Lin Shao's Love Symphony

185、The Righteous Lord Has Arrived

It was fine when the two talked about it, Xiao Yang held a bowl and fed Luo Chu porridge again, scooped up a spoonful and put it to his lips to blow it cold before sending it to her.

Luo Chu opened her lips and swallowed. She was so hungry that she almost swallowed without chewing.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, I won't compete with you, and your stomach can't eat so fast." Xiao Yang felt distressed and pity.

Only then did Luo Chu slow down a little, "I'm really starving to death. If you run a little further, I guess I'll starve to death while chasing you."

Although she was eating, she unconsciously grabbed the corner of his shirt with her fingers, for fear that he would leave her.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Yang smiled.

"I still remember that time, you were drunk and came to sleep on my bed, but your period came and stained my pants, and the next day you thought I was injured and worried so much, I still remember your stupidity at that time. "

Xiao Yang rubbed her little head. In the past three years, many happy things happened between the two of them.

When Luo Chu mentioned that embarrassing incident, he quickly turned his head, "You villain, you found out at the time and didn't tell me. You watched me anxiously pull your pants, thinking that I went crazy after drinking and hurt you."

"Who made you look so cold at ordinary times? It's not easy for me to see your other expressions. Of course I was happy to see you so nervous at that time. I wish I could record it for you with my mobile phone."

The relationship between the two of them in the ward was harmonious, and the warm sunlight shone on both of them, and they were both warm.

When Xiao Yang saw the smiling woman, she was obviously not the most beautiful, but it was this smiling face that haunted him, how many times he wanted to indulge himself and forget her.

He went to the bar to get drunk and find a woman. He thought that he was just a knot in his heart, whether he could reduce his love for her by sleeping with other women.

There were many strange women throwing themselves into their arms, and such alluring gestures tried their best to seduce him.

He was obviously drunk, but the more drunk he became, the clearer his mind became. None of them was her, and he didn't even want to touch her, let alone do something more intimate.

The final ending was that he fled in embarrassment with his coat on, he didn't love them, he didn't want to do it!
Later, he thought that it would be enough to find a woman similar to her. Maybe he was just a psychological barrier, so he began to look for a girl similar to Luo Chu.

Even if it was more delicate than Luo Chu's outline, even if it was somewhat similar to Luo Chu's, he endured his nausea and took her home.

A woman wearing sexy clothes in front of him would be lustful for any man, and the substitutes are just substitutes after all, none of them are her.


When the woman left, he sat by the bed and smoked one cigarette after another. At the craziest moment, he thought of going back to the country and using all means to bring her back.

But such a decision was completely rejected after he woke up. She has suffered so much, and she regards herself as the closest person, so is she going to be the murderer who hurt her?

Luo Chu looked at the deep meaning in Xiao Yang's eyes, "Yangyang, there are so many women around, isn't there anyone you like?"

Xiao Yang saw this little woman who was always worrying about his marriage, "You, take care of your own affairs first, and leave me alone."

"Are you going to guard me forever?" Luo Chu held his hand.

"If you can't find someone you really love, you won't be happy even if you're together, and it's cruel to her. At first, you should understand this feeling." Xiao Yang said seriously.

Luo Chumoran, this is the case with emotional matters, it is not a problem, as long as you practice more, you can control it, the heart is the most uncontrollable.

Otherwise, why is Xiao Yang so kind and treats me well for three years and I haven't been able to fall in love with him?
"I... just want you to be happy."

"I know, don't be like an old mother worrying about her son not being able to find a wife, look at my conditions as if I can't find a woman?" Xiao Yang enlivened the atmosphere.

Luo Chu smiled, "I'm not afraid that you won't find it, but I'm afraid you don't want to find it."

"Who doesn't want to look for it? Do I have to watch you old couple show affection by my side for the rest of my life? Not only do I want to look for it, but I also want to find a younger one.

When you are all wrinkled, seeing me and my little wife show affection, it will make you mad. "Xiao Yang joked.

If he knew in the future that what he said today had really come true, he probably wished he could seal his mouth with double-sided tape.

"Ha, no wonder you haven't found a girlfriend. So it's because you dislike her age?" Luo Chu smiled softly, "Old cows eat young grass, can you chew it?"

