Lin Shao's Love Symphony

191. Home without family

With Qu Jingbo's departure, Luo Chu's life became calm again. Although she was not used to it at first, as time went on, she had to learn to mix fragrance at night and practice in the laboratory during the day.

After she got acquainted with Gong Mo, Gong Mo simply gave her a key. Luo Chu stayed in the laboratory all day, and Xiao Yang gradually became a frequent visitor in Gong Mo's apartment.

From the beginning when the two thought each other was not pleasing to each other, now they began to accept each other little by little. Xiao Yang's liveliness and Gong Mo's aloofness formed a stark contrast.

For example, after Xiao Yang gets off work every day, he either buys a lot of dishes for Luo Chu to cook, or he packs some delicious food from the restaurant.

The first time Luo Chu hesitated, "Yangyang, you know that Mo loves cleanliness so much, he must not like other smells in the house."

"What's the matter, doesn't he eat? At worst, let's clean him up after eating." Xiao Yang didn't care.

After all, Gong Mo has a ready-made laboratory here, and he will continue to teach at night, so Luo Chu doesn't have to run back and forth.

So now basically Luo Chu comes here by himself during the day, and researches by himself when Gong Mo is away. It happens that he has all the equipment information and some precious notes from the past, so it is convenient for her to find the information.

Luo Chu knew Gong Mo's habits, and tried not to dirty his house, but Xiao Yang was different. In his words, it was a strange problem, and the master would cure him.

Gong Mo was already used to a dark life, and every day after going to work, he ate out and walked home slowly with his exhausted body.

It used to be dark every day when entering the house, but now the first thing you see when you open the door is warm light.

He has a cold personality, so he likes cool colors the most. Even the light was originally a cold light. Luo Chu didn't know this, so he subconsciously adjusted it to a warm light.

When he just entered the door, Gong Mo was touched by the warm light. It turned out that someone at home felt like this.

He gradually got used to going home and this kind of warmth, but when he came back today, besides the lights, there were laughter and the smell of food.

Xiao Yang and Luo Chu were arguing in the living room, and when they saw him coming back, they subconsciously stopped on the spot, "Mo, you, you're back." Luo Chu then remembered that they were at Gong Mo's house.

"Have you eaten yet? Let's eat together if you haven't." Xiao Yang never refused to come, and Luo Chu saw all kinds of snacks and snacks he brought, especially some potato chips still spilled on the table.

She had the feeling of being caught doing something bad, "I'll clean it up right away." She hadn't forgotten Gong Mo's cleanliness.

Luo Chu felt a little uneasy about the fact that he was kind enough to teach him how to make incense, but he still ran to his house and made such a mess.

Xiao Yang was still shamelessly stuffing it into his mouth, Luo Chu glared at him, "Are you still eating?"

The feelings in Gong Mo's heart at this moment are very complicated, after all, his home has never been so lively for so long.

"Who asked you to come?" He said coldly.

"I'll come and see my little evildoer." Xiao Yang ignored the man who was covered in coldness.

"Clean it up for me. I hate mess." Gong Mo told Xiao Yang coldly. Luo Chu stayed in the laboratory at his house a few days ago and would not mess with anything. God.

"What's wrong." Xiao Yang stood up, Gong Mo thought he was going to start cleaning up, but who knew he grabbed the potato chips on the side and scattered them all over the floor.

"Hahaha, I will make you a clean freak, I will make you a clean freak."

Luo Chu raised his eyebrows helplessly, wondering if the company was too busy recently, forcing Xiao Yang to be so naive?
Gong Mo obviously didn't expect the president of a listed company to be spinning and jumping there. I closed my eyes and saw that there were so many crumbs on my clean ground. Fortunately, the man crushed the potato chips with his foot. .

"Are you looking for death?" Gong Mo's chest was burning with anger, and he didn't invite him over, so why did he come here to provoke trouble?
"I'm treating your problems, and a big man is still obsessed with cleanliness." Xiao Yang happily jumped around the room.

