in the room.

Seeing Su Liang leave, Ling Yuxi's face suddenly pulled down. What Xia Zhi guessed was completely true, she accurately grasped Ling Yuxi's temper and style of doing things.

Ling Yuxi really wanted to wake up Zhao Yanling, but she couldn't bear it.

This man obviously told him to drink less before, not only was he drunk, but he was also drunk, and almost fell in love with another woman.

Ling Yuxi felt very uncomfortable. If she came half a step late, would she have to face an even more embarrassing scene?

Although he knew that Zhao Yanling regarded others as her, it was not intentional, but the fact is the fact, and he felt uncomfortable.

Ling Yuxi also suspected that this incident was too coincidental, but felt that Su Liang didn't seem to have any intentions.

If this is calculated, it must be linked together. Where did she come from as an intern?

What's more, Su Liang is Ye Jun's lover, Zhao Yanling told her about this before...

Ling Yuxi knew this was the case, but she was not unguarded towards Su Liang. Ye Ya did so many crazy things for Zhao Yanling, and she didn't care whether Zhao Yanling was married.

Although Su Liang is Ye Jun's lover, after staying with Zhao Yanling for a long time, he will inevitably have different thoughts towards Zhao Yanling.

Women's feelings cannot be understood rationally, Gu Jin made such a fuss before, and Ye Ya, she was really worried about the women around Zhao Yanling.

"You still have the nerve to get drunk, do you know that you almost committed suicide..." Ling Yuxi stopped Zhao Yanling's mischievous hand while pinching his ear to warn.

Knowing that he won't be able to wake up for a while, she quickly took out her mobile phone and called Zhao Lingyu, "Brother, I'm Yu Xi, well, Yan Ling is too drunk and won't be able to wake up for a while, please speak for him Bar."

Ling Yuxi troubled Zhao Lingyu, knowing that this elder brother would not reject her normally.

"What's the matter, are you drunk?" Zhao Lingyu asked.

"Yeah, I think he's quite drunk." Ling Yuxi had seen Zhao Yanling drink a lot before.

Let's see, I'll be lying on the bed and can't get out...

"I see, you take good care of Yan Ling, don't worry." Zhao Lingyu reassured Ling Yuxi that he will take care of the following things.

Ling Yuxi hurriedly thanked him, she had no doubts about this elder brother's ability, otherwise Zhao Yanling would have sobered up and woke up quickly, it was really hard to see him, and he couldn't bear it...

As for the girl named Su Liang, Ling Yuxi also had a plan in mind, after all, that scene was heart-piercing, and she wanted someone to investigate this Su Liang properly.

It's fine if she's really innocent, but if she has ulterior motives, she's not a generous person. The women one by one make her tired, and her methods have also been practiced.

On the other side, Su Liang didn't know that Ling Yuxi was kind to her on the surface, but she was already planning to deal with her if something was wrong with her.

"I did this for you. Is Ye Jun satisfied?" Su Liang was a little worried. She was afraid that Ye Jun would be dissatisfied, so she stopped the medicine for her father.

"It's quite satisfactory. I'll talk to him later. I don't see anything wrong." Xia Zhi felt that it was a very good achievement for the first time.

"You also know that those people are not as simple as they appear on the surface. We are just doing our best in this matter. If you are afraid of being retaliated by then, you should be ready to take the money and fly away."

Xia Zhi didn't want Su Liang to always look forward and backward like this, since it had already started, she showed determination and showed her best mental state.

This Ling Yuxi is no ordinary person, they also want to do their best.

After Xia Zhi appeased Su Liang, she went to find Ye Jun and reported the incident to Ye Jun in a loud voice.

Ye Jun frowned, "It's not bad, but Ling Yuxi probably suspected it. After all, the traces of this incident are obvious, but fortunately, that woman will not ask Zhao Yanling."

Ye Jun knows what smart women do, and this Ling Yuxi is sometimes too smart, and he just took advantage of this to make a fuss.

Ye Jun frowned, and reminded: "You tell Su Liang to be more careful, I think Ling Yuxi will definitely send someone to investigate her.

Fortunately, she doesn't have any secrets, even those things in her hometown, I have already taken care of them for her, even if Ling Yuxi knew about them, she wouldn't think about those things. "

Ye Jun asked Su Liang's business uncle to give some money early in the morning.

In name, the money came from Su Liang's uncle, but in fact it was all from him. I just didn't want the source of the funds to be too abrupt, so as not to be suspected.

"Then I'll go back and tell her to be more careful recently. You also know that she is afraid that you will stop her father's medicine. She has been thinking so hard recently that she sometimes has insomnia. She went to see a psychiatrist last week. You probably don't know her psychology. Pressure, I don't want you to push her too hard."

