Qin Shao is fascinated by me

Chapter 84 Threatening Qin Tiannan

Half of the black glass was opened, Qin Tiannan sat inside with no expression on his face and gave the man a gesture, the man comprehended and went back to the truck, then dozens of people got out of the car and moved the things in the truck in an orderly manner out, carried into the apartment.

At that time, the security guard who was called up by Lin Xing stopped the behavior of a group of people who were moving things. He blocked the gate of the community and asked them to show their IDs.

The leading man in black didn't speak, but a minute later, the security guard received a call, and the boss on the phone told him to let the group of people in front of him go, saying that the big boss of this building had come.

After the security guard hung up the phone, he quickly let him go with a smile, looked respectfully at the person who greeted Qin Tiannan just now, and brought him a cup of tea.

The two-hour moving was over, and Qin Tiannan's things filled the other apartment to the brim. Dozens of men in black looked at the sparrow-sized place, which was far from the villa. They didn't understand why the president came suddenly live here.

But in the end, he is the president, and it might be another way for him to experience life. Although the men in black had doubts, they also retreated respectfully, leaving only Qin Tiannan and a few right-hand men who often accompany him to do business.

That wave of big trucks went back again, but the Bentley that was parked on the side of the road was still parked there.The underground parking lot of the apartment building quickly moved a private parking lot for his car. Qin Tiannan parked the car in the parking lot, and then came out of the parking lot. He entered the apartment area for the second time. Enter as the apartment owner.

It turned out that when the bodyguard saw him, instead of stopping him, he even smiled at him, because he remembered that the handsome man in front of him, who was regarded as a harasser by another female employer, turned out to be Tianxing Media Qin Tiannan, the president of the company, asked him to go up and drive away Qin Tiannan's female owner. He only knew that it was the popular star Lin Xing. The bodyguards had opened their eyes at this time. The apartment complex that had been guarding for so many years actually let him meet within a day. The person on TV that he never thought he would meet in his life, and at the same time he was secretly glad that he didn't really drive Qin Tiannan out as a hooligan, and the big boss that the supervisor talked about on the phone might be him.

Qin Tiannan stepped into the apartment opposite Lin Xing. Originally, the apartment opposite Lin Xing had already been rented out to another person, but that person did not go through all the formalities and delayed the check-in. He paid that person liquidated damages, but Qin Tiannan didn't care. Compared with the money, being able to live with her every day is nothing.

Qin Tiannan's high-profile actions in this scene were being noticed by a man in black, and he left in a hurry with his camera.

But Lin Xing on the other side didn't know what was going on outside, she just heard that someone seemed to be moving in from the other side, and the two-hour moving process on the other side made her unable to sleep, she turned several times on the bed, but she was still not sleepy meaning.Then he got up and changed into sports clothes, and walked out of the apartment with sports headphones.

The door opposite was locked, and there was a pile of wrapping paper torn from new furniture in the corridor outside the door. She thought it should be the garbage that the opposite door hadn't had time to clean up, and she didn't pay too much attention to the owner of the opposite door who moved. , I just hope it won't be noisy.

When they arrived at the gate of the complex, it was still the guard at the gate. The security guard seemed to be more enthusiastic when they saw her. She responded to the uncle's greeting with a smile. It seemed that she was not affected by Qin Tiannan's harassment at all.

There is a running playground near the apartment. Although it is not big, it gathers nearby residents to exercise and exercise. There are also some boys in their teens playing basketball. She wears a mask and arms herself like an ordinary person. Same as runners.

She ran around the playground for a few laps listening to the song, but no one noticed her, and they were all busy with their own affairs. Lin Xing felt that this feeling was wonderful. It had been a long time since she couldn't run so heartily like now. She felt that her whole body All relaxed.

After terminating the contract with Tianxing Media Company, Tan Feng paid a large amount of liquidated damages and set up his own company.When Lin Xing found out about this, Tan Feng was in a foreign country rushing to announce that there were already several missed calls on his mobile phone. Looking at the caller IDs, Tan Feng felt a little uneasy in his heart. Watching her always made him feel uneasy.

But here, Lin Xing still couldn't wait for Tan Feng's reply after several phone calls, and even sent a few messages but nothing came of it. Sitting in front of the makeup mirror, she felt a little uneasy. She didn't know why Tan Feng suddenly quit Tianxing. His own idea was still Qin Tiannan's threat.

