Zhang Tianliang got straight to the point.

Su Liang's heart skipped a beat. This Zhang Tianliang really knew a lot about her. The last time he talked to her, she felt that he was suspicious.

"I don't understand what you mean. That person is the wife of the president. Sometimes I see her several times a day. Why should I be guilty?"

"And I plotted against her. When the president's wife appeared, there were many people around. How could I have a chance to plot against her?"

"If I have the guts, will it do me any good if I plan on the president's wife?"

Su Liang said these words in one breath, and she used many things Xia Zhi gave her to deal with Zhang Tianliang.

"I don't have anything else. You're just this old. Can I understand that you're guilty?" Zhang Tianliang has a high IQ and EQ, and he can see the guilt and fear in Su Liang's eyes.

"You always feel guilty, do you have any evidence?"

"When Luo weaves a single person's crime, you need evidence, otherwise, you've wronged me too much." Su Liang didn't like the way Zhang Tianliang looked at her, so she hurried to Zhang Tianliang as if he had seen through her.

Su Liang is holding on with one breath...

"Evidence or no evidence, you know in your heart that my words are not groundless. Last time, your classmate and good friend named Xia Zhi, she followed the president's wife, and I saw it all."

"I also heard some conversations between the two of you. You should have cut off contact with those people earlier. You are now a pawn. If one day they don't need you as a pawn, you are not a fool. You should understand what I mean of."

"Also, if you encounter difficulties, you can come to me. You also know that if money can solve anything." Zhang Tianliang almost took out his heart and showed it to Su Liang.

Su Liang must be very moved by Zhang Tianliang's behavior, but she can't admit what she did at the moment.

From Zhang Tianliang's words, she heard that this person only saw part of the facts, and the rest were guesses.

"You still don't want to put too much energy on me. I don't have your plans. I just want to do my own thing well and stay in the company smoothly."

"As for your calculation, what kind of chess pieces, I think you are probably hallucinating." Su Liang wanted to leave after finishing...

Zhang Tianliang said behind her, "I still say the same thing, if you are in trouble, you can ask me for help, don't go astray."

Su Liang left noncommittal, and as soon as she entered the office, someone knocked on the door for a meeting. She walked into the meeting room while thinking about what Zhang Tianliang said just now.

If they didn't meet here, maybe Su Liang would accept Zhang Tianliang's feelings for her.

Zhang Tianliang is also too single-minded. The girl he likes doesn't like him, but he still wants to be nice to her.

There are also many girls around Zhang Tianliang chasing him, but now he only has Su Liang in his eyes.

Originally thought that if people didn't like him, he would just give up, but it's easy to do, but hard to do...

Sister Jiang noticed that Su Liang was distracted during the meeting, and she murmured in her heart, this child lost the chain at a critical moment, you usually work so hard, but when the big bosses are here...

At the end of the meeting, Sister Jiang found Su Liang and said earnestly: "Many people have seen your distraction this time, and there are many mistakes in today's report. Su Liang, do you have something on your mind?"

"No, nothing, I'm sorry for that, I'll correct this mistake now." Su Liang hurriedly took the report form from Sister Jiang.

Zhang Tianliang's words still had a great impact on her, at least she always remembered those conversations now, for fear that Zhang Tianliang would inform her.

After all, Ling Yuxi suspected her to be true. With Ling Yuxi's intelligence, even if Zhang Tianliang's words were unfounded, Ling Yuxi would know everything after thinking about it.

Su Liang wanted to relax herself, but when thinking of her father's medical expenses, what would Ye Jun do if he knew that she was not doing well?

Su Liang took out her mobile phone and sent Xia Zhi a WeChat message, making an appointment to meet up after get off work.

Xia Zhi came in a hurry, before she could order coffee, Su Liang told her about Zhang Tianliang.

"He stared at you that day, and then followed for a while, and even heard part of the conversation between us, what should you do?" Su Liang was very panicked...

"That Zhang Tianliang of yours knows our plan?" Xia Zhi wondered, is this person so powerful?

