Leng Nuan looked at the two big men who stood opposite each other and did not like each other. They were tall and straight and equally outstanding. They had already attracted the attention of many people in the crowded airport. They couldn't help rubbing their temples with a headache. .

These two men obviously agree in many ways, but every time they meet, they seem to be incompatible and start a war at any time. Should we say that they are naive?Or childish?

"It's almost time..."

Leng Nuan hesitated to interrupt the affectionate gaze of the two men, thinking that it would be better for them to meet less in the future.

"President Xu, you have a smooth journey. I believe you will be busy for a while when you get back!"

You deserve to be so busy, who told him to be eager for quick success, it's better to be so busy that he doesn't have time to peep on other people's wives.

"President K, don't worry about it!"

Xu Boyan was too lazy to argue with You Muye, time was running out, he might as well look at the woman he was thinking of a few more times, and turned to Leng Nuan.

"G·N has to take care of himself, remember what I said."

Xu Boyan saw Leng Nuan nodding to him, and then turned around and walked inside. The moment he turned around, Xu Boyan really wanted to take her away regardless of the consequences, but he couldn't!Because the cold and warm will be sad.

You Muye could tell that Xu Boyan was getting more and more courageous, and he dared to seduce his wife in front of him. His eyes were so angry that they seemed to be frozen, and he wished he could freeze this ruffian to death!But Leng Nuan tugged at his sleeves, and then restrained that murderous aura.

After all, they have been friends for so many years. Xu Boyan occupies a special place in his heart for Leng Nuan. Looking at the tall and straight back that is drifting away, Leng Nuan feels sad for a moment.

I hope Xu Boyan is well!
This is Leng Nuan's blessing to him!
"go home."

Seeing Leng Nuan staring at Xu Boyan's back, You Muye said angrily.

Leng Nuan gave him a funny look, this man is really small-minded!
"How did you know I was here?"

You Makino still seemed unhappy and depressed, holding Leng Nuan's hand tightly, feeling a little ache when he squeezed Leng Nuan.

"Hiss~ Take it easy, it hurts!"

Hearing Leng Nuan's exclamation, You Muye immediately relaxed his strength and said.

"Where are you going next time, tell me!"

Leng Nuan held back her smile, although You Muye was blaming herself, but she knew that You Muye was worried about herself.

For those who are not good at words, even the expression of emotion is extraordinarily deep. Since this arrogant president doesn't like to express himself, he has no choice but to make some sacrifices.

Leng Nuan took the initiative to grab You Muye's straight arm, leaned his head on his shoulder, and said with a smile.

"Yes, my lord president."

His little wife was acting like a spoiled child to him, You Muye was very helpful, and the bad temper just now eased a lot.

"It's not the president, it's the husband."


The two hugged each other and walked out of the airport with happiness. It was not until they got in the car that Leng Nuan remembered one thing.

"You said Xu Boyan suddenly returned to the United States, what happened?"

She watched the conversation between You Muye and Xu Boyan just now, and she seemed to know the reason for this.


You Makino hates himself! My little wife asked about other men, choose a short answer!
"Is there something wrong with the Nightmare Group? Please explain clearly!"

Leng Nuan continued to ask.

You Makino glanced at Leng Nuan, probably if she didn't make it clear, she should dance with him again, right?

"The Nightmare Group has swallowed the Starry Sky Group, and there are still some people who cannot accept the acquisition. It is normal to make some troubles."

You Makino said in the shortest words that can be understood by Leng Nuan.The rest is Xu Boyan's problem.Nothing to do with them.

"This is really strange. Xu Boyan is very arrogant. He has never bothered to acquire other companies to expand. Why is he interested in Xingkong this time?"

Xu Boyan said that the Nightmare Group is like a nobleman who keeps his bloodline pure. He thinks that the acquired outsiders will not only not be of one mind with Nightmare, but will also affect the core of the original Nighteye Group's development.

From Xu Boyan's point of view, Nightmare Group doesn't need to do this either, they have always been very lonely, and indeed have the capital to be lonely.

"That's his business."

You Muye left the next sentence without further explanation.

It's just that You Muye knew the reason why Xu Boyan did this. He must have understood the strength of the K&K Group before he wanted to expand the Nightmare Group in the shortest possible time. There may be only one reason for doing so.

You Makino took a sneak look at the little woman beside her, her little head was moving in a daze, she pursed the corner of her mouth lightly, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

It doesn't matter, this is enough to prove that I have a good vision, the more precious something is, the more it will attract the attention of others, but Xu Boyan is late!This treasure has already engraved his nomadic name.


With eyes closed, Leng Nuan snorted softly, You Muye gently rubbed her head, and said with a smile on his lips.

"Nuan Nuan, I love you."


The warmth and coldness between half dream and half awake, I don't know if I heard it or didn't hear it.

