo Chu's mouth curled up into a sneer, and that woman became confident that she didn't send someone to tell her about this kind of thing, but did it herself.

The surveillance camera took a picture of her face, and now that there are physical witnesses, it is impossible for her to escape no matter what.

Originally, Luo Chu was a model that if people do not offend me, I will not offend others. If people offend me, I will definitely commit crimes to death. This time, that person fell into her hands, how could she let him go so easily?
"Alright Mr. Luo, we will appear in court as your witness, the money..."

"As for the compensation, she will pay for you. You still need to do one thing for me. Clarify this matter to other people at my press conference and return our company's innocence."

"Mr. Luo, if we do this, we will be known by everyone in the world." Several people were obviously hesitant.

"The previous reporters were broadcasting live. Do you think that fewer people know about it now? Anyone with eyes can feel that there is something wrong with today's events.

It's just that everyone is waiting for the truth of a fact to come out, and this truth should be revealed by yourselves. My request is not too much, right? " Luo Chu asked coldly.

Facing the powerful aura on her body, they dare not say anything, if they dare to say it, they will face a catastrophe immediately.

"It's rare for the ladies to cooperate so much. Don't worry, as long as you cooperate well, I won't make things difficult for you." Luo Chu knew that these people were hateful, but she didn't have to be angry about them.

After all, people are of all kinds. There are all kinds of birds in the forest. It is normal for everyone to have greed. It is human nature to have seven emotions and six desires.

They are people in the market and live in ordinary families. 20 may be a small amount for themselves, but for an ordinary person, it is one or two years' income.

You can get so much money just by selling miserably, and everyone would like to get something for nothing, let alone the people Luo Chu saw in the information.

One of the women had just paid the down payment for the house. It was a school district house with only 50 square meters. The down payment required [-] yuan. The money came at the right time.

Every bad person is not inherently bad, but they are also forced into a situation. They may be for themselves, or for their relatives or lovers.

But Luo Chu disagrees with this kind of value. If her own happiness is to be based on the pain of others, she doesn't think it is a good thing.

Poor people must have something to hate, and now she doesn't want to argue about the right and wrong of these people, she just wants to bring the black hand behind the scenes to justice.

"Mr. Luo, can we leave then?"

"Go." Luo Chu waved his hand.

A few people dare not stay with this female president for too long, she exudes an aura that is invisible and frightening.

Luo Chu saw the backs of them leaving. After this incident, they will definitely quit their original jobs. No company boss will keep such employees.

If they did something wrong, they should be punished. Luo Chu didn't feel sorry for them at all.

After a few people had left, Luo Chu began to discuss in detail with the team of lawyers she had hired, "Now we have the evidence."

"How does Mr. Luo plan to handle this matter, privately or in court?" asked the team's lead lawyer.

They have seen the evidence and know who is behind this matter, but that person is also from a famous family.

Many chaebol families are friendly, and sometimes even if there is any friction, no one will deliberately tear their faces for the benefit of each other.

There is a saying that there are only eternal interests, but no eternal friends. In the business field, if you are an enemy in one round, you may become a friend in the next round.

Keep things on the line. Generally, as long as the other party is not too excessive, many nobles will choose to be private. They have handled many such cases before they will ask this question.

"Several big lawyers, if I plan to do it privately, why would I invite you here? My principle has always been that people don't provoke me, and if they provoke me, I will not look at anyone's monk's face or Buddha's face.

This matter is already so big, if it's private, I'm sorry for the hard night I spent with the company staff. " Luo Chu snorted coldly.

"Okay Mr. Luo, we understand. This case is very easy to fight. We have all the witnesses and evidence here. We will sort it out when we go back, and then send the lawyer's letter. Everything can be done according to the procedures." The lawyer also said Very decent answer.

"Okay, then trouble the barristers."

"What did Mr. Luo say? It's an honor for us to cooperate with someone as courageous as you, so let's take our leave first, and we will contact you if we have anything to do."

"Walk slowly."

In the villa, the originally warmly furnished room was turned into a mess at the moment.

The exquisite porcelain was directly lifted to the ground, and there was a sound of broken porcelain and heavy objects falling in the room.

