Lin Shao's Love Symphony

147, I only have eyes for you

The yard is full of plum blossoms. Although other seasons are just ordinary tree trunks, once it is cold winter, the plum blossoms in the garden are full of fragrance.

"These plum trees seem to be distributed according to some pattern." Luo Chu found that some places are densely packed with plum trees, while one area is blank.

"My mother lived in that room back then. From that angle, when the plum blossoms are in full bloom in winter, it is a shape of a peach heart." Qu Jingbo stated this fact lightly.

"So your father is so caring." Luo Chu sighed again.

"That's right, he puts his heart into my mother. He knows what she likes and would buy that thing to curry favor with her. If he was born in ancient times, he must be that stupid prince of Fenghuo Opera." Qu Jingbo I didn't deny it.

"It will snow in two months, let's come back to see if the plum blossoms are blooming? I am suddenly looking forward to what the plum blossoms here will look like." The plum blossom trees arranged in peach hearts are so romantic.

"If you like, I can order someone to plant plum blossoms in our yard. In addition to plum blossoms, there are also peach blossoms, pear blossoms and apricot blossoms, as long as you like them." Qu Jingbo turned around and gently embraced her. into the bosom.

"I just want to be with you, being with you is my happiest thing." Luo Chu hugged him gently.

"Brother Bo, in fact, the old man is not as bad as we imagined. He was just born in the wrong age and fell in love with your mother at the wrong time." Luo Chu smiled slightly.

"It's not such a little rabbit. The old man didn't know my mother at the wrong time. If you really like someone, no matter who you are, no matter what the occasion, no matter how old you are, you just like it.

My mother didn't like the old man from the beginning to the end. In her heart, she just regarded the old man as an elder, or a like-minded person like her.

She has respect and gratitude to him, but there is no love, but the old man selfishly wants to take her as his own.

Even if you give her expensive jewelry, even if you give her a high-end dress, even if you tailor a lot of surprises for her preferences, all she wants from the beginning to the end is freedom.

Do you really like someone just to keep her by your side?If he let my mother go free, maybe I wouldn't hate him so much. It was he and the Ye family who forced my mother to death. "

Qu Jingbo hugged Luo Chu fiercely, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, Luo Chu felt his trembling body, this incident was the biggest shadow in his heart.

She couldn't imagine how Qu Jingbo got here when she wasn't there.He was burdened with a painful past, and he still had to guard himself by Ye Zhengxiu's side.

Even if he later had power and status, these things would only make him more indifferent and lonely.

I still remember that I bumped into his arms in Luojia Castle three years ago, the breath on his body was so cold, maybe it was caused by this past.

Luo Chu hugged him back, "It's okay, Brother Bo, I'll be with you from now on, I won't leave.

The past is over, you don't need to worry about it anymore, no one can destroy the relationship between you and me, or the blow to the Ye family will stop here, right?Let's live in peace from now on, shall we? "

Luo Chu didn't say good things for the Ye family, she did it because she sympathized with Mr. Ye's painstaking efforts for the child, and more importantly, for Qu Jingbo.

She didn't want Qu Jingbo to bear the heavy past anymore, she hoped that he could get out of that period of hatred and shadow, and stop torturing herself.

"Little rabbit, do you know? That winter, they accused me of stealing the earrings, and while the old man was not at home, several adults pressed me in the snow.

It was under this plum tree that the plum blossoms bloomed very well that day, and the red ones seemed to be soaked in blood.

I knelt here for half an hour, an hour, two hours... Do you know what it's like to go from pain to no pain, and finally no consciousness at all?

At that moment, I swore that one day I would completely take away everything from them. The more they were afraid of something, the more I wanted them to lose.

I have worked so hard for this day, and now that I am about to succeed, you want me to give up?You probably don't know how it feels when your legs are so cold that you can't walk and are almost paralyzed. "

As long as Qu Jingbo thinks about this incident, the hatred in his eyes will deepen. Luo Chu has also experienced this before, "Forget it, if doing this can make you feel better, I support you."

"Little rabbit, no matter what I do, you just need to stand by my side." Qu Jingbo said.

"Okay." Luo Chu originally wanted to dissolve the hatred in his heart, but now it seems that his hatred is much deeper than he imagined, and there is only one way to get revenge, so that the breath in his heart is relieved.

"It's not for a visit. I'll take you there again. It's my favorite place to go when I was a child." Qu Jingbo dragged Luo Chu to the back garden.

