An Youhe stared blankly at the closed door, although she didn't know why, it was just a piece of clothing, so you can change it if you change it.

He casually took another piece of clothes from the closet and changed into it, then opened the door and walked out, and saw Qi Haoyuan really standing at the door waiting for her.

Qi Haoyuan looked at her newly changed clothes, nodded in satisfaction, and said.

"Let's go!"

"it is good"

The two of them went downstairs one after the other. When they went downstairs, Ji Feng and Papa An were playing chess, howling as they were tortured and killed by Papa.

"Father An, can't you let me have a little? I'm a novice!"

Like a child, Ji Feng actually played tricks on Dad An.

"Haha... For a novice, your move is pretty good."

Ji Feng's frankness made Dad An laugh out loud.

Playing chess with Qi Haoyuan is a duel between masters. Although it is very enjoyable, it is also nerve-wracking.

But playing chess with Ji Feng, it was like finding a sense of accomplishment, winning effortlessly, and always being amused by Ji Feng's humorous words.

Seeing Qi Haoyuan and An Youhe walking downstairs, Father An said as he saw that it was almost time for dinner.

"Let's get here first today! It's time for us to eat."

"Okay! Then Dad An, you can give me more next time."

Ji Feng couldn't remember how many rounds he had been abused, and now he even began to doubt his own life.

"Haha, good! Next time."

So a group of people followed Father An into the reservation, and Mother An had already filled the table with all kinds of delicacies.

An Youhe probably has never seen such a sumptuous meal in her own home since she was a child.I can't help drooling just looking at it.

"What kind of holiday is it today? So rich?"

While An Youhe was talking, she secretly wanted to put one hand into the plate, but was photographed by her mother.


An's mother looked at An Youhe's wronged look for not succeeding, how could there be a docile and cute look?He couldn't help but give her a doting look.

"Okay, now that everything is fine, let's sit down! Our house hasn't been this lively for a long time."

While Dad An was talking about everyone, An Youhe secretly stuck out her tongue. Fortunately, her mother didn't pursue it, otherwise she might have talked for a long time.

The meal was so lively and lively. Although An Youhe was still the character who was ignored by others, at least she had a good time eating, and one thing that was beyond her expectation, it turned out that Qi Haoyuan really knew how to cook , not only can do it, but also do it very well.As a result, An Youhe kept complaining that her stomach was full after the meal.

Not to mention An's father and An's mother, looking at the two outstanding young people sitting in their own home, no matter which one can take away his poached eggs, they are very happy, so they are naturally happy.

This group of people was harmonious, and behind the laughter, only Qi Haoyuan and Ji Feng knew that it was actually a battle between the two of them, and no one gave way to the other, but in the end no one was able to win the other.

Ji Feng hesitated and suddenly had an operation, so he left for the hospital after dinner. Before leaving, he looked at An Youhe with flickering eyes, as if he had a lot to say, but he didn't say it in the end.

At the insistence of her parents, An Youhe had no choice but to come out to see Qi Haoyuan off in person, saying that it was out of politeness, but in fact it was not because of An's parents and An's mother's ulterior motives.

"Have you had enough for dinner?"

The two walked side by side, Qi Haoyuan intentionally took smaller steps so that An Youhe's short legs would not be too busy.

"Well, I'm full."

I don't know what's wrong?An Youhe always felt that the atmosphere between the two of them was weird, which made her feel uncomfortable all over.

"What are you going to do next?"

Qi Haoyuan asked, but there was no change on his calm face.

"According to the previous method, I don't need me for the next thing, as long as I show my face on the day of the auction."

An Youhe tilted her head and thought for a while, the rest of the things have been arranged by Hu Xiao, if you ask her what she will do next, she really doesn't know.

"Okay, even if the sale will set a date and let me know, I will go with you."

Qi Haoyuan turned around and said to An Youhe.

"No, you are so busy, so don't worry about me. I used to attend by myself."

Hearing that Qi Haoyuan proposed to accompany her to the auction, An Youhe was taken aback, and couldn't help but wonder if Qi Haoyuan, the president, was just so free?
An Youhe found that he seemed to be very idle in recent months, which was completely different from when she was his secretary before.

In fact, she didn't reject Qi Haoyuan's attendance, but, thinking of her old acquaintances... Not only did An Youhe cover her eyes, she couldn't bear to look directly at them!
In order not to embarrass Qi Haoyuan, let's forget it!hehe……

"I'm not busy, just let me know in advance that day."

Qi Haoyuan is determined to go with him?

An Youhe's black and white eyes rolled around like a little fox.

Oh well!This is what he insisted on going, don't blame her for not stopping him if something happens.

"Okay! I'll tell you in advance!"