"Miss, don't be angry." The maid looked at the porcelain all over the floor, and was afraid that the eldest lady would accidentally fall and cut herself, what should I do!

"How did this happen? Luo Chu, a bitch, turned the tide so quickly! Damn bitch, bitch!" The woman got angry and began to vent her anger on the books on the shelf.

She took great pains to direct this play, who knew that the woman was not affected at all, and she watched the live broadcast just to see the embarrassment on her face.

Who knew that facing the reporter's making things difficult for her, she made every effort, not only quickly settled the reporter, but also arranged for a doctor to tell the truth to everyone on the spot.

Although she hasn't come to a conclusion yet, the netizens are not fools, everyone has seen that there is a problem with this matter, and she has saved the day.

Thinking that she solved her problem so easily, the woman's face was very ugly.

The phone rang at this time, and the maid hurriedly found her phone from among the pile of tatters. The screen was broken, but fortunately, it didn't affect the call.

It was a call from a stranger. The woman was full of anger. This call just gave her a vent. No matter who called, she would not let him go today.

"Hello." She answered the phone fiercely.

A brisk female voice sounded: "Miss Luo, don't come here without any problems."

Such a unique voice, a woman has seen her countless interviews, so she can recognize it as soon as she hears it. Luo Xinyun gritted her teeth and squeezed out two words from between her teeth.

"Luo Chu!"

"That's right, it's me, Luo Xinyun. Last time you pushed me into the champagne tower and caused brother Bo's injury, I didn't bother with you. Who knew that you would get worse, and it would be terrible if you set up such a plan this time." I, I won't let you off easily!"

Luo Chu didn't deal with her anymore. It was understandable that she thought about Luo Xinyun in the previous incident. After all, it was the marriage contract between Mr. Ye and Mr. Luo.

Regardless of whether Qu Jingbo agreed or not, it would be disgraceful for an unmarried woman to be annulled.

Luo Chu considered this, and had to be forgiving and forgiving. She didn't bother Luo Xinyun afterwards. Originally, this woman would have disappeared from her memory, but who knew that she actually saw her in the photo.

Originally, she thought it was Yan Nuo or Bei Ruoqiu who did it, but she didn't think it was Luo Xinyun.

"What trick, I don't know!" Luo Xinyun directly denied, even if Luo Chu found those people, it's true that those people had seen her face at that time, but they didn't know her.

It is impossible for them to tell Luo Chu who they are, Luo Chu must have come to deceive her, and Luo Xinyun will not dare to underestimate Luo Chu after this incident.

Luo Chu leaned on the leather chair, with a sneer on his face, "Why doesn't Miss Luo become an actress when she pretends so much? If you go, you will definitely be able to win a best actress."

"Luo Chu, don't be proud of me. You just started a company. What's so great about it? I'll ask my dad to start a company bigger than yours tomorrow!"

Luo Xinyun is the same as Luo Ruirui before, they were pampered when they were young, just like the princesses in the palace before.

They are born with whatever they want. Although money is not everything, it can actually satisfy many needs and desires of people.

Luo Ruirui finally recognized the reality after falling from heaven to hell. Obviously, Luo Xinyun hadn't realized that, to her, Luo Chu was the bitch who robbed her sweetheart.

She wants to kill Luo Chu!

"Miss Luo, I'm afraid this is impossible." Luo Chu sneered.

"Luo Chu, stop looking down on people. I was too lazy to do it before. If I start a company, I will do better than you. Then he will like me!" Luo Xinyun still has that dream until now.

"Miss Luo, I'm not questioning your ability, but I want to remind you that you will become very busy next time."

Luo Xinyun was taken aback, "What am I busy with?" She went shopping every day, had a beauty treatment, and occasionally went to the company to see her. At least she also got a general manager position in Rock Enterprises.

Her life can be said to be the same as that of many wealthy daughters. When she is happy, she will go abroad to see the scenery and go shopping. When she is unhappy, she will play mahjong or play some entertainment together.

People of their identities don't need to work and worry about life at all, even with their eyes closed every day, a large amount of money is recorded in the account.

This also makes them savage, and they have to get what they fancy no matter whether others want it or not.