Luo Chu had a faint feeling that Gong Mo was about to explode, and sure enough, Gong Mo quickly chased after him, one fleeing and the other chasing, Luo Chu watched the two of them arguing.

She understood Xiao Yang's intention of doing this, but it was just to relieve the coldness on Gong Mo's body. After getting along with each other these days, he also knew that Gong Mo was a good person.

Hearing about Xiao Xi from his own mouth, he also wanted to completely open Gong Mo's heart, so now he deliberately teased Gong Mo.

Two big men were rolling around on the bed. Luo Chu knew that the two were not really fighting, so he stood beside him calmly and took pictures.

It's rare to see this side of these two men, Luo Chu even took a mobile phone to live broadcast.

"Brother Bo, I'll show you something wonderful."

"Huh?" Qu Jingbo looked behind Luo Chu, Gong Mo and Xiao Yang rolled into a ball on the bed, and they fought each other with pillows.

"Does it look good? It's rare to see it in a hundred years." Luo Chu covered his mouth and snickered.

"Stay far away, and be careful not to be affected by the flames of war." Qu Jingbo said with concern.

"it is good."

"Little evildoer, it's fine if you don't help me, why are you still broadcasting there? Don't forget that I brought you something specially." Xiao Yang was already pressed down by Gong Mo while he was speaking.

"Who told you to scatter potato chips all over the floor, if it were me, I would beat you too." Luo Chu gloated at the side.

"It's about to kill someone, Gong Mo, pinch it lightly, are you jealous of my skin?" Xiao Yang's noisy voice came, Qu Jingbo looked at the smile on Luo Chu's mouth, and the phone was full of laughter all over his office.

It seemed that his heart had flown to the other side of the ocean to be with them, maybe this kind of relationship was not bad.

"Still laughing there, you heartless." Xiao Yang hugged the pillow and threw it towards Luo Chu. Qu Jingbo heard a slap, and the phone fell to the ground.

Then there was the voice of Luo Chu running away, "Okay, Yangyang, you dare to hit me, Master Mo, you have to help me." Luo Chu ran to Gong Mo's side, and the two unanimously spoke out.

Qu Jingbo couldn't see Luo Chu's people, but only saw the feathers in the pillow fluttering down, like a heavy snowfall, with the noise of the three people beside him.

"Well, you little monster, that's how you treat me, hmph, I can't spare you." Xiao Yang started to attack Luo Chu, while Gong Mo protected Luo Chu.

Fortunately, Gong Mo's bed is relatively big, more than two meters long, enough for the three of them to roll around.

Several people were lying on the bed exhausted, Luo Chuxiao's stomach ached, and Gong Mo realized that he hadn't laughed from the bottom of his heart for many years.

"I, I won't come, I'm exhausted." Luo Chu gasped heavily.

"You are physically weak." Xiao Yang commented.

"Xiao Yang, do you want to die?" Qu Jingbo growled on the phone.

Several people laughed on the bed. Luo Chu got up from the bed and saw the downs all over the bed, "Yangyang, you started the war first, so you have to clean up the room."

"Little monster, you can't do this to me."

"We have to start studying, so I will trouble you during this period of study." Luo Chu patted him on the shoulder, Xiao Yang had a bitter face, what evil did he do!
A slight smile overflowed from the corner of Gong Mo's mouth, like a new lotus blooming, fresh and elegant.

From that day on, Xiao Yang went in and out of Gong Mo's apartment unscrupulously, and Gong Mo would not eat out anymore, because Luo Chu would cook different dishes for them every day.

Although it is not as good as the food in star-rated restaurants outside, there is a feeling that it cannot be eaten outside. Every time Qu Jingbo will glare at each other in the video.

I haven't eaten the meals made by the little rabbit a few times before, but the two of them have such a good fortune.

As soon as Xiao Yang arrived at the meal time, he forced Qu Jingbo to connect to the video, letting him watch him eat, and the original grievances between Gong Mo and Qu Jingbo were gradually resolved.

