Lin Shao's Love Symphony

139. Seeing the trick and dismantling the trick

Luo Ruirui ran aimlessly, Luo Li was arrested, their identities were exposed, the original family fell apart overnight, and everything was like a roller coaster ride.

She was still at the top just now, but she suddenly plummeted into the dust. She looked at the dress on her body, which was a high-end handmade style by a European fashion master.

In the future, if I don't have the Luo family, it means that she will have nothing, and the image of Luo Chun loving her for the past 20 years comes to mind.

"It's gone, everything is gone." Tired of running, her pace gradually slowed down, but none of the lights in front of her eyes belonged to her.

She squatted down and cried bitterly, but she didn't know that all this was just the beginning of a nightmare, and she would have to pay for whatever evil she had done.

A car suddenly stopped in front of her, and before she could react, she was dragged into the car by several men who got off the car.

When she woke up, she was surrounded by an old warehouse, "Where is this?" She opened her eyes and muttered.

In the darkness, she smelled a very bad smell, like something rotten, and also like a fermented sour smell. By the way, the beggar she was looking for had this smell.

A trace of unease spread in her heart, the sound of a lighter sounded in her ears, and a beam of light appeared in her pupils.

There was a man standing not far away, the light from the lighter shrouded the man's handsome face, and the flames danced on his face, but the pose of lighting a cigarette was also pleasing to the eye.

"Mr. Qu, why is it you?" It's not a good thing for Luo Ruirui to see Qu Jingbo at this time, especially in such a place.

"Miss Luo, do you know what's going to happen next?" Qu Jingbo's voice was as cold as the cold wind in the twelfth lunar month, with biting coldness.

Luo Ruirui subconsciously felt uneasy, and she quickly knelt down in front of Qu Jingbo, "Mr. Qu, I know that I didn't know myself in the past, so I shouldn't be whimsical to seduce you and destroy your relationship with Luo Chu.

Please be generous, my lord. For the sake of us losing everything, please let my brother go. He was really too angry and couldn't control himself. "

"Let him go? You still have time to worry about your younger brother. If you have a chance, take care of yourself first." Qu Jingbo leaned over slightly, and moved the lighter towards Luo Ruirui's face.

Luo Ruirui was so scared that she quickly took a step back, "Mr. Qu, what did you bring me here for?"

"Of course, do something you like to do. I don't need to pursue what you did to the little rabbit three years ago. I will treat you as a child. You have been punished anyway. I didn't expect you to be a good boy."

Luo Ruirui thought that she was also knocked out three years ago and then took that kind of photo, which made the news headlines. It was precisely because of this incident that the old man was so angry that he planned to cancel their shares.

"So you did what happened back then!" Luo Ruirui even hired a private detective to find out who was harming her.

But no matter how hard she checked, there was still no news. Her memory was not good, so she forgot about it.

If Qu Jingbo hadn't mentioned it, she would have never known who was behind the scenes all her life.

"So what if I did it? At least when I saw that you were still young, people only took pictures of you and didn't do anything to you, but you, a woman, never seem to know how to be grateful." This time it was Qu Jingbo Feeling cold.

"Mr. Qu, Bei Ruoqiu ordered me to do this. It has nothing to do with me. If you want revenge, go to her." Luo Ruirui hurriedly blamed Bei Ruoqiu.

It turned out that there was something about Bei Ruoqiu involved in this matter, Qu Jingbo's eyes darkened, "Of course I will report what should be reported, and let you enjoy it now."

Qu Jingbo snapped his fingers, the lights in the ruins came on, and Luo Ruirui saw five or six dirty beggars standing not far away.

Her face turned pale, Qu Jingbo was planning to do what she did to Luo Chu before, Luo Ruirui shook her head again and again, "No, Mr. Qu, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

"What you can do to others, now I just put it on you, let you taste what kind of pain it is!" Qu Jingbo said coldly.

Those beggars approached her, thinking of how happy she was when she ordered them to bully Luo Chu.

But she never thought that this kind of thing is a fatal blow to a woman, she is like a little beast, tears rolling down, "Mr. Qu, I beg you, please let me go, I promise I will never attack Luo Chu again."

"You were punished for making a mistake. You owe her this, and now you have to pay it back." Qu Jingbo didn't like bullying women at first, but what Luo Ruirui did this time was unforgivable.

Although Luo Chu was not insulted by the beggar, he managed to escape the catastrophe by slashing his hand with a blade, and sent her to the outpatient clinic for bandages.

Seeing that there is such a long scar on her white palm, with blood oozing out of it, even if her hand is healed, this scar will never disappear again.

Why should Luo Chu be treated like this?
"Do you think that you can make up for the shadow in Chu'er's heart these years? What did you mother and daughter do to her? Even if you kill you, it's not enough to make up for her harm."