After getting an affirmative answer from An Youhe, Qi Haoyuan was relieved, took out the car keys and prepared to leave.

"President Qi..."

Seeing Qi Haoyuan as if he was about to leave, An Youhe didn't know what was wrong, but she felt a little reluctance to let go of this back.

"Huh? What else?"

Qi Haoyuan looked at An Youhe and asked.

"You are... super handsome today!"

Thinking of Qi Haoyuan standing outside her room door wearing her pink apron, An Youhe said this.

Are you super handsome today?

Qi Haoyuan looked at An Youhe, although he didn't know what was going on in her little head!But hearing her say that, Qi Haoyuan is still useful.

"I just found out now?"

Qi Haoyuan said arrogantly.

"So narcissistic, be careful on the way back, pay attention to safety, bye!"

An Youhe blushed, turned around and ran away after saying this.

Qi Haoyuan stood where he was, watching her enter the house, and then turned and drove away with a smile on his lips.

Qi Haoyuan just entered the gate of his house with his front foot, but his mother pulled him over with his back foot!

Facing his mother who had been wiping tears with a handkerchief, Qi Haoyuan really wanted to expose her disguise, but because his father, who had always been indifferent, was also present today, Qi Haoyuan chose to just quietly watch his mother perform.

"Xiaoyouyou is gone, I feel like I've lost my soul, huh~~"

Qi Haoyuan's mother secretly glanced at Qi Haoyuan, seeing that he didn't respond, so she deliberately raised the volume.

"Tell me, this house has been lively for a few days, and then it becomes so quiet again in a blink of an eye. I can't get used to it?"

Qi Haoyuan's mother saw that it didn't work for her alone, so she covered her face with a handkerchief, and then gave her husband a hard look.

Qi Haoyuan's father received his wife's signal, immediately understood, cleared his throat, and said.

"Haoyuan, your mother is weak, the doctor said to keep a good mood."


Qi Haoyuan looked at his father, who had always been silent and never participated in the trivial matters at home, what interest did he have today?Actually cooperating with his wife to act for him in front of him!
"Haoyuan, I think Youhe is innocent and has a good temper! No matter how you look at him, you like him."


Qi Haoyuan's mother has already spoken to such an extent!Unexpectedly, he still only changed the word "my son", and I couldn't help but feel pain in my heart.

Naivety?Good temper?
Qi Haoyuan smiled inwardly, his mother really dared to say, isn't An Youhe actually simple-minded and naturally timid?According to his mother, it seems that An Youhe is full of strengths.

Qi Haoyuan deliberately didn't express any opinions. It's rare for the couple to be interested today, so it's better to let the two old people play for a while.

"Tell me, when Youhe is around, she can still chat with me, drink tea, and go shopping at this time. Now I can only stay at home by myself. After a long time, I always feel chest tightness. Short of breath."

Qi Haoyuan's mother said a lot of words in a row, and even felt that her mouth was dry.

Qi's father next to him saw his daughter-in-law's desperate appearance, and quickly poured a cup of tea to his mouth in distress, and slowly let her drink it smoothly.

"Mom, I recently met a good doctor. Do you want to ask him to come and see you?"

Qi Haoyuan imagined, if his mother knew that Ji Feng was the one who robbed An Youhe from him, what would he do to Ji Feng?hehe…

"This... I'm sick! It's not enough to see a doctor..."

Qi's mother stammered a bit, she obviously didn't want to express this, she didn't want to see a doctor!

"She means to ask you to bring You He back."

It's just that Qi's father couldn't bear to let his daughter-in-law be so troubled, so he directly stated his purpose.

Qi Haoyuan, this kid's own affairs, why should he let his wife worry about it?
"My girl, do you want me to snatch it back?"

What Qi Haoyuan meant was that An Youhe just went back to her own home. Could it be that you didn't let her go home?Have you considered the feelings of your parents?
"You can't snatch someone back, but you can marry him back!"

Speaking of this, Qi Haoyuan's mother regained her spirits, her chest was no longer tight, her breath was no longer short of breath, and she was as energetic as if she could shine.

When An Youhe was here before, the house was so lively, she often watched her son angrily grab her down from the upstairs, and she was so happy that she didn't know how happy she was.

Especially that kid An Youhe has a good personality, he is not picky about anything, he is so innocent and cute!

Although she looks delicate and weak, she knows that this child is more stubborn than anyone else, otherwise how could he complete such a shocking work alone?Even her husband, who has always been taciturn, secretly inquired about the time of An Youhe's auction.

But after An Youhe left for a day, the house became quiet and deserted.

If it wasn't for the arrival of An Youhe, it would be normal for her son not to see anyone for several months, and her husband is a born bored gourd, so she was the only one left in the family, and she didn't know who to turn to if she wanted to talk. Go, what a pity...

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