As the weather got colder and colder, Luo Chu was very talented in perfumery, and with the guidance of a famous teacher like Gong Mo, she was able to master all kinds of spices proficiently.

Of course, it also has something to do with her own hard work. When Xiao Yang and Gong Mo both went to work, Luo Chu was memorizing the performance, fragrance, and what goes best with various spices by herself.

Perfumery is like a painter. How to match it and how much to use depends on the perfumer. Luo Chu successfully passed the perfumer's certificate.

Because Mama Gong liked Luo Chu very much, she would ask Luo Chu to have a meal at home every now and then, and Locke would teach Luo Chu some extra tricks from time to time.

Luo Chu has already started to develop her own perfume, Gong Mo knows that she has worked so hard, and the real reason why she put everything down to learn how to mix perfume is actually related to NE.

Speaking of which, he didn't like NE in the past. After knowing this reason, he did not hesitate to develop the perfume with Luo Chu himself.

The two experimented again and again, making sure to adjust the formula of the perfume to the most precise position. On the surface, it may seem easy for everyone to buy a perfume.

But how do you know that this smell has been matched by the perfumer thousands of times, although there are some counterfeit perfumes outside.

As long as you compare carefully, even if they smell similar on the surface, they are actually very different inside. People who know fragrance can smell which one is pleasant and which one is fake and inferior.

The scent of a brand's main product has been deeply ingrained, one point too strong, one point less too light, only through the strict control of experienced perfumers can a classic perfume be created.

With Gong Mo's help, the tasks on Luo Chu's body have also been reduced a lot, otherwise she, who just entered this industry, wants to be popular, this is just a dream.

Besides, on NE's side, when Luo Chu rejected him, he became so angry that he wanted to find a better company for Luo Chu to take a good look at.

The strange thing is that at the beginning, when all the people who wanted to take over the perfume management rights heard that Bei Ruoqiu was going to be the spokesperson of the perfume, they all waved their hands away, and NE's perfume instantly became a slow-selling product.

This time it's not because his reputation is not very famous, but because Bei Ruoqiu's reputation is so bad that no one dares to take risks with his company.

It's a pity that I can't get orders from NE, but there are so many skin care products at home and abroad that can be replaced, and it's not just NE's perfume, right?
All of these people are extremely smart, where money can't be earned, it's just a matter of earning more and earning less. It's better to earn money than lose money.

The most depressed person should be Bei Ruoqiu. She didn't get what she wanted in the marriage. She originally wanted to take good care of Ye Zhengxiu after he was injured to strengthen their relationship.

But the relationship between the two not only did not ease, but worsened, Ye Zhengxiu was not willing to say anything to her at all.

Her career has stagnated even more. The negative impact on Bei Ruoqiu before was too great. After that incident, her reputation plummeted. Not only was she temporarily refrigerated by the company, but many of the products she endorsed came to her. compensation.

Not to mention that Bei Ruoqiu lost the endorsement fee, more importantly, the new movie starring her is about to be released. Considering her negative influence, investors have already stopped her from promoting it.

Even if Bei Ruoqiu felt aggrieved, she couldn't change the reality, so she had to go on like this for the time being.

All kinds of posters and publicity lists have deleted her, and even the column of the leading actress has been directly replaced with the name of the second female lead, and the promotion is also focused on promoting the second female lead.

In the past, the second female was always respectful and respectful in front of Bei Ruoqiu, and she spoke to each other, even though she was older than Bei Ruoqiu.

The most irritating thing was that Bei Ruoqiu was already so depressed, and even received a call from the second female Yu Xiao.

"Hello." With a cigarette in his hand, Bei Ruoqiu looked into the distance with a depressed face. Hearing that Luo Chu had gone to the United States, Ye Zhengxiu should take a good look at himself. That person didn't even give him a straight look .

"Ruoqiu, why didn't you go to today's film conference?" Yu Xiao said with a smile, Bei Ruoqiu used to be domineering over her, but now she is finally able to trample Bei Ruoqiu under her feet, how could she let go? Live this great opportunity.

