Lin Shao's Love Symphony

129 company annual meeting


At the annual meeting.

Ouyang is also here, he has been here for a while, since he cooperated with Zhao, he often comes to the company, Zhao Lingyu doesn't pay much attention to him.

Zhao Lingyu handed over all the company's daily entertainment to Jiang Tao, and he would see Ouyang as little as possible.

Zhao Yanling has always been disgusted with Ouyang, except for Fu Chen, probably the person he hates the most is Ouyang.

Every time Ouyang approached Zhao Lingyu, he always stared viciously at the side, for fear that Ouyang would offend Zhao Lingyu.

Since Ouyang kidnapped her, Ling Yuxi has always hated Ouyang. Although this person's face is really pleasing to the eye, Ling Yuxi doesn't like men with evil looks, especially after she was kidnapped by Fu Chen for the first time. The means are very disgusting.

It is true that Ouyang has come to the company a lot recently, but Ling Yuxi tries to avoid him as much as possible. This person and Fu Chen give her a special impression. When she sees Ouyang, Ling Yuxi thinks of Fu Chen.

Ouyang could see that Ling Yuxi and Zhao Yanling hated him, but he came to the Zhao family because of Zhao Lingyu, and he didn't care about other people's attitudes.

As long as Zhao Lingyu didn't make him unhappy, it would be fine. Fortunately, Zhao Lingyu himself is a gentleman and pays attention to etiquette, so he didn't embarrass him at all.

"Who did that younger brother of yours offend? Recently, Mrs. Zhao has made a lot of moves." Ouyang had nothing to say and had to strike up a conversation with Zhao Lingyu.

In fact, he doesn't care what kind of trouble Zhao Yanling gets into, it doesn't matter if he gets into big trouble, it can draw Zhao Yanling's energy, don't always stare at him.

Ouyang always knew that he was not the only one who dealt with the Zhao family before, and there were several unknown forces. At that time, because of Ye Ya, he thought about joining forces with the other party.

Before the plan was implemented, he met Zhao Lingyu, and Ye Ya also disliked him, so he put the plan on hold temporarily...

"Don't worry, our Zhao family will never collapse no matter how big our actions are." Zhao Lingyu didn't know what Ouyang meant, but he could still hear the schadenfreude in Ouyang's words.

Zhao Lingyu also knew that Ouyang must have known about Fu Chen, and he didn't care whether he teamed up with Fu Chen at the beginning.

Now Fu Chen has been severely suppressed by them, it is impossible to recover in a short time.

"I don't think the Zhao family will collapse. I am very optimistic about your company and your own ability. Otherwise, why should I cooperate with you." Ouyang said solemnly, but the ambiguity in his words still showed. up.

Zhao Lingyu frowned and ignored him...

Zhao Lingyu also has a little knack for dealing with people like Ouyang, but he just doesn't care.

"Your sister-in-law is very powerful. I really haven't noticed this skill before." Ouyang watched Ling Yuxi chatting with the people around her with ease, with a relaxed and natural expression.

Zhao Lingyu didn't like Ouyang talking about Ling Yuxi behind his back. How could he hear a sense of irony when he came out of Ouyang's mouth with such slick words, and the tone of the good praise changed.

Zhao Lingyu thought that Ouyang had kidnapped Ling Yuxi before, so he knew that Ouyang didn't really praise Ouyang and Ling Yuxi.

"Yu Xi is already excellent. Our Zhao family's business is so big that we need an outstanding young mistress. As for Master Ouyang's exquisite appearance, I will accept these compliments for Yu Xi."

Zhao Lingyu didn't want to drag Ouyang for too long. Zhao Yan was not feeling well today. He wanted to play at home. Although he was not afraid of such a big occasion, he was not an important person even though he had participated in a lot before.

Today is different, he wants to support Yan Ling...

"I still have things to do over there. Master Ouyang is free. If you need anything, you can find Jiang Tao." Zhao Lingyu told Jiang Tao to take care of Ouyang first for him.

Zhao Lingyu didn't go far when he saw someone trying to persuade Zhao Yanling to drink, but Zhao Yanling was not feeling well, so he couldn't drink alcohol today.