Luo Chu was stunned when he saw the flowers in the glass room. If there were only plum blossoms in the front yard, then the back garden would be much more exciting, with all kinds of flowers in it.

There are everything from rare to little-known varieties, and there are flowers that bloom in four seasons from spring to winter. Each flower has a different character. Seeing the lush scene, it looks like it is well taken care of.

"Most of these flowers were my mother's favorite during her lifetime. She stopped painting after she lost her freedom, and started raising flowers and plants instead.

She put all her energy on these flowers and plants and me. After she left, the old man took over her work. Every plant and tree here is taken care of by the old man himself.

When I was young, I dared not tell my mother every time I was bullied, because I was afraid that my mother would feel sorry for me, so I would come here and tell these flowers and plants, and regard them as my good friends. "Qu Jingbo also felt a little embarrassed when he thought of himself at that time.

In Luo Chu's mind, a little boy carved in pink and jade, talking to these flowers innocently, made her smile with the corners of her mouth closed, which was quite cute.

"I can't see that you're cute." Luo Chu saw that the man in front of him, who was so big on the ice with outsiders and so warm in front of himself, had such a childish side.

"When I was young, I didn't understand, and I would regard everything as my friend." Qu Jingbo also scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Brother Bo, tell me more about your childhood. You know all about my past, but I don't know anything about you." Luo Chu became curious about his childhood.

"You want to know my past? Well, come with me." Qu Jingbo pulled her into another room.

Turning on the light, Luo Chu saw that this place was actually a studio with paintings of various styles hanging on it, and most of them were exotic streets from various countries.

There are sketches and gouaches, everything from plants to people, from the smiling faces of children to the wrinkled faces of old people.

"These paintings were all drawn by your mother." Luo Chu saw a capital letter Z under each painting.

"Well, these are all drawn by her, and the old man has kept every one of her paintings carefully, even though she has never touched a paintbrush again.

Later this place became my territory, and many of them were painted by me. "Qu Jingbo introduced.

Luo Chu seemed to be in a gallery, admiring each of the various scrolls, but her eyes fell on a big box in front of her, "Are there also paintings inside?"

She bent down to open it, but Qu Jingbo quickly stopped in front of her, "No, no, there are just some sundries inside."

His expression is weird!
Qu Jingbo is obviously lying, what is in it that makes him care so much?People are curious, the more he doesn't want to know, the more curious Luo Chu is about what's inside.

"So it's sundries, Brother Bo, you haven't told me which ones you drew?" Luo Chu looked at him with a smile.

"The ones over there are all drawn by me." Qu Jingbo thought that Luo Chu would not open the box again, but he didn't know that Luo Chu opened the box as soon as he turned around.

There are papers of different sizes in the huge box, including sketchbooks and sketch papers.

Luo Chu picked up a sketchbook casually, and opened a page. The person drawn on it was himself, and he was about ten years old in the picture.

Wearing a ponytail, holding an ice cream in his hand, jumping happily.

"You painted me?" Luo Chu was stunned. He thought he was hiding some secret in it, but he didn't know that secret was her.

Seeing that Luo Chu discovered his secret, Qu Jingbo had no choice but to tell the truth, "Actually, after we left on the boat with you, I have never forgotten you, and I have been wholeheartedly waiting for you to grow up.

It is no exaggeration to say that you are like a small sun shining into my heart. At that time, I lived in the dark shadow.

And your appearance dispelled the darkness for me and became the only ray of light in my life. I used to live for revenge.

After you appeared, I lived a more purposeful life. I want to feel proud, and one day I will stand in front of you and ride a white horse to marry you as my princess.

I often look at you where you can't see me, and record everything about you with scrolls, these paintings are like you have been with me all the time. "

After listening to his words, Luo Chu squatted on the ground, looking at the whole box of various scrolls, and there was always only one heroine on it, and that was her.

And each picture scroll has a common feature, that is, the self on it smiles very sweetly.

Every one of them is full of Qu Jingbo's deep affection for her. Luo Chu looked at so many of herself, and couldn't bear it anymore, she rushed towards Qu Jingbo.

Hugging Qu Jingbo fiercely, he actually has such an important position to Qu Jingbo, the more he loves himself, the past between himself and Ye Zhengxiu is like a thorn in his eye.

"Brother Bo, I'm sorry, I didn't remember that agreement, and I'm still with someone else, you must be very sad." She buried her small face in his arms.

