There is no reason to take back the things he sent out. Although 500 million is not a lot of money to Luo Chu, she is still not used to accepting gifts from strangers.

"We haven't finalized the cooperation, this..."

"Isn't Mr. Luo planning to cooperate with me?"

"It's not."

"That's right. I wish us a happy cooperation in advance. If Mr. Luo feels embarrassed to accept it, it can be regarded as a deposit." Lei Li made another suggestion.

Luo Chu's eyes flickered slightly, and the deposit proved that he was sure to cooperate with him, so he wouldn't worry that the other party would change his mind.

"Okay, then I'll wait for Lord Lei's cooperation plan." Luo Chu was extremely excited, and she couldn't wait to promote her brand to the world.

What Lei Li said is correct, if it takes her own time to grow up slowly, it will take a very long period of growth, if she can get on his boat, the speed of growth will be faster than expected before.

"En." Lei Li saw the excited little woman, he had seen such expressions on the faces of other women before when he bought clothes and bags for them.

This girl actually only wants to satisfy her ambition, and what she wants is different from others. If she was a man, she might have become the king of the shopping malls.

She is born to be a business material, although she started relatively late, but her future is limitless.

After Lei Li paid the bill, he still had something to say, but now that he saw how excited she was, he suddenly felt that this way of getting along was also very good.

When she is happy, he also has a sense of satisfaction in his heart, he really wants to see her happy, and wants to satisfy everything she wants.

For the time being, he didn't want to plunder, because he knew that his plunder would break her smiling face, so he had no choice but to suppress his thoughts.

"Where is your home? I'll take you back." Lei Li asked her as they walked out of the restaurant.

The cold wind blowing in front of him suddenly, Luo Chu quickly retreated into the car and reported a place name.

On the way back, she kept talking about her ideas, and Lei Li felt that he was also crazy. He suddenly fell in love with her voice, and thought her voice was really nice.

So in order to be able to listen to her voice more, he rarely interrupted, and only occasionally uttered one or two syllables to represent that he was listening to her.

As he spoke, his ears became quiet, and he turned his head to look, Luo Chu had already fallen asleep, and his face was flushed.

He had discovered it before, and thought it was because the air-conditioned room was too hot that she blushed, but Luo Chu fell asleep for no reason, and it didn't look like her style.

He put his finger on her forehead, "Damn it, why is it so hot?"

Thinking of her wearing such a thin dress last night, in order to avoid being approached by others, she has been standing by the window. The place where she is standing is the place where the air conditioner is the weakest.

It's easy to catch a cold when it's cold and hot. When I called her this morning, her voice was a little tired, so she has been trying to talk to herself?
Lei Li really didn't know if she had the self-consciousness of a woman, she was so sick that she didn't go to the hospital and even came to the appointment.

Did she tell herself that she would force her to come?Thinking of her joyful look before, Lei Li felt panicked in his heart.

"Master, do you want to go to the hospital?" The driver felt the temperature drop, and looked at the furious Lei Li from the rearview mirror.

This is his real appearance, the humble gentleman just now is just an illusion, although the driver also finds it strange.

This Miss Luo really has the ability to change such a cold man.

"No, go back to the villa." Lei Li didn't like the hospital, his villa was big enough to accommodate many idlers.

And because of his special habit of being in bed, his villa has always had a dedicated doctor, and once a woman gets out of bed, she needs to be treated immediately.

"Yes, Lord." The driver was originally going in the direction of Luo Chu's house, but Lei Li ordered him to drive to Lei Li's private villa.

Lei Li saw the woman who was pillowed on the seat, her small face flushed unnaturally, and her face also looked a little tired.

Her breathing was rapid, and she drank some red wine earlier, her chest rose and fell sharply.

Even though he knew he was sick, he didn't say a word, but he thought she was fine all the time, so he felt the temperature of her forehead with his hand. He felt that if he beat an egg on her face right now, it would definitely be cooked.

At this moment, he wished he could get to the villa right now, even if the driver was already running very fast.