"If you don't feel well, go upstairs and rest now." Zhao Lingyu knew that Zhao Yanling had a low fever recently, so he walked up to him, and asked in a gentle voice, "Have you taken today's medicine?"

Zhao Yanling shook his head, "It's just a common illness, just take a rest and you'll be fine."

"Illness should also be taken seriously. After a while, you go upstairs to rest, and I will arrange for someone to buy you antipyretics." Zhao Lingyu rarely saw Zhao Yanling get sick.

Zhao Yanling is in good health and works out regularly, but his illnesses come and go like a mountain. Once a person who is not sick gets sick, it will take time to recover.

Zhao Yan had been ill for a few days and seemed to be recovering and then fell ill again. The low-grade fever kept coming back and forth. Fortunately, he went to the hospital for an examination, and there was nothing wrong...

Zhao Yanling knew that it would be useless for him to talk too much when his elder brother became stubborn, and it happened that he was really uncomfortable now.

If you don't leave now, it will be embarrassing if someone persuades you to drink later. It's better to leave at the beginning. Anyway, the person who should be greeted has already been greeted, and it is not rude to leave now...

"Then I'll go upstairs to rest for a while, and call if I have anything to do." Zhao Yanling felt that he was not being hypocritical now, and his elder brother was capable of taking care of him, not to mention that he was very unwell.

"Yu Xi doesn't know where this meeting is. You go upstairs first, and when I see her, tell her that she is still going to see you anyway." Zhao Lingyu knew that he and Ling Yuxi and Zhao Yan were all right, she I won't worry about it either.

"Then I will trouble you, brother." Zhao Yanling especially wanted to go to bed and sleep for a while.

He didn't sleep well last night, and the more critical it was, he became a little nervous, for fear that something might happen to the child.

He is aware of Fu Chen's methods, he has no doubt that Fu Chen will blackmail him with the child, last night he had a nightmare, dreaming that Mu Xi was caught by Fu Chen, and Fu Chen used Mu Xi to blackmail Yu Xi...

Zhao Lingyu saw that Zhao Yanling listened to his words and went to rest, turned around and saw Zhang Tianliang was not far from him, "Zhang, I would like to trouble you, can you help me go to a nearby pharmacy and buy me some antipyretics?"

"Are you unwell? Do you want to see a doctor?" Zhang Tianliang asked with concern. He knew Zhao Lingyu very well, and Zhao Lingyu was his indirect boss.

"It's not me, it's Mr. Zhao who has a low-grade fever. I can't get away now. You are by my side. After you buy the medicine, send him to 801..."

Zhao Lingyu told Zhang Tianliang that Zhang Tianliang did a good job, and Zhao Lingyu remembered him a few times.

Ye Jun happened to come to Zhao Lingyu at this time, so he naturally took this matter into his eyes, "What's the matter? Is Yan Ling not feeling well?"

Ye Jun came a little late today. He turned around but didn't find Zhao Yanling. He wanted to ask Zhao Lingyu.

"Recently, it's probably a problem with immunity. I always have a low-grade fever. Fortunately, I went to the hospital for an examination. There is nothing wrong with it. I just need to take some medicine. I came out in a hurry today, and he didn't bring it. I think he is not feeling well. Let him go upstairs to rest."

Zhao Lingyu knew that Ye Jun had been a little awkward with him recently, but he had paid a lot in business and business, so he deserved more.

If Ye Jun can't even understand this point, he won't go far. Don't always stare at others, but look at how much you have paid.

For the arrangement of the shares this time, Zhao Lingyu felt that he had done nothing wrong. He also waited for Ye Jun to figure out that it was meaningless for him to have more.

"Let's go there quickly. This Yanling is a workaholic. He was probably tired this time. Fortunately, there is still a big brother here. He has nothing to worry about here." Ye Jun said with a smile.

Zhang Tianliang went to say hello to Su Liang, Su Liang nodded when he heard his words, "I'll go with you, I don't have anything to do here, I feel very boring."

Originally, there was a plan for today, but she had been looking for an opportunity, but Zhang Tianliang did not expect such an opportunity to be delivered directly to her.

"You want to come with me?" Zhang Tianliang didn't expect Su Liang to have such a proposal.

"Yeah, you also know that I don't like this kind of scene. I don't feel comfortable here. I just know a few people. I usually don't get along well with some female colleagues. I always feel isolated here by myself. .” Su Liang’s words are also true.

