Luo Chu arrived at the office in good spirits. She always felt that she and Qu Jingbo would soon be pregnant after such frequent visits. When she thought that she would have his baby, she was in a good mood.

"Mr. Luo, good morning." Most of the oncoming people greeted Luo Chu, and Luo Chu also greeted others like a spring breeze.

"Lin Xun, come to my office." Luo Chu mentioned when passing by Lin Xun's seat.

Every time Lin Xun was alone with Luo Chu, he would feel inexplicably happy, and even looked forward to it. He followed Luo Chu to the top floor.

When he went out and found that his feet were covered with transparent glass, he was still a little nervous. When Luo Chu saw him clinging to the wall beside him, he never imagined that a big man would be afraid.

She raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "Why, afraid?"

"Well, I've been afraid of heights since I was a child, Mr. Luo, I'm sorry." Lin Xun told the truth a little disappointingly, even though he had already planned to behave properly in front of Luo Chu, but this was a psychological barrier that was difficult to overcome .

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. I was scared when I first came here, but I'm luckier than you." Luo Chu didn't say what she said later. She was lucky that although she was scared, Qu Jingbo carried her over. She is no longer afraid.

"Since Mr. Luo is also afraid, why did he design such a decoration style?" Lin Xun thought it was strange, and Luo Chu himself felt scared.

"Because that person... thinks too much about me." Luo Chu knew that at that time Xiao Yang must have only thought about the scene that he likes to stand on a high place and look down, and he also forgot that he is a woman, and he would have fears .

"The person Mr. Luo is talking about is Mr. Qu?" This was the second time Lin Xun saw such a smile on Luo Chu.

"No, he is not, but he is a very important person to me. He is the president of our American headquarters. You will have a chance to see it later."

The conversation between the two distracted Lin Xun's concern about the glass, and he didn't even know that he had unknowingly arrived in Luo Chu's office.

"Don't think too much when you come here in the future, just distract your attention, so you won't be afraid if you walk a few more times." Luo Chu smiled.

It was only then that Lin Xun realized that he had already approached the room. Just now, Luo Chu was worried that he was afraid, so he deliberately talked to himself so that he would not care about the glass.

Luo Chu looked indifferent on the surface, but he was actually a very gentle person in his heart.

"Sit down, don't stand stupidly." Luo Chu had already sat down on his leather chair casually, and found that Lin Xun was still standing a little awkwardly.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo. I don't know what orders Mr. Luo asked me for?" At this moment, there were only Luo Chu and him in the room. His heart beat faster, and he didn't dare to look directly at Luo Chu.

"Lin Xun, I observed you when I was in school before. You are very good in all aspects, and I have my own selfishness towards you and me." Luo Chu set off his head, showing a maturity that did not belong to her age.

Lin Xun looked at the woman leaning on the leather chair. She had a very young face, but she had a natural sophistication, which he couldn't see in other people.

"Boss Luo, tell me." Of course, he wouldn't mistakenly think that Luo Chu was interested in him.

"You are excellent, and your future is limitless. You also know that I am the eldest daughter of the Luo family. In the future, the Luo Group will definitely be handed over to me. I cannot take care of two companies at the same time.

So I need a good assistant for Sun. Mona will not stay in China forever. She will return to the United States when things are on the right track here.

I have to promote two people during this period. These two people are firstly capable of running Sun, and secondly, they must be someone I trust.

Lin Xun, are you someone I can trust? "Luo Chu has a very poisonous vision. If Lin Xun can be cultivated, he will become her right-hand man in the future.

As for the right arm, it is Shen Runxue. As early as Luo Shi's time, she admired that woman who was weak but became stronger little by little.

From the moment Shen Runxue was fired, she had planned that she would let Shen Runxue enter her company to help her and become her right arm.

Lin Xun never expected that Luo Chu would say such words to him, and he was even more excited for a while. This kind of emotion was mixed with joy, and also the excitement of being appreciated by someone he admired.

"Believe it, I must be able to believe it." Lin Xun said without thinking, and found that he was too enthusiastic, and restrained himself a little. "I will definitely live up to Mr. Luo's expectations."