The driver could feel that the mood of the people behind him was getting worse and worse. Every time he was in a bad mood, someone would suffer. He had to hold on to the steering wheel tightly, hoping that the man would not be so angry that he would shoot him.

With the sound of a sudden brake, the driver quickly got down and opened the door. Lei Li saw the woman who was still sleeping on the seat. In fact, after Luo Chu fell asleep, he hadn't touched her except to check the temperature on her forehead.

It's not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't dare. He felt that this woman was far more attractive to him than he had imagined.

He was afraid, afraid that he would destroy her!So I didn't dare to touch it lightly. The door was already open, and the driver would definitely not dare to hug it.

When Lei Li was about to touch her with his hands, he retracted them, quickly took off his coat and wrapped it around Luo Chu's body, and then carried her out of the car.

It's just that she didn't know whether it was because she didn't want to have direct contact with her, or because the wind and snow outside were so strong that he was afraid of freezing her.

Regarding the grievances between Luo Ruirui and Luo Chu, he had already been investigated clearly. At the beginning, Luo Ruirui said that Luo Chu was the person she hated the most, and the information about the two of them had been placed on his desk the next day.

His hands were stained with blood, what Luo Ruirui did was just a piece of cake in the eyes of the underworld brother, and he would not resent Luo Ruirui for this.

Everyone has their own way of growing up, and no one has the right to interfere with other people's choices.

He didn't resent Luo Ruirui, but he felt sorry for Luo Chu, who had been tortured since she was a child. She has become more outstanding and dazzling after being tempered.

Of course, the world only saw the dazzling light on her body, but they didn't know how much Luo Chu had suffered in the past.

Knowing her past, he would feel distressed when he saw her in front of the French windows, and wanted to hold her in his arms.

At this moment, when he really picked her up, he realized that the little woman was as light as he imagined. His strong arms embraced her, holding her carefully, like a fragile egg.

Luo Ruirui was playing the piano on the second floor. She overheard the housekeeper saying that Mr. Lei liked to talk about the piano, so she just played a piece and got up to move her body.

Standing by the window, she saw the figure of the tall man hastily returning at a glance, but there was one more person in his arms than before, and it should be a woman.

Thinking of the rough side of the man on the bed, but at the moment he is wrapping the woman in his coat, for fear that the wind and snow will fly on her body.

An anxious look was also on her face, Luo Ruirui tightened her grip on the curtains tightly, originally she thought that he took a picture of the ruby ​​for herself last night, but he was different to herself after all.

Although he didn't give the ruby ​​to himself, Luo Ruirui also firmly believed that he took the photo of the gem only after she asked.

As long as it doesn't get caught by Luo Chu, if she knew that it was because of Luo Chu that she took the ruby ​​from the beginning, she would probably be so angry that she would jump off the second floor now.

Because Lei Li felt sorry for Luo Chu, he specially wrapped Luo Chu in clothes, which also blocked her appearance and made people not know her identity.

But it was also because of this that it made people more curious. The news that Master Lei had returned with a woman in his arms quickly spread to the ears of every woman in the villa.

But as soon as Lord Lei came back, he immediately carried Luo Chu into his master bedroom, which was the place where the women in the villa most wanted to go.

Every time the place of love is in the second bedroom, he never spends the night with a woman, most of the time he returns to the master bedroom to rest after the end.

He hugged Luo Chu and went back to the master bedroom without even thinking about it. The female doctor was quickly brought up by the butler. Master Lei had never had someone who cared so much before.

The most hurt women in the past were all dismissed by him with one word, not even a warm hug after the passion, let alone pity for women.

"Diagnose and treat well, the women this time are different from those Yingying and Yanyan before." The butler has been with Lei Ye for many years, so he certainly knows Lei Ye's character.

"How do you say that?"

"This time, the Lord may be serious." The housekeeper thought of Lei Ye's flustered and violent expression when he opened the door, and told him to rush to find a doctor.

He only saw that look once, and that time was when he lost his best partner, but now he did it for a woman, and this woman must be more important than he imagined.

"I see." The female doctor didn't dare to neglect, especially after knowing that Lord Lei brought her to his master bedroom, she was even more cautious.