"Is it interesting to ask knowingly?" Bei Ruoqiu said coldly.

"Oh, I forgot that you have been refrigerated by the company. I think you should quit the entertainment industry and stay at home as a full-time wife."

"Get out." Bei Ruoqiu hung up the phone, since when can such a small character bully herself?
She was not reconciled, how could she just fall down like this, a gloomy expression flashed across her face, she quickly dialed NE's number.

"Brother Yan, it's me."

"Xiaoqiu, what's the matter?" Yan Nuo's voice was also a little tired. He, who had always been the pride of heaven, suffered a setback for the first time, and he was also very depressed.

"Last time we talked about the spokesperson of the perfume. I happen to be free these few days, why don't I come over and take a photo of the promotional cover." Bei Ruoqiu tried to make her voice sweeter.

"The matter of the perfume..." NE couldn't say it for a while.

"What's the matter, did you choose another spokesperson for her?" Bei Ruoqiu was unwilling to quit the entertainment industry as Yu Xiao said, she wanted to put it to death and make a living. Now her only straw is NE.

The most important thing for a star is exposure, otherwise, there are so many big and small stars now, who will remember her after a while?

Even if she has a scandal now, this is still a certain degree of exposure. As long as she can be cleared up, all problems will be fine.

"No, since I said I won't replace you, it's just that there is a problem with the dealer." NE looked sad.

Many days have passed since Luo Chu's incident, Bei Ruoqiu thought that NE had already decided on the perfume matter, and now hearing his voice, things seemed not so good.

"Is it because of me?" Bei Ruoqiu knew it well, from the company's attitude towards her, even if there was a little room for redemption, the company couldn't treat her like this.

These days, the manager is even more troubled in dealing with her contract termination. All the brands she endorsed have all terminated their contracts and have to pay a sum of liquidated damages.

Her image has fallen to the bottom. As long as NE tells other company bosses to use Bei Ruoqiu as a contemporary spokesperson, everyone will have the same attitude as Luo Chu and will definitely not do it.

The originally scheduled time was repeatedly rescheduled, and even the team around NE were persuading him to give up on using Bei Ruoqiu, but he had already said his words, and he really couldn't bear to see the disappointed expression on Bei Ruoqiu's face.

He is still thinking of a way, if he really can't, he will have to take the last step.

"Don't blame you, I will find a way."

Bei Ruoqiu clearly knew that it was because of herself, she just took advantage of Yan Nuo's feelings for her to hold on to her on purpose.

If she really thinks about Yan Nuo, the best way is to quit on her own initiative, but now she is pointing at Yan Nuo and turned over, so no matter what happens, she will not give up.

It's just because she knows that Yan Nuo still has the last step to go, and that is their own company, which is the leader in domestic skin care products.

With such a good resource, he is the only one who will not use it. If there is no other person to buy the agency right later, Yannuo must use the last card.

What Bei Ruoqiu was counting on was also his trump card. With the popularity of their family in the country, they might be able to clear themselves up by then.

It's just that this would go against Yan Nuo's own thinking. He didn't want to use the power of his family, and at this point he really had no choice.

"I'm sorry, brother Yan, are you free tonight? Let me treat you to dinner, we haven't seen each other for a few days." Bei Ruoqiu felt that he should catch this person firmly, so as not to miss this chance.

"Okay, you can find a place, I'll come over when the time comes." Yan Nuo hung up the phone wearily.

He looked at the documents in his hand, all the companies that came to buy his perfume did not reach an agreement, even if he gave the other party a profit, the other party refused to accept it, as if Bei Ruoqiu was a hot potato.

In fact, he also understood that apart from this reason, there was another person secretly intervening, Qu Jingbo!
The man who had a good relationship with him before took revenge on him just because he angered Luo Chu.

The other companies are afraid of Bei Ruoqiu's affairs, but this is not absolute. It would be nice to do a few charity activities at that time, besides, I have given away so much profit.

He had never made such a request before. Who knew that those people still wouldn't buy it. Isn't this just forcing him to return to his own company.

