"Prefer not to say."

I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with people like Xu Boyan.

Hearing the voice from the TV in the coffee shop, the originally listless Leng Nuan drew attention.

"A few days ago, the Lanhai Group and the Xingkong Group jointly held a press conference to announce the good news. It will be scheduled for the beginning of next month. The current president of the Lanhai Group, You Muye, and Miss Chuxia of the Xingkong Group will hold a wedding ceremony. They will be married together. I believe many people They are all looking forward to this wedding, the combination of the two groups will be an unprecedented event..."

Leng Nuan stared blankly at the news reports on TV, how could she believe it?But I have to believe it!After all, even the news has been reported!But she, the client, just found out!What a funny thing!
"G.N? What's wrong with you?"

Xu Boyan looked at the TV with warm and cold eyes. There was a news report in it. In the picture, a tall and straight man with a serious face was holding a sweet-looking woman on his arm. The woman had a picturesque smile and looked very happy.

Is it...

Xu Boyan looked at Lengnuan, he just crawled on the table and refused to get up, but now his eyes were filled with tears, but his eyes were still wide open, as if he refused to blink to let the tears fall.

That stubborn look was just like when they first met, even if they were greatly wronged, they would never complain for themselves.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After a while, Leng Nuan actually laughed, at first it was only in a low voice, and finally it was a big laugh.Although she was smiling, the tears shed from her tears did not show her happiness.

Seeing her crazy look, Xu Boyan didn't intend to stop her, but looked at her with a smile on his face!
If this can make her feel comfortable, then it's okay to continue pretending.

"I'm afraid the whole world knows it now? But I, the client, just found out."

Leng Nuan's choked voice, with tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, made people feel distressed just looking at it.

"G.N, do you need me to help you?"

As long as she opens her mouth, not to mention the couple, even the company behind them, Xu Boyan can make them a thing of the past.

"You can't help me, let me handle it myself!"

Leng Nuan got up indifferently, the leaving figure was a bit depressed, without the former anger.