She feels that she is not going to stay in the company for a long time, and there is no need to manage personal relationships. She just needs to do her own thing well. The better colleagues get along, the less free they will be.

"Okay then, let's go together." Zhang Tianliang also knew that Su Liang didn't fit in.

Zhang Tianliang himself didn't have too many doubts. Now that Su Liang is his girlfriend, she also promised that she would not associate with Xia Zhi and the others. Su Liang told him about her family's situation.

Su Liang is indeed very honest now, and he was also very honest before, because the money was taken by others.

Now I still have a lot of savings to help Su Liang...

The two quickly bought the medicine. In fact, Su Liang always had sleeping pills in his bag.

Xia Zhi still had to help her this time, she couldn't do it by herself, especially now that she spent most of her time with Zhang Tianliang, it would be very troublesome to get rid of Zhang Tianliang.

Zhang Tianliang was going to deliver medicine to Zhao Yanling. He is the financial director of the company's project, and he is very busy today. His immediate leader, Sun Peng, found him.

"Are you sneaking out on this occasion? Come here, there are many old friends here, come and see them." Sun Peng did this to accumulate contacts for Zhang Tianliang.

Zhang Tianliang was in a dilemma all of a sudden, he still had to deliver medicine, but it would be a pity if this great opportunity was passed up.

Zhang Tianliang has grown up well in the company for several years. The company platform is one thing, and the most important thing is that he can conduct himself and manage relationships.

It would be good to take care of Mr. Zhao now, but Mr. Zhao just has a little fever. If his flattering behavior is too conspicuous, he will be humane in the company in the future.

Sun Peng heard his embarrassment, "Isn't your girlfriend here? Let her deliver the medicine. It's a very simple thing. What to do when you're in a dilemma."

Sun Peng said indifferently, "This time, the bosses of the companies in several regions are here. This is a rare opportunity. Let me introduce you. You can handle the rest yourself. I have to greet others later."

Zhang Tianliang looked at Su Liang. Everyone in the company knew that Su Liang was his girlfriend now. Su Liang had already explained everything Su Liang did to him.

He knew that he had a good vision, that Su Liang had a good nature, but was caught by money, since he helped her, Su Liang really had his heart on his side.

Zhang Tianliang has nothing to worry about Su Liang.

"Why don't you go to the waiter, or the president's wife, I just looked around and didn't see her, maybe she's already upstairs?" Su Liang said with a smile.

In fact, it's just delivering medicine, it's just that this person's status is precious, so they are so thoughtful...

"Forget it, Su Liang, you should run for me. It would be even better if the wife of the president is here. You can give it to her directly. If she is not, you can ask the room service staff to deliver the medicine to you." Mr. Zhao."

Zhang Tianliang smiled, "Mr. Zhao just has a low-grade fever. You come down quickly after delivering the medicine. This is a rare opportunity. We also need to manage our finances. Always working hard is very successful."

Su Liang nodded, originally she didn't intend to act now.

She went upstairs to deliver the medicine, but she didn't see Ling Yuxi, she thought she was there.

Seeing Zhao Yanling open the door for her, Su Liang gave him the antipyretics he had prepared, and explained that it was his elder brother who asked them to buy it, and it was not his own initiative.

Zhao Yan gnawed his jaw, the eldest brother was worried about his body, "Please tell my eldest brother that I am much better now, and I will take this medicine."

Su Liang nodded and left. Today she was very nervous and her heart was beating non-stop. After doing what Zhao Yanling told her, she returned to Zhang Tianliang's side.

Zhang Tianliang also took good care of her and introduced people to her all the time.

Su Liang feels guilty towards Zhang Tianliang, he has a good heart and is tolerant to her, she is very grateful to him, but this is not the kind of relationship between a man and a woman...

Zhang Tianliang saw that Su Liang was always very well-behaved by his side, and he gradually understood Su Liang's temper. He was very obedient and didn't have any opinions.

Zhang Tianliang doesn't like girls who are overbearing and too assertive, and thinks that Su Liang like this really makes him fall in love.

Originally, he planned to tell her not to attend the annual meeting tonight, but he was afraid that Su Liang would still contact that summer solstice.