It seems that Luo Xinyun thought that what she did was seamless, and she was unaware of her own intentions.

"Miss Luo, the fact that you framed my company this time has been investigated, and I have sued you in court. I believe that Miss Luo will receive a court summons soon.

Next, I will make you responsible for the reputation damage and defamation of our company to the end. If Ms. Luo has this time, she might as well go to a lawyer.

Of course, even if you find the best lawyer, you will definitely lose this lawsuit! "There was a hint of cruelty in Luo Chu's eyes, this time she would never let Luo Xinyun go easily.

"What, you went to the court to sue me? Haha, why are you?" Luo Xinyun didn't feel that she had made a big mistake yet. In her eyes, Luo Chu was a thorn in her side and a thorn in her flesh. She just wanted Luo Chu to live badly. good.

Now that Luo Chu called her out of nowhere and said he was going to sue her, Luo Xinyun still felt that it was a bit of a fantasy, this person was too funny.

"It seems that Miss Luo hasn't realized the seriousness of this matter, let the law tell you, goodbye." Luo Chu hung up the phone directly.

I thought that Luo Ruirui and others were already stupid, but now it seems that there is no stupidest person in this world, only stupider people.

She suddenly thought that if the United States and Europe had experienced those winds and rains in the past, and they were also a delicate flower raised by a wealthy family, would they end up in the same way now?

Ignorant of worldly affairs, willful and reckless, he will only act according to his own mind, and never consider the consequences.

Anyway, when the sky falls, there are people above it, so I don't have to worry about anything.

Just thinking about it makes her feel terrible. The greenhouse can block the wind and rain, and it will also block her own growth experience. Instead of being such a fool all her life, she would rather experience those wind and rain.

Luo Xinyun saw the phone beeping in her hand, and she was actually hung up by someone!
The lawyer team hired by Luo Chu was very efficient, and the indictment was submitted to the court on the same day, and the court quickly accepted it.

Now you only need to go through the process, but it is not a matter of a day or two to go to court, and the process inside is a bit time-consuming.

Luo Chu didn't wait until the lawsuit was over and the court verdict came out. She had already communicated with those ten people, and a press conference was held the next day.

The ten people knew that they had done something wrong. Luo Chu only asked them to negotiate and obeyed immediately. They had no way out now.

It's just that Luo Chu gave them the last fig leaf, which was to give them the right to wear sunglasses.

Although the big sunglasses can block part of it, just revealing the redness and swelling on the face that has not healed. After applying the medicine, it is not as scary as before, but it is still very ugly.

Today's press conference was very exciting. Luo Chu invited almost all the media. If this perfume incident is not handled well, it will have a great impact on the company. If it is handled well, it will be a good promotion and publicity.

The host and reporters from various parties are already in place. Luo Chu attended the venue and greeted the camera. There are quite a few netizens watching the live broadcast today.

Things were interrupted that day, leaving people with countless imaginations. Most of the topics raised on the Internet in the past two days were speculations about the perfume incident.

Netizens basically guessed the answer. Someone must have framed Luo Chu, and everyone automatically initiated the topic of apologizing for the previous poisoned perfume incident.

No matter how fierce the disturbances on the Internet are, today the righteous master finally came out to reveal the truth, and hundreds of millions of netizens have been watching the live broadcast for a long time.

The host started to warm up the scene, and the bullet screens on the screen flew up. Everyone couldn't wait to enter the finale directly, but the host talked too much nonsense.

After talking for more than five minutes, I shifted to the main business, "President Luo must have a lot to say about this poisonous perfume incident, and now I will give all the time to President Luo."

Luo Chu smiled and greeted the camera, "Hello, everyone, this perfume incident has attracted many people's attention to this product.

No matter what purpose you pay attention to this product, as the person in charge of the perfume and also the producer, I think it is necessary for me to explain what happened recently.

This perfume has undergone strict inspection, and all indicators are within the normal monitoring range of the National Health Bureau, and there is absolutely no irritating substance that exceeds the standard.

This is the inspection certificate of various inspection qualification indicators of the perfume. I believe many people have seen it on our company's official website before.

