Lin Shao's Love Symphony

209、Love you crazy

Qu Jingbo stood outside the crowd and looked at the extremely dazzling person. Faced with many press questions from reporters and media, she answered decently, unhurriedly, and without any pride.

No matter how sharp everyone's questions were, they were dismissed by her four or two thousand pounds. He suddenly thought that if Luo Chu entered the entertainment industry, he might be a big star now.

Fortunately, she didn't mean to, otherwise more people would see her. He really wanted to hide such a little rabbit from being seen by anyone.

But he also knew that if he had chosen not to send her to fly, but to break her wings, she would not be as dazzling and happy as she is today.

Although she doesn't like her being seen by others, as long as she is happy, there is a trace of satisfaction jumping in those eyes that are like shallow water waves.

This time, I did the publicity for her. It was more due to her own hard work. Today's results are entirely the result of her own hard work.

How could such a radiant woman keep him from being tempted, he didn't want to let go in this life.

The event lasted for most of the day, and the crowd slowly dispersed until noon. Candy was in a hurry to catch the plane, and left before the event was over.

Luo Chu said sorry, and Shen Runxue still sent Candy to the airport.


Candy gave Shen Runxue her personal number, and the two of them are now friends, Shen Runxue is still in the dark, how did she ever think that one day she would be friends with a celebrity!
"Okay, don't send it away, I'm leaving, remember not to be so stupid in the future." Candy said goodbye to Shen Runxue.

Seeing Shen Runxue, who entered the security check area, her heart finally fell, and at the same time she felt a little lost and sad. Is there any chance to meet again in the future?
For the first time, she knew that there are women like Bei Ruoqiu who have different appearances in celebrities, but there are also people with genuine temperament like Candy, and life is really interesting.

Lin Xunxuan's heart can finally relax, he hasn't had a good night's sleep for half a month, Shen Runxue's heartbeat will speed up when he thinks of those slightly tired but excited eyes.

It turns out that this is love, and love makes people feel sweet when they think of another person.

When the event was over, Lin Xun excitedly gave Luo Chu the total order amount, which exceeded [-] bottles, "Mr. Luo, take a look."

"Not bad." Luo Chu smiled. She was very satisfied with the result. After all, it was just an on-site sale, so it was considered very good.

Once the [-] bottles are sold and the reputation is good, then the brand is truly successful, and this new marketing model will soon be used by other companies for reference.

After all, what many companies were most worried about in the past was that if they made too much and couldn't sell it, wouldn't they suffer a lot of losses?Now there is this mode of placing orders in advance. Everyone pays a deposit first, and then pays the balance at the end.

Even if you want to return the deposit, it will not be refunded, and you can also control the market demand, thus greatly reducing the risk.

Although Luo Chu's sales model was used for reference, no one has achieved such good results as she has today.

Fulfilling her promise, she hosted a banquet for everyone, and Luo Chu even gave everyone a three-day holiday. After all, everyone has been working overtime for half a month and has never had a weekend break.

She specially made up the vacation for everyone, and everyone at the wine table was very happy. I didn't expect Luo Chu to be so approachable.

Zhao Xiaokui also came, and she silently hoped that she would have another chance, but this time, even if Luo Chu didn't move her, Mona would not let her go lightly.

No one at the wine table mentioned that matter, and Zhao Xiaokui's heart was still in suspense, and she was not talked to by Luo Chu or Mona until the end of the whole banquet.

Maybe...they forgot about it?Or too busy?Or did Shen Runxue not tell them?
In short, as long as you continue to stay in the company, the benefits of the company are very good, and Luo Chu promised from the beginning that if the income is good, he will give everyone dividends.

Such a company with humanized benefits and good benefits, and today's press conference was a big success, Sun will soon gain a firm foothold, the future is simply boundless.

The appearance of so many powerful people today further proves that Luo Chu has a wide network of contacts. Who would want to leave such a good company?

Even if you are tired and hard, at least you have a head start. This time the perfume launch party convinced everyone that Luo Chu is really amazing!Instantly promoted to the goddess in everyone's heart.

Zhao Xiaokui also spent time in a state of anxiety, the banquet ended, everyone drank a lot, Lin Xun took the initiative to send Shen Runxue home.