When Qu Jingbo thought about that night, Luo Chu almost jumped off the window sill and was afraid for a while. The life she had lived in these years was far more miserable than she imagined.

And Luo Ruirui and Liu Qing eat well and sleep soundly every day, who knows what kind of life Luo Chu is living?

"I know I was wrong, I'll change it, can't I change it?" Luo Ruirui had already had her skirt pulled by someone, she had never experienced such a thing in her life.

The inferior people she despised the most, these stinky beggars, their dirty hands came towards her body one by one.

Those people began to tear her skirt, exposing her to Qu Jingbo a little bit, but Qu Jingbo didn't show any pity.

There was only hatred in his eyes. If Luo Chu hadn't learned some self-defense techniques in the past three years, she had escaped by chance, otherwise it would have been Luo Chu who was lying here not long ago.

When he thought of the tear-stained face of the little woman, he felt very sorry for him, "This woman is for you to play with, as long as you don't die from playing with it."

"Thank you, boss!" The beggars' eyes showed animal desire, and they started to move impatiently.

When Qu Jingbo left the warehouse, she could still hear Luo Ruirui's screams, which seemed very intrusive in such a night, and Qu Jingbo just quickened her pace.

If you don't die, you won't die. The ending of Luo Ruirui's fall is also caused by herself, and she has no one to blame.

"Luo Chu, Qu Jingbo, I will never let you go!!!"

Tina is holding Luo Chu, this feeling is very strange, she was a little girl when she was holding her last time, and now she is about the same height as herself.

She seldom spoke along the way, and she only answered when Luo Chu asked her, and she just arrived at the hotel.

"Okay, I've arrived in the room, you can leave now." Tina started to chase people away again.

"Auntie, do you hate me?" Luo Chu asked with her big eyes blinking. Even if the woman in front of her was not her mother, she was still cold on the outside and warm on the inside.

From the beginning to the end, she just held her hand gently, being careful not to touch her wound.

People are so wonderful, this aunt looks like ice, but in fact she is very soft inside.

"I don't hate it, I'm just a little tired today and want to rest early." Tina replied blankly.

"Auntie, if I don't disturb you, I'll go in and take a look." Luo Chu demanded, "I'll leave after I take a look."

Although Tina didn't know what's so good about the hotel room, but she had no choice but to let this girl in if she refused to leave.

She lived in the presidential suite, which was extremely luxurious and spacious. The balcony door was not closed, and the veils of the curtains were blown flying by the wind, creating a romantic atmosphere in the whole room.

This is just a slightly more luxurious room than other hotels, and I don't know if it's because she lives there, Luo Chu feels very warm.

"You can watch it if you want, I'm going to take a shower." Tina planned to ignore her, and she would naturally leave when Luo Chu got bored.

"Patriarch, do you need us to invite Miss Luo away?" Erica asked in a low voice.

"No, you go to rest, she will leave naturally if she is bored."

"Yes, Patriarch." Erica lived in the next room with her bodyguards.

Tina took a shower and came out to scan around, but she didn't see Luo Chu's figure. This girl must have left, right?

But there was a feeling of disappointment in her heart for no reason. As soon as she turned around, she saw Luo Chu lying on the sofa and fell asleep, with a helpless wry smile on her lips. Is this girl so relieved of herself?Just fell asleep in a stranger's room.

There was still a faint smile on the corner of Luo Chu's mouth, as if he was having a beautiful dream.

Tina looked at her hands, the palms were wrapped with gauze, and there was a faint layer of blood smudged in the middle of the gauze.

She didn't go to rest, but took the medicine box and sat beside Luo Chu, carefully unwrapping her gauze, her eyes were moist when she saw such a bloody trace on her palm.

The injury was on Luo Chu's body, but it was actually in her heart. Such a long scar must be very painful.

Carefully re-applying medicine to her wound, Luo Chu, who was sleeping, just frowned and did not wake up.

Seeing her sleeping so soundly, Tina couldn't bear to wake her up, but went to the bed to get a quilt, and squatted beside her to take off her high heels.

In the past, Xiao Luochu often fell asleep watching TV, and at that time, he would take off her shoes and cover her with a small quilt.

Unexpectedly, such a long time has passed, the little girl from back then has grown up, Tina caressed her cheek.

Luo Chu involuntarily grabbed her hand and called out, "Mom."

Tina trembled in fright, and found that Luo Chu hadn't woken up, but just grabbed her hand but didn't let go.

Tina's tears fell silently, only a thousand times of regret and self-blame in her heart.

She gently opened Luo Chu's hand, turned off the light in the living room, and returned to the bedroom.