Qu Jingbo gently embraced her back, "It would be a lie to say I'm not sad, I didn't expect you to be with him at that time.

When I heard the news, I was indeed in conflict. I have loved you for so many years, how could I let you fall into the arms of others?
I want to take you back. I dreamed of you all those days and nights. I want you to stay by my side and only smile at me from now on.

For a long time, I could no longer calm down and make a painting for you, until that day when I returned to the studio and saw that my mother had painted a painting.

Mom was having such a bad time, that's why I decided not to interfere in your affairs anymore. If I really love you, I should let you live freely.

Many times I want to burn these paintings, and completely burn the past that we should not have known. "Qu Jingbo thought that he had lit his lighter at that time, but in the end he still couldn't bear it.

"Burn it? What a pity. It's a good thing you didn't burn it. I'll take these paintings away tomorrow, and I'll take a look at them later." Luo Chu quickly got up from his arms and clenched his fists.

"Okay, take it away, take it away, now when we are together, I will never regret the decision back then, I gave you freedom, and God returned you to me."

"Yes, if the old man let your mother go, maybe it would have been a different ending."

"Who knows? From the stories of these people, I only know that I will love you with my life." Qu Jingbo said solemnly as if making an oath.

Luo Chu nodded, "We will be happy."

"Dong dong." Someone knocked on the door, Qu Jingbo let go of Luo Chu, helped her up, and saw the butler standing by the door.

"Young master, young mistress, the old man invites you to the hall to talk."

When Luo Chu heard the title of young mistress, she immediately blushed, "I haven't married yet, so you can call me Miss Luo."

"I'll call it that from now on, anyway, sooner or later she will marry me." Qu Jingbo gave the butler a look of approval.

Luo Chu was a little helpless, no matter what, she was going to marry him anyway, but it was just a title, it really wasn't that important.

The two followed the butler to the villa, and the main characters of the Ye family also came together. It can be said that tonight is a very important night for everyone.

"Sit." The old man saw Luo Chu and Qu Jingbo coming in, and greeted them.

"Your Ye family has a family meeting, what are we doing here?" Qu Jingbo said cynically.

The old man seemed to have expected his reaction a long time ago, so he just responded lightly: "You can listen in."

When Bei Ruoqiu saw Luo Chu who appeared here, her eyes were full of hatred. She thought that after sending the video to Qu Jingbo, Qu Jingbo should cancel the smearing of herself as agreed.

Who knew that when she woke up the next day, she found that not only did it not ease, but the matter became more serious, and she was even photographed by the media in and out of nightclubs.

Now it's even more unclear, not being with Ye Zhengxiu on the wedding night, spending a night in a nightclub, the unscrupulous media can write as bad as they want.

Bei Ruoqiu made a phone call to Qu Jingbo. She thought it was Qu Jingbo who hadn't arranged for someone to cancel the news, but she didn't know that all the news still existed in the afternoon.

Obviously, as long as he said a word, all the news could be removed, and the trend of blackmailing himself became more and more serious.

Now it has developed to the point where even her black history in the entertainment industry over the years has been exposed, such as how to suppress newcomers, and what methods she uses to grab other people's roles, or play big names.

There are more and more black histories, and people are attacking them in groups. She is afraid to go out now, and has been nestling at home for a day.

When she questioned Qu Jingbo in the afternoon why he didn't follow the agreement, Qu Jingbo said: "Agreed? What about the contract? Miss Bei is also a person in the business world. She should be very clear that everything is in black and white, but It’s not just talking without proof!”

Bei Ruoqiu was so angry that she was going crazy, "Qu Jingbo, why are you such a despicable person, that's fine, if you are not kind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

I will release the video of Luo Chu and that man. Although she is not a celebrity, she is not a small person either. She will definitely cause a lot of trouble for you. " she threatened fiercely.

But in the end Qu Jingbo didn't care at all, just said: "It's up to you." Then she hung up the phone.

Bei Ruoqiu couldn't figure out why he liked Luo Chu so much, why didn't he care about it?In short, she has been driven to a dead end, and at worst, she and Luo Chuyu will die.

Luo Chu was stared at by Bei Ruoqiu like this, like a hungry wolf staring at her prey.

Seeing the bracelet on Luo Chu's hand, Bei Ruoqiu gritted his teeth with hatred. Ye Zhengxiu saw that her expression was not right, so he quickly squeezed her hand.