Forget it, Bei Ruoqiu has already promised, how could he be the one who made a slip of the tongue.

Bei Ruoqiu hung up the phone and threw away the cigarette butt. She also felt very tired after getting along with Ye Zhengxiu these days. That man had completely shattered her last hope.

She couldn't see the future in Ye Zhengxiu, so she should go find her own future.

Luo Chu, Ye Zhengxiu, I will never make it easier for you!I'm going to be fine, better than all of you.

Bei Ruoqiu took a shower and changed her clothes. When she passed by the study, she saw Ye Zhengxiu buried in the documents.

He was really handsome when he was serious. Back then, I was fascinated by his serious appearance, but now it is different.

Once upon a time, Bei Ruoqiu thought that if she could be with him one day, she would definitely be happy. Of course, the premise was that Luo Chu would be excluded.

She always thought so, until now she finally married him, became his wife, and fulfilled her dream.

Only at this time did she realize that it turns out that happiness is not possible when you are together. That person's heart is not on you, and he won't like you no matter what you do.

In this case, why should I wait for him pitifully?hehe.

Ye Zhengxiu raised his head and saw Bei Ruoqiu who was dressed up brilliantly. Based on her recent situation, there should be no announcements.

Bei Ruoqiu took a deep breath and walked towards Ye Zhengxiu step by step. She made a decision in her heart.

"Zhengxiu." She called softly, and if she wanted to be stupid, let her be stupid for the last time.

"What's the matter?" The man stopped writing, and looked at her coldly, as if to him, this person was not his wife, but just a stranger.

Every time she saw Ye Zhengxiu's eyes like this, she felt very sad, and she knew she was his wife.

"I want to go out." She purposely approached him so that he could smell her scent. Doesn't the husband even ask when a wife goes out at night?
"I see." He looked away from her, and didn't ask her where she was going, let alone who she was going to see, and he didn't even ask when she would come back.

Is he so worthless in his heart?His indifference is the biggest harm to her.

She bit her lip and said unwillingly: "I won't come back tonight." She even deliberately emphasized these words.

This time, the man buried in the document didn't even raise his head, "I see." It was still these four words.

It's okay for her to tell him, but he won't care if she doesn't tell him. Is this the relationship between a wife and a husband?

The corner of Bei Ruoqiu's mouth curled up into a sneer, "Very good, Ye Zhengxiu, you have destroyed all my hopes. From today onwards, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

She left resolutely, even though she really wanted Ye Zhengxiu to keep her.

Her request is not high, even if it is just a word of retention from him, she can drop everything and be a good wife and mother by his side at ease.

When her footsteps reached the door, the man finally opened his lips: "Wait."

Bei Ruoqiu turned her head abruptly, and was ready to pounce towards him, but what she met was the man's still indifferent eyes.

"Remember to close the door when you go out, and knock on the door when you come in." But he said such indifferent words.

Bei Ruoqiu clenched her fists tightly, with a gloomy expression on her face, she gritted her teeth and said one word: "Okay!"

After finishing speaking, she slammed the door tightly, this time she didn't look back, and walked away directly.

As soon as she opened the door, there was a gust of cold wind, but no matter how cold it was, it was not as cold as her heart, it was so cold...

The driver was already waiting at the door, Bei Ruoqiu got into the car expressionlessly, and took a last look at the villa that she thought was their love nest.

The cold wind was blowing, and the leaves were flying in the courtyard. She looked away, "Let's go."

Arriving at the appointed place, Bei Ruoqiu found that Yan Nuo's face was much haggard, with obvious gloom, and the confident person from before was gone.

"Brother Yan, I'm sorry I'm late, there was a little traffic jam on the road just now." Bei Ruoqiu explained.

"It's okay, I just arrived too, I ordered the dishes you liked before, see if there is anything else you want to buy." Yan Nuo put away the gloom on his face.