I believe that no matter how good the product is, there will inevitably be some people whose skin type is not suitable, so I specifically consulted experts for their opinions.

This perfume is originally a mild product, and most people will not have any adverse reactions when using it. If you have sensitive skin, you will only get a little redness even after using this perfume.

It is absolutely impossible to have a look like their faces. After rigorous investigation, all the perfumes we sell so far have not had any problems except for ten of them.

The investigation results of these ten people found that they did not use our perfume to become like this at all, but used a drug that irritated the skin, forcing the skin to become red, swollen, inflamed and pus-filled.

Of course, it doesn't matter what I say, it's better for them to say this matter more convincingly. "Luo Chu looked in one direction, and Shen Runxue brought people over.

Those ten people were all wearing big black sunglasses, and the skin on their faces and necks was very ugly, especially when the cameraman took a close-up.

One of the representatives came to speak, "We must apologize to everyone for this poisonous perfume incident. We have never used Mr. Luo's perfume at all."

"Since you haven't used it, why do you want to frame Sun? Did Sun have any grudges with you before?"

"No, we don't have any enmity with Sun."

"Then why do you do this without hatred? Do you know how much negative impact this has brought to the company?"

"I'm sorry, we were instigated by others to do this, we never thought that there would be such a serious consequence, and it brought huge losses to Sun.

Now we sincerely apologize to everyone, there is nothing wrong with Mr. Luo's perfume, everything was deliberately framed by us and poured dirty water on the perfume.

I hope you don’t distrust Mr. Luo’s perfume because of our nonsense, it’s all our fault, we have already been punished as we deserved.

The doctor said that this medicine is too irritating to the skin, and it may leave a faint scar in the future. I hope everyone can forgive us. "

Seeing them bursting into tears, the reporters who originally wanted to continue asking questions were embarrassed to sprinkle salt on their wounds.

I had to change the question, "Then who ordered you to do it?"

"We don't know that lady, but Boss Luo knows, you should ask Boss Luo." These people were also afraid of being retaliated, so they didn't dare to say more, they didn't know Luo Xinyun's identity at first, they only knew that she was from a rich family Miss.

"Mr. Luo, so you have already investigated clearly. I don't know who the other party is? What kind of grievances do you have with Sun? How will you deal with this matter?"

Everyone's question came back to Luo Chu, who still had a decent smile on his face, "I believe everyone is curious now, I have indeed found out.

That person has nothing to do with my company. As for why she did this, I think everyone can ask her for me. "

"Who is behind the scenes?"

"Luo Xinyun, daughter of the Rock Group, I already have a lot of evidence in my hands, and I have filed a lawsuit in court. I will naturally share the results with you when they come out."

If Luo Xinyun hadn't stepped on Luo Chu's bottom line this time, Luo Chu would not have hung her up directly. Facing so many media reporters, once she said it, everyone in the country would know.

Luo Xinyun, who was watching the live broadcast in front of the tablet, heard Luo Chu say her name directly, and threw the tablet to the ground in anger.

This damn Luo Chu really dares!She aggressively dialed a number, ready to question the person, but a female voice came from the other end of the phone: "I'm sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off."

The phone flew to the ground again and landed next to the tablet, Luo Xinyun was so angry that she jumped.

Luo Chu in the camera still had a sweet smile and was very friendly, but only she knew that this Luo Xinyun had completely annoyed her.

Pay her back with her own way, how did Luo Xinyun treat her, then she will suffer the same now, and wait for the media to bombard her, Miss Luo.

Since Luo Chu made the announcement, she had already anticipated the consequences. She specially put Luo's name on it for the purpose of roll call. Since Luo Xinyun wanted to harm her, she would have to bear the same pain.

Even if other members of the Luo family did not do this, they would still be implicated by Luo Xinyun. In the future, when everyone mentions the Luo family, they will think of what happened today.

Next, the reporters and the media will divert their attention from Luo Chu's company, and Luo Shi will be in bad luck.

In far away Europe, Qu Jingbo only found out what happened today, and he has been very busy these two days.

Although she still talked to Luo Chu on the phone, Luo Chu didn't tell him about it at all in order not to worry him.

