Lin Shao's Love Symphony

Chapter 10 Deep Ensemble

Sunshine College.

"Did you watch the show last night? Qu Jingbo and Chen Yuxin..."

"Yeah, yeah, the performance is very tacit."

"But, didn't Chen Yuxin stay with Cai Ziyou?... She is so playful!"

"But she performed very well, I'm so envious!"

"No no no! Yesterday you may not know, Lin Yiyun said yesterday that he and Chen Yuxin have been in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship for a long time!"

"What? Is it true?"

There was a lot of discussion.

"Ahem, students, be quiet. Now everyone is watching TV together. Last night's champion will be announced!" The teacher said and turned on the TV.

On the screen, the host was standing on it with a happy face, and beside him were Chen Yuxin and others.

Location, live broadcast.

The host smiled at the camera and said, "Hello audience, standing next to me are the music students who performed last night."

"According to yesterday's performance, the champion is..." The host looked at the list, but was stunned, and then reported uncertainly, "Because Chen Yuxin's group and Lin Yiyun's group performed very well, so the judges decided Live improvisation!"

Chen Yuxin's smile gradually froze, but soon returned to normal. She nodded with a smile, "I agree." In fact, she had already scolded the judges countless times in her heart.

Qu Jingbo who was standing beside her also acquiesced.

"I have no opinion."

Lin Yiyun's blood-red eyes glowed enchantingly, like a rose-colored blood.

"Of course I can, I am victorious in every battle!"

Zhao Yanling's tone was confident and sharp.

"Okay, then Lin Yiyun and Zhao Yanling are invited to come first."

After the host finished speaking, he stepped off the stage.

On the stage, there were only the two of them left, and the lights dimmed.

They played in harmony.

The proud violin flurry is intertwined with the low saxophone...

Charming, lonely, sad...

Suddenly, the sound of another violin came in.

Lin Yiyun followed the sound and saw that it was——Chen Yuxin, she played the violin with an incomparably mysterious smile.

A slight surprise came from the audience.

"What's going on? What is that girl doing?"

"Isn't this a game?"


Qu Jingbo looked at Chen Yuxin and was taken aback for a moment. He quickly understood, and he also played the cello.

The end of the song.

It was played by a four-person ensemble.

"May I ask how is this going?"

The host came to the stage and asked questions with a confused face, and also asked everyone's questions.

"Hehe, since this is an impromptu performance, can't I do this?"

Chen Yuxin gently tilted her head, blinking her silver-green pupils charmingly and mischievously.

The host couldn't answer for a while, so he could only smile awkwardly.

Qu Jingbo beside him looked at Chen Yuxin and smiled, this girl is so smart, she used this trick in order not to spoil her performance.

"Okay, now the judges have decided that the winners are Chen Yuxin and Qu Jingbo!" After discussing, the host reported the result and handed the trophy to Chen Yuxin.

She smiled...Beautiful and elegant, cold but arrogant...

"Senior sister, you are really amazing."

Qu Jingbo said softly, he underestimated her.

"Hehe, how can I compare with you, my junior?"

Chen Yuxin laughed wildly and confusingly, her light green hair was scattered around her waist.

Holding the trophy, she smiled brightly, as if surrounded by layers of halos, like a white angel, but unfortunately, she is a false angel...

"Well, we can go down now." The host whispered to them, then turned to face the camera, "Okay, today's show has come to a successful conclusion!"


behind the scenes.

Murong Xuan was unconvinced and made a fuss, thinking, why is she, Chen Yuxin, the one who is favored?
Why did she suffer such a fate? Lin Yiyun, Cai Ziyou, Qu Jingbo, all revolved around that damn bitch!Hmph, Chen Yuxin, you're not going to get better!

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