Bei Ruoqiu looked at the menu, and these dishes were indeed her favorites, thinking that when she was a child, she often pestered Yan Nuo to take her to eat, and Yan Nuo let her do everything at that time.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing the smile on the corner of her mouth, Yan Nuo felt that his mood had also improved a lot.

"It's nothing, I just remembered that when I was a child, I always asked you to buy ice cream and cotton candy for me."

"That's right, you girl likes to eat those things since you were a child. Every time you get angry and run out of the house, you go to the park. I only need two ice creams to coax you back."

Most of the time when Tong Yanwuji was the happiest time in life, only at that time all the sadness would disappear because of two ice creams.

Bei Ruoqiu looked at the menu in her hand, and tears slowly fell. She had loved Ye Zhengxiu for so many years, and she remembered all his likes and dislikes.

He likes the style of clothing, the color he likes, what he likes to eat and what he doesn't like to eat, the brand of watch, the scent of cologne.

But what does he know about himself?For so many years, he never knew what he liked to eat.

Every time he took the initiative to order, he habitually ordered all Luo Chu's favorite food.

Only when a person really likes another person will he understand all her preferences, and this memory will not disappear no matter how long time passes.

Is it really worth it that she has done so many things to a man who doesn't love her?
After loving Ye Zhengxiu for so many years, Bei Ruoqiu asked herself this question for the first time.

I still remember that on the night before the wedding, my mother prepared the jewelry for her to wear the next day and asked her:

"Qiu'er, you are going to marry Zhengxiu tomorrow. Mom asks you, do you really like him?"

"Mom, aren't you talking nonsense? If I don't like him, how can I marry him?" At that time, she only cared about which necklace and earrings she was going to wear tomorrow.

"What about Zhengxiu, he has been with you for so many years, so does he like you?"

Bei Ruoqiu who asked this question couldn't answer, she originally thought that after Luo Chu left, that person would fall in love with her.

She specially applied for the same university as him. Who knows how many grades he skipped in a row. He had already completed the entire university courses when he was only a sophomore.

Later, he directly took over the Ye family's company, which was completely different from what he had imagined. She was still looking forward to a beautiful campus love.

Just like how he and Luo Chu were envied by all the classmates in high school, no matter where they go, they are always the object of discussion.

The truth is far from him, he went to the company, and he also entered the entertainment circle, the two of them spend very little time together.

She would take the initiative to answer the video chat every night, even if the person said very little, most of the time she was dealing with the company's affairs.

She would also ask Ye Zhengxiu to put the phone aside, and he would not say anything, just look at him by herself.

He will never know that in order to let him see his best side, she will dress up carefully every night, waiting to take the video with him.

Even if he always took the initiative to mention what interesting things happened in the theater today, what happened to the director.

He either didn't respond, or he replied with a word of "um". At that time, she felt that he was too busy.

As for a man, he should put his career first, which I can understand, so she never blamed him.

Now that she thought about those things, she felt how ridiculous she was. He was not too busy at that time, but he was too lazy to deal with himself.

If Luo Chu was the one who took the video with him, would he still be staring at the computer screen?
It's just that I understood it too late, like Yan Nuo still remembered his own taste after so many years, and when he was with Ye Zhengxiu, he probably never took himself seriously.

The once beautiful dream became fragmented, and she suddenly felt that her whole world had collapsed.

"Why are you crying? Are these dishes not good? Then you can order what you like. After all these years, I don't know what your taste is now." Yan Nuo hurriedly comforted him.

Bei Ruoqiu shook her head, "These dishes are very good, I like everything."

"Since you like it, why are you crying? Xiaoqiu, did something happen to you?" Yan Nuo was very sensitive.

"Brother Yan, I...I married someone who doesn't love me." Only now did Bei Ruoqiu realize how wronged she was.

Mom asked how important her words were, "Xiaoqiu, the most important thing in a woman's life is not to marry the wrong person, once she marries the wrong person, her whole life will be ruined.

We all know that this child Zhengxiu was only with you because of responsibility, responsibility does not mean love.

Mom originally thought that you have been together for so many years, one day he will fall in love with you sooner or later, but I can't feel his love for you.