It was a sunny day and snowflakes fell at night, and Zhao Xiaokui also drank a lot. In a trance, she saw Lin Xun holding Shen Runxue's hand and the two walked towards the subway station.

Around her neck was the scarf that Lin Xun had given her, and the two looked at each other and smiled, indescribably warm and romantic.

Looking at the entrance of the hotel, Luo Chu also drank a lot, obviously a little drunk, a black car parked not far from the door, and a tall figure walked out of the car.

"Why did you drink so much?" Qu Jingbo specially went to greet Gong Mo and Xiao Yang, two guests who came from afar, at night, so Luo Chu stayed with the company for dinner.

Luo Chu's drinking capacity is definitely not against the sky, his little face was flushed, and he brought Qu Jingbo to pick her up, and plunged his head into Qu Jingbo's arms, "Brother Bo, you are here."

Luo Chu, such a little woman, is absolutely invisible in the company. She is like a female warrior outside, and no one can defeat her.

In a trance, she seemed to hear the man sigh softly, and then the tall man simply hugged her horizontally.

"Let's go home and don't drink too much in the future."

"Okay, let's go home." Luo Chu mumbled and buried his head in his arms.

The assistant opened the car door for them, and the two left in a luxury car. Needless to say, Qu Jingbo's friendship with Luo Chu.

Zhao Xiaokui used to think that a person of Qu Jingbo's status and status would definitely not treat a woman well, and maybe one day he would get tired of Luo Chu.

Facts have proved that in the past few months, every time she saw that Qu Jingbo was getting better and better with Luo Chu, and the relationship between the two was getting deeper and deeper, so deep that no one could enter their world.

The car left, and colleagues left in twos and threes, "Xiao Kui, why don't you leave?"

"I'll be leaving right now."

"It's snowing so hard, I'll take you back." A colleague said with concern.

If Zhao Xiaokui had thought about hooking up before, after seeing the two couples leaving, she had lost her mind, "I'll take a taxi back by myself, you go first."

"Then be careful yourself."

"Okay." Zhao Xiaokui walked into the wind and snow alone, and for some reason, she felt very cold this Christmas.

The little woman in the car reeked of alcohol, and I don't know how much she had drunk. The heater in the car was very warm, but Qu Jingbo was afraid that she would catch cold, so he took off his coat and covered her.

A drunken person would sometimes feel cold, hugging her to his chest, and through the light falling in from outside, he could see a sleeping little face.

She must be very happy. She has won such a victory today, and even she, a bystander, is also happy for her. These days, the little woman is dealing with such and such things like crazy.

Finally able to take a good rest, Qu Jingbo carried her back to the warm room.

"Miss, are you asleep?" Wang Ma saw the person nestled in Qu Jingbo's arms, probably only his arms in this world could make Luo Chu feel so at ease.

"Sleep, prepare a light breakfast tomorrow morning." Qu Jingbo thoughtfully instructed, he did not forget the sad look of the little woman the next day after the hangover.

"Good uncle." Wang Ma also tidied up and got ready to go to bed.

Back in the room, Luo Chu hadn't woken up yet, so Qu Jingbo had no choice but to play the role of servant again.

Considerately undress her, bring a hot towel to wipe her face and body, the little woman has to take a bath every night.

This situation is not conducive to her taking a bath, and he will also wipe her body with a hot towel, so that she will be dry and sleep comfortably.

After wiping her body, he realized that he had reacted a long time ago. He looked at the angelic sleeping face and went to the bathroom without waking her up after much deliberation.

The future is long, let her go tonight first.

Qu Jingbo came out after washing and found that Luo Chu's cell phone rang, and a message came in.

He didn't intend to take a peek, so he picked it up and prepared to turn the phone to silent mode. Anyway, their company is on holiday, and the company has nothing important to do.

Xiao Yang had already left by plane at night, and Gong Mo said that he had something to stay, so he would not pester Luo Chu with his cold temper.

So there won't be any major events in these few days. Qu Jingbo hoped that she could have a good rest, and he saw the content of the message after picking up the phone.

"I've considered your proposal last time. If you want to know about Tina, I'll wait for you at Blue Rain Coffee at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon, An Mi."