"Not all of them, maybe he knows a little bit, he is suspicious, there is no evidence, but he is very smart, he guessed what we are going to do..." Su Liang said slowly.

"What did he return?" Xia Zhi asked.

"In order to make it difficult for me to find him, don't be playing with chess pieces." Su Liang now came out in detail.

She had no choice but to hope that Xia Zhi would be able to solve this problem.

"Hmph, he's kind." Xia Zhi looked at Su Liang, "It's probably not the first time he's talking to you about this, but he just knows about the plan."

Facing Xia Zhi's cold eyes, Su Liang nodded and said, "It's not the first time, but last time it was very cryptic, not as straightforward as this time."

"Then you still keep it from me? You don't discuss such an important matter with me. You have such a big heart. When you should worry about it, you don't care about it. You always think about things you shouldn't care about. What do you want me to do? ah."

Xia Zhi said angrily, it is too unbearable for this person to lose the chain at a critical moment...

"Actually, it wasn't that I didn't want to be with you last time, but I was afraid to come out, and I was afraid that you would blame me." Su Liang didn't know why she kept it a secret at that time, "I was afraid that if something went wrong, my dad's medical expenses would not be paid. After all, something went wrong the first time I did it, and I was afraid that Ye Jun would be replaced."

"If Zhang Tianliang reports this to Ling Yuxi this time, your father will have no money for medical treatment." Xia Zhi felt a headache, why is this person so...

"What do you want me to do? Since there is something wrong with this person, you must first find a way to stabilize him. Doesn't he want to fall in love with you? It's easy, just promise him..." Xia Zhi hurriedly Ask, "Did you agree at the time?"

Su Liang shook his head, "I didn't agree, and I rejected him again."

"You are simply... If Zhang Tianliang wants to be promoted, it's too simple, just go to Ling Yuxi directly, regardless of whether the matter is true or not.

After all, Ling Yuxi thinks this person is good, but you are not a fairy, sister, what do you want me to do now.

If it were me, I would quickly agree, stabilize the person first, and then the future, I can't take care of the present, how can I plan for the future. "

Xia Zhi didn't know whether he should talk to Ye Jun at this meeting. According to the situation, he really wanted to talk to Ye Jun, but Ye Jun has been in a bad mood recently, and Xia Zhi was still a little scared.

"Then what should I do now?" Su Liang wanted Xia Zhi to give her advice.

Xia Zhi has a lot of ideas and has a flexible mind, so there must be other ways, Su Liang comforted herself to think this way.

"I don't know what to do, mainly because I don't know if this Zhang Tianliang has reported this matter to Ling Yuxi." If it was Xia Zhi herself, if she were Zhang Tianliang, she would report to the proprietress For a moment, at least it doesn't matter whether it's true or not, the most important thing is to let the proprietress remember herself.

I hope that Zhang Tianliang has real feelings for Su Liang, otherwise, she doesn't know what to do about it.

"Can you ask him out to meet?" Xia Zhi asked.

"I called him before, but he didn't pick me up. Later, I also thought of you to keep him steady, but he has this attitude towards me now." Su Liang was distracted when he was holding such an important meeting. Think about it.

She and Xia Zhi had the same thinking, she should have agreed to Zhang Tianliang when she was on the top floor.

"He didn't answer your call?" Xia Zhi was very surprised. What kind of attitude is this?

"Could it be delayed by something? Can you call him a few times?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

"He was off duty this afternoon and made several phone calls." Su Liang was really in a hurry.

Su Liang was very puzzled, "What's your attitude? He asked me to go to him when I encountered difficulties, but he stopped answering my calls not long after our conversation. What does that mean?"

"How would I know, this person may have become angry from embarrassment." Xia Zhi said angrily.

"I and we are not heavenly maidens, why do we have to be determined." Xia Zhi felt that the possibility of becoming angry from embarrassment was greater. After all, big men have to respect themselves, and no one would be happy if they threw face again and again.