This Bei Ruoqiu must not make trouble at this juncture, otherwise it is very likely that the old man will change his mind.

Only then did Bei Ruoqiu come back to her senses, now that Ye Zhengxiu's future was at stake, she didn't dare to continue making trouble.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let me tell you the purpose of asking you to come today." Mr. Ye said slowly.

As for why the old man called everyone to come, in fact, everyone is very clear in their hearts, and it is exactly what everyone wants to get.

"I didn't talk about the shares before. I know that all of you are in a hurry and panic." The old man swept everyone's expectant faces.

In fact, he thought it was quite ridiculous. The people he wanted to give shares the most didn't care at all, but the people he didn't want to give shares stretched their necks and waited.

The second child had a fake smile on his face, "Dad, in fact, you are still in good health, so we can talk about the shares later."

"Really? If I really want to talk about it later, all of you are going to die of anxiety. I am already old and I am not sure how long I can live. Anyway, everyone is here today, so I will clearly distribute the shares. "

Of course, the old man knows what these people with honey and swords are thinking. I'm afraid what they hope most is for him to die early and divide the will.

"Cough cough." A serious cough came from his ear, Luo Chu looked towards the source of the sound, and it was a white-haired woman.

Presumably this is the old man's original match. She looks much older than the old man, especially her face is covered with dense wrinkles, her body is also very bent, and her body has shrunk into a small ball.

No one has ever heard of this original partner. Luo Chu thought she was long gone, but she was not expecting that she was still alive.

Qu Jingbo knew she was coming down, so she didn't even look at her. In the past, she was the one who tortured Qu Jingbo's mother the most.

Luo Chu just glanced at her and found that she was also looking at him. She thought most of the old people were kind-hearted.

Even Mr. Ye, who looks fierce on the surface, is actually gentle on the inside, but when he saw this old woman, his small eyes shot a sinister light at her.

What a powerful look!It's like a poisonous snake has its eyes on you.

Hatred is relative, Qu Jingbo hates her, and she hates Qu Jingbo a thousand times, as the original partner, she has never been loved by the old man in her life.

But Qu Jingbo's mother easily got what she wanted the most, and she also gave birth to Qu Jingbo, a scoundrel who would rob things with her offspring.

Even though Qu Jingbo's mother has been dead for many years, the resentment in her heart has not disappeared. Now that Qu Jingbo brought Luo Chu back, naturally Luo Chu has become the object of her hatred.

Luo Chu could understand the hatred in her heart, and there was no way to explain the reason for this kind of thing.

"Since it's a family meeting, why didn't anyone call me?" She didn't know if it was Luo Chu's illusion, but she felt that this person's voice was gloomy and terrifying, a bit like the vicious queen in a fairy tale.

"What are you doing here?" Elder Ye became furious when he saw her. Although the two lived under the same roof, they hadn't seen each other for a long time. The elder was in the United States most of the time.

"I am your legal wife, do you think I should come?"

"Mom, come on, don't be angry, sit down." Mother Ye hurried forward to help her down.

"Okay Dad, we are all one family, so why are we so divided?" The second child also persuaded.

Mr. Ye blamed the original wife for the death of Qu Jingbo's mother, thinking that she forced Qu's mother to death, and tried every means to torture Qu's mother every time he was not at home.

And Qu's mother is a stubborn person, she never told herself these things, so that she didn't know it until it was too late.

From that day on, he hated his ex-wife deeply, and time did not erase the hatred in his heart, but deepened it.

The original partner has also been aging rapidly due to his neglect these years. She was originally a few years younger than him, but now she looks like an old woman in her nineties.

There is a breath hidden in everyone's heart, which makes the whole family fall into an endless loop.

"Okay, now that I have 50.00% of Four's shares in my hands, I thought about it and finally made this decision.

The boss and the second each transfer [-]% of the shares. Since I have handed over the company to Zhengxiu, then Zhengxiu also needs absolute share rights to speak on the board of directors.

Zhengxiu is a good boy, and he has been excellent all these years, so I plan to transfer 20.00% of Si's shares to him. "

Now, 40.00% of Si's shares have been lost. This result is obviously unexpected, so who does the old man plan to give the remaining [-]% to?Could it be Qu Jingbo?

Even if it was given to Qu Jingbo, Ye Zhengxiu would have more shares than Qu Jingbo, but he would still feel a little unhappy.

