...In the small cubicle of the bathroom, Ling Yuxi covered her mouth and leaned against the partition, tears falling silently.The slender body under the black professional attire was trembling uncontrollably.

She didn't wear makeup, and her silent tears brought out her beauty even more, making people feel pitiful.

The mobile phone fell to the ground and stayed on the interface of talking.

"Hello? Hello? Miss Ling, are you still listening?"

Ling Yuxi tremblingly picked up the phone, took a few deep breaths, and forcibly stabilized her emotions.

"Yes...I'm still here, may I ask...does Fu Chen really have any news?"

"Yes! Miss Ling, you have to be mentally prepared..."

Ling Yuxi clenched her phone tightly, and sat limply on the ground trembling.At this time, she only felt that her mind was blank, and there was nothing.

But the voice on the other end of the phone continued, asking: "Miss Ling, did you hear that? Miss Ling Yuxi, are you still listening?"

There was no answer from Ling Yuxi, and the other end of the phone kept repeating, "Fu Chen has been missing for 48 hours, I'm afraid I have to prepare for the worst".

Ling Yuxi felt that her heartbeat also stopped following these words.

Fu Chen... Thinking of the happy time between Fu Chen and herself, Ling Yuxi's tears flowed even more recklessly.

Fu Chen, Fu Chen, Fu Chen...

Ling Yuxi kept chanting this name silently in her heart, as if it could relieve her pressure.

And now, how she wished she was just dreaming.After waking up from the dream, Fu Chen would come to pick her up from get off work on time.

She is still working as always, looking forward to a bright future as always.

But all of this was shattered by that accident and the uncertainty of Fu Chen's life...

"Ling Yuxi, are you still okay? The supervisor asked you to go out."

This sudden voice interrupted her thoughts, Ling Yuxi hurriedly wiped away her tears, trying to calm her emotions.

"Okay! Come out now!"

Flustered and hastily arranged her clothes, Ling Yuxi went out pretending to be unsettled.

She can't lose this job.

This is the most advanced private tailoring company in S City, and it treats its employees very generously.

What's more, she is now an assistant designer, and she is determined not to lose this job opportunity.

Ling Yuxi took a few deep breaths to adjust her mood before coming to the studio.

She couldn't afford to offend any of the guests here.

The door was pushed open, and the usually cold supervisor was standing beside a man with a flattering smile, introducing him something.

It must not be easy for the guy who can let the supervisor go out in person.

Seeing her coming, the supervisor quickly pulled her aside, and whispered in her ear: "Ling Yuxi, this is a big man. You must cheer me up, otherwise..."

Ling Yuxi was used to such harsh and threatening words.If it was normal, she would definitely nod and bow down to promise.

But today, she was really tired.

Ling Yuxi nodded lightly, "I will." After saying this, she bypassed the supervisor.

The supervisor's complexion was very bad, but unexpectedly he didn't say much at the moment, he just gave Ling Yuxi a vicious look.

But this look was automatically ignored by Ling Yuxi at this moment.

"Mr. Zhao, this is Gao She's assistant. Gao She happened to be on a business trip, so..."

The supervisor didn't continue, but Zhao Yanling already understood what the supervisor meant.

The man frowned sharply, ready to refuse.After all, he, Zhao Yanling, is not a person who can make do with it.

The supervisor is naturally a person, and immediately sensed the displeasure emanating from this dangerous man, and quickly said: "But Yu Xi is not bad, she has been working hard in our company, and she has been with Gao She for two or three years, please Always give her a chance."

Having said all this, Zhao Yanling didn't say anything yet, and the supervisor couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Hitting Ling Yuxi with her elbow, Ling Yuxi came back to her senses and said knowingly: "Please give me a chance, Mr. Zhao, I will definitely do it well."

Glancing coldly at the woman who kept her head down, Zhao Yanling curled her lips and didn't speak, but this was already the best answer.

The supervisor praised a lot of good words gratefully, then patted Ling Yuxi on the shoulder hard, and walked out.

"Mr. Zhao, please stand up, keep your back straight, and spread your hands."

Ling Yuxi spoke lightly, seeing that Zhao Yanling didn't make any movement, just staring at her with interest.

Only then did I add another sentence, "It's convenient for me to measure."

Zhao Yanling raised his eyebrows, this woman's attitude is so cold, it is very different from other women he has met
However, it is very interesting.

The strong and slender arms opened, like a wall, enveloping the thin woman.

Ling Yuxi took a delicate tape measure and measured it from top to bottom.

It's just that no matter how hard Ling Yuxi tried to meditate, the phone call just now was always in the back of her mind: I have been missing for 48 hours, please prepare for the worst...

The huge sadness in her chest seemed to break through her throbbing heart, so that she didn't even notice the man's cold eyes.

The sound of cloth breaking, tearing the air.

"what are you doing?"

Someone pushed her shoulder suddenly, and she was driven back a few steps by the force, almost unable to stand still.

Looking up in horror, I don't know what I did wrong.

Zhao Yanling's complexion was a bit ugly, this woman is really daring, she dared to be absent-minded in front of him!

Following Zhao Yan's dissatisfied gaze, Ling Yuxi saw a cut in the suit at the shoulder.

Ling Yuxi froze for a moment, feeling uneasy.Could it be her doing it?
A burst of cold sweat fell, offending the guest, I'm afraid she...

Seeing the emaciated culprit still with a sluggish face, Zhao Yanling suddenly became interested in this woman with a plain but sad face.

Zhao Yan raised his eyebrows and teased, "Ms. Designer, you tore my suit, do you want to stay in a daze and get away with it?"

Ling Yuxi's face turned red, and then she apologized unresponsively, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

Zhao Yanling's gaze was so cold that Ling Yuxi shuddered fiercely, and only then did he realize what he had done.

Gritting her teeth and heart, Ling Yuxi bit her head and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely compensate you for the loss."

In any case, this job cannot be lost!

Zhao Yanling couldn't help but feel like laughing, and said lightly, "Compensation? My suit is worth 16 yuan."

"How is it possible! It's just a piece of clothing!"

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Ling Yuxi immediately shut her mouth in annoyance.I'm so stupid, even such a mean supervisor, trying to flatter and please people, how could his identity be simple! !

She is just a small assistant designer, how can she have the ability to spend 16 yuan?

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