"You silly man! Didn't I tell you to run away first? Why did you just stand there? Don't you understand human speech?"

Tao Yaoyao, who had just started, was like a well-trained machine gun, and when she criticized Qi Sihan, she really didn't hold back any sympathy.

When talking about excitement, he would point to Qi Sihan with a disgusted look on his face.

"Come, drink water."

Qi Sihan seemed to have been immune to Tao Yaoyao's bombing for a long time, and brought a glass of water to the chattering woman with an indifferent face.

And Tao Yaoyao also seemed to be used to Qi Sihan's care, without any quarrel, she took a sip of the water that was brought to her mouth naturally.

"Drink slowly!"

Just after waking up, she was careless like this, and even had to worry about drinking her saliva, but Qi Sihan felt that such an energetic Tao Yaoyao was really nice.

"Hey! Silly man, where have we been?"

Tao Yaoyao drank water and felt much more comfortable, and then looked around, how big is her brain!

"in hospital."

Qi Sihan said.

Tao Yaoyao looked at the handsome face on the other side that she liked at first, but now it turned a little sloppy. The green beard protruding from his chin can tell that this man has not had a rest for at least one day and one night.

"Look at what?"

Qi Sihan was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Tao Yaoyao, and asked angrily.

"Tell me about you, you were stupid at first, and you can barely get by with this face, but you still look like this now... Tsk tsk tsk..."

Tao Yaoyao covered her eyes with her hands, expressing that his current appearance is very hot-eyed.

Does this woman have a conscience?He brought her here with great effort, and stayed by her side all the time, never leaving even a single step, so he had no time to tidy himself up.How dare you despise him now?

Qi Sihan thought for a while, his beautiful thin lips curled up, and he put the water glass in his hand again, his eyes became deep and charming.

Noticing Qi Sihan's actions, Tao Yaoyao felt a bad premonition based on what she knew about Qi Sihan in the past.

"What are you... looking at me like that!"

How could she forget how attractive this man is!Even she, a witch who has been in the stars for many years, feels that this man covers all women's fantasies about the appearance of men.

I saw Qi Sihan curling up the corners of his mouth evilly, and the beard on his chin gave him a yuppie look.

The slender fingers slowly came to the collar of the shirt, and began to slowly undo the buttons on the chest one by one.

"you you…"

Seeing the ghost-like appearance of the man opposite, like a king from the darkness, Tao Yaoyao couldn't help swallowing heavily.

For a diamond member of the Appearance Association like her, there is no way!Her only hobby is watching handsome guys.

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

The pleasant voice is intentionally lowered to create this charming feeling.

"You...your hand"

"The room is too hot, let me untie a few, can't-ok-?"

It can be emphasized that the last three words, looking at the wide-eyed woman who is about to burst into blood, Qi Sihan is even more proud.

He knows this woman's hobbies too well!I love looking at handsome guys!
Back then on the island, he didn't know who was following him every day like a brainless nympho, but now he dares to dislike him?
"I'll help you lower the temperature of the air conditioner, you... calm down... calm down"

After talking, Tao Yaoyao was really in a hurry to get out of bed and look for the air conditioner.

"Woman, you'd better stay in bed!"

Qi Sihan stopped Tao Yaoyao in time.

in bed...well...stay...

It sounds like... how can it be so easy to make people YY!
"Tao Yaoyao!"

Just as she was making up some pictures in her head, a familiar voice came to her ears. Tao Yaoyao looked over and immediately smiled as if she finally saw her relatives.


Originally, You Muye insisted on sending her back to rest, but in the end he compromised and took her back to the hospital in a pitiful state.

However, You Muye regretted it a little now!Look at the two women who are embracing and crying, one arm is bandaged, and the other's upper body dare not move casually.It's as if the Luo Po sisters have been abused by others, and they hug each other to comfort each other. It makes outsiders see it and think that the two men have done something!
Compared to You Muye's patience, Qi Sihan seemed indifferent. He had already been trained by Tao Yaoyao's acting skills.

"When will your woman let go?"

You Muye asked Qi Sihan impatiently.

"Why don't you say that your woman won't let go?"

In terms of protecting the calf, neither of these two will lose!
"She's not my woman."