"Haven't you heard a word? Lolita has three good things. She is delicate and soft and easy to overthrow. I just like little lolita. Maybe my destined bride hasn't been born yet. So what if I wait more than ten years? "

"I'll see if you can wait until you are buried, you pervert, tsk tsk." Luo Chu made goose bumps all over the ground.

"So, if you press the marriage again, believe it or not, I'm in a hurry with you! I have to wait for my little wife to be born." Xiao Yang said this deliberately to make Luo Chu stop urging the marriage.

"All right, all right, I just want to see what your little wife will look like when she is born."

"Be my bride, I will hold her in the palm of my hand, and I will only treat her well in this life." Xiao Yang looked at Luo Chu in front of him, if there was no Qu Jingbo, he would regard her as a bride.

"I believe it. It seems that I will go to the nearby middle and elementary schools when I have time in the future. Maybe that little flower will be your future little wife." Luo Chu also took advantage of the situation to tease.

"It's impossible to just transfer to primary and secondary schools, and you have to go to kindergarten too." Xiao Yang looked serious.

Luo Chu chuckled: "You pervert, you don't even let the kindergarten kids go?"

"Of course, why don't you find a younger one to accompany me to Laoxiu Enai?" Xiao Yang raised his eyebrows.

"All right, let alone the kindergarten ones, I will pay attention to the little ones who are still in other people's wombs, and I will marry you as soon as they are born."

The two joked without any scruples. No one took such an outrageous thing seriously, and Xiao Yang was just trying to break the previous atmosphere.

Now that the atmosphere has become hot again, his heart is also filled with warmth, seeing that smiling little woman.

It doesn't matter whether you can have a woman in this life, as long as you can be happy as always.

A gust of wind blew up the white gauze curtain by the window, adding a lot of chill to the air, and Luo Chu sneezed.

"The wind is blowing." Xiao Yang got up to close the window, Luo Chu looked at the slender figure, the sun was shining on him, and a very long figure was drawn down.

Yangyang, you want me to be happy, but what I want most is that you can be happy.

Luo Chu's stomach problem is not serious, and he needs to be observed in the hospital before he can leave. Xiao Yang postponed his work for a day to stay with Luo Chu.

Seeing him running around all day, Luo Chu asked Xiao Yang to rest on the accompanying bed beside her, and she happened to not have such leisure time.

So she held a book and read it on the bed to pass the time. The strange thing is that she called Qu Jingbo several times today and the phone was always turned off.

Thinking that the person was having an important meeting, Luo Chu didn't think too much about it. It happened that she was afraid that she would talk to Qu Jingbo. What if he wanted to start a video call?
Wouldn't it be easy to find that his expression was haggard, and that person didn't know how nervous he was in the hospital.

Luo Chu is a very well-behaved, sensible and independent woman. If she can avoid causing trouble to others, she will try to avoid it as much as possible.

Xiao Yang got along with her very happily today, they ate and lived together, as if they had returned to the past.

It happened to be around eight o'clock, and Gong Mo's figure appeared, carrying a lot of exquisite snacks in his hands. Judging by his slightly tired face, he should have come here directly after a busy day.

"Are you still in pain?" Gong Mo put down his things and sat aside.

Because of that incident in the morning, Luo Chu became even more alienated from Gong Mo, "Mr. Gong, I'm already much better. Thanks to you for sending me to the hospital in time last night, I'll be discharged from the hospital if I have another day of observation tomorrow. You see, you are also busy every day." You are a very busy person, you have so many things to do, so you don't have to come to see me in the future."

When Gong Mo met Luo Chu's cold face, he immediately felt that Luo Chu was different from before. Although she called her Mr. Gong respectfully before, there was no coldness in her voice.

Glancing at Xiao Yang next to him, Xiao Yang didn't look at him, he was just peeling an apple for Luo Chu, "Mr. Gong, do you want to eat?"

"Don't eat."

Luo Chu continued to read the book carefully, as if there was no Gong Mo at all.

"Little monster, apple." Xiao Yang patiently cut the apple into pieces and put them on the plate, and put some salad dressing that Luo Chu likes.

"Yeah." Luo Chu didn't ask Gong Mo either, and read a book while eating an apple.

Seeing Gong Mo, she thought of Luo Mingyuan from before. At that time, she didn't know that Luo Mingyuan was interested in her, and it almost became the source of conflict between herself and Qu Jingbo in the end.

Although Gong Mo is not Luo Mingyuan, and she is not sure if Gong Mo has feelings for her, there is always nothing wrong with being cautious.

"Miss Luo, we can start learning the art of perfumery when you are in good health." Gong Mo obviously lacked experience in communicating with people, and he didn't know how to break the indifferent atmosphere when no one spoke.

"Mr. Gong, I don't..." Luo Chu had already made a decision in her heart. If Xiao Yang didn't like it, at worst she wouldn't learn it, or she could find someone else to teach it.

Before she could answer Xiao Yang, she said, "Okay, Mr. Gong is able to teach in person. This is the blessing of the little evildoer. I will send it to you as soon as she recovers."

Gong Mo looked at the two with some doubts, what tricks were they playing?Xiao Yang was obviously very hostile to him in the morning, but why did the two turn upside down at night?

Luo Chu also looked at Xiao Yang with some surprise, didn't he dislike being in contact with Gong Mo, so why did he say such things now?

"Yangyang, am I a package?" No matter how Luo Chu heard his words, it was a bit like the emperor turned over the brand in ancient times. After the concubine was washed for nothing, she was wrapped in a quilt by the eunuch and sent to the emperor's dragon bed.

Didn't Xiao Yang lose his temper because of Gong Mo before, why did he change now?It is said that a woman's heart is a needle in the sea, but Luo Chu now feels that a man's heart is a needle in the sea.

It was like looking at a flower through fog, the more she looked at it, the more she couldn't understand it.

Of course she didn't know that Xiao Yang had already found a helper, and just now the helper had called him, and he had already sent the location.

With the Great God Qu Jingbo in charge, what is Gong Mo worth?
"Of course you are not a package, little monster, I think very clearly, you want to learn incense making so much, since Mr. Gong has agreed to teach you, I can trust Mr. Gong's strength. If we want to learn, we must learn the most. OK."

Xiao Yang said in the morning that he would support all Luo Chu's decisions and would not be her stumbling block.After hearing Luo Chu's truth, he also figured it out. If she was such a weak-willed person, he would have taken advantage of it long ago. Should he still get Gong Mo?

Although Gong Mo's personality is a bit cold, his reputation in the shopping mall is still good, so he can't be strong, right?He thought for a long time and finally became more determined. It's okay for Luo Chu and Gong Mo to make friends. As long as the will is firm, what are you afraid of?

In the future, she will meet more men. If everyone has to stop them, she will be tired too if she is tired.

"As long as you want, I can teach you." Gong Mo didn't know what happened after he left, but he understood one thing very well.

He had a crush on this woman and wanted to get close to her, as if the sunshine on her body could heal the darkness in his heart.

Although he doesn't know what this feeling is for the time being, he just wants to get close to her.

Luo Chu bit his lip and thought about it. He came here specially to learn the best incense making technique. When he returns to China, he can fight against NE. This is one aspect.

On the other hand, her company also needs technical support, and it would be much better if she knew this skill herself than spending money to hire someone.

"Then thank you Mr. Gong." Luo Chu thought about it in his heart, and finally decided to continue to study with Gong Mo, otherwise her trip would be in vain.

Gong Mo's frown dissipated after her words, and the atmosphere in the ward also eased a lot with the words of several people.

At this moment, on a helicopter above the United States, Qu Jingbo flew non-stop from China in his own special plane, and then he got off the plane and took the helicopter over.

His purpose was to meet Luo Chu earlier, and he had imagined a thousand ways for the two to meet in his mind.

But he never expected that the real-time location Xiao Yang sent him was actually in a high-end private hospital.

Hospital?Bunny hurt?All the anger in his heart disappeared at this moment, as if he knew he would be worried, Xiao Yang sent another message saying that she was fine for the time being.

It's okay for now, so something happened before?Qu Jingbo couldn't let go of her heart at all.

The ward was a little more harmonious than before, Xiao Yang brought over some desserts that Gong Mo bought just now.

"Little monster, which piece do you want to eat?"

"It looks delicious." Luo Chu only ate porridge all day, and seeing such exquisite desserts whetted his appetite.

"Take a bite like that, you are the patient and you are the biggest." Xiao Yang is very caring.

As soon as the voice fell, the roar of a helicopter was heard overhead.

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