"That's good. I also believe that I won't be misjudged. It just so happens that you will go with me to a place to negotiate a contract in a while, and I will take you through the process by the way."

Last night, Qu Jingbo said that it was a gift for her. Knowing that her new company has been operating normally, she introduced her to her friends.

They are going to interview an important client today. This is the company's first order that must be taken. Although Qu Jingbo has already said hello, it is not certain whether they can get it.

After all, there are so many large and small companies now, and everyone is pointing out that they can make a good profit.

Lin Xun didn't expect that Luo Chu would pay so much attention to him just because he came here. He felt a little flattered, "Okay, Mr. Luo, I can do it anytime. Just now you said us, but who is the other person?"

"She'll be here soon." As soon as Luo Chu finished speaking, there was a knock on the door, and Shen Runxue also stood at the door with a terrified expression.

"Director, no, no, Mr. Luo, are you looking for me?" Shen Runxue had already lifted her foot and approached the room. She hadn't adapted for a while, as if she was still walking on high.

"It seems that my glass corridor has become a problem for each of you." When Luo Chu saw Shen Runxue, he thought that he should have the same expression that day, but luckily no other outsiders saw it.

"Mr. Luo, your office is a bit too peculiar, it scared me to death." Shen Runxue patted her chest.

"Sit down and rest for a while. How did you feel on your first day at work yesterday?" Luo Chu said gently, she was more radiant than before.

"I like this place very much, and my colleagues are very friendly. Thank you Mr. Luo for giving me this opportunity. Fortunately, I thought this company belonged to your friend." Shen Runxue stuck out her tongue and smiled.

"It's good if you like this place, Runxue. I'll take you to meet a client in a while. You should learn how to contact clients. Here is the client's information. Take a look."

The division of labor between sun and the US headquarters is different. In the past, most of the businesses in the United States were real estate or stock trading, and the definition of sun at the beginning was also the financial system. Later, Luo Chu changed his mind.

Sun has become a beauty and clothing company, which also satisfies her inner desire to design her own clothes.

Sun is mainly divided into two parts, clothing and cosmetics. Shen Runxue and Lin Xun can manage one part by themselves. What she has to do now is to take them on the road first.

"Mr. Luo, this information is about finding a dealer for a new type of perfume. If you want to do beauty, you must develop your own brand. Buying other people's products requires a lot of patent fees, right?"

Lin Xun deserves to have a shrewd mind. Although he just started to enter the industry, he immediately discovered the key point.

"You are right, of course you need your own brand to make skin care products, but there is a reality in front of us, currently our company does not have a complete research and development organization.

How much testing and polishing is required for the launch of a new product to produce a complete product. Our new company does not yet have such strength.

So at present, we have to buy the monopoly rights of other people's research and development first, start from operating other people's products, and then launch our own products after the popularity starts. "Luo Chu explained.

"So that's the case." Lin Xun nodded.

"Today, this perfume was developed by the famous master NE for three years, and it has attracted many companies to buy out the management right before it is officially released.

As far as I know, there are more than a dozen companies, big and small, throwing olive branches, wanting to win the agency rights of this perfume. "

"Mr. Luo, I'm a little curious."

"You said."

"I heard from Mona before that your headquarters is mainly engaged in real estate finance. Why do you do beauty and clothing in City A? Real estate brings money faster, and it is also an area you are familiar with. Why did you change?"

"Probably this has something to do with my own personality. I don't like a life that doesn't change. You're right. I do have experience in real estate.

Clothing and cosmetics are a new beginning, and I am like a newcomer. If I have to ask the reason, it is because I also like design.

In the past, when I was in the United States, doing finance was very risky, but the benefits were quick. If I want to succeed quickly, I must do finance.

Now my needs are different. I hope that I can live for myself once. This company has nothing to do with the Luo family, but just represents my Luo Chu's company. "

Luo Chu also used her own stage name DO when she was in the United States. At first, she just wanted to have fun, but unexpectedly she made some famous tricks. The clothes she designed were rare and rare, and were loved by the upper-class ladies.

It's just that even Qu Jingbo doesn't know the identity of DO, and she also wants to break out in her favorite field.