He didn't want Qu Jingbo to get a little bit of shares. Obviously, things were beyond his control, and he was satisfied with this situation, at least he had absolute dominance in the Ye family.

"Thank you, Grandpa." Ye Zhengxiu thanked him respectfully, and the uneasiness in Bei Ruoqiu's heart also eased a bit.

Thinking that Qu Jingbo's shares were not as good as Ye Zhengxiu's, the depression in her heart was swept away, and she glanced at Luo Chu very proudly, and there was obviously a gesture of victory in her eyes.

However, Luo Chu, who knew the whole story, didn't make any statement. If these people knew the old man's real plan, they would probably be pissed to death.

"Dad, what about the remaining [-]% of the shares?" The second child was the most impatient. He also had a child. Although he didn't live up to it, he was the grandson of the old man. He couldn't be so partial to Ye Zhengxiu's family.

Knowing that the old man must have prepared for Qu Jingbo, he still asked a little unwillingly.

"You are all concerned about the last [-]% of the shares. No matter what, I won't keep it to myself. This [-]% belongs to Luo Chu." When the old man said this, everyone's jaws dropped.

Even the boring Qu Jingbo was a little surprised when he heard this sentence, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"Dad, are you kidding me?"

"What, give Luo Chu ten percent of the shares? Grandpa, are you crazy?" Bei Ruoqiu was the most excited person, and immediately stood up from her seat.

"Ruo Qiu!" Ye Zhengxiu quickly pulled Bei Ruo Qiu, her words were too offensive to the old man.

Sure enough, the old man glanced at her coldly, causing Bei Ruoqiu to tremble all over in fright, but she still didn't give in, and boldly asked, "Grandpa, I just married Zhengxiu, and I don't even have a single share. Luo Chu has ten percent.

It's fine for Grandpa to give her the Ye family's token, but now he also transfers all the shares to her, which may be unreasonable.

Not to mention whether she will continue to be with her little uncle in the future, it is difficult to convince people just because she has not married into the Ye family.

They are both daughters-in-law, although one is a daughter-in-law-to-be and the other is a grand-daughter-in-law, and grandpa doesn't show such partiality. If this matter gets out, what will others think of grandpa? "

The person Bei Ruoqiu hated the most in her life was Luo Chu. Anyone could be better than her, except Luo Chu.

It was enough to be wronged to kneel down to her at the wedding before, but now he even has more shares than himself, no, he didn't get any at all.

I don't know what the old man thinks, didn't he hate Luo Chu so much before?Now he actually wants to give her [-]% of the shares!
"That's right, what Ruo Qiu said is fine, Dad, I'm afraid it's not appropriate. Ruo Qiu just married into our Ye family, so there's no way for us to explain to the Bei family." Mother Ye also hurriedly spoke, afraid The old man really gave the shares to Luo Chu.

She has been a daughter-in-law for so many years and still hasn't gotten one, so Luo Chu can't even think about it!

"Bracelet?" The old woman mechanically looked at Luo Chu's hand when she heard about the bracelet.

Sure enough, she saw the bracelet that she had been thinking about day and night in her hand. When she married into the Ye family, she knew that the Ye family had a family heirloom bracelet.

But she hadn't waited for it for so many years. Now that she saw the jade bracelet in Luo Chu's hand, she instantly went crazy.

"You actually gave her the bracelet, it's mine!" The old woman grabbed Luo Chu's hand, no one expected this turn of events, everyone's attention was attracted by Bei Ruoqiu.

Luo Chu didn't know where the old lady got the strength to run to her side in such a short time, and even grabbed her hand tightly.

"Take it off for me, it's mine." The old lady was very strong, but the jade bracelet seemed to have grown a root, and it hung on Luo Chu's hand firmly.

The old lady couldn't take it off with all her strength, but pinched Luo Chu's hand until it turned red, "Let go, let me go!" Qu Jingbo was in a hurry.

Originally, the wound on Luo Chu's hand was not healed yet, she had just removed the gauze, and the healed wound could not be touched vigorously.

The old lady only had the bracelet in her eyes and heart, and she just wanted to get the bracelet off her hand, no matter what method she used.

But Luo Chu was in severe pain, and the wound on her hand opened in the panic. The old man angrily grabbed the old woman back, "Why are you crazy! I gave you the bracelet."