But he still doesn't say these words himself. Although Su Liang represents the Ye family, it's all in one project, and there is an invitation letter from Su Liang. Su Liang's doubts.

Zhang Tianliang is now glad that he did not say those words...

Zhang Tianliang saw Ling Yuxi's figure, he hurriedly stepped forward to tell her about Zhao Yanling...

Ling Yuxi knew that Zhao Yanling was resting, she got away from some things, and hurried upstairs to check on Zhao Yanling's condition, she came out in a hurry today, she put the medicine on the table but forgot when she was leaving...

"Have you taken the medicine yet? Brother and you are resting." Ling Yuxi saw Zhao Yanling's sleepy face.

Zhao Yan replied in a tired voice: "I've eaten, but my body is very weak. I didn't rest well last night. I just want to sleep now. Go get busy. I don't need you to accompany me here."

Zhao Yan knew that today was very busy, and Zhao Lingyu was in need of helpers.

If Ling Yuxi was here to accompany him, it would be the first time for the eldest brother to host the annual meeting, and many procedures would be unfamiliar, so he would feel more at ease with Yuxi by his side.

"Well, I'll come and see you. I'll leave when you fall asleep." Ling Yuxi nodded, "Go to sleep, you had nightmares last night."

"You know I'm having nightmares?" Zhao Yan was never afraid of Ling Yuxi's worry.

Ling Yuxi thought for a while, and said: "Yeah, I don't know what kind of nightmare you are having, I didn't hear what you shouted clearly... don't tell me what kind of dream you have."

Where did Ling Yuxi not know?
Last night Zhao Yanling yelled to Fu Chen not to hurt the child, she could hear Zhao clearly, Ling Yuxi felt so sad.

Ever since Zhao Yanling found out that Fu Chen was back, he has been under a lot of pressure. This kidnapping is not only for her, but for the child, Fu Chen knows it very well, and when he mentions it, he hates it.

"It's nothing, I've forgotten it now, if you asked me when I just woke up, I might still remember it, but I can't remember it now." Zhao Yan smiled, and he stroked Ling Yuxi's hair softly asked, "Where do you want to go on vacation?"

Ling Yuxi knew that this was for her to make up her mind, "It's better to ask mom's opinion, I don't care anymore, when the time comes, our family will be together, it will be the same wherever we go."

Ling Yuxi felt that if Mu Xi returned to her side, she would be happy even if she stayed at home for the rest of her life.

The feeling of caring is too tormenting, always worrying about the child's comfort, worrying about whether the child will be wronged, whether the child will live well, Ling Yuxi also knows that it is useless to think about these things, but she still thinks about it unconsciously...

"Well, I don't worry about what you arranged for Mu Xi, but for Cheng, I'm always worried about him recently, and I don't know if Fu Chen will follow Cheng." Ling Yuxi was afraid that Fu Chen would not find the child, so she thought of Cheng in a hurry ...

Cheng's position in her heart is equal to that of Mu Xi's. This younger brother has been dependent on her since childhood. Ling Yuxi doesn't want Cheng to be hurt in any way because of her own reasons. Cheng has suffered enough from the time he grew up...

"Don't worry about Cheng, someone is protecting him. He is your younger brother, and naturally he is also my younger brother. I am his brother-in-law, so naturally everything has been arranged." Zhao Yanling comforted Ling Yuxi.

Now Fu Chen has arranged people to watch him. Fu Chen has Fu Chen's tricks, and he, Zhao Yanling, is not so kind. He hurt the safety of his wife and children time and time again. Now it's time for him to take action...

Ling Yuxi saw Zhao Yanling falling asleep while talking, and the hatred in her eyes was undisguised for a moment.

Fu Chen, you are simply too deceitful!She didn't pursue the past because she felt it was unnecessary!
Now that her husband is struggling to deal with it, the child and younger brother have left her side, she doesn't want to admit that she is the one who is called by Zhao's mother as the god of decay and the leader of all troubles, but all the things Fu Chen has done have confirmed all of these...

To deal with Fu Chen, she is not without means or scheming. Compared with others, Fu Chen has changed too much, but in the end Ling Yuxi feels that she still knows him best...

"Fu Chen, just wait. If you don't let me live in peace, you won't be able to live in peace." Ling Yuxi gritted her teeth.