Hearing the sound of footsteps leaving, the sleeping person quietly opened his eyes, and touched the warm tears on his face with his fingers, a thought flashed in Luo Chu's eyes.

You are obviously my mother, why don't you recognize me?
She lifted the quilt carefully, and walked off the sofa with bare feet, without looking at the bedroom door, Luo Chu saw the person sitting on the bed covering his face and weeping silently.

Maybe she... has some difficulties.

She didn't go forward to ask anything, but just returned to the sofa, at least proving one thing, this person is undoubtedly her mother.

As for why she didn't recognize herself, she didn't know the reason. As long as her mother was still alive, it would be great news for herself.

That night, she was excited for a long time before she fell asleep. The next day, she received a call from Bei Ruoqiu at six o'clock, "Chu, today you are a bridesmaid, come here early to try on clothes and make-up."

"Okay, I'll come here now." Luo Chu didn't mind at all. After all, this matter has passed for so many years, why should she be persistent?

Bei Ruoqiu didn't expect that she would really come, she had already said her words, and now it was too late to take them back.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." She hung up the phone a little unhappy, it seems that she should think of other ways to torment Luo Chu.

Luo Chu lifted the quilt and found Tina standing at the door in pajamas, "Auntie, I'm sorry, I was too tired yesterday and fell asleep as soon as I fell down." Luo Chu would definitely not admit that he was pretending to be asleep.

"It's okay, you're leaving?" Tina still had that indifferent look, if it wasn't for the weight of that tear last night, Luo Chu would really have been deceived by her indifference.

"Well, I'm sorry."

"Are you leaving dressed like this?" Tina saw that she had slept in a wrinkled evening dress all night, so it would be strange to go out wearing this.

"Um... do you have any extra clothes?"

Tina threw her a set of clothes, "We are about the same size, you wear mine first."

"Auntie, you are so kind, can I borrow your bathroom?"

"Whatever, if your hand is hurt, remember not to get wet." No matter how much she tried to hide it, she couldn't hide her mother's love.

"Auntie, it would be great if you were really my mother." Luo Chu hugged her clothes and said with a smile, Tina looked at her back and didn't speak.

After Luo Chu came out of the shower, he changed into Tina's black dress. The two wore the same size, and Luo Chu's dress fit her very well.

"Auntie, do you look good?" Luo Chu seemed to ask her in circles when he put on a new dress when he was a child.

Tina remembers that pink was her favorite when she was a child. She said that princesses always wear pink, and only bad queens wear black.

The milky voice of the past is still in my ears, but now the girl has grown so slim, with a ring shining on her hand, her daughter has grown up.

"It's beautiful." She said sincerely.

Luo Chu smiled slightly, "I think it looks good too."

Just thinking about it, the doorbell has already rang, "Auntie, Brother Bo must have come to pick me up. I'm leaving first. Thank you for taking me in last night."


"What's wrong auntie?"

"Is he... treating you well?" This is the question that every mother cares about most.

"He treats me very well." Luo Chu smiled sweetly.

"That's good."

The door opened, and it was Qu Jingbo standing outside in a suit and leather shoes. Seeing his radiant face, Luo Chu had the illusion that he was the groom today.

"Auntie, let's go first." Luo Chu said goodbye politely.

"Mmm." Tina responded lightly, without any emotion in her voice.

"Aren't you going to take away the groom's splendor by dressing up so handsomely today?" Luo Chu joked with a smile, not knowing what Qu Jingbo did secretly for her.

Qu Jingbo surrounded her and smiled softly, "It's not because today's bridesmaids are too beautiful."

Tina heard the two people's joking voices fade away, a faint smile curled up on the corner of her mouth, Chu'er, it's good if this goes on.

"Master, are we still leaving today?" Erica stood behind her at some point, and the two of them had originally scheduled their flight this morning.

Tina was silent for a while, thinking of Luo Chu's gentle smile, she replied, "The project with Luo's has not been finalized yet, so today's trip is cancelled."

"Okay, it's just the Patriarch, are you staying for cooperation or for that girl?" Erica asked.

"Of course it's for cooperation."

"Master, isn't that girl the young master? You look alike." Erica was the one who had only been by Tina's side in recent years.

"No, I didn't sleep all night last night, and now I'm going to catch up on sleep." Tina seemed very unwilling to continue this question.

Erica remained silent, anyway, she had been with Tina for a few years, and since she returned to City A, her mood was different from before.

Especially when it came to protecting this girl yesterday, her eyes showed maternal love from time to time. Thinking of her situation, Erica could also understand why she didn't admit it.

Some people are born unable to control their own destiny, even if they look at the noble family head on the surface.

Luo Chu didn't know the reason behind this, she was still immersed in the three great happy events of Qu Jingbo proposing to her, driving away Liu Qing, and finding her mother.