When You Muye saw Tao Yaoyao wiping snot and tears on Leng Nuan's body, his face turned dark instantly!
"Then what are you doing with her?"

Who would believe that she wasn't his woman?Any female creature that approached her without permission had already been frozen to death by him!It's hard to see such a person alive. If he didn't allow him, he would have been scared away by him long ago, right?
"She's my wife."

Like dropping a bombshell, the fried Qi Sihan is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside!
Nomad is married?When did this happen?A lot seemed to have happened during his absence.

"you are married?"

You Muye glanced at Qi Sihan, his complacency evident.

"Do you want to see the marriage certificate?"

Qi Sihan naturally knew that You Muye was never a joker, so pity this woman!Will live in the ice cellar in the future.

But why does this woman look familiar?I seem to have seen it somewhere.

"Nuan Nuan, why did you come here?"

After a long while, the two women who confessed their hearts to each other let go of each other, and Tao Yaoyao asked.


Leng Nuan didn't know what to say, how should I explain this to her?There were so many things going on in between that it would take a long time to explain.

"She came with me!"

You Muye walked behind Leng Nuan at some point, and pulled her up from Tao Yaoyao's side, as if protecting his wife.

Tao Yaoyao looked at her with an unsmiling face. She had the ice cube face of an old cadre. She was very handsome and had a good figure. She could match her family's warmth, but her face was a little dark!
"Which one did you ask?"

Don't think that with a dark face, everyone is afraid of you. After this appearance, her Nuan Nuan will have to be bullied by him!

"Nomakino, Nuan Nuan's husband."

You Makino said unhurriedly.

Look at how much his wife gave him a good face, she got a marriage certificate with him early, and she can talk to people proudly wherever she goes.

I don't know who abducted them to get the certificate at the beginning. It's not voluntary, okay!

"Nuannuan, when did you get married? You didn't tell me? Do you really think I'm dead?"

Hearing You Muye's words, Tao Yaoyao immediately turned his face, Zhang Yawu wanted to pounce on him and bite someone.

Qi Sihan looked at the silly woman who was getting more and more excited as she talked, and hurried over to stop her impulsive rush, didn't he know that he was still injured!


Leng Nuan was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to explain to Tao Yaoyao, her two delicate fingers were tightly tangled together.

"Lengnuan, you are heartless, pity me for four years in college... No, I spent my beautiful youth with you, and you actually married behind my back?"

"put your hands down"

Qi Sihan gently pressed down Tao Yaoyao's high raised arm, avoiding large movements, and then involving the injury on her back. At that time, she would grin her teeth in pain, and maybe she would curse at others.

"In my youthful years, I forcibly stayed with you in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for four years. During these four years, how many rotten peach blossoms I have blocked for you, and how many hearts of senior brothers and younger brothers have been broken for you. I have no credit but also suffering. Please? Your wings are hardened now, and you don’t even tell me about getting married?"

Tao Yaoyao was full of witty remarks, and she couldn't even catch her breath when she spoke at length. No matter who is right or not, she is the only one who is the most reasonable.

Qi Sihan was beside her occasionally feeding her some water, tidying up her clothes occasionally, and putting a pillow on her lap to make her feel more comfortable. Anyway, he didn't want to stop Tao Yaoyao from talking.

"When will this woman stop?"

"... "

Leng Nuan really wants to tell You Muye that Yaoyao is a well-known "chicken mother-in-law" and "gossip queen", as long as she catches her, she won't repeat her words even if she talks all day and night. If someone interrupts her, Then it is very likely to give her a new topic, time to remember!
It is obvious that Qi Sihan has fully understood Tao Yaoyao's pattern, look at the appearance of the little daughter-in-law serving tea and water beside her, she takes good care of her!
"Student Leng Nuan, since you don't want to talk to me, let's settle the score."

Tao Yaoyao talked for a long time, but she didn't blush or breathe. If she stopped being a movie star someday, maybe a reporter would be a good choice.

"What... what?"

Leng Nuan is not saying that there are any unspeakable secrets in the university, it's just that they still don't want people to know about their privacy when they were girls, but now she doesn't have the courage to stop Tao Yaoyao...crying...

"Count the number of times I've blocked you for love debts, and how many brothers' hearts I've hurt, freshman or three, and sophomores? What's their name..."