Xia Zhi fights for Su Liang, and doesn't want Ye Jun to be too strict.

"I know, it's hard for Xia Zhi, but you are so kind to Su Liang, which makes me jealous." Ye Jun chose Su Liang because of her simplicity, simplicity but smartness, and it took a lot of effort to know her.

"I always arrange for the doctor to prescribe the best medicine at her father's place. If you have time to intercede with me here, you might as well spend more time with her.

If this suitable kidney source is found, but there is no money for the operation, you also know that I am not a philanthropist but a businessman, even if I help her, I need a reason. "

Xia Zhi scolded Ye Jun for being cruel in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face, "I know, but I'll be by the side whenever I have time."

These businessmen only pay attention to profit, so the medical expenses of Su Liang's father for a kidney transplant are not enough for them to pay for a meal sometimes.

"If this matter is done well, you will be paid, I will never forget it." Ye Jun smiled, "You are so cute, um, you are so different from my sister who gave me a headache, I really sigh The miracle of the Creator, there are people who are as understanding as you, and there are people who are so insane that they don’t recognize their relatives. They are also women, and the difference is too big..."

Ye Jun didn't like Ye Ya's aggressiveness. This woman felt that the people around her owed her, and it was only natural to instruct them. "If she was as well-behaved as you, we wouldn't have to be so tired."

Xia Zhi shook his head, and said, "Your sister is not an ordinary person, and I'm afraid of her when I deal with her."

Xia Zhi has met Ye Ya a few times, she is a woman who is in love without the slightest reason, she is crazy, but she pities her, there are so many beautiful things in this world, why do you always stare at other people's husbands and don't let go Woolen cloth.

Xia Zhi felt that Ye Ya was 100% lucky compared to what happened to her.

She herself has a drug-addicted mother. When life was difficult, she would worry about the next meal.

Now there is nothing to be sick, nothing to have no money, as long as these two points are achieved, she is simply too satisfied.

Xia Zhi thinks that money is more reliable than love, and a life full of water and love is not what she wants.

Otherwise, she wouldn't hold Ye Jun and not let go. To put it bluntly, the two of them are using each other.

I hope that when Ye Jun arrives, she will be paid nothing when the work is done, otherwise what would she waste so much time on.

Ye Jun didn't know that Zhang Tianliang listened to his conversation with Xia Zhi. Zhang Tianliang was just out of curiosity.

He also knew that curiosity killed the cat, but he still couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart, and wanted to investigate. After a long time in this ordinary life, he wanted a little excitement.

Zhang Tianliang is a smart person, otherwise he wouldn't have held an important position in the company at a young age. He didn't have a clear idea of ​​the plans of these people at the moment, but he had a rough idea in his heart.

If it wasn't for Su Liang's reason, he would also want to give Mr. Zhao a reminder, but if a man has feelings for a woman, it's not a good thing.

Zhang Tianliang looked for Su Liang's figure in the crowd, and he followed Su Liang to the lounge, "Have you encountered a difficult situation recently? It seems that you have been restless these days, and you have made a lot of mistakes when you hand in this report." , you also know the seriousness of this matter."

Zhang Tianliang found an excuse that was not too forced to start a conversation between the two of them.

"I know, I will pay more attention next time." Su Liang was taken aback by Zhang Tianliang's appearance, but she knew that he was doing it for her own good, so she didn't feel too disgusted.

"If you have any difficulties, you can follow me. My family is local, and I have some connections here. I know it's not easy for you, a girl from other places, to work hard here." Zhang Tianliang didn't quite understand Su Liang.

Obviously this girl looks very honest, but the girl who was with her before has a scheming face, and she is not a simple person at first glance.

He was afraid that Su Liang was being threatened by others. Men would make the women they like beautiful, so this morning is no surprise.

"Thank you. I don't have any difficulties now. It's just that the company's affairs may not be easy to get started at the beginning, but it's much better now, and my colleagues are very nice." Su Liang didn't like to contact Zhang Tianliang in private because of Zhang Tianliang's confession before. .

But what Zhang Tianliang said today still made her feel extremely warm. Few people asked her so intimately if a girl from other places would encounter difficulties here.

Even when she encounters difficulties, she still digests them by herself, "I'm fine now, but thank you for your concern. I'm clear about what happened before. I just don't think I'm good enough for you, and I'm too old now. I don't have any plans. .”

"I know." Zhang Tianliang thought, you are planning to catch a big fish, how can you catch a shrimp like me.

"What happened last time is over, and I don't care about it for a long time. From now on, we are still colleagues. If you meet and apologize once, it makes me very embarrassed."