Qu Jingbo saw that the palm of her hand that healed up with great difficulty began to ooze blood again. The second injury was to tear her palm alive, so it hurt more than the first injury.

"Xiao Chu'er, are you alright?" Qu Jingbo saw that her wrists were covered with red marks from the bracelets, and her palms were bleeding, which made him feel even more distressed.

Luo Chu was in excruciating pain. After all, the wound on his hand was not small, and it was torn apart alive. Of course, it was more painful than ordinary wounds.

Meeting his anxious eyes, she could only pretend to be calm, "Brother Bo, I'm fine, I don't hurt at all."

"Lie, how could it not hurt, butler, bring me the medicine box."

"Yes, young master." The butler quickly ran to get the medicine box.

"Old man, I have been with you for so many years. I am the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, and that bracelet is mine." The old lady was still unwilling.

It's fine that she didn't take out the bracelet before, but now the old man won't give it to a stranger, how can she think it through?
"You will never get this bracelet in your life, so send her back." The old man snorted coldly, feeling annoyed when he saw this face.

"Mom, you should go upstairs first." Mother Ye also wanted to win some shares for Bei Ruoqiu, which would be more beneficial to Ye Zhengxiu, and the old lady would only do bad things here.

"I'm not going upstairs, bracelet, give me the bracelet."

Several people worked together to help her away, while Qu Jingbo comforted Luo Chu, and began to treat her wound again.

The old man looked at Luo Chu apologetically, "Girl, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Luo Chu knew what was going on here, but in fact, he could not blame anyone. Marriages of the older generation were not free, and the marriage was not due to feelings, so the old lady was also sad.

"You're still trying to be brave after bleeding so much?" Qu Jingbo complained, and at the same time gave her medicine with distress.

"Hiss..." Luo Chu couldn't hold back a soft snort.

"Does it hurt? Then I'll take it easy." Qu Jingbo's face looked distressed, and the movements in his hands slowed down a bit.

Ye Zhengxiu looked at the wound on Luo Chu's palm and felt a little distressed. He had noticed it before, but he didn't expect it to be so deep.

"Okay, that's it for the shares." The old man rounded up the topic.

"Grandpa, what is Ruoqiu to you? I have just been married to the Ye family and I have suffered such unequal treatment." Bei Ruoqiu didn't want to bear it anymore, she just wanted to vomit out her inner grievances.

"Unequal treatment? Huh..." The old man suddenly turned and left, and brought some magazines from the side.

"You still have the nerve to say that you will marry into my Ye family. Now people all over the world know that my Ye family's granddaughter-in-law is this kind of person!" The old man reported all the dark history of Bei Ruoqiu before.

"Grandpa, these are all fake. I have never done these things at all. The news reported by the unscrupulous media is all for the sake of gaining publicity." Bei Ruoqiu quickly explained.

"I don't care if it's true or not, anyway, people outside now think you've done these things, and even people selling vegetables on the streets are talking about it.

It was fine in the past, but now that you are married to our Ye family, they will say along with the Ye family, do you think you are entitled to the shares of my Ye family? "The old man asked in a cold voice.

Bei Ruoqiu couldn't tell, all of this was clearly caused by Qu Jingbo manipulating public opinion behind the scenes, but now she was asked to take the blame.

"Grandpa, I'm not qualified, so why is she, Luo Chu, qualified? After all, I've already married into the Ye family, and she didn't even enter the Ye family."

"Marriage is just a ceremony, and I believe they will never separate. This matter ends here, and I don't want to say anything more about the shares." There was a trace of fatigue in the old man's brows and eyes.

The others looked at each other in blank dismay. This was a very bad signal, and the old man would get angry if he continued.

"Dad, Luo Chu is just an outsider after all, what you can do is not right." Ye Mu also insisted.

"Mom, stop talking!" Ye Zhengxiu hastily pulled Ye Mu.

"What do you want me to do? I was not wrong in the first place. Even if you want to give Luo Chu shares, you have to ask her to marry into the Ye family."

"If you think I'm unfair, then give her the shares in your own hands. I'm tired." Said the old man turned and left, and Ben didn't want to say a word to them.

The butler helped the old man up, and the others looked at each other and left to go back to their rooms. Mother Ye sighed, who let the old man have the final say in the family?
"Forget it, it's getting late and go to rest."

"Let's go." Bei Ruoqiu reluctantly pulled Ye Zhengxiu to leave. Ye Zhengxiu knew that Luo Chu would stay at Ye's house tonight, and knowing she was there, he couldn't bear to leave.