When has Ling Yuxi been so weak? Fu Chen, don't you always want to take revenge? Don't you just refuse to forgive? You are not the only one who has the ability and hatred.

Fu Chen decided that he couldn't imagine that Ling Yuxi's repeated kidnapping would make Ling Yuxi plan to take revenge on him.

He always thought that Ling Yuxi was still as gentle as before, but Ling Yuxi is a mother, and a mother's love for her child can make her do many crazy things...

"Are you going out today?" Lian Hua saw that Fu Chen was dressed very formally, as if he was attending some kind of reception or event.

"Yeah, you're ready too. I'll take you to the Zhao Clan's annual meeting." Fu Chen said to Lian Hua with a smile, "It's boring at home, so go out to get some fresh air."

"Why do you want to attend the annual meeting of the Zhao family? We don't have an invitation letter." Lian Hua frowned.

It would be embarrassing to be kicked out like this, after all, Fu Chen is considered a respectable person now.

"Since we are going to go, we have made arrangements. Didn't you like participating in such activities with me?" Fu Chen remembered that even Hua would accompany him whenever there were activities.

It's not good to be away from Lian Hua for today's event. With Lian Hua by his side, it's easier for him to do business.

Lian Hua hesitated and said, "Well, well... I haven't gone out with you since I've been back to China for so long."

Even Hua's is true. When Fu Chen returned to China, he basically didn't participate in activities. After all, he was afraid of being recognized.

Now Ling Yuxi and Zhao Yanling already know him personally, and their battle has already begun. He knows that he will not be kicked out when he goes to the annual meeting of the Zhao family. After all, Zhao Yanling cannot do such a thing in public... …

Fu Chen took Lian Hua all the way without hindrance, they used fake identities, Fu Chen didn't only have the identity of Wang Chencheng, there were several others that were also his escape route.

Fu Chen just couldn't let it go when he thought of his previous identity as a death row prisoner. He prepared a few more for safety reasons...

Fu Chen saw Ling Yuxi immediately in the lobby. She was wearing a royal blue evening dress, so eye-catching in the crowd.

Fu Chen noticed that Lian Hua pulled his arm, he was a little sorry for Lian Hua, he was distracted when he saw Ling Yuxi just now...

"She is still the same as before." Lian Hua looked at Ling Yuxi from a distance and said with emotion.

"You can't tell from her figure that she is already a mother of a child, but she looks like a young girl." Even if she was more mature, Lianhua couldn't help but praise Ling Yuxi, but her tone contained a hint of cautious temptation.

"You admire her very much?" Fu Chen didn't know what Lian Hua was up to with him, but when he mentioned that Ling Yuxi had given birth to a child, his tone was very bad.

"No, I just saw that she was doing well." Lian Hua said with a smile.

"It's good now, but I don't know what will happen in the future." Fu Chen pointed out...

Fu Chen has been with Lian Hua for a long time, so he naturally knows what Lian Hua means.

Although she left half of what she said, the meaning of what she said was obvious.

He had already mentioned the topic of the child to him last time, and Fu Chen did not object, but the matter before him had not been resolved, and he did not want the child to come so early.

"There will be more at that time, there is no rush for this matter." Fu Chen did not give Lian Hua a positive answer.

Recently, Lian Hua has been urging him to do some things, and it's not a simple thing, it involves a lot of energy. Lian Hua's request seems a bit inappropriate to Fu Chen.

Of course Lian Hua knew that Fu Chen was not in a hurry, she was the only one who was in a hurry all this time.

If Fu Chen would not choose revenge, there would be more than one child between them.


At the banquet, Ling Yuxi looked around, she kept saying hello to the people around her today, her face was almost frozen with laughter.

It's just that when she found out that Fu Chen actually appeared here, she couldn't believe it for a moment and asked her to take a deep breath to calm herself down quickly.

If there is a trouble on such an occasion, both sides will lose face.

Especially today is the Zhao family's annual meeting, and there are reporters here, Ling Yuxi will not do something like hitting a stone with a pebble...

"Hello, we meet again." Lian Hua greeted Ling Yuxi with a smile.

"Hello." Ling Yuxi nodded and looked at Fu Chen.