Qu Jingbo also knew that Luo Chu had gone to An Mi before to find out about Tina. An Mi had been with Tina for so long, so he must know what was going on.

As long as he is willing to tell the truth, the truth will come out, Luo Chuxiang thinks so, but she also got rejected by An Mi.

Tina must have kept An Mi a secret long ago, how could he tell the truth to Luo Chu?

He refused when Luo Chu asked, how could he mention it now, unless... Qu Jingbo seemed to think of something, and his deep eyes darkened.

Although the affairs of the R family are still covered with layers of mystery, there are some things he can be sure of.

Tina left to protect Luo Chu, and did not let Luo Chu know anything about the R family. If the curse is true, then this message from An Mi at this moment is intriguing.

From Luo Chu's mouth, I learned that An Mi loves Tina deeply, and he even gave Luo Chu a very precious necklace as a gift when they met for the first time.

If Tina went back on her decision to tell Luo Chu something, then she should go to Luo Chu directly and definitely not through An Mi's hand.

This message was sent by An Mi. It is very likely that An Mi came to find Luo Chu without telling Tina. An Mi loves Tina and will do anything for the one she loves.

Even against her wishes, he wanted to drag Luo Chu into this muddy water, so as to make Tina easier.

The reason why he used text messages instead of calling was probably because he was very conflicted. On the one hand, he violated Tina and the agreement, but on the other hand, he wanted to do something for Tina.

He chose the method of sending text messages. A busy person like Luo Chu would most likely ignore the text messages. If she saw it, she would definitely come back. If she didn't see it, it would be God's will.

An Mi can only use this method to get a little peace of mind, but God just let Qu Jingbo see it.

An Mi wants to protect Tina, but why doesn't he want to protect Luo Chu? No one wants their beloved woman to be hurt, especially Qu Jingbo, who loves his wife and is crazy.

After entering the fingerprint, he directly entered the phone, clicked on the message, and deleted it without hesitation.

How could he involve her in something that even her mother had been rejecting?An Mi, you have left the result to God, unfortunately, the little rabbit's God is me.

After doing all this, he turned off his mobile phone and put it on the table, lifted the quilt and lay down next to Luo Chu. Luo Chu seemed to know that he had gone to bed, and habitually buried his head in Qu Jingbo's arms.

"Brother Bo..." As if she was babbling, her small mouth opened slightly, and Qu Jingbo saw the little woman who was relying on her wholeheartedly.

"Little rabbit, I'm sorry, it's been so hard for me to have you. No matter who or what, I can't take you away from me. In this life, I only want you."

After finishing speaking, Qu Jingbo leaned over and kissed the red lips, and the fiery breath filled Luo Chu's mouth in an instant. She was half asleep and half awake, so she had to rely on instinct to cater to his demand.

From time to time, he groaned a few times. Originally, Qu Jingbo wanted to let her go. After what happened just now, he was emotionally moved and pressed Luo Chu under his body.

With his fingertips, he opened her pajamas like peeling an egg, revealing the white skin inside.

The person who was still asleep had no idea what would happen next, and Qu Jingbo walked towards her body.

I don't know why he felt uneasy when he saw that message, even if he deleted it, he didn't know what would happen in the future.

He was used to the current life, and he couldn't imagine what would happen to him if Luo Chu left him one day?
When he thought of that time, his heart became very nervous and scared. He had experienced the feeling of losing her, and watched her disappear in front of him.

He had a hard time in the past three years. Even if Luo Chu and Ye Zhengxiu were together before, he could often see her and pay attention to her.

And that time she disappeared at the airport, and since then, he has been separated from each other. He has come to the United States several times to search but there is no trace of her. He can't see her anymore, and he doesn't know whether she is doing well or not.

Only by feeling the fiery body under him can he be sure that she is still in his arms, she will not leave, and his heart will not be empty.

Devouring her again and again, his voice rang in her ears: "Little rabbit, don't leave me, never leave me!"

When Luo Chu woke up in the morning, he woke up with a burst of dizziness, accompanied by some strange sensations in his body. It was not the first time he had experienced such a thing, but Qu Jingbo last night was especially crazy.

Even after she was drunk, she could still feel the scorching heat on the man's body as if it was going to swallow her completely.

At that time, her mind was groggy, and her body was as soft as cotton, so she let him go. When she woke up today, she felt uncomfortable all over her body.