"Just wait now, don't call him yet." Xia Zhi didn't want Su Liang to mess up, "I won't talk to Ye Jun about this, it would be best if there is room for maneuver, next time you If you have something to do, you must follow me, I hope this time it is a false alarm."

Xia Zhi is really a headache, this matter has not even started yet, with such a big leak, she has doubts about what will happen next, can Su Liang be sure of success?
There is also a part of the summer solstice commission, but it is a very considerable amount.

If Su Liang's business fails, she will be busy for nothing, maybe the consequences will be more serious, if Ling Yuxi and Zhao Yanling get involved, then the better result is to leave this city...

"This time it depends on how attractive you are. If you are more attractive, Zhang Tianliang will have no problem here. People, you can still be gentle with the people you like..." Xia Zhi did not come out of the following words, but so did Su Liang. I understand what it means.

If Zhang Tianliang didn't do this, she would repay him for his emotional sacrifice...

Su Liang felt that she was really incompetent. If Xia Zhi did this, she would be very successful, unlike her, who caused such things in the first place...

"This incident is not all your fault. I am also responsible. I didn't realize that I was being followed. I was too careless..." Xia Zhi will calm down now.

"However, this person understands psychological tactics, so it's inevitable that he was testing you at the beginning. Forget it, since this thing has already happened, let it be like this."

Now that this is the case, what else can I do, after all, Xia Zhi has gone through a lot of things, and this incident only made her extremely restless at the beginning...

"I'll keep it from Ye Jun. He's not as nice as he looks on the surface, and I don't know what's holding him back recently. He's in a bad mood right now." Xia Zhi shook his head.

On the other hand, Ye Jun, who was mentioned by Xia Zhi, was very disturbed. He just didn't agree to cooperate with Ouyang, and Ouyang turned around and dealt with Ye Shi.

It's the methods used to deal with the Zhao family last time...

Ye Jun didn't expect that Ouyang really didn't care about his losses at all, and he didn't regret doing business at a loss...

No wonder it gave Zhao Yan a headache at the beginning, and he also has a headache now. Of course, Ouyang is not short of money, but Ye Shi can't bear it if this fight continues...

Ouyang shot recklessly and didn't care about his own company, but they couldn't do it, Ye Jun took Ye's very seriously...

"I really don't know what to do. Is this good for you?" Ye Jun looked at Ouyang who was sitting opposite him. This person was simply too troublesome.

"Isn't the benefit obvious, isn't it one of the benefits that we are chatting here now?" Ouyang said a little rascally.

"What do you want to do?" Ye Jun didn't want to waste each other's time playing charades.

"Last time I made it very clear. I want to cooperate with you on the current project with Zhao Lingyu. If you give up two-thirds of your part, I won't lose money to you." Ouyang had already It's very clear, but Ye Jun has been playing stupid.

"Two-thirds?" Ye Jun snorted coldly in his heart. He worked hard to find a hen that could lay golden eggs, but a robber saw it and wanted to snatch it. Couldn't he refuse?
Ye Jun shook his head, "I have no intention of selling this."

He has his own plan. When this project is completed, he will slowly transfer the current Ye's funds here.

At that time, Ye's company will be an empty air, so Ye Ya should never think about threatening him again. If there are so many people in Ye's company, he will leave them as an empty air, and then he will buy them back in the name of the current company.

At that time, he will be the boss at both ends, and he will have nothing to lose...

"These things I'm doing now are for you to make plans to sell as soon as possible. You think I'm just so free." Ouyang said leisurely.

"I still don't ask you to give up all of it because you are more upright. I still leave the third to you." Ouyang's tone made Ye Jun very angry, and the tone of this gift made Ye Jun feel angry. The army seems to have made a huge profit...

"Then do I still have to thank you?" Ye Jun said mockingly.

"You don't need to thank you, but I would like to remind you that if this continues, Mrs. Ye won't be able to last long.

Anyway, sooner or later, I will give it up to me, why not earlier, and I have a very bad temper, I know it myself, but you only understand a little bit, when the time comes when you piss me off, I won’t let you stay at all Yes, what third, no hair. "

Ouyang's tone was full of disdain and threat.