"I didn't expect Mr. Fu to come here. What are you going to do this time? I remember that our Zhao family doesn't seem to have any business relationship with you." Ling Yuxi said mockingly.

I don't know whose invitation this person took. Ling Yuxi hates Fu Chen's tricks that will never get on the stage...

The corner of Fu Chen's mouth ticked, "Why is there no business relationship? We have not been dealing with each other recently, we have always had business. It seems that you don't welcome us anymore. This is not the etiquette of the Zhao family."

Fu Chen felt that it was quite appropriate for him to come on an occasion like today. After all, Ling Yuxi did not want him to appear, so he had to appear. This is interesting, isn't it?

What's more, there are also his partners here.

"Our Zhao family's etiquette is for gentlemen, not people. You understand what I mean." Ling Yuxi suppressed her anger. Fortunately, Zhao Yan never saw Fu Chen, who appeared here today. so infuriating...

Ling Yuxi said something casual, then turned and left, she didn't know if she would let the security guard chase her away...

Seeing this scene, Lian Hua said thoughtfully: "It seems that this Ling Yuxi has always held a grudge against you."

Lian Hua is a woman, so she naturally knows whether a woman still has feelings for her first love.

She herself was too worried, this Ling Yuxi couldn't even be friends with Fu Chen, look at how the two of them were at war, now they couldn't even have a good conversation.

Lian Hua knew that Fu Chen's kidnapping of Ling Yuxi made Ling Yuxi angry and hated Fu Chen.

After thinking for a while, Lian Hua worriedly reminded: "She's not me, she'll be soft-hearted towards you, she has a husband and a child now, and she won't hesitate if she takes action against you."

Lian Hua is afraid that Ling Yuxi will deal with Fu Chen, but Fu Chen wants to miss the old love, which is terrible.

It's frightening when a woman becomes ruthless, because Fu Chen might not be prepared to guard against Ling Yuxi.

"I know we can't go back. I know her attitude towards me." Of course Fu Chen knew Ling Yuxi's hatred for him.

He kidnapped her twice, and each time he did a great job. If it wasn't for the knights last time, how could he let them go so easily?

Finally, the plan fell short, and the Cavalier's shot left him with a bone in his throat.

"Why is he here? What is it?" Zhao Lingyu also noticed Fu Chen's appearance, he was afraid that Fu Chen would bully Ling Yuxi.

"Do you want the security to drive him away?" This is not the time to pay attention to etiquette, even if you are polite, it depends on who you are right. "

"It's nothing, he brought his girlfriend here, so don't let people chase him away. Today is our big day for Mrs. Zhao. Don't let irrelevant people ruin it. If he doesn't do something out of line, let's just watch it now." Let's see when the time comes." Ling Yuxi didn't know why Fu Chen appeared here.

I hope I don't do anything that will make everyone unable to get off the stage. If it really keeps me going tonight, she, Ling Yuxi, didn't grow up eating nothing.

It's not that she has no means to deal with Fu Chen. Maybe she didn't need to do anything before because she thought that even if Fu Chen turned bad, he wouldn't be able to beat or kill her.

Now she knows Fu Chen too well, he really wants to deal with her husband and doesn't like her children.

"I'll let someone stare at him. Don't be disturbed too much by him. Yan Ling is uncomfortable. You can deal with it here and go up to accompany him." Zhao Lingyu didn't want Ling Yuxi to get sulky here, to tell the truth about his impression of Fu Chen Bad as hell.

Fu Chen had hurt Yan Ling before, fortunately he blocked it in time.

A few days ago, he even kidnapped Yu Xi and asked Yan Ling to come to the door by himself. If the arrangements hadn't been made before, Zhao Lingyu didn't know if the two of them were in Fu Chen's hands now.

Zhao Lingyu really hates other people using such methods. This Fu Chen is worse than Ouyang. At least Ouyang is daring, but Fu Chen is mostly behind the scenes...

"I'll wait until I have nothing else to do here before going to accompany Yanling, big brother, go and do your own thing and drink as little as possible." Ling Yuxi thanked.

Ling Yuxi is very grateful to Zhao Lingyu. He is both her brother and her friend, and he is not fussy. Zhao Lingyu has too many advantages.

There was another person at Zhao's annual meeting, and that was Ye Ya. She couldn't stand it abroad and quietly returned to China.