"Are you awake?" A man's hoarse voice came from beside his ear.

Luo Chu blinked, "Brother Bo, you didn't go to work?" Although she didn't know what time it was, she felt that it should have exceeded the usual time.

"Today, Sunday, I will stay with you at home, do you feel uncomfortable?" Qu Jingbo asked softly.

Luo Chu nodded, "Well, I feel a little uncomfortable, and my head hurts."

The last time Luo Chu was very uncomfortable after a hangover, of course Qu Jingbo was familiar with her body, and took her into her arms with some distress, "I know I can't drink too much, but I still drank so much!"

"I was happy yesterday, but I was miserable. I even forgot to send the sheep!" Luo Chu remembered this.

"Don't worry, I'll send him to the airport after dinner. It's not that he doesn't know your temperament, so he won't blame you." Qu Jingbo began to massage her temples.

Luo Chu closed his eyes and enjoyed his service, "Brother Bo, why were you so...fanatic last night?"

After thinking about it for a long time, she still felt that it was a little more appropriate to use the word fanaticism, after all, his temperature was about to swallow her at that time.

"It's probably been a long time since I asked for it." Qu Jingbo's eyes flickered behind her, and Luo Chu thought about it too. During this period of time, he saw that he was working too hard, so he endured it all the time, and this erupted last night.

"Brother Bo, thank you for your hard work." Luo Chu didn't think too much, took the mobile phone from the side, and found that the mobile phone was turned off. She remembered that it was not turned off last night, and it probably ran out of battery.

After charging it and turning it on, she found that it was still half charged. She frowned, "Why is the phone turned off?" She has never been in the habit of turning it off when she sleeps.

The mobile phone is a very important thing, and sometimes I have to deal with some urgent matters in the middle of the night. Although the company has stabilized now, Luo Chu still retains this habit.

"Last night, I saw that you slept soundly. I didn't want others to disturb you, so I turned off your phone." Qu Jingbo only wanted to turn on silent at that time, but who would have discovered An Mi's text message.

He deleted the text message and still felt it was not enough, what if An Mi called again in the middle of the night?After all, if it were me, I would help Luo Chu no matter what.

Presumably, he had been struggling and hesitating for too long to send that text message, and Qu Jingbo would not give him this chance.

"Well, you should be more careful, Brother Bo." Luo Chu would never doubt a man who treats him wholeheartedly.

"I asked Mother Wang to prepare some light porridge. You lie on the bed and rest for a while, and I'll bring it to you." Qu Jingbo looked at the time and it was getting late, and Luo Chu's stomach had to eat on time.

"Brother Bo, I don't know if one day you are no longer by my side, how can I get used to it by myself?" Luo Chu chuckled.

In just a few months of being together, Qu Jingbo really spoiled her to the sky. No matter how uncomfortable her body was, she would still get up when she should get up.

Hangover last night and being tormented for most of the night, now her whole body seems to be falling apart.

Qu Jingbo rubbed her head, "You don't have to force yourself, it's okay to indulge once in a while, anyway, I don't go to work today."

"Yeah." Luo Chu nestled under the quilt with peace of mind. After thinking about it, she should get up and wash up before eating breakfast.

He casually picked up the pajamas next to him, only to find that his body was full of marks left by that person, some were fingerprints, and more were left by his kisses.

The color was darker than any time before, and hickeys went down the body, even on the inner thighs in several places.

This person... is so hot, Luo Chu's little face flushed, and his body was extremely dry. He must have cleaned himself up, and Luo Chu quickly got dressed.

While brushing her teeth and washing her face, she kept thinking that she and Qu Jingbo did it several times during the dangerous period. She didn't take any medicine at that time, but why didn't she have children all the time?
Last night was lingering all night, these few days happened to be a dangerous period, maybe the child would come, she never thought about that aspect, so soon she stopped thinking about this issue.

After she finished washing, Qu Jingbo had already brought in breakfast. Luo Chu was wearing pajamas, her hair was loosely tied up, and there was no makeup on her face.

She smiled lightly, "Wow, it's my favorite porridge, it smells so good."

Qu Jingbo was attracted by her clean smile, how could he not protect such a pure and untainted smile.