Watching the thin figure disappear, Xu Boyan picked up the coffee in front of him and took a sip. As expected, the bitter taste of the cold coffee could not be removed no matter what!

~~~Separation line~~~

The night is low and the rainy weather has lasted for a whole day, and the temperature has also dropped, completely washing away the heat, saying goodbye to summer and welcoming the arrival of autumn.

People who are cold and warm are naturally afraid of the cold, but they love the rainy weather. Some people say that people who like cloudy and rainy weather are sentimental people.

But You Makino said that because of her anemia, she likes the weather at low temperatures. If she doesn’t want to be happy only in the cloudy weather, she should eat more good food and take good care of her body so that she can be happy at any time.

Look at what a man who doesn't know how to be funny. He always looks at everything with a rigid and realistic eye.

But this man, who has always been rigid to himself, gave other women a romantic dream-like wedding.

After seeing the news report that day, Leng Nuan went home directly. For ten days, she never went out of the house.

Yes, she didn't know where to find You Muye, and she didn't even know what to say on the phone?So she can only wait at home!

The funny thing is, ten days have passed, and the day after tomorrow is his wedding!And he never showed up.

The rain outside the window was getting heavier and heavier, and it fell on the glass window with a thunderous sound, which was very consistent with Leng Nuan's current mood, and his heart was in a mess.

A feeling of nausea struck, and Leng Nuan rushed into the bathroom quickly. Since he hadn't eaten well, he couldn't vomit anything. In the end, it was just retching, and it seemed that even the gastric juice was vomited out.

Waiting finally felt better, Leng Nuan reluctantly supported the wall and stood up, looking precarious, as if a gust of wind could blow it down.

He fell headlong on the sofa, curled up involuntarily, covered his lower abdomen with both hands, and tears flowed down again.

Yes, she is pregnant!On the day when she heard the news of You Muye's marriage, Leng Nuan found out that she was pregnant. The doctor said that it was not long, only five weeks old, because her physical fitness was not very good, and there were some signs of miscarriage.

At that moment, Leng Nuan had never felt so powerful before, thinking of a small life growing silently in his body, so hardworking, so weak, Leng Nuan must protect him well.

This is also the reason why she never contacted You Muye. She didn't know what he would think of this child now.
There was a sound of opening the door, and Leng Nuan quickly stood up from the sofa as if being shocked by an electric shock, and ran to the door.

I don't know how many times she thought about her straight figure, her hair was wet from the rain, and she looked a little messy, and her facial features, which were carved like knives, were still so serious.

You Muye saw her just after entering the door, and he hasn't seen her for more than a month. Why did this woman lose so much weight again?His face was as pale as a piece of white paper, and he looked so powerless just standing there.

Both of them clearly saw each other, but neither of them spoke first. They both wanted to see the answer they wanted from each other's eyes. After all, some words, once spoken, will become eternal.

"I'll come back and get something."

After a long time, You Muye was afraid that Leng Nuan would faint if he continued to confront him like this, so he said slowly.

His voice is still so nice, I don't know how many times I have dreamed in my dreams, but the words I said are chilling.

"I heard that you are getting married!"

In a cool voice, asked lightly.


Knowing that he usually speaks sparingly, but at least on this matter, Leng Nuan hoped that You Muye could explain, even if she said a few more words, it would make her not so ridiculous.


Leng Nuan actually wanted to swear, but it is not suitable for her to be too emotional now.

"Nuannuan, I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry, it's all my own volition. Even if it's a blame, it's my own sentimentality!"

If the sky has love, the sky will grow old, if people have love, they will die early, what Tao Yaoyao said is really accurate.Even if you don't die!Just like how Leng Nuan is now, it's like walking on the verge of collapse, and it's not a good feeling.


You Makino looked at Leng Nuan's extremely patient look, and wanted to say something.

"I wish President You, a happy wedding and a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

Before You Muye finished speaking, Leng Nuan sent his blessings, and that faint smile seemed to be making a final break with him.

So what if you don't decide?He is getting married, and the bride is still happily waiting for him to marry, the eldest lady of Star Group.

The family is right, a man is a man and a woman is beautiful.Compared with myself, an orphan with nothing, they are truly a match made in heaven.

After Leng Nuan finished speaking, she turned and walked back to the room, until You Muye packed up her things and left, she never came out again.

The moment he heard the sound of him leaving and closing the door, Leng Nuan felt like his heart was being torn apart by life, it hurt! !But he couldn't cry, his silver teeth could smell bloody, but that was the only way he could do it.

Clutching her lower abdomen, the piercing pain made her nervous. She regretted why she didn't control her emotions well.

Xu Boyan rushed to her house within 10 minutes after receiving the cold call. He saw her thin body curled up in a corner, and her pale face was covered with tears.

"help me!"

These are the only two words spoken by Leng Nuan.

So Xu Boyan sent her to the hospital without saying a word. Standing at the door of the treatment room, Xu Boyan punched the wall.

The person who has been carefully cherishing it for so long has been hurt like this!You Makino, should you give him an explanation?

I don't know how long it took, Xu Boyan finally looked forward to the doctor coming out, and immediately went up to ask nervously.

"Doctor, how is she?"

"The patient is overly sad, his mood fluctuates too much, and there are some signs of threatened miscarriage. Pay more attention to rest!"

Seeing the nervousness of the young man, the doctor guessed that he might be the husband of the patient inside.

"What did you say?"

Xu Boyan said in shock.

"Why? You don't know yet, do you? Your wife is pregnant, and the fetus is only about five weeks old."

Young people nowadays are so careless that they don't even know their wives are pregnant.

"You said she was pregnant!"

"Yes, her physical fitness is not very good, she needs to add more nutrition, don't let her have mood swings, and take good care of her baby."

The doctor ordered some precautions before leaving.

Leng Nuan's sleep was ups and downs, and she was very restless. In her dream, she saw You Muye, and she wanted to go up and hug him, and then tell him that she was pregnant with their child.

But she couldn't keep up with his footsteps, she seemed to have exhausted all her energy, and could only look at his receding back, and finally embraced a woman, and the scene of the two hugging and kissing woke her up. Come here, with cold tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes.

"You woke up, the doctor said that you are weak and need to supplement nutrition, I ordered someone to make some soup, do you want some?"

Seeing that Leng Nuan, who was crying even in his sleep, finally woke up, Xu Boyan's original nervousness eased a lot.

"Bo Yan, where am I?"

His voice was weak, and he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Where else? A hospital, of course."

With a somewhat reproachful tone, Xu Boyan hated to see him not knowing how to cherish his warmth.


"The child is fine now, but you have signs of miscarriage and need to take a good rest."

Leng Nuan clutched his stomach nervously and wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Xu Boyan.

"You know it all."


As long as it's okay, this is her and You Muye's child, and she must protect this little life.

"Tomorrow is his wedding!"

Looking at the ceiling with cold and empty eyes, he said in a low voice, not sure whether he was speaking for himself or Xu Boyan.

"do you want to go?"

I saw with my own eyes how the man I loved walked into the church with another woman on his arm.

Only in this way can Leng Nuan completely give up on You Muye, Xu Boyan never thinks that he is a good person, let alone his feelings for Leng Nuan.

Hearing Xu Boyan's words, Leng Nuan was silent for a long time.

Is she going?The two groups are married, and the wedding must be heavily guarded, how could she easily enter.

Even if she went in, what capacity would she go in?

But she really wanted to see You Muye again, as a final farewell to him.

"I'm going."

"Are you sure? This may only make you sadder!"

Although Xu Boyan didn't want to see Leng Nuan sad, but he was more like letting her give up, even if he might try his best to stitch up her wounds afterwards, Xu Boyan would not hesitate.

"Even if we separate, we should say goodbye, right?"

Leng Nuan laughed at himself mockingly, maybe his farewell would not be welcomed by others!
"Okay, I'll take you there."

This night, the sad person was more than just warming her up alone!Love is a thing, one person is called Xiangsi, two people are called Xiangyue, and three people can only kill each other!

Xu Boyan never felt that he was a good man and a faithful woman, but Nomadic's wedding has become a cold and warm nightmare. For him, this wedding will not go smoothly.

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