I thought it was some kind of gunshot wound or a relatively serious injury. When she reached the bedroom out of breath, "Master, what's the situation now?"

She had already prepared for the worst, and a sharp voice came, "She has a fever, she must have caught a cold."

"Huh?" The doctor was a little dazed for the time being. Originally, she was mentally prepared for a life-and-death battle. Master Lei was so anxious, but it turned out to be just a cold?
"Huh, what, hurry up and relieve her fever." The thunderous and violent voice sounded again, if she didn't do it quickly, it seemed that Master Lei would tear down the whole house in no time.

"Oh, good." The female doctor didn't dare to stay, and stepped forward to the bedside a few steps, "Master, you stand back a little, I will diagnose her now."

Lei Li stood by the bed like a hen guarding its cubs. The female doctor was under a lot of pressure.

He took a few steps back obediently, seeing the female doctor's skillful side face temperature, he diagnosed and treated other parts of her body, "Fortunately, it's just a small cold that caused a high fever. I'm going to prepare antipyretics now, don't worry about it."

"Go quickly."

"Yes." The female doctor stroked the sweat on her forehead, and she was glad that she just had a fever. It would be no wonder if Lord Lei didn't eat himself if he got seriously ill!
It's not easy to be a doctor, so she hurried away to prepare for the next thing.

And the women in the villa have also gone crazy, "What, you said that the master brought a woman back? Hug, are you sure it is?"

"I'm sure and sure!" The person next to him hurriedly replied.

"I saw it with my own eyes."

"Is that woman as beautiful as me? Grandpa has never hugged me."

"I don't know if she's pretty or not. I wrapped her in my coat specially, as if I was worried that she would be cold. I don't think I'm really tempted this time, right?"

"Impossible!" Luo Ruirui, who had been silent all this time, said suddenly, yelling at the women around her for a moment.

Luo Ruirui yelled so loudly suddenly, and the other women looked at her with some displeasure, "Why are you so fierce, shouldn't it hit your pain?"

"That's right, I remembered that you were very proud of yourself before. You were the only person my master summoned recently, and I took you to the auction yesterday."

"He said he wouldn't like Shangye, and he was defeated by him in just a few days, tsk tsk."

The women here are more powerful than one, three women in one drama, not to mention a bunch of women, they all stay for various purposes.

In the end, they all took a look at Luo Ruirui, and without exception, fell in love with the person they shouldn't fall in love with.

Lei Li has never restricted their freedom, as long as they are willing to leave anytime and anywhere, from the beginning of coveting wealth and wealth to the present, no one is willing to leave.

In addition to material conditions, they are more eager for that man now, knowing that he will not like themselves.

But he doesn't like others, that's enough, everyone is the same, it's good to be able to look at him from time to time.

In particular, many women didn't shake M at the beginning, but they were treated roughly like that by men. From the disgust and fear at the beginning, they gradually began to accept it later.

Ordinary love can no longer be satisfied, they draw the ground as a prison, willing to stay here, and never want to leave.

The high-rise sun that let everyone shine before did not belong to anyone, which is also the reason for the harmony in the backyard.

If he really fell in love with someone, that person would destroy the already somewhat morbid balance, and Luo Ruirui couldn't help but develop feelings for that man.

She thought she was different in his heart, but now it seems that she is the same as these people in his heart, and there is nothing special at all.

At the moment, Luo Chu, who was in the master bedroom, was burned into a fog. She was given special medicine by Tina since she was a child, and as a result, she has never had a child.

Moreover, she has a cold body and is easy to get sick. Once she catches a cold that seems simple, others may take some medicine, but she is not so easy.

Recently, she has been very busy every day, and she didn't go to morning exercises to exercise her body. In addition to the cold weather this time, she was completely overwhelmed by the illness after she hadn't been sick for a long time.

That's why Qu Jingbo took good care of her everywhere. She changed the quilt and sheets before she came back, and the heating was always sufficient.

He knew the reason early in the morning, so he protected her so carefully. Now that Qu Jingbo is not around, Luo Chu is used to his care, and he doesn't take his body seriously at all.