"Brother Bo, do you want to have a taste? What's wrong with you?" Luo Chu saw that something was wrong with Qu Jingbo's expression, and he stood there as if his acupuncture points had been tapped.

"It's okay, I rarely see you dressed like this, I think it looks good. Don't worry about me, I ate before you woke up."

"I used to leave early in the morning every day, and I rarely had such a leisurely time. I should be able to take a good rest next time." Luo Chu breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's time to take a good rest. You were too busy a while ago, busier than many white-collar elites. You are the boss."

"It happens to be the boss who should work harder, otherwise why would the people below follow you? This porridge is so delicious." Luo Chu happily ate the hot porridge.

Sitting beside her, Qu Jingbo felt very happy even if she just looked at her quietly without doing anything, "Chu'er, will you always be by my side?"

"Brother Bo, what's wrong with you? Didn't you ask me last night?" Although Luo Chu was in a daze last night, she also remembered that Qu Jingbo had been whispering to her not to leave.

Luo Chu agreed over and over again, and he said it over and over again tirelessly, as if he was really afraid that he would leave him.

"I just feel that the current life is very happy, and I don't want you to leave." Qu Jingbo lowered his eyes, and Luo Chu couldn't see the moment of loneliness when he lowered his head.

"Don't worry, Brother Bo, you love me so much, and I love you so much, even if you drive me away with a broom, I won't leave." Luo Chu didn't know why Qu Jingbo was so worried about gains and losses, probably because of the one who separated from him. Three years matter.

"Well, do you have any plans for today?" Qu Jingbo asked casually.

"I want to go shopping, but I haven't gone shopping for a long time."

"You are not in good health today, take a good rest at home, and I will accompany you tomorrow."

"Aren't you going to work tomorrow?"

"You don't want me to accompany you?"

"Of course I did."

Luo Chu obeyed Qu Jingbo's words and stayed at home. As long as the two of them are together, what does it matter?Besides, she was not feeling well, so it was the best choice to stay at home in such a snowy day.

Those who don't have time to watch dramas finally have some free time today, so they dug up and watched all the previously released movies.

Qu Jingbo was making coffee for her not far away, and seeing the person whose mouth was curled up because of the TV drama, his heart was warm.

Chu'er, I'm sorry, you just need to stay by my side.

He didn't let Luo Chu go out because he was worried that there would be an accident. What if he bumped into An Mi?The best way is to stay at home and not go anywhere.

Luo Chu was unaware of all this, holding a pillow in his arms, and was fascinated by the scenes in the movie.

Qu Jingbo brought a cup of coffee, and Luo Chu saw the tenderness and pampering in Qu Jingbo's eyes through the steaming white mist.

Although she knew that he was willing to protect and pamper her, Luo Chu still felt a little confused. She felt that she was too happy now, and she was also afraid that she would lose this happiness one day.

"Brother Bo, let's watch together." Luo Chu took the coffee and put it aside, the freshly boiled coffee was still too hot.

"Okay." Before meeting Luo Chu, Qu Jingbo was also a very busy person. He didn't have time to go to the movies. He sat next to Luo Chu and hugged her, listening to her smiling in his arms.

He looked at the sky outside, it was already dark, the man would not wait any longer.

"Brother Bo, what are you looking at? Why do I feel that you have been in a trance these two days?" Luo Chu looked at Qu Jingbo, wondering if it was her illusion. There was a thin layer of mist, as if he was afraid of some restlessness.


No matter how you look at it, he doesn't seem to be okay, "Brother Bo, did you delay work because of me? I know you were very busy before."

Luo Chu didn't think in that direction at all, Qu Jingbo patted her head, followed her words, "It's okay, it's the same when you go to work."

"Brother Bo, if you want to be busy, you don't need to worry about me, you know I'm not the clingy person, I..." Luo Chusheng was afraid that it was because he changed everything about Qu Jingbo.

Qu Jingbo gently hugged her into her arms, "Stupid little rabbit, why don't I know how independent you are?
You don't need any men, you can stand at the top by yourself, and trample everyone under your feet, but I just can't bear you, I want to watch you, stay with you, such a request doesn't satisfy me? "

Luo Chu snuggled into his arms, "Okay, then don't delay your business because of me."

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