When Xia Zhi came over, the chat between Zhang Tianliang and Su Liang was coming to an end. Su Liang briefly introduced the two of them to each other. Now Xia Zhi is also working in Ye's, and his position is not low, otherwise he would not be present today. Activity.

"It's very late, are we leaving?" Xia Zhi urged Su Liang, mainly because they had to return their outfits, it was too late and it was not safe.

"Why don't I come to see you off, I have a lot of time anyway, I have nothing to do now..." Zhang Tianliang still wanted to stay with Su Liang for a longer time.

"No, no, we have a car, but thank you handsome guy for your enthusiasm..." Xia Zhi declined on Su Liang's behalf.

It's not very comfortable to have outsiders, and they don't go along the way, but Xia Zhi can also see that this handsome guy is playing Su Liang's idea.

This was too unexpected, I didn't expect Su Liang to be liked by others not long after he came to the company.

Xia Zhi teased Su Liang while walking, "Seeing that the handsome guy is interested in you."

"Don't make fun of me, you know that I'm a bodhisattva now that I can't protect myself, why would I drag him into the water?" Su Liang was annoyed.

"If you like it, you can talk to him. If you don't delay your work, maybe this person has a stronger love for you than gold." Xia Zhi just felt that Su Liang had no experience in dating.

Before this woman gets married, it's better to have a few romantic relationships, at least she won't be deceived if she has more experience.

"You're pretty light, but I don't have that many skills, and he's not the one I like. If you don't take it seriously, it won't hurt people..." Su Liang doesn't like to implicate the innocent, and he doesn't like to do things half-heartedly. of.

This incident itself has already put her under a lot of pressure, and I hope that the fewer people involved, the better.

"It's not the one you like? I think it's pretty good. It's much better than the boys in our school, and his accent is local. The local must have a few houses in their hands. According to the current housing price, this can be regarded as a wealthy son-in-law."

Xia Zhi bought a house a few years ago, and the house price has increased a lot, which really made her a lot of money, but compared to the local demolition big households and local tyrants, it is not enough. If someone chases her like that, maybe she will consider dating. .

Xia Zhi looked at Su Liang, "You don't like this one, so you don't like Zhao Yanling's one?"

Su Liang was annoyed: "What are you, I still remember the warning you gave me last time. I am not worthy of such a person. I can recognize my identity and position."

It's just a pawn, and it's still a pawn that is favored by others, otherwise she probably wouldn't have anything to do with Zhao Yanling in this life.

"Don't dislike me for being meddlesome. It's better to have a plan in your heart. Don't put any emotions in it at the beginning, and the chess pieces don't need any emotions. If you have a chance, I will advise you not to.

Don't think that if you destroy the relationship between Ling Yuxi and Zhao Yanling, you can take the position yourself. If Zhao Yanling knows what is going on behind your back, he will have the heart to strangle you. "

Xia Zhi has read a lot of information about Zhao Yanling, and he knows the style of this kind of people too well. They are not able to deal with it if they are harsh. If they are retaliated by him, life may be worse than death. Otherwise, why would she persuade Su Liang to do it? After finishing this vote, hurry up and flash people.

"I know." Su Liang naturally took Xia Zhi's advice to heart, if it wasn't for Xia Zhi this time, she would not be able to do such a thing, Xia Zhi would not harm her.

"Ye Jun is quite satisfied with today's affairs, and I will listen to his arrangements from now on. That person is not too harsh. Don't worry too much about your father, he has taken care of everything..." Xia Zhi knew that Su Liang was the last What was she worried about, and Ye Jun's guidance to her, she also knew that she should not put too much psychological pressure on Su Liang now.

"If my body wasn't suitable, I would have given my dad a kidney." Su Liang sighed. She knew that the most important thing now was to find a suitable kidney source.

The drug treatment is only temporary, the kidney source is so easy to find, waiting for the arrangement of the hospital, and those who need to be numbered still have to figure out their own way.

"You are filial, even if you can donate, I will stop it. This person is born with two kidneys, which makes sense. Don't care about your body, like a girl from a clean background like us. , we can only rely on such a healthy body.”

How do others compare with others, no matter whether it is working hard for a career or doing things by yourself, without a healthy body, it is simply fatal.

Su Liang sighed, and said helplessly: "I know, but I can't help it. I'm counting on the source of the kidney. I don't know when the day will come. Even if Ye Jun helps me, but the day the matter is not over, he will only take it. There is nothing I can do about hanging on to this matter."

Ye Jun's network resources and financial strength are not comparable to her, but Ye Jun helps her find, even if she finds the right one, it depends on the effect of her work.

Xia Zhi was also very helpless, "That's true, that person won't be overwhelmed with sympathy, but no matter what, your family still counts on you, your mother, your father, and your brother all count on you. Money, this time Ye Jun used his name to help, and he still asked for a lot of benefits."