"Alright Mr. Luo, we already know, so when shall we go there?" Shen Runxue also decided to follow Luo Chu for the rest of her life.

Although the current job will be more innovative than before, she is willing to learn to change.

"The agreed time is eleven o'clock. I will give you half an hour to familiarize yourself with each other's information, and then go to a place with me." Luo Chu looked at his watch, it was only 08:30.

"Okay." The two tried very hard to remember every word.

Zhao Xiaokui in the office felt like a cat scratched her when she saw that Lin Xun hadn't come back after leaving, which was also very strange.

At the beginning when Lin Xun took the initiative to pursue her, she ignored them and never gave them a straight look. Now Lin Xun ignored her, which made Zhao Xiaokui very uncomfortable.

"Sun Qian, where did Lin Xun go? Why hasn't he come back for so long?" Zhao Xiaokui pretended not to know where he went.

"I was called away by Boss Luo, there must be something wrong, I guess I will be back in a while." Sun Qian comforted.

"I don't know what Mr. Luo is looking for him for. The new company should not be very busy. Isn't the relationship between Lin Xun and Mr. Luo a little better?" Zhao Xiaokui said intentionally.

"It's not that you don't know that Lin Xun and Mr. Luo were at the same table before. Lin Xun is very enthusiastic about everyone, and he is capable, so it's normal for him to be valued by Mr. Luo." Sun Qian smelled a lot of people. sour taste.

"I just find it strange, and I don't know what they are talking about."

"Although we are not very busy, the management is very busy. The new company still has a lot to improve. I think Mr. Luo attaches great importance to Lin Xun and will definitely promote Lin Xun."

While the two were talking, Lin Xun had already come in, and when he saw him coming, Zhao Xiaokui hurriedly separated from Sun Qian.

"Aqian, I'll go out first, and I'll leave the work in hand to you."

"Where do you go during working hours?" Sun Qian grabbed his hand.

"I'll accompany Mr. Luo to sign a form. Don't tell others, keep it a secret." Lin Xun whispered in Sun Qian's ear.

"Okay, you kid, you're promising." Sun Qian was also happy for him, and he guessed right, Luo Chu really liked Lin Xun.

"Let's go first." Lin Xun left happily.

As soon as he left, Zhao Xiaokui quickly approached Sun Qian, "Ah Qian, where is Lin Xun?" She softened her voice.

"It's nothing, I promised to keep him secret."

"Aqian, you still keep it a secret from me. We have been classmates for several years, so just tell me." Zhao Xiaokui took his arm, and her chest "unconsciously" rubbed against his arm.

May I ask which man can resist her tenderness?Sun Qian's nose was about to bleed, "Okay, let me tell you, don't tell others."

"Who can I tell, tell me quickly." Zhao Xiaokui smiled like a flower.

Sun Qian leaned closer to her ear, smelling the alluring perfume on her body, he was even more distracted, "Lin is looking for him, he and Mr. Luo will sign a form together."

"Sign the form?" Zhao Xiaokui's eyes flashed brightly. As expected, as Sun Qian said, Luo Chu really valued Lin Xun.

Of course she knew in her heart that a woman with Luo Chu's conditions would not like Lin Xun, and she was not blind, so she told Qu Jingbo not to come to ask Lin Xun.

At most, it was Lin Xun's wishful thinking to like her. Now that Luo Chu wants to promote him, Lin Xun's future is limitless, and he must hold on to his dark horse!
"Ah Qian, we have been classmates for so long, please do me a favor." Zhao Xiaokui was tired of Sun Qian again, and her whole body was about to fall into his arms.

"Tell me." The most uncomfortable thing is the beauty.

Zhao Xiaokui whispered in Sun Qian's ear, Sun Qian was a little shocked, "Xiao Kui, what are you doing?"

"Just help me this time, I really like Lin Xun, but he has ignored me recently." Zhao Xiaokui looked aggrieved.

Although Sun Qian felt uncomfortable in his heart, after all, he also loved Zhao Xiaokui deeply, but he couldn't bear to see her so uncomfortable, "Okay, I will definitely help you."

"It's so kind of you."

At the same time, Luo Chu took Lin Xun and Shen Runxue to a place.

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