But it doesn't matter, because the love of You Makino will continue forever...

~~~~Splitting line~~~~~~~~~~~
There was no sound in the dark room, only the neon lights on the street were dimly illuminated through the windows, and only then could the man sitting in the room be barely seen.

She has short black hair with water droplets on the tip, and a loose white bathrobe tied loosely around her body, revealing her firm chest. She is playing with a scalpel between her slender and beautiful fingers, with a cold light shining on the extremely sharp blade.

The man raised his mouth and looked carefully at this delicate silver scalpel, both in design and sharpness.

There are many ways to thank someone, and giving a gift in return is a great option.I just didn't expect someone to give a scalpel as a gift.

A bright smile in the sun appeared in his mind, making people feel comfortable like a spring breeze. This little woman is really special.

Suddenly remembering the knock on the door, Ji Feng frowned, carefully put the scalpel back into the box, and then spoke.


"Doctor Ji, it's me. I'm here to express my thanks to you."

Seeing that the door was ajar, the woman outside the door opened it on her own initiative and walked in, looking for that slender and tall figure in the dim light.

"Doctor Ji?"

In a daze, he seemed to see a figure standing beside the bed, and happily walked over.

Ji Feng saw the woman who came in, with a graceful figure, tightly wearing a short silk skirt with suspenders, her breasts were half exposed, and her eyes were smiling. It was obvious what this meant.

If it wasn't for some shit old friend of his old man, Ji Feng would not have come to this place, looking at the woman leaning against him as soft as a bone, the pungent smell of perfume made his stomach queasy.


The sudden loud reprimand frightened the beautiful woman who was just now full of peach blossoms. Her eyes looked at Ji Feng unquestionably, full of horror.

"Didn't you hear? Get lost!"

Monsoon said again with a look of disgust.

This time the woman was sure that she heard correctly, seeing Ji Feng's face, where there was no handsomeness seen during the day, it looked more like a devil from hell under the dim light.

He hurriedly ran and rolled out of this room, fearing that if he was a few steps too late, he would be eaten.

After the woman left, Ji Feng opened the window impatiently, and the room was filled with the pungent smell of perfume.

He actually used his own daughter as a reward!Did this old man make friends carelessly when he was young?There are even such shameless old friends.

Seeing that delicate scalpel again inadvertently, Ji Feng calmed down a bit. What was that little woman doing at this time?Thoughts drifted back to the beginning of their acquaintance...

People's hearts are indifferent these days, and human feelings are even weaker.While embarrassing, no one would choose to make trouble for themselves.

Ji Feng was in a rare mood to press down on the road, so he encountered such a panic scene, which seemed to be a car accident.

Life is old and sick, and fortune and misfortune depend on each other.It's all part of life, the law that no one can escape, even if Ji Feng is a doctor, he can't participate more.

So he planned to pretend to be an ordinary person, after all, he just got off the operating table, and he didn't want to go back to work again!
"Please help me, he's a good man!"

"Help me! Help me get him into the car..."

This weak-sounding voice attracted Ji Feng's attention inexplicably. He pushed aside the crowd and approached him, only to find that it was a petite and exquisite woman. Although she was so different in stature from the man on the ground, she was still stubborn for the first time. Pulling the man again and again, trying to lift him into the car with his own strength.

"Hey~~ Someone, can you help me? Just put him in the car! Please!"

Tears mixed with snot on the petite woman's face, probably because of her efforts, her small face, which was not as big as his palm, was flushed red.

"Help him! He's a good man!"

nice guy?Hehe... Ji Feng couldn't help laughing in his heart. These days, there is only one difference between a good person and a bad person, so precautions are fundamental.

Loose linen clothes, scratched somewhere!A section of her flat and smooth belly was exposed, which satisfied the desires of many lustful men.But how can that petite woman manage these things now.

A wave of dizziness hit her, she quickly squatted down, and when the dizziness passed, she slowly got up, no one could see that she was uncomfortable, they all thought she was just squatting down to check on the unconscious man on the ground.

But all of this did not escape Ji Feng's eyes. This little woman had perseverance, and she squatted down to relieve the dizziness before she felt dizzy. Most likely she was also insisting on not letting herself faint on the ground!

Ji Feng also noticed a tinge of red running down her cheeks from her head, he, who was used to seeing blood, felt that the blood on her face was so glaring, so Ji Feng walked out from the crowd, as if thinking about it , more like an instinct.

"I'm a doctor, I'll help you!"

The grateful little face looked at herself. Although she was a little embarrassed at the moment, the bright smile on her face at that time was already deeply engraved in Ji Feng's heart.

Ji Feng was suddenly awakened from his memories by the ringing of the phone, looked at the caller ID, and said Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!wrong!He wanted Cao Cao, so Cao Cao called.

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