It's just a bastard, but Xia Zhi has seen many such bastards. Now that she mentions Su Liang's uncle, it just hardens Su Liang's heart. This relative didn't care about anything before. Ye Jun can make a move. It's already pretty good.

Now there are many more patients in major hospitals, some are rich and some are not, the situation in Su Liang is not the worst.

"My uncle is still good, it's just my aunt's opinion." Su Liang was not surprised by such a thing, but when she remembered that her mother was not in good health, this uncle still helped a lot.

"Do you know why I like being with you? It's because you only see the good side of others." Xia Zhi smiled and said to Su Liang: "Although you don't have much positive energy in you, you can see things from the perspective of others." It's pretty positive…”

At least treat her well, not in vain, this Su Liang is not a white-eyed wolf.

"I got tuberculosis last time, but you don't dislike me and are willing to take care of me. You don't know how much I thank you."

"My mother got AIDS from drug use, and later got tuberculosis. I just wanted to take care of her for a while, but I didn't expect that I was also infected. But you don't dislike me and are willing to associate with me. You don't see how many sisters in the dormitory move away. have they gone?"

Xia Zhi remembered that at that time, other people in the dormitory saw her as a pathogen, no matter how strong she was, she would not be able to stand that exclusion.

After a period of absence from school, I was already in a bad mood, but I didn't expect that people's hearts are the most considerate of people, and the usual good sisters gradually drifted away, but Su Liang, who hadn't had much contact with her before, actually took care of her from the sidelines.

"Why do you still take this matter to heart? You can come back because you have almost recovered from your illness. In this era, this tuberculosis can't kill you." Su Liang thought it was nothing.

Everyone encounters hardships at times. She helped Xia Zhi at the beginning, but she didn't expect that she would repay her in the future, but Xia Zhi is a kind and righteous person, and she also received help from her.

Xia Zhi shook his head, "But I'm very grateful to you. I don't know whether I hurt you or helped you when I helped you get married this time. I'm always very nervous and scared. Carefully hurt you."

Xia Zhi actually regretted dragging Su Liang into this muddy water, but the matter of Su Liang's family is a bottomless pit, and it cannot be resolved by helping once or twice. Now that this matter has already started, it is not for her to stop it down.

"I'm very grateful to you. If you hadn't helped me this time, I wouldn't have known what to do. My mother secretly told me that my father had committed suicide twice in private, but she caught him early and stopped him..."

Su Liang was terrified when she thought about it. Her father probably didn't want to drag them down. Fortunately, things turned around now, and her father also listened to the doctor's advice and actively cooperated with the treatment.

"I don't know what Ye Jun's next plan is?" Su Liang blushed when she thought of Zhao Yanling hugging her on the bed today.

Ling Yuxi is not an ordinary person, she must have doubted her.

"He is waiting for his sister's call now, and his sister is leading behind this." Xia Zhi smiled and said: "That woman has always had thoughts about Zhao Yanling, but she doesn't like her, and this Ye Ya is not an ordinary person. , I’ve gone abroad, and I’m still remotely controlling the people around me.”

Xia Zhi simply admired Ye Ya's persistence, what kind of career was not successful with this kind of thought and ability.

Even if the Laye army was dismounted, she felt that Ye Ya could do it if she wanted to, but Xia Zhi would be able to do it if she were to do it. When the time comes when she is rich and powerful, what kind of person can't be found.

"You are very familiar with her, the one named Ye Ya." It was the first time that Su Liang knew that there was such a thing behind this.

Xia Zhi didn't talk to her too much at the beginning, just because she was afraid of disturbing her, now it's good to know a little bit more, at least Su Liang knows a little bit more is not bad.

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi didn't hide anything: "I'm not very familiar with her, but this woman is the eldest sister of the Ye family, and I have met her several times.

But she is an illegitimate daughter, and it wasn't long after she was recognized. For a while, she made a lot of jokes and even made it into the newspaper. You probably rarely read the news, so you don't know much about it. "

Xia Zhi smiled and continued: "But why, this woman actually likes to look at people with her nostrils, and she has never looked down on me. She probably thinks that I am here to sell, and she herself is not noble..."

"Now I still have that kind of thought about Zhao Yanling, even if I go abroad, I still can't let it go..."

"Actually, I also understand that this man is good-looking, and this woman is fascinated. It's as simple as that, but it's still not worth it for her. She was cleansed well, but I don't cherish it..."

Xia Zhi was a little rambling to finish this matter...

Su Liang was shocked that there was such a woman, listening to the things she did, it was simply too crazy...

"Is there no one to take care of her?"

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