However, Ye Jun knew that he was so humane that he could do it...

Ye Jun feels that he is really unlucky this year, and this one and two are like this...

"Why do you want the one in my hand so persistently? Zhao Lingyu also has it in his hand. Maybe he wants to cooperate with you." Ye Jun wanted to divert Ouyang's attention from staring at him all the time...

"I can't bear to treat him like this." Ouyang's tone was very serious.

This remark once again successfully angered Ye Jun, Zhao Lingyu couldn't bear to greet him, Ye Jun, right? !

"Do you want to have other opportunities to work with us?"

"But I can't wait. I'm more impatient. I want to do what I want to do right away. That's to deal with you Mrs. Ye. It hasn't been long since we broke up last time.

I made the arrangements when I got back, look how long it's been, you, Ye Jun, can't take it anymore, why don't you just come to your door..." Ouyang said these things with an innocent face.

Ye Jun doesn't know what he wants anymore, it's useless to be angry, Ouyang also pretends to be stupid, he will only make himself more angry if he argues with someone like Ouyang...

Ye Jun shook his head and leaned tiredly on the sofa. He suddenly remembered the doubt he had before...

"Do you have different thoughts about Zhao Lingyu?" Ye Jun asked, staring at Ouyang's face.

"You have seen all this?" Ouyang nodded, "So you should also know my determination. In order to work with the person I like in the future, I will spare no expense."

Ye Jun was stunned for a moment, ah, so the reason is here...

Ouyang vs. Zhao Lingyu?

No wonder you are so persistent, you can't get along with him, you have suffered a disaster in the fish pond...

"Not sparing money? Should I show a feeling of being particularly scared..." Ye Jun was very upset, knowing that it was such a reason, and he was even more aggrieved after he figured it out...

"Let me think about it again, my mind is in a mess for a while." Ye Jun frowned and said.

I didn't expect that the cooperation with Zhao Lingyu would go wrong here. I knew he wouldn't...

It's too late now, the fat I fancy is in someone else's belly, and my hard work in the early stage has really become a joke...

"Aren't you curious about Ye Ya's whereabouts?" Ye Jun knew that Ouyang cared about Ye Ya's face.

"She is unfamiliar with the place of life in a foreign country. If something happens to her, such as disfigurement, then don't regret it..." Regret that all her thoughts are dealing with him now...

"It seems that you know a lot. This is a problem, but I believe Ye Ya will return to China soon." Ouyang has already found Ye Ya's whereabouts...

Ye Jun's heart skipped a beat, Ouyang obviously had something to say...

"There is no relationship between you brothers and sisters. If you care about anything, it would be too hypocritical. Let's still deal with this project. Don't waste time with each other..."

"Give me a day to think about it..." Ye Jun fought for himself in the end, at least he was going to discuss with Zhao Lingyu what to do about this matter...

It was him who caused the trouble, so why should it all be on him?
Zhao Lingyu should have a way to deal with this Ouyang, so he should just watch the show from the sidelines.

"Okay, I'll give you one day. I'll hear your answer at this time tomorrow." Ouyang nodded.

"You also know that when I dealt with the Zhao family back then, with the strength of the Zhao family, Zhao Yanling also had a headache for a while. Your Ye family can't compare with the original Zhao family now. If the Ye family goes bankrupt by then , probably not what you want to see..."

"Zhao Lingyu has the ability to start from scratch, but you Ye Jun may not have it. You also know that people treat you with courtesy, just because you have such a big company. If your company goes bankrupt by then, who knows who you, Ye Jun, are? .”

Ouyang stood up and turned to leave, "The last sentence, what I mean by these words is that if the Ye family is gone, you, Ye Jun, are worthless. You go back and think about my words carefully."

Looking at the back of Ouyang leaving, Ye Jun really hated his teeth itching...

How can there be such a hateful person?
Unreasonable and righteous? !

And let this unlucky guy meet him?

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