She was upset last night, and she could only calm down a little by standing there. At that time, Luo Chu would not think too much.

After taking Luo Chu's fever-reducing medicine, Lei Li even personally physically cooled her down, applying cold towels to her face over and over again.

After a long time, the high fever on her body has not subsided, and it seems to be getting worse.

I had a high fever of 39 degrees before. After taking antipyretics, not only did the temperature not drop, but it also rose by a few tenths.

This is already a very dangerous degree, so furiously he threw the towel in his hand to the ground, "Didn't you say that she just had a small cold, why hasn't the fever subsided?"

"Master, most people should have cooled down by this time after taking antipyretics, and I don't know what's wrong with her constitution." The female doctor was shocked by the thunderous voice and trembled all over.

"I don't want to listen to nonsense, I just want the result, to cool down quickly, I want her to cool down quickly!" Rao Leili didn't understand medical principles and knew that it would be bad to continue burning like this.

"The only way to cool down quickly is to use antipyretic needles, but antipyretic needles are very likely to cause side effects, so I don't recommend them."

"Then you should think of a way!" Lei Li was like a mad lion at the moment, when his wound was infected and had a high fever that persisted, he survived without medication.

But seeing the woman who was sleeping like a little angel on the bed at the moment, she still didn't know anything, and was still discussing the plan with herself with great interest before she fell into a coma.

The image of that person leaving him many years ago appeared in his mind, and the violent aura in Lei Li's body became more serious, and he would never let anyone leave in the form of death in front of his eyes.

He turned around and took out a gun from under the pillow, and put the muzzle directly on the female doctor's head, his eyes were red, "I don't care what method you use, I want you to reduce her fever immediately."

The female doctor had never been threatened like this before, and the stethoscope in her hand fell to the ground in fright.

"Lord, relax, I'll cool her down right away."

The fever-reducing needle was the last thing to use, so she had to infuse Luo Chu with some medicine first, watching the needle piercing into the snow-white skin, the sleeping person frowned slightly.

A big rough hand caressed the crease between her brows, "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt." Even if she couldn't hear him, he comforted her.

Perhaps it was because his hands were stained with too much blood, that's why he was particularly interested in a pure person like Luo Chu, and was attracted by her special breath unconsciously.

The female doctor and the housekeeper looked at each other, looking at the man in front of the bed who was so gentle that he probably really answered the housekeeper's words, he meant it.

Lei Li kicked off the towel on the ground, went to the bathroom to get a new towel, soaked it in cold water, and put it on Luo Chu's forehead.

"Master, it's getting late, we're taking care of you here, you should go and have a rest first." The butler said, the water is so cold this winter, he shouldn't have to do such things with his status.

Lei Li glared at him, but the housekeeper didn't dare to speak again, if he angered the old man right now, he would really be shocked by him.

As time passed by, the female doctor was also a little worried. She was also afraid that Luo Chu's high fever would not subside, and Lei Li would really attack her.

"Dong dong dong..." Someone knocked on the door.

"Who!" Lei Li's voice was full of coldness, and Luo Ruirui outside the door also felt Lei Li's unhappy mood at the moment, so she hurriedly said.

"Master, it's me. I heard that you have been in the room. I don't know if you need anything..." Luo Ruirui bit her lips, and he actually carried the woman into the master bedroom, even the female doctor.

Could it be that he played too much outside and hurt the woman?Maybe he hasn't had enough fun yet, Luo Ruirui wants to prove to other women that she is different from Leili!
"Get out!" Lei Li was in a bad mood, and Luo Ruirui was as stupid as a pig, and came to offend him at this time.

"Master, I just..." She felt that Lei Li seemed to be getting more angry, although she didn't know what she did wrong.

"Li Fu." He looked at the butler beside him.


"Let her be quiet." Lei Li said coldly, Luo Ruirui didn't know that she offended that man with a single word, what kind of punishment awaited her.

The butler opened the door with a sullen face. The moment the door opened, Luo Ruirui saw only a person lying on the bed with an IV bottle hanging beside him.