Today, when he was waiting for someone, he accidentally clicked on the news website and saw the live broadcast, and he called Special Assistant Jiang to ask what happened.

It turned out that Special Assistant Jiang planned to tell Qu Jingbo early in the morning, but Luo Chu specially called him to tell him not to say anything, she can handle this matter, so don't let Qu Jingbo bother.

As expected, she handled it well. In such a short period of time, she had found the mastermind behind the scenes and held a press conference.

I really don't have to worry about her so much. According to the plan, Luo Chu will come to Europe to accompany him in a few days, and I don't know if anything will happen to her.

When he was busy during the day, he didn't feel how difficult the day was, but felt that the time passed quickly, and he missed her especially when he was resting.

Think of the fragrance on her body, think of her body temperature, think of the way she hugs herself to sleep.

It is too painful to let people who love each other separate, Qu Jingbo can only smoke one cigarette after another.

Soon this matter spread throughout the country. The Luo family came to disaster, and all the media bombarded the Luo family. Mr. Luo, who had already ignored the matter, was furious.

On the same day, they went to Luo's villa. Luo Xinyun carefully waited on the relatives of the family. Everyone came here for this matter.

"Xiao Yun, how can you do such a thing? This is the most taboo thing in the mall. Once your reputation is ruined, how can you stand?"

"Usually, Xiaoyun, if you don't go to work in the company, the company will give you the title of general manager, and we will turn a blind eye and not talk about it.

You usually like to play outside, and it is also your freedom to make friends with dubious people, but you can't ruin the company's reputation because of boredom, right? "

"That's right, our Luo family has managed to gain a firm foothold, and it has developed well in the past two years. The stock market is booming. If you do this, our Luo family will bear such a reputation in the future. This will be a lifetime of stains."

The seven aunts and the eight aunts talk to each other. Anyway, they more or less have a certain amount of shares. Only when the company gets better and better can their share get better and better.

Although Luo Xinyun's family took the lead, but this time she completely angered the other shareholders, and she was found out because she was tripped up by a fellow executive. Now it is causing a big disturbance, which has a great impact on the company.

Luo Chu only said that Luo Xinyun did it, but didn't say why she did it. Other companies who didn't understand the truth of the matter thought that the Luo family and the Luo family had conflicting interests, so Luo Xinyun would do this.

Everyone also knew that Sun was founded by Luo Chu. After Luo Ruirui and Luo Li were driven away by the Luo family, even if the Luo family hadn't made it clear, Luo Chu must be the prospective heir.

The Luo family and the Luo family have always been at odds, and there are often frictions in the business field, so this time the poisoned perfume incident was misunderstood by other companies as something that happened to the two companies.

If people do this after a disagreement, everyone can't guarantee that they can have Luo Chu's methods to find out in such a short time.

It's better to have less dealings with such a company, if one day I accidentally offend the Luo family, wouldn't it be that I will be tripped up secretly.

Rockwell Group has recently been discussing several big deals. At this juncture, such a thing happened. Investors withdrew their capital one after another, and the partners also expressed that they needed to think about it.

A few big deals disappeared. As long as the negotiations are completed, the income in the first half of next year will be all. It is all because of Luo Xinyun that it is like this now.

The other shareholders of the company would naturally be dissatisfied, and all of them came to Luo's house and bombed Luo Xinyun.

Mr. Luo was even more furious, "My Luo family has always been aboveboard, you bastard actually did such a thing to discredit our Luo family, can you afford the consequences of this matter?
You know that Uncle Wang, Uncle Zhang, and Uncle Li have been preparing these contracts for the past few months, and they are about to be negotiated, so we will count on these contracts to have a good year.

In the first half of next year, the income from not signing a single company will be enough, but all of this will be ruined by you! "

"Grandpa, I, I don't want to be like this. It's that bitch Luo Chu who snatched Jingbo away. If it wasn't for her..." Luo Xinyun's face changed color, and she wouldn't know that What is the price of an action.

She just wanted to see Luo Chu panicked. She underestimated Luo Chu and let her find out so quickly. She not only went to the court to sue herself, but also deliberately mentioned Rockwell Enterprises at the press conference.