Mom also regrets the original decision, if you don't love each other, everything is still in time before you get married. "

"Mom, what are you talking about? Our invitations have been sent out. Besides, Zhengzheng and I are on good terms. Marrying him is my life's dream. I finally married the person I like. I'm too happy to be happy. How could it be?" Are you sad?"


Her mother's sigh was still in her mind, after Bei Ruoqiu suffered from Ye Zhengxiu's indifference, she finally realized that she was always the one who was stupid.

"You said Ye Zhengxiu, did he bully you? Damn it, how could he bully you? I'll settle the score with him." Seeing the girl he loved so much crying so badly, Yan Nuo's heart almost melted.

Bei Ruoqiu took advantage of the situation and threw herself into his arms, "Brother Yan, I'm sorry, I failed you. I know that the person you've always liked is me, but I..."

"Don't say it, I never blamed you. Love matters are beyond the control of people. Please tell me what happened, whether there is any misunderstanding between you, and husband and wife should be more tolerant."

Although Yan Nuo liked her, he was not a villain who took advantage of the fire, he thought maybe it was just a little conflict between the two of them.

He is also considerate of Bei Ruoqiu, the more he cries, why he misses someone who really loves him, and chases someone who doesn't love him for so many years.

In the end, she failed both her promise and herself, and she was the complete fool.

"Hi sir, your steak is ready." The waiter came in with the steak, just in time to see Bei Ruoqiu lying in Yan Nuo's arms.

Before those scandals happened, Bei Ruoqiu was a high-quality idol in everyone's hearts, and even a goddess of jade and ice.

The costume dramas and movies she starred in are deeply loved by everyone, from seniors in their 80s to [-]s, to elementary school students all like her.

Including this waiter, if she hadn't gone crazy when she saw Bei Ruoqiu before, but now she just feels disgusted.

Seeing her leaning in the arms of a man, this man is not her husband. She thought that the news was deliberately exaggerated, but now it seems that not only is it not exaggerated, but it is far from enough.

After serving the dishes and leaving, the word spread with other waiters in a blink of an eye, "Let me tell you, who do you think is the woman in the private room?"

"Who is who, tell me quickly." The other women also had gossiping faces.

"It's Bei Ruoqiu who was full of scandals a while ago."

"Is it her? I saw a man go in just now, it doesn't seem like her husband?"

"That's not true. I still know Mr. Ye's face. You don't know it. Bei Ruoqiu is really cheap. When I went in, she happened to be leaning against that man's arms. Tsk tsk, she is still newly married. As expected, these celebrities He knows how to act, one thing on the surface, another thing behind the scenes, he deserves to be an actor."

"Don't make a mistake, maybe they are going to negotiate some kind of contract. I don't think that man is an ordinary person."

"Tch, talking about the contract is in someone's arms, if I go in later, maybe he will kiss you.

At first, I thought it was a gossip magazine, but now it seems that it is really the case. The entertainment industry is really chaotic. What kind of goddess is disgusting. "

"By the way, I heard that it is rich to provide gossip information to the paparazzi, or let's sell this information." One person suggested.

"What if we are found to complain to us?"

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell. Does she have any evidence to know that we are the one who informed you? Besides, it is common for paparazzi to follow her."

"That's good, let everyone see clearly what this so-called goddess looks like, it's simply too unbearable."

At this moment, Bei Ruoqiu had gotten up from Yan Nuo's arms, and Yan Nuo asked her about her relationship with Ye Zhengxiu.

In the past, Bei Ruoqiu had been trying to cover up her inner pain in the outside world. She didn't want others to know that she was having a bad time.

She is the goddess in everyone's hearts. She wants status and family background. If people know that her love life is so unfortunate, they will definitely laugh at her.

So she would often deliberately disclose information to the media, what romantic things did Ye Zhengxiu do to her, and how good her relationship with Ye Zhengxiu was.

Even if it is sometimes for hype, she has not only increased her popularity, but also let others witness her happiness.