And Lei Li was leaning over to change the wet towel on her head, Luo Ruirui had never seen such a nervous side face.

He was nervous, if he didn't really care about that woman, he would never be so worried.

She still wanted to continue to see what the sleeping woman looked like, but the housekeeper had already blocked all her sight.

"Follow me!" The butler said with a serious face.

Luo Ruirui's heart tightened when she saw the butler's face, and she followed the butler away unwillingly.

"My lord, where are you taking me?"

"Go there and kneel, kneel for five hours before leaving!" the butler pointed coldly at the snowy yard outside.

Luo Ruirui didn't realize what she did wrong for a while, "My lord, what did I do wrong that you want to treat me like this?"

"I told you on the first day you stayed here, you can stay here, but you must obey the rules and don't play tricks."

"My lord, I didn't play tricks, I just..." Luo Ruirui wanted to explain something, although she did want to play tricks to prove that she was different from others just now.

That's why she had the courage to approach Lei Li, and also wanted to see who the woman he brought back was.

"I don't care what you think. Now that you have angered the master, I will punish you again because you are the first offender. Go there and kneel." The housekeeper said expressionlessly.

I thought Luo Ruirui was different from other women, she would not fall in love with Lei Li, but I didn't expect her to have feelings for Lei Li so soon.

What Lei Li wants is only a tool to express his desire. If the tool has feelings, he wants more and wants his response even more, so the relationship between the two will change.

Generally speaking, he would rarely call out women who had feelings for him. The reason why he took Luo Ruirui with him was precisely because he felt that Luo Ruirui was full of hatred and would not easily fall in love with others.

Luo Ruirui didn't know that one of her actions just now was a big mistake, "What if I don't kneel?" She fixedly looked at the housekeeper in front of her.

"You don't need to kneel, please move out of the villa immediately, and never set foot in the villa again." The housekeeper has been with Lei Li for many years, and he is used to seeing women like Luo Ruirui.

From being afraid of Lei Li at the beginning, to slowly sinking, and decided to stay here, no matter what the status is.

"Leave?" Luo Ruirui muttered to herself.

"Yes, if you want to stay, you have to abide by Lord Lei's rules. If you can't, please leave. Lord has never restricted the freedom of all of you."

If she leaves, she won't have to suffer from that pervert anymore, but it also means that she won't see that man again, and she will lose a backer, who will avenge her revenge.

"I won't leave." When Luo Ruirui thought of Luo Chu's face, her whole body changed. She walked directly towards the yard and knelt down on the spot.

In fact, as a housekeeper, what he hopes is that Luo Ruirui will leave, and stop being obsessed with it. Lord Lei won't give her what she wants.

Why would a young girl waste time here, he would take the initiative to tell the rules to every little girl who just came in, in fact, it was to remind them.

If it's just for money, it's okay, but if it's for love, it will only put yourself in a situation where there is no way to recover.

Today, he punished Luo Ruirui to kneel down, which is considered a very clear punishment. Anyway, he was also the one who followed Lei Li all the way, and his methods were more vicious than anyone else.

The blood on his hands was no less than that of Lei Li, and after being cleansed, he was unwilling to live that kind of life again, and his personality became a little gentler.

Seeing these women come in like moths, what he can do is to persuade, but whether the advice is useful or not is beyond his control.

Luo Ruirui knelt in the snow, a group of women came here to mock her, but Luo Ruirui never said a word from the beginning to the end.

There are only five words in her mind, and she wants to stay.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the fever on Luo Chu's body subsided a little compared to before, but he was still feverish.

The female doctor checked her temperature, "Master, this lady's body is a bit strange, I think it is necessary to give her a comprehensive examination."

"Then hurry up!" Although the high fever has subsided a little, Lei Li will not feel relieved as long as the temperature does not return to normal.

Because Lei Li used to be a member of the underworld, it would not be convenient for him to go to the hospital if he was injured, and he still maintains this habit even though he has been cleansed now.

His villa has a very complete medical system, which makes it convenient for Luo Chu to have a comprehensive examination.