"It's been a long time since I stayed at Ye's house. Let's stay at Ye's house tonight. It's already so late anyway." Ye Zhengxiu didn't intend to leave.

Bei Ruoqiu glanced at Luo Chu, then pointed her finger at Luo Chu's face, "Do you really want to stay in the Ye family or is it because she is here?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The Ye family is my home. It's strange for me to stay overnight? If you don't want to, go home by yourself. No one will keep you. I'll go to bed." Ye Zhengxiu gave her a white look, as if he didn't want to Talk to her and just leave.

"Ye Zhengxiu!" Bei Ruoqiu stomped her feet angrily when she saw his leaving back, with a look of anger on her face.

Different from Ye Zhengxiu's indifference, Qu Jingbo carefully treated the wound on Luo Chu's hand, with a gentle look, as if his hand was a piece of exquisite porcelain that would be broken if he was not careful.

"I'll blow it to you, and it won't hurt in a while." He even used the way his mother used to treat him when he was a child, and his mother would blow him wherever he fell.

Seeing his childish side, Luo Chu immediately smiled, "Brother Bo, you don't have to be so careful, I really don't feel any pain anymore."

The harmonious image of the two fell on Bei Ruoqiu's eyes, but it was a sharp thorn, which made Bei Ruoqiu's body dripping with blood and pain. Why did she have such a good life?

After Qu Jingbo Tiluo had finished treating the wound, everyone around the wound also left, "It's getting late, I'll take you back to your room to rest."

"Okay." Luo Chu nodded.

Because the two are not yet married, the housekeeper arranged two rooms for them, "I will rest here tonight, and we will leave early tomorrow morning."

Luo Chu's room was right next to Qu Jingbo's. It wasn't that Qu Jingbo didn't want to sleep with her, it was just that he and Luo Chu had no chance to get close during this period, and they were already going crazy.

Since she was not in good health, he was afraid that he would not be able to restrain himself from sleeping next to her, so he decided to sleep in a separate room.

"Brother Bo, don't you ask about the share transfer?" Luo Chu thought he would say something, but who knew that he didn't even ask a question, let alone make a speech.

"He told you before I didn't come, right? Anyway, it's all given to you, so you keep it." Qu Jingbo replied very flatly.

"Oh, well, I'll go to bed first." Luo Chu stretched, this was the first time she stayed at Ye's house, and she felt a sense of novelty.

Although it was just a guest room, it was cleaned very well, and the housekeeper thoughtfully brought her some toiletries and pajamas.

"I'm right next door, just knock on the door and call me if you have anything to do." Qu Jingbo ordered, even though this is his territory, he still can't rest assured that the people in this house have different thoughts.

"Just take a nap, what's the point? Then I'll take a shower first."

"Remember not to get your hands wet." Qu Jingbo reminded.

"Okay, good night, brother Bo." Luo Chu tiptoed and planted a superficial kiss on Qu Jingbo's lips.

To her, this kiss was just a goodnight kiss, but to Qu Jingbo, it was a spark that could start a prairie fire.

He pushed her against the wall of the corridor and deepened the kiss forcefully, every part of his body was clamoring for her desire.

"Brother Bo...don't..." Luo Chu subconsciously shy, after all, this is not his home, and there are many people living in this big villa.

Ye Zhengxiu stood at the end of the corridor, looking at the kissing pair of figures, her hand was lightly resting on Qu Jingbo's arms, as if she wanted to push his body away, but this kind of force is undoubtedly flirting for a man .

Her thin body was embedded in Qu Jingbo's arms, and their lips and teeth intertwined, even if they were separated by a long distance, they could feel the heat.

I really want, I really want to be the one hugging her now.

Luo Chu pushed Qu Jingbo away, who was getting hotter and hotter, "Brother Bo, it's all right, stop making trouble."

After she said this, she found Ye Zhengxiu who was standing not far away. So he had seen the whole process just now?
Now she didn't hate Ye Zhengxiu anymore, and naturally she didn't want to use this kind of thing to provoke him anymore, so she was a little shy.

Qu Jingbo, on the other hand, glanced lazily at Ye Zhengxiu, and pecked Luo Chu's mouth again, "It's cold at night, I won't sleep with you tonight, remember not to kick the quilt."