"Look at you smiling so happily, are you picking up money?" Qu Jingbo gently scratched her nose.

"Happier than picking up money, Brother Bo, that aunt is really my mother, she secretly gave me medicine last night, and she even cried.

Mother and child are connected, she must be worried about my injury, my mother is really not dead, she is still alive, living well! "Luo Chu was so happy that he wanted to take off.

"But Xiao Chu'er, have you ever thought about one thing, even if she is really your mother, why doesn't she recognize you?" Qu Jingbo asked straight to the point.

"This question is also what I am most confused about. Why do you think my mother doesn't recognize me? She obviously doesn't have amnesia."

"Maybe there is some difficulty. I think you should stop meddling in this matter. Your mother should not approach you for your own good. There is no mother in the world who does not love her daughter."

Because Qu Jingbo was a bystander, she saw it more clearly than Luo Chu.

Luo Chu finally found her mother, how could she not be willing to get close to her? "Brother Bo, I know you are right, but she is my mother, the mother I want to see even in my dreams."

"Xiao Chu'er, I know how you feel, it's better to have a long-term plan."

"Well, anyway, my mother will stay for the time being. I think I will slowly find an opportunity to approach her and find out what happened in these years."

"Okay." Qu Jingbo didn't say much, and drove Luo Chu to Ye Hao. He didn't need to dress up, and women would be a lot of trouble.

"Be careful for a while." Qu Jingbo reminded, knowing that Bei Ruoqiu was responsible for what happened last night, it proves that this woman is still dissatisfied with Luo Chu.

"I know."

When the two arrived at the dressing room, Bei Ruoqiu had already changed into her wedding dress, but she hadn't put on makeup yet. "Chu, you are here, I thought you would not come if you were angry with me."

She looked happy, as if that incident had never happened between the two of them. Since she wanted to pretend, how could Luo Chu not?
"Anyway, we were best friends in high school before. Of course I won't stop coming. I'll try on clothes first." Luo Chu also said softly.

There were many people in the room, and Bei Ruoqiu hired the top makeup artist in the entertainment industry, so she just deliberately pretended to be so gentle in front of other people.

The goddesses in the entertainment industry are indeed not created, and the actresses are not taken for nothing, each one is better than the other.

"Okay, here is the bridesmaid's dress I picked for you." Bei Ruoqiu handed over an ordinary white dress. The bridesmaid should not overwhelm the bride, but Bei Ruoqiu was too scheming.

This skirt was so ordinary that it couldn't be more ordinary, and Luo Chu didn't care about it. She was about to take it in and change it, but she saw a thorn in the dress with sharp eyes.

If he didn't notice it carelessly, he would accidentally plunge into the meat, this Bei Ruoqiu is so cruel.

"Ruo Qiu, I'm afraid the size of this dress is not suitable for me, I'd better find a suitable one myself." She walked towards the dress next to her.

Bei Ruoqiu didn't expect Luo Chu to be so alert and discover her little trick, so she could only smile awkwardly, "Okay then, go and see the others."

Luo Chu picked out a white dress casually, and she didn't intend to be Bei Ruoqiu's bridesmaid, so she didn't pick it seriously.

This tube top dress was ankle-length, not too outrageous. Luo Chu changed it out, and it was clearly just a very simple white dress that looked very elegant on her.

Bei Ruoqiu didn't want to admit that Luo Chu was already prettier than her, and her figure seemed to be getting better in the past three years, the gully on her chest was looming, which was just right.

"Wow, Qiuqiu, your friend is also a great beauty. It's too wasteful not to enter the entertainment industry with such good conditions." The makeup artist beside him said.

Her words made Bei Ruoqiu very unhappy, but she couldn't show it on her face, "We have different ambitions."

"Ailsa, I'm asking you to do Chu's makeup." Bei Ruoqiu looked at another makeup artist who was idle.

Luo Chu obviously saw that the eyes of the two were exchanging some kind of information, do you want to tamper with the cosmetics?

"I'm going to go out on location later. I'm afraid it's too late. I brought my own cosmetics. Anyway, I'm not the protagonist today, so I don't need to make up. Just help me with my hair."

Ailsa's expression changed, but she couldn't say directly, "Okay, let me do your hair."

When Luo Chu saw the tricks, Bei Ruoqiu had no way to get close to her. Luo Chu skillfully put on a light makeup and her hair was done well.

The morning sun came in, and Luo Chu stood boredly at the window looking out. When Ye Zhengxiu came in, the first thing he saw was not Bei Ruoqiu in Ye's dress, but a woman in a white skirt standing quietly by the window.

She just casually leaned against the window, the sun shone on her body, casting a gentle light, and the woman smiled with a touch of gentleness when she lowered her eyebrows.

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