Luo Chu was still in a coma until it was dark, but fortunately the high fever turned into a low fever, Lei Li saw the woman on the hospital bed, he had never noticed it before, but now he found her a small ball, women are so small what?

Luo Chu's figure is not short among women, but under Lei Li's height of 188, it feels a little small.

"Grandpa, the diagnosis result is out."

"How?" Lei Li asked.

"This lady's physique is cold, it should be caused by medicine."

"What are the effects of physical problems?" Lei Li smoked a cigar.

"It is possible that this young lady will never have a child in her life. She is currently unable to conceive due to her physical condition, and her cold will be more severe than ordinary people, which is also due to physical problems.

It stands to reason that her natural physique would not be so serious. I suspect that someone gave her some cold medicine when she was a child, which slowly changed her physique. "

"Can't have children..." Lei Li murmured, "Other than this, when will her fever subside?"

"At present, it seems that she should be able to retire tomorrow morning. Her physique is a little later than that of ordinary people. Fortunately, she has turned from a high fever to a low fever. Now it will not affect her body too much. You can rest assured about this .”

"That's good, you go down first."

In a daze, Luo Chu heard voices coming from outside the door, saying that he had a cold constitution or that he had no children.

At that time, she was in a daze from the fever, and she didn't know who the voice was, and soon fell asleep again.

She was sleeping peacefully in the warm room, while Luo Ruirui had knelt until her whole body was cold, her knees seemed to have frozen, and she had lost all sensation in her body for a long time.

The whole body was covered by heavy snow, turning into a snow doll, and thick snow frost also condensed on the eyelashes.

Luo Ruirui looked at the heavy snow that was flying all over the sky, and watched her head fall to the ground. She still didn't insist on kneeling for five hours, and she was about to die in just two hours.

The female doctor just solved the matter on Luo Chu's side, and hurriedly went to treat Luo Ruirui again.

"Girl, why are you bothering? I told you not to fall in love with me. You can't bear the consequences." The female doctor sighed.

"I want to see you, can you?" Luo Ruirui woke up from a coma, and after the female doctor gave emergency treatment, she slowly regained consciousness.

"Grandpa probably doesn't have time to come and see you right now, he has to take care of others." Thinking of the way Lei Li almost knocked herself out before, she didn't want to experience it again in her life.

"Who is that woman?" Luo Ruirui was not reconciled. Before Lei Li had no one he liked, everyone was the same. Now he suddenly brought back a woman.

"I can't answer this question for you, because I haven't seen her before. I only know that the master is here for real this time, so girl, if you are in good health, you should leave here. This is not a place for you to stay."

"I won't go! I won't go!" Luo Ruirui clutched her clothes tightly with her fingers, she was not reconciled, not at all.

"Hey..." The female doctor didn't speak anymore, maybe she and the housekeeper were the only ones in the whole villa who understood.

Luo Chu lay on the bed, feeling like his body was burning like a fire.

It was getting late, and it was already ten o'clock. Qu Jingbo called Luo Chu to say good night as usual, but Luo Chu didn't answer after calling for a long time today.

It's possible that I went to wash up, and after half an hour, I didn't see her calling or texting me back.

This has never happened before. If Luo Chu has anything, he will be informed in advance. This is the first time he can't find anyone.

Just to be on the safe side, Qu Jingbo called Wang Ma, and Wang Ma heard a worried voice, "Master, my lady hasn't come home yet, and she didn't answer the phone I called her before."

"She hasn't come back all this time?" Qu Jingbo couldn't hold back her anxiety. Although Luo Chu's age would not cause any accidents, it was still very worrying at this late hour.

"Yes, I haven't been back since I went to work in the morning. It's possible that Miss is working overtime, but she's already back after working overtime before." Looking at the huge snow outside the window, Wang Ma felt worried.

"Did she say where she was going before she left this morning?"

"No, it's the same as before. It's just that Miss caught a cold last night and asked me for some cold medicine before leaving."

"Okay, I see. I'll call the company and ask." Qu Jingbo has already filled in many thoughts and ideas in his mind.

Could it be that she passed out in the company while working overtime?It happened that there was no one else around, so she didn't hear the phone call.