"You know, I'm not a child anymore." Luo Chu closed the door shyly. She used to think that she was quite independent, but she was spoiled by someone so much that he really wanted to cover her with a quilt at night.

Qu Jingbo didn't speak, and went straight back to his room. The door slammed shut. Ye Zhengxiu stood at the end of the corridor, his figure stretched very long by the lights.

He clenched his fists tightly, and the image of the two kissing passionately in his mind was lingering. They were so sweet, but he was alone.

"Why are you standing here? I've been waiting for you in the room for a long time." Bei Ruoqiu looked at Ye Zhengxiu standing there alone, standing so quietly without speaking.

Allowing her to pull herself back, Bei Ruoqiu hugged him tightly from behind, "Zhengxiu, I don't care about the past, I know you like Luo Chu, but she already has someone she likes.

Things have become like this, we are married, and I will be your wife in the future, and she will have her own life.

You also saw that Qu Jingbo is so kind to her, that person will definitely not let go, let's live our lives well, shall we?
I specially asked for leave and turned down all the announcements. Let's go abroad for our honeymoon and enjoy the world of two people. "

Bei Ruoqiu began to show affection to Ye Zhengxiu, hoping that he would change his mind. Now that her career was in a mess, she couldn't lose Ye Zhengxiu too.

"A special leave?" Ye Zhengxiu snorted, and took his fingers away one by one from his waist. "Who in the whole country doesn't know the good deeds you have done? You dare not even go to the streets, let alone do other things. Bei Ruoqiu, stop dreaming, it is impossible for me to love you."

"Why, Luo Chu won't come back anymore, why can't you love me?"

"Did you forget the deal from that year?" Ye Zhengxiu reminded.

Bei Ruoqiu bit her lip, thinking of the scene at that time. She designed Luo Chu and Ye Zhengxiu that night, gave Ye Zhengxiu a special drug, and made Ye Zhengxiu have sex with her in a daze.

The next day, Ye Zhengxiu was drowsy thinking about what happened last night, "How dare you design me?" He looked at Bei Ruoqiu coldly, his eyes were terrifyingly cold.

"Zhengxiu, I'm sorry, it's all because I love you so much, and I don't want to be like this, I can't control myself."

"Do you know that this will only make me hate you more!"

"Even if you don't want to, everything happened last night. Zhengxiu, you are my first man."

"So what, the only person I like is Chu'er..." As he said that, he got dressed and was about to leave.

However, Bei Ruoqiu took a camera, "I'm afraid it won't work. I have already captured the scenes of our last night. You and Luo Chu have no chance."

"You are so cruel!"

"Sorry, I just love you too much, Zhengxiu I know what you want, with my help, you can get what you want.

Luo Chu has no status in the Luo family. You won't get any benefits from being with her. The Bei family only has me as a daughter.

It is the best choice for you to be with me. Everything in the Bei family will be yours in the future, and I will help you obtain the inheritance rights of the Ye family.

Luo Chu can't do this, she will only become your burden, Zhengxiu, I love you, I really love you. "

Bei Ruoqiu knew what he wanted and wanted, so she was confident. This proposal was perfect, and it was impossible for Ye Zhengxiu to refuse.

Unless Luo Chu is higher than his future and career in his heart, no man would be willing to give up such an important thing. Ye Zhengxiu is even more elegant on the surface, but in fact he is very ambitious.

Sure enough, after she made this request, Ye Zhengxiu hesitated. After being silent for a while, he finally asked, "What's your condition?"

Bei Ruoqiu was overjoyed, "What I want is very simple, I want to become Mrs. Ye."

"Okay, it's just a deal between you and me. I will make you Mrs. Ye, and you help me get the inheritance of the Ye family."

"make a deal."

At that time, she thought that one day he would fall in love with her, and he wanted to get rid of Bei Ruoqiu when he got everything.

The two get what they need and plan separately, but everything is not as simple as they imagined.

After three years of getting along, Ye Zhengxiu still didn't fall in love with her. Ye Zhengxiu wholeheartedly hoped that Luo Chu was still waiting for him, and that when he got the right of inheritance, he would be able to be with her without distractions.

The world is fickle, and both of them miscalculated.

Ye Zhengxiu withdrew from Bei Ruoqiu's embrace, "It was nothing more than a transaction between you and me from beginning to end. I got the right to inherit, and you also got the position of Mrs. Ye. From now on, you have no right to do anything else." Xiao thought."

"But you are the only one I want from the beginning to the end!"

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