Leng Nuan felt as if she wanted to cry, but Tao Yaoyao really wanted to talk about the last night when it was over, she would have known that she should have eaten more just now.

"Oh? It seems that you are very popular, madam."

Feeling the sharp eyes beside him, Leng Nuan really wanted to die!

"Ha ha…"

Leng Nuan made two embarrassing sounds, not knowing what to say.

"It's more than popular. In order to get her to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the school did not know what conditions were given. Even if she wanted the sun in the sky, the school would like to take it off for her."

Tao Yaoyao just wanted to let You Muye know that Nuan Nuan is not a woman who can have whatever she wants.

"Stop talking, Yaoyao"

How long has it been since you graduated!What's the use of being excellent?In today's society, there is no background, and it is not the same to be engaged in a career that runs counter to oneself.

The eyes are a bit dim, the desolation behind this, only Leng Nuan knows what he has experienced, and how much helplessness is in it.

"Why didn't you say, how old were you at that time? It was designed..."

"Enough, Yaoyao."

Before Tao Yaoyao finished speaking, Leng Nuan interrupted her words.

Tao Yaoyao glanced at Leng Nuan, understood what she meant, and sighed, no matter how much she felt aggrieved about Leng Nuan, she could not change the unspoken rules of today's society.

Looking at the expressions between the two of you, You Muye thought that Leng Nuan might have experienced a lot of things that went against his wishes, and it was not out of his own will, so he had no choice but to do so.

You must have suffered a lot, right?You Muye's heart seemed to be blocked by something in his chest, he couldn't get up, he couldn't get down, and he felt sorry for the little woman beside him.

"Forget it, the hero doesn't mention the bravery back then!"

Tao Yaoyao also didn't want to touch Leng Nuan's sensitivity.

"Don't talk about me, but Yaoyao, where did you disappear? Do you know how worried we are? Why didn't you contact us?"

God knows how they have lived these past few months. Apart from reading the reports of her disappearance and whereabouts all over the street, they can't do anything. This sense of powerlessness is simply extremely frustrating.

"I want to contact you too!"

Speaking of which, Tao Yaoyao turned her eyes to the man who was sitting by the bed peeling apples, glared fiercely at Qi Sihan, who looked like a normal person, and continued.

"But I don't know where I was rushed to. I didn't have any communication equipment, and I didn't even have basic transportation. It can be said that I was isolated from the world, and I was almost regarded by someone as a person with evil intentions." , almost got the Fa-rectification on the spot!"

Tao Yaoyao kept staring at Qi Sihan, what is this man's face made of?He was actually able to do it there without changing his face.

"You almost lost your life? Where the hell are you?"

He was covered in cold sweat listening to Leng Nuan.

"Oh! Anyway, this girl has almost escaped death. If it wasn't for her fate, she wouldn't be able to return to this civilized society!"

Qi Sihan knew that this woman was trying to call him a savage in primitive society.

But I don't see the slightest displeasure, there is no way!Who told him to fall in love with this little fairy first!
Leng Nuan was stunned and stunned, his face was full of doubts, but he didn't know how to continue asking.

On the contrary, You Muye gently put his arms around Leng Nuan's shoulders and said in a low voice.

"I'll explain it to you later!"

ah?How did he know?Could it be that his IQ has dropped?

"Let me introduce you, Qi Sihan."

Nomad said.

"I know, Young Master Qi!"

Leng Nuan nodded towards Qi Sihan, she was originally the secretary who followed Qi Haoyuan, so she naturally recognized Qi Sihan.

It was Qi Sihan who took a closer look at Leng Nuan, as if suddenly realizing it, then looked at You Muye, and then said.

"You are Qi Haoyuan's precious secretary, Leng Nuan."

How about saying that people are stupid and have no medicine!After Qi Sihan finished speaking, he was immediately shot into briquettes by Nomad Ye's gaze, and only then realized that he had said the wrong thing.

You Muye hugged the slightly embarrassed Leng Nuan beside him, declaring his sovereignty.

His woman can only be treasured by him, and no one else is needed.

"Oh, so you all know each other!"

Tao Yaoyao looked around and realized that they were all acquaintances.

"very familiar"

Qi Sihan said helplessly.

It's a reminder to You Muye that they have been brothers for many years!Although he said something wrong, can you make him die better?

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