"Your marriage with the Ye family has been cancelled, yes, the Ye family is sorry for you, but don't forget, he hasn't appeared since the beginning of the engagement.

I asked your opinion at that time, it was you who insisted on going your own way and insisted on getting engaged to the Ye family, and it was you who made it so ugly afterwards. "

"It was Luo Chu who snatched Jingbo, I was not wrong, I was not wrong." Luo Xinyun has always been brooding over this matter.

Especially when she saw the news that the two were engaged and living together, she was so jealous that she was going crazy. Luo Xinyun was always looking for a way to deal with Luo Chu's company that he founded.

Originally thought that he could succeed in one blow, who knew that such a thing would happen now.

"Xiaoyun, you put the whole company in crisis just because of your own selfish desires? Old man, you have to make the decision for us this time. What do you think the company should do because of her alone?"

The loss this time is indeed not small, and Mr. Luo has nothing to do if he wants to cover it up. Everyone has worked so hard for those orders for so long, and it is already a certainty, and the contract is about to be signed.

"Don't worry, I will give you justice. Xiaoyun should be punished for doing something wrong. She holds 12.00% of the company's shares. I will share her shares with everyone. It's a matter of course." Compensation." Mr. Luo had no choice but to do so.

Luo Xinyun is his own granddaughter, these relatives are in the next room after all, even though he is reluctant, there is nothing he can do, he must quell the anger.

As soon as she heard that she would be deprived of her equity, the Rock Group has developed very well in the past few years, and her more than ten percent of the shares have received a large dividend every year, and it is precisely because of this that she has no worries about food and clothing.

But now that the Luo family is going to deprive her of all the shares, Luo Xinyun panicked, "I know what I did wrong in this matter, I'm sorry everyone, I hope everyone will give me a chance to correct my mistakes.

In the future, I will definitely go to work honestly. I beg you, don't deprive me of my shares!I know it's wrong. "

Luo's father and Luo's mother also hurriedly spoke good words to Luo Xinyun. Although their family owns a lot of shares, these scattered shares should not be underestimated, especially since everyone is relatives. Luo's today is all made by everyone's hard work.

"You are all relatives, and my Xiaoyun is also on the edge of the horns. I hope everyone will forgive her this time for the sake of relatives."

"It's my fault for not being a godfather. I made a mistake in this matter. I didn't educate Xiaoyun well, which made her make such a mistake. I will definitely supervise and urge her strictly in the future." Father Luo also pleaded.

Just forget about other things, this time it's not a trivial matter, relatives know Luo Xinyun's temper and character.

She is just a young lady who doesn't know anything, even if she goes to the company, it's not just to cause trouble. As for changing things for the better, people don't believe that things are easy to change.

And this time it is related to the re-division of equity, even if it is only divided to [-]%, there will be a lot more dividends every year. Who will give up the benefits that are on the lips?
The loss in this matter is temporary, but if the equity remains unchanged, the better the Luo family develops, the more dividends they will get. What kind of relatives, in the end, as long as they are linked to interests, no one will remember the word relatives.

"You can't say that. In the past few months, in order to win this case, my old Wang has led his whole team to work overtime. Finally, he has a chance to win. After you told me about it, my old Wang has lost a few pounds. Mr. Luo, you are the president, you should know how much money you have lost just because of Lao Wang's order."

"Yes, relatives are relatives, one size belongs to one size, and we don't want such a thing to happen. Everyone is working hard for the development of the company, but she is good, and now she has ruined everything.

How can children be taught when they are so old?Anyway, Mr. Luo, you still have shares, so even if you lose Xiaoyun, you won't lose anything. "

"What do you mean without loss? Without loss, you gave me all the shares in your family?" Luo Xinyun was originally a temper tantrum, and she was very unhappy when something like this happened.

Her Weibo was posted by someone, and there were over ten thousand comments before she could be banned, and when she clicked on it, they were all scolding her viciously.

Not only made Luo Chu's company look like that, but also ruined other people's faces. She is simply a vicious woman, and she will be punished in the future.

One of the comments in it was more ugly than the other, she was so angry that she turned off comments and selfishness, even so, many people scolded her with topics.

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