Even Yan Nuo, who is abroad, often sees sweet news about the two of them, and it is precisely because of this that he did not confess his love.

"You said you planned these things? You deliberately let the media take pictures." Yan Nuo was a little unbelievable.

"Yes, because I don't want people to know that my marriage is unhappy, but now I can't hold on any longer. He doesn't love me at all. No matter what I do, it will be futile." Bei Ruoqiu drank one cup after another. .

"You're so stupid, knowing that he doesn't like you, you still do so many things for him, are you crazy?" Yan Nuo didn't expect Bei Ruoqiu to be so affectionate.

"I'm not crazy or stupid, I just love him too much, I never dared to say these things to others before, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid they'll laugh at me, I'm obviously living a bad life, but I want to pretend to be living a better life than anyone else.

I dare not even say more about my mother, for fear that she will be upset and worry about me. Brother Yan, I am really tired. "Bei Ruoqiu blushed from drinking.

"Xiaoqiu, let's do this. I'll ask him out for you to have a good talk. I can't bear to see you like this." Yan Nuo said distressedly.

"It's useless, Brother Yan, he doesn't have me in his heart, even if I die in front of him now, he won't be sad." Bei Ruoqiu knew that person too well.

On the surface, he looks modest and elegant, but in fact his heart is colder than anyone else, and he is a particularly stubborn person. His dislike for himself is like his love for Luo Chu, and he will never change easily.

If you want to blame, blame yourself for drugging him back then, which made him have a very bad impression of yourself.

"Brother Yan, leave me alone, I will not return home drunk tonight." Bei Ruoqiu drank a whole bottle of red wine, her face was already a little flushed.

"Stop drinking, you're drunk." Yan Nuo saw the unmoving steak in front of her, "Eat something."

"I'm sad, I don't want to eat." Bei Ruoqiu felt very uncomfortable when he thought of Ye Zhengxiu's indifferent eyes.

Looking at the time, it was not too early, Yan Nuo proposed to leave, paid the bill and settled the bill, the waiter's eyes were sizing up the two of them.

When Yan Nuo helped Bei Ruoqiu to the car, "Where is your home, I'll take you back."

"Brother Yan, I don't want to go home. That house is so cold, you know? On the wedding night, he would rather get drunk at the bar than go home. Even if he did go home, he wouldn't bother me." Bei Ruoqiu said. He cried again very aggrieved.

"What will you do if you don't go home? You can't stay in the car, can you?"

"Brother Yan, you can send me to a nearby hotel, I really don't want to stay in that house any longer.

How can a home be called home without a family?I will only feel cold when I go back. "

Hearing what she said, there was nothing he could do about it. Now that she was so drunk, even if he sent her back, would Ye Zhengxiu misunderstand her?

The relationship between the two was already so stiff, and he didn't want to make the two of them more stiff because of himself.

Instead of sending her to the hotel, he brought her back to his villa, stopped the car and found that Bei Ruoqiu had fallen asleep on the seat.

He turned off the engine and got out of the car. Seeing the tears on her cheeks, he smiled helplessly. This girl still likes to cry as before.

Gently picked her up and brought her home, the nanny was very surprised that the young master, who had always kept himself clean, actually carried a woman back.

"Prepare a room."

"Yes, master, I'll go clean up right away." The nanny rushed upstairs.

Yan Nuo put Bei Ruoqiu on the bed in the guest room, and when he was about to let go, he found Bei Ruoqiu tightly clutching the clothes on his chest.

The person who just fell asleep did not know when he woke up, staring at Yan Nuo with a pair of tearful eyes.

"Xiaoqiu, you can rest assured that you are at my house now, it won't be cold here." Yan Nuo had already adjusted the air conditioner in the house.

"Brother Yan, I was wrong." Bei Ruoqiu threw herself into his arms.

"Why are you crying again?"

"Brother Yan, you are the one who treats me best. I only know now." Bei Ruoqiu raised her head from his arms, and her red lips met Yan Nuo's.

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