A make-up artist wearing a mask was smearing on her face, and the assistant Xiao He stayed aside to watch the progress. The promotional shooting of Tongyi Company, which had been postponed for several weeks, turned out to be filming in a suburban location. At this time, Lin Xing was standing In a villa in the suburbs, the people around her seemed a little scared, and the only person who made her feel safe was her assistant Xiao He.

Xiao Fuqiang was monitoring everything in another room at this time, and sent someone to report, but Qin Tiannan was on his way in a hurry.

The make-up was done, but the filming was still delayed. Lin Xing waited for half an hour, feeling a little surprised. Just when she was about to ask when the filming would start, a middle-aged man pushed the door open and came in, rushing towards Lin Xing walked over, and Lin Xing took a step back in fright. Unexpectedly, she, who was wearing high heels, staggered and fell backwards, but the makeup artist accompanying her restrained her, and even her assistant, Xiao He, was stopped.

Lin Xing struggled and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't move, otherwise..." The makeup artist took out a knife from his pocket and forced it on her neck. Seeing this, Xiao He turned pale with fright. She dared not make a sound, but Lin Xing was not so flustered, "I I warn you, don't do anything stupid."

"Be honest." With a little strength in her hand, Lin Xing's delicate neck was cut open by a sharp knife.

The middle-aged man nodded to the makeup artist and went upstairs.

After a while, I heard several cars approaching and stopping in a hurry outside, and the leader got out of the car. He took three steps at a time, and pushed open the unlocked door with a push of his big hand, and he entered the door. At a glance, he saw Lin Xing who was held hostage by a makeup artist inside, "Lin Xing!" He called her anxiously.

He quickly ran towards Lin Xing and stumbled, but when he was still 3 meters away from Lin Xing, the makeup artist stopped him, "Don't come here, or I..." The knife she was holding approached her neck again. After some cutting, some fresh blood flowed out from the incision.

"Don't act recklessly!" Seeing the blood, Qin Tiannan's eyes were full of distress, he didn't dare to take a step forward, and the dozens of bodyguards behind him didn't dare to act rashly, they just geared up behind him.

Lin Xing's mind was blank at the time, only felt pain in the neck area, and she was restrained by the makeup artist so that she couldn't move, and the neck area was her most vulnerable place.

"Qin Tiannan, so you also have today, hahaha!" The middle-aged man clapped his hands and came down the stairs just now. Seeing that the arrogant Qin Tiannan was nervous like a child at this time, he felt extremely happy.

"It's you!" Seeing Ma Dezhong coming down the stairs, Qin Tiannan was terribly gloomy.

"How is it? Long time no see, did Mr. Qin miss me?" Ma Dezhong walked to the makeup artist, pinched Lin Xing's face, and looked at Qin Tiannan opposite him with a smirk.

Lin Xing resisted, "Beast, don't touch me."

Ma Dezhong smiled instead of anger, "Yo, this little beauty is quite stubborn, I like it."

"Ma Dezhong, let her go, or I'll make you regret being born in this world!" Qin Tiannan gritted his teeth angrily, when he saw that pair of salty pig's hands resting on Lin Xing's face, he felt that the world was falling apart and collapsed to the extreme.

"Qin Tiannan, can you change your bad habits, this world doesn't belong to you!" Ma Dezhong was enraged by him, and immediately put his stinky mouth on it, and kissed Lin Xing.

"Ahahaha, this taste is really sweet." Ma Dezhong looked at Qin Tiannan triumphantly, and said provocatively.

"Beast! Let her go." Qin Tiannan was furious, like a lion being restrained.

"Hahahaha, I just want to make you suffer and make you sad, how about it? Helpless!" Ma Dezhong laughed so hard.

When Ma Dezhong and the make-up artist were looking at Qin Tiannan carelessly, Lin Xing tried to escape from the make-up artist's grasp, but the make-up artist found out in time and tightened the knife around her neck.

Qin Tiannan's heart was in his throat, he felt so powerless at the moment, he couldn't do anything.

"How dare you play tricks with me!"

Ma Dezhong kicked her from the hind legs, and she knