Lin Shao's Love Symphony

178. The Promised Man

As soon as she heard about Yao Luochu, she was about to go crazy. Originally, she thought that she would be able to get rid of the damn Chinese medicine these days after leaving Qu Jingbo.

He didn't mention the medicine when he said he was leaving yesterday. Luo Chu was very happy at first, but now he heard the word medicine again.

She silently prayed in her heart, it must be a coincidence, it must be Xiao Yang's own medicine, not for her, God, it must not be for her medicine!

Facts proved that she was too naive, Xiao Yang turned around and looked at her suspiciously, "Your traditional Chinese medicine, don't you know?"

Luo Chu covered his chest, "You, tell me again whose medicine is it?"

"Your, before you left the country, your man sent it to you. It's a big box. He said it was prepared for you for three months. The medicine arrived before you arrived." Xiao Yang explained.

If Qu Jingbo hadn't been able to do such a meticulous job for Luo Chu, how could he let go, and he was very worried when he heard that Luo Chu was going to be boiled.

"What's wrong with the evildoer? Why do you need to take medicine? I handed her over to you, and that's how you treat her?" Xiao Yang's first reaction was very excited.

"She is in good health, but she is a little bit cold. These medicines are specially for her body. What are you excited about? Of course, I am more concerned about my woman's body than you are."

Although Qu Jingbo and Xiao Yang were at odds, but they had the same heart for Luo Chu, so Xiao Yang felt relieved, "Weakness?"

"Don't you know that she has abdominal pain every time she has her period? It's caused by physical weakness and cold, and these medicines are just for her." Qu Jingbo softened her tone.

Xiao Yang and Luo Chu have been together for three years, of course he knows that she will have abdominal pain and pale face on the first day of her period every time.

He specifically consulted a doctor and said that everyone's constitution is different, and many girls also have dysmenorrhea, which will be relieved after giving birth.

The doctor said it was natural, so Xiao Yang had no choice but to prepare a hot water bottle for her every time she had her period.

Qu Jingbo still has a bit of conscience, knowing that she loves her, "Okay, how long will it take?" Xiao Yang didn't think much about it.

"I don't know how long she's going to stay in the United States. I've got someone to prepare a three-month supply. She hates traditional Chinese medicine. Then you have to supervise her to drink it every meal.

I have given her to drink it for almost a month before, she hates to drink this medicine very much, so when the time comes, she will definitely resort to various methods because she does not want to take the medicine.

No matter what she says or what she does, you can't be soft-hearted, other things can be discussed, but this medicine is for her own good, you must drink it! "Qu Jingbo is like a serious father at the moment, earnestly exhorting his daughter to others.

"At least three more months? Qu Jingbo, I asked the doctor before. Her dysmenorrhea is a physical problem, and it will be relieved after giving birth.

Instead of letting her drink the traditional Chinese medicine she hates every day, you might as well let her get pregnant early, this is the best way.

And the medicine is [-]% poisonous, if you make her drink medicine for so long, won't it affect her body?If one day you accidentally have a child, will it have no impact on the child?I don't recommend her to take medicine, it won't help much. "

Xiao Yang also started from another angle. Since Luo Chu's pain can only be relieved by having a baby, why let her face the medicine she hates every day?
"No, it's easy to talk about anything else, she must drink this medicine." Qu Jingbo's tone could not be denied.

"What kind of medicine did you give her?" Xiao Yang also noticed that something was wrong, if it was just an ordinary medicine, he would never have such a strong reaction.

He loves Luo Chu so much, it certainly won't be harming Luo Chu, but Xiao Yang's intuition is definitely not as simple as treating dysmenorrhea.

"Forget it, I know I can't hide it from you, I can tell you the truth, you have to keep it a secret for me, if you want her to be heartbroken, you can tell her."

Qu Jingbo's words made Xiao Yang even more worried, "You should tell me quickly, what happened to the little evildoer?"

"There is something wrong with her body. She doesn't know it yet. I accidentally discovered it when she was injured last time. There is something wrong with her uterus. She may not be able to conceive in this life." Qu Jingbo said The voice trembled slightly for the next few words.

"Isn't it Gonghan? Why can't you get pregnant?" For any woman, it would be very sad if she was deprived of the right to be a mother.

"The matter is a bit complicated. I can only guess at the cause and cannot draw conclusions. Anyway, the matter is like this. The medicine I gave her is to regulate the body.

I don't know if it can be recuperated well, but I can only say that I try my best to recuperate. She really wants to have our child, and I can't bear to tell her the truth to make her sad.

You can only use her dysmenorrhea and physical weakness as an excuse to let her drink the medicine, so you must not tell her the truth, otherwise she will definitely suffer a blow and collapse. "

Qu Jingbo thought that the little woman had taken the initiative in bed a lot recently, which also proved that she desperately wanted a child in her heart, and he really couldn't bear to tell her the truth with those expectant eyes.

"Is there no other way?" Xiao Yang asked after a long silence.

"At least there is no better way at the moment. In short, let her drink medicine to recuperate. She is still young and in good health. No one can tell clearly about the future." Qu Jingbo is looking forward to him and Luo first baby.

"Okay, I see. You can send the medicine here. I will be responsible for making her drink the medicine in the future." Xiao Yang must be on the same side as Qu Jingbo at this time.

"Well, that's all for now, she'll leave it to you in America."

"Hmph, you have a big heart, so you're not afraid that I'll sneak in?" Xiao Yang threatened.

"You didn't get in such a big loophole three years ago, can you still get in now? I believe she also believes in you."

"It's nice to say, I don't know what you think because they are all men? Don't worry, I will take good care of her. I just want her to be happy.

As long as she has a little love for me, I will never let go. Whoever made her eyesight so bad, she fell in love with you. "Xiao Yang snorted coldly.

"Thanks, I'm relieved to have you take care of her. I'll pick her up from get off work, so I'll hang up now." Two men who also loved a woman hung up the phone.

Xiao Yang thought of the content of the conversation with Qu Jingbo before, of course he would not tell Luo Chu the truth.

Seeing Luo Chu's distressed expression, "Hey, everyone has sent you the medicine, so just obey me."

"But you haven't tasted that medicine, it's so bitter that you can't speak." Luo Chu frowned.

"Think about it, you don't need to have abdominal pain when you have your period, and you don't need to have a pale face that looks like a female ghost. You can just drink the medicine obediently."

"Who is the female ghost? Looking for a fight!" Luo Chu chased after her.

"Ah, female hero, spare your life!" There was a fight coming from the kitchen.

City A.

When Lin Xun appeared with a new look, everyone's eyes lit up. Although Lin Xun was a top student in the past, he wore old-fashioned clothes, long hair and old-fashioned hairstyle.

After Luo Chu packed him well, when he appeared, everyone in the office looked at Lin Xun in surprise.

Even Zhao Xiaokui, who was touching up her makeup, was so surprised that the lipstick in her hand fell on the table. If it was Lin Xun who pursued her in freshman year, how could she have refused?

Lin Xun is tall and tall, and because he often plays basketball and sports, he has a relatively perfect figure under the old-fashioned sportswear.

It's just that he didn't know how to dress in the past to hide his figure, and he wore a pair of huge black-rimmed glasses before, covering his face in a mess.

He took off the big black frame, put on contact lenses, and changed his haircut to a more neat and handsome one. He was wearing a suit that fit his figure. From a distance, he thought he was some kind of nobleman.

"Lin Xun, why do you look like a different person?" Zhao Xiaokui took the initiative to greet him, and warmly put his hand on his arm.

Lin Xun frowned, and withdrew his arm from her, "It has nothing to do with you."

Sun Qian also came over specifically, "Okay, you boy, you will change your appearance if you don't see each other for a day."

"I'm going to get busy first." Lin Xun thought of what Luo Chu had said before, that the company might be in trouble for a while, and he had bought a lot of perfumer's books yesterday.

NE treated Luo Chu so badly, he hated himself for being incompetent, if he knew these things, he would definitely make the best perfume for Luo Chu.

Lin Xun is a person with strong practical ability, he starts to do whatever he thinks, even if he has no experience, he is starting to learn now.

"Why do you buy so many fragrance books? This is not your main business." Sun Qian was a little surprised.

"Just take a look, anyway, this time is relatively free."

"How do you know it's more leisurely?" Sun Qian and the others didn't know about the order yet.

"It's nothing, you guys go get busy." Lin Xun now regarded himself as Luo Chu's confidant, how could he casually reveal the company's secrets?

Both Sun Qian and Zhao Xiaokui feel that Lin Xun has changed, not only his appearance, but also his inner self. For example, he is no longer as unconfident as before, and he dare not look at people.

He was sitting by the window, with a cup of coffee beside him, holding a book in his hand and reading it carefully. He would look up and take notes on what he didn't understand.

Zhao Xiaokui only discovered today that Lin Xun's fingers are actually very beautiful, and his complexion is also a very sexy wheat color. He is obviously a high-quality man, why didn't he realize it before.

And Shen Runxue has cut her short hair neatly, and she is much more temperamental than before. Like Lin Xun, she thought of going together, and also checked a lot of information and books, preparing to start self-study.

Both Lin Xun and Shen Runxue are completely different from before, attracting the attention of many people in the office. From the very beginning, Shen Runxue was a chewing gum girl who could be ordered by anyone in the Roche Group, and has slowly begun to become an independent woman in the company. goddess.

Maybe she wouldn't deliberately show weakness like Zhao Xiaokui and let a man do something for her, but Shen Runxue's independence and gentle personality also attracted many suitors.

Flowers began to appear on her table, and someone helped her line up for dinner, or someone approached her to send her home after get off work.

However, she is not complacent, she feels that she still has a lot to grow up, and she wants to become a person like Luo Chu.

The company with the same goal as her is Lin Xun. It just so happens that both of them take the same subway. The two people who have never met in the subway before have more chances to meet after a company. He didn't deliberately wait for her. He didn't go to guard her specially, and the two would meet unexpectedly in the subway from time to time.

The two just nodded and smiled, without too much conversation, and the two people who also got together because of one person also had a common goal to fight for from now on.

Lin Xun hadn't seen Luo Chu for two consecutive days, and Lin Xun always felt that something was missing in his heart.

He happened to see Mona that day, Lin Xun summoned up his courage and asked, "General manager, why haven't you seen Mr. Luo recently?"

"Mr. Luo went to study in the United States." Mona replied, "Why, what can you do with her?"

"It's okay, I was worried that the order was not won, and Mr. Luo had a gap in his heart, so he didn't come here." Lin Xun dared not reveal his small thoughts.

"Don't worry about this, Mr. Luo's position today is not a flower in the greenhouse, and what she has experienced is beyond your imagination.

This matter is nothing more than a trivial matter. She has already gone to the United States to find a master to learn how to mix perfume. I believe she will look completely new when she comes back again. "

Mona knew that Lin Xun was Luo Chu's favorite person, so she didn't perfunctory him, but told him the truth.

Lin Xun really admires Luo Chu. With her current status, she can still learn how to make perfume by herself, and even leave the two companies behind.

"Alright general manager, I understand, then I'll get off work first." Lin Xun was brisk when he learned of Luo Chu's whereabouts.

"Well, let's go."

Lin Xun was about to take the subway home, but his phone rang at this moment. When he answered the phone, he found that it was Sun Qian calling, "Ah Qian, what's the matter?"

"Lin Xun, let's get together tonight, our brothers haven't been together for a long time." Sun Qian reminded.

"I can't do it recently. I need to read books to check information when I get home." Lin Xun subconsciously refused.

"Are you insane, and what books do you read without taking exams? Today is the boss's birthday. If you don't come, you will lose face. Anyway, we skipped class together so many years ago." Sun Qian tried his best to invite.

"Okay, I'll come right away, where is the place?"

Sun Qian reported an address, but Lin Xun had no choice but to rush there first.

When he arrived and saw that Zhao Xiaokui was here, Lin Xun frowned, he was very disgusted with Zhao Xiaokui now.

"Why is she here?"

"Second, we specially invited the goddess here for you, are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Everyone else thought that Lin Xun still liked Zhao Xiaokui.

"Ah Xun, you ran all the way here, look at you sweating profusely." Zhao Xiaokui took the initiative to wipe Lin Xun's sweat like a good wife and mother.

The more pretentious she is, the more Lin Xun hates her. This woman's scheming is too deep. Seeing that these brothers are what she used to be, Lin Xun felt that she was so stupid at that time.

Lin Xun grabbed Zhao Xiaokui's hand and said solemnly: "Everyone is here today, and the matter between me and classmate Zhao should be explained to you clearly. Listen carefully, I will only say the following.

He looked like he wanted to hold Zhao Xiaokui to announce the marriage news, even Zhao Xiaokui had a blush on his face, did Lin Xun change his mind?
"Second, do you want to announce your good deeds to us?"

"Seeing that you have a crush on a little girl in freshman year, and now you can finally achieve a real fruit."

"That's right, I see that you are a talented man and a beautiful woman, a match made in heaven."

"Lin Xun, congratulations to you in advance." Sun Qian suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and congratulated.

Everyone thought that Lin Xun was going to talk about Zhao Xiaokui and his happy event, but they ignored Lin Xun's expression of indifference from the beginning to the end.

Zhao Xiaokui's heart was pounding, "Ah Xun..."

Lin Xun said coldly: "Yes, I did like Zhao Xiaokui when I was a freshman, but that was all in the past, and I have long since given up on Zhao Xiaokui.

I hope you don't misunderstand our relationship. Here I can assure you that I, Lin Xun, will never like Zhao in the future.

Classmate Zhao will also have his own family. Don't talk nonsense and affect his marriage. There is no other relationship between us other than the relationship between classmates. "

After he finished speaking, he threw away Zhao Xiaokui's hand, and Zhao Xiaokui and the onlookers were stunned. What kind of show was this?

Seeing Zhao Xiaokui's aggrieved expression, Sun Qian became angry, "Lin Xun, how can you say such a thing? At least she is a girl."

"What I said is the truth. I also said before that don't make fun of me and her. None of you will listen. I am doing it for her own good. She will marry in the future. If she is always tied to me, won't she Block her peach blossoms?" Lin Xun said lightly.

When Zhao Xiaokui saw Lin Xun like this, he would blush when he talked to him before, and if he smiled at him, he would bury his head and look at his toes.

Now he can look at himself squarely, but he no longer sees himself. Now Lin Xun is so strange that he feels terrible, but somehow he feels that this kind of him is very masculine, which makes him very excited.

How could she have heard Lin Xun say such words before, but now after seeing the reborn Lin Xun, she is even more determined not to let go.

The atmosphere became tense for a while,
"Ah Xun is right, he and I are indeed not boyfriend and girlfriend, sorry for the misunderstanding.

Isn't today a birthday celebration?What are you all doing?Why is everyone focusing on us, don't talk about these unpleasant things today. "Zhao Xiaokui changed the subject, the purpose was to find a step for herself not to leave, her real plan was yet to come.

"Yeah, what are you all doing in a daze, come and sit down quickly."

Maybe it was Zhao Xiaokui's resignation, Lin Xun nodded slightly to her, he hoped that he would have nothing to do with her from now on.

Soon the atmosphere became lively again, Lin Xun had always had the least amount of alcohol, but today everyone seemed to be very happy, everyone was drinking very high.

Zhao Xiaokui rolled up her sleeves and punched and drank with everyone. She should have played outside often, and she was very powerful in punching and shaking dice.

After all, she is a beauty, and everyone likes to play with her. Sun Qian and Lin Xun drank together, and Lin Xun became drunk after drinking too much.

"No, no, no, I have to go home." Lin Xun went to the toilet and vomited several times.

"Aren't you embarrassed that everyone didn't leave? Come and drink again. If you don't get drunk today, you won't come back. I have opened the upstairs room. When we are tired, we will go to sleep. No one is allowed to leave!" Condition is very good.

The others had more fun. Zhao Xiaokui and Lin Xun had no communication from beginning to end, and everyone forgot the unpleasant things before.

Everyone played games with Zhao Xiaokui round after round, no matter how good she played, she would inevitably get drunk, and soon her face was flushed.

"I, I can't do it anymore, you play." Zhao Xiaokui finally stepped out, went straight to the position next to Lin Xun, and fell asleep as soon as he collapsed.

Lin Xun checked that the pointer was already pointing to 2 o'clock, and these people had no intention of leaving.

Sun Qian handed over two room cards, "Ah Xun, Xiaokui is dying, and you don't want to play anymore anyway, send her back to the room first, and then go to the next door to rest."

"It's not suitable for me to send it off, you go." Lin Xun didn't want Zhao Xiaokui to have anything to do with it.

"Look at these men present, which one is suitable? All of them are like wolves and tigers. Let them do bad things. It is safest only if you are not interested in Xiaokui.

Even if you can't be a couple, you're still friends anyway, friends can't do nothing, can they? "Sun Qian persuaded.

"Then why don't you go?" Lin Xun asked back.

"You think I don't want to, I... I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself." Sun Qian glanced at the woman with half-exposed breasts, this sentence was not a lie.

"Forget it, I'm afraid of you, I'll see her off." Lin Xun hugged Zhao Xiaokui by the waist. In fact, Zhao Xiaokui can drink very well, she just pretended to be drunk on purpose.

Lin Xun is in the position of a princess hugging her. Normally, a man with poor physical strength would not be able to hug a woman so easily. This move is even more rewarding in Zhao Xiaokui's heart.

The more Zhao Xiaokui regretted, how could she be so stupid to give up on Lin Xun, leaning in his arms, her hands tightly pressed against his body.

He found that his muscles were clearly defined under his shirt, and it was not at all that he used to seduce those middle-aged men with married women who were fat and fat for money.

There is no smell of smoke on his body, Lin Xun's life is very clean and pure, if not for today's special period, he would not touch alcohol.

He happened to smell of alcohol, and he was more masculine than usual. Zhao Xiaokui really wanted to be immersed in this warm embrace all the time.

Opened the room and put Zhao Xiaokui on the bed. She was wearing a black waistless lace top and short skirt. After a lot of trouble just now, most of Zhao Xiaokui's small waist was exposed, only her chest was just covered. .

The miniskirt below just covered the panties, as long as she moved a little, the scenery at the bottom of the skirt would be revealed. Zhao Xiaokui knew how attractive she was like this.

Not to mention those experienced veterans, even an otaku like Lin Xun who has never had a girlfriend has no resistance.

The lonely men and widows were all drunk, and Zhao Xiaokui just thought about it with his eyes closed and felt very excited.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xun's figure was so predictable, and she was different from those men before her. She quietly opened her eyes and looked at Lin Xun who was wearing a shirt, vest and trousers.

He was full of a sense of restraint all over his body, the more he was like this, the more excited Zhao Xiaokui was, and he couldn't wait to let him do something to him quickly.

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