It's just that she's dressed up as a room service staff, wearing a mask, and no one cares too much about a cleaner.

Ye Jun didn't know that Ye Ya returned to China, Ye Ya has been worried about Ye Jun, some things are better done by yourself.

She knew that she might not be able to do it this time, but it was meaningless to always think about it abroad.

If she is captured by Ouyang, her life will be over. The most dangerous place is the safest place. Ye Ya is also prepared for sneaking back.

A man named Wang Chensheng, whose strength is no worse than Ouyang's, unexpectedly found her at this time, is simply the noble person in her life...

Ye Ya felt that every time she had a crisis, someone would appear in time to help her.

Although it is also a relationship of use, Ye Ya is glad that she is worth using at this time.

Otherwise, she would not be able to do it by herself when she returned to the country. Now that someone is protecting her, she has made money.

She doesn't necessarily have to cooperate with Ye Jun in the Three Caves of the Rabbit, because Ye Jun's strength makes her doubt.

the other side.

Su Liang came to 801 during the interval, Xia Zhi had already arranged everything early, this time she took a lot of ambiguous photos while Zhao Yanling was asleep.

The appearance Xia Zhi posed for her, although the scale was average, could be misunderstood at first glance.

"Let's get out of here quickly, it won't be good if we are found out soon." Xia Zhi urged, although there are people here who have been bribed by them, they still have to be careful.

"Then what should I do next?" Does Su Liang think that the task will be completed so quickly?It's not as complicated as she imagined.

"What are you going to do next? Listen to me. What are you afraid of? But you have to go back to Zhang Tianliang quickly, otherwise that person will suspect you, and I have to leave here quickly."

Xia Zhi said to Su Liang, "You saw it too, we didn't do anything, we just borrowed some angles to take a few photos, don't worry, just be Zhang Tianliang's girlfriend first, what we do next is not up to us able to decide."

After hearing this, Su Liang nodded and left in a hurry.

After Su Liang left, Xia Zhi hurried to find Ye Ya, "I never thought you would dare to return to China."

Xia Zhi felt incredible when she received Ye Ya's call.

But when she saw Ye Ya, she knew that this woman had found a new backer, otherwise she wouldn't be so confident.

Ye Ya's red lips twitched sarcastically, "Why not? You know what I'm capable of, don't you? We're the same kind of people, Xia Zhi, you seem to be doing well with my brother."

Ye Ya looked at Xia Zhi, and when she saw this woman for the first time, she felt a similar aura.

Sometimes she is very repulsed to see Xia Zhi, it will make her truly feel that she is not a good woman either.

"It's quite ordinary. What's wrong with your elder brother? He looks generous but is actually the most angry. I even have to return the outfit when I go out." Xia Zhi said half seriously and half jokingly.

Ye Ya tentatively asked: "Then do you plan to find another job?"

Ye Ya also came with a mission this time, of course she knew that she didn't have the charm to make people help her unconditionally.

Fortunately, this time, this person and Ling Yuxi didn't know that there was any enmity. He wanted to take revenge on her, and he thought that Ye Ya was welcome, so it coincided with her.

A person's strength and ability are limited. Now that there are helpers around, the efficiency has been improved so much...

"What do you mean? Aren't you cooperating with Ye Jun?" Xia Zhi didn't understand what Ye Ya meant for a while. What kind of lawsuit are these brothers and sisters fighting?
"Cooperation? With Ye Jun, we cooperated at the beginning, but his own selfishness is too heavy, and he is always calculating his own interests. I want revenge and can give up interests.

But Ye Jun, if he wants my equity, he wants to cooperate with the Zhao family and make a lot of money by using the Zhao family's platform and resources. The interests are different at the beginning, and many problems will naturally arise in the later cooperation.

Now I have found a new partner, this person is stronger and more capable than Ye Jun, our focus is the same..."

Ye Ya felt that even if Ye Jun helped her achieve what she wanted, she didn't know when it would be.

"What? Do you want to cooperate with me? I know you follow Ye Jun for money, but I can give you double. Do you want to think about it." Ye Ya's voice was seductive.

Ye Ya knows that Xia Zhi attaches great importance to money, and being with Ye Jun is not for love.

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