He dialed Shen Runxue's number, which he had specially recorded before he left, just in case he was afraid that he could not find Luo Chu.

Shen Runxue received an unfamiliar number, "Hello."

"Where are you now?" Qu Jingbo asked straight to the point.

Shen Runxue was taken aback, "Qu, Mr. Qu, I'm at home now."

"Where's Chu'er? Is she still working overtime at the company?" Qu Jingbo was afraid that what she thought was true. Luo Chu was working overtime alone and fainted because of a cold.

"Didn't President Luo be picked up by you?" Shen Runxue was a little surprised.

"Picked up by me? I'm in Europe!" Qu Jingbo said coldly, even more suspicious of what happened.

"Mr. Luo was picked up by a Bentley at noon. We thought it was Mr. Qu who came back."

"Bingley? What's so strange about her today?" Qu Jingbo didn't dare to think about it at all. Although he knew that he should trust Luo Chu, he couldn't guarantee that something happened to Luo Chu.

Shen Runxue thought about it, and told Qu Jingbo about last night's auction and Luo Chu's receipt of flowers and gems in the office this morning.

"Who is the person who sent the flowers?" Qu Jingbo on the other end of the phone was so angry that his veins were exposed. He gave away more than 1000 million gems as soon as he said it. No matter how you look at it, the person didn't have a purpose.

"I don't know. Mr. Luo said that I don't have to worry about it. She has a way, and then threw the flowers away. When we parted at noon, she said that she had an appointment with someone and would not come to the company in the afternoon. At that time, we thought it was time Mr. Qu, you are back, has something happened to Mr. Luo?"

Shen Runxue was also a little anxious when she heard what Qu Jingbo said, no matter what the appointment was, she wouldn't refuse to answer the phone, and the black rose was a bit unknown no matter how she looked at it.

"You saw her getting into that Bentley, but you still remember the license plate of the Bentley." Qu Jingbo knew that she should not be in a hurry, and sometimes things would go wrong if she was in a hurry.

"The license plate number is right, someone will definitely remember it, Mr. Qu, wait a minute, I will call you back in a minute."

"Okay." Qu Jingbo hung up the phone simply as he said that, not wasting any time has always been his principle.

Shen Runxue didn't dare to waste time. Fortunately, Zhou Xiaohu is a memory maniac. She even read the license plate number at that time, so she must remember it.

After asking about the license plate number from Zhou Xiaohu, Shen Runxue quickly dialed the number for Qu Jingbo, "Mr. Qu, please remember, the license plate number is..."

"I see." Qu Jingbo hung up the phone after hearing this, and quickly made a call from an important person in City A, "I want you to check a car for me, right away."

"Mr. Qu, who messed with you this evening?" The other party's voice was laziness.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll give you the license plate, and report to me as soon as you investigate clearly." Qu Jingbo didn't bother to pay attention to the man's teasing. Now Luo Chu is the only one who is most important to him.

"Okay, I'll check it out for you right away, but what do you want to know?"

"His identity, and where did this car go in the end." Qu Jingbo's voice was cold, and someone could feel Qu Jingbo's violence across thousands of rivers and mountains.

"Wait a minute." Hearing his anxious voice, he didn't dare to joke anymore.

The waiting time was the most difficult. Even if it was only 5 minutes, Qu Jingbo felt like a century had passed. For the first time in his life, he regretted that he was so far away.

If something happened to Luo Chu, he would never forgive himself in his life!

He paced in the same place over and over again, although domestic time was almost eleven o'clock, but it was still afternoon in Paris.

Qu Jingbo loosened his tie a little annoyed, as if a fire was burning in his heart, he missed her, desperately thinking about her.

Little rabbit, you must be well, don't get hurt, I'll be back soon, he has already bought a ticket to return home in these 5 minutes.

Five minutes later, the phone rang, and he answered the phone as soon as it rang, "Did you find it?"

"Found it, this license plate is a Bentley, the owner is Lei Li, Lao Qu, why are you checking Lei Li?" The other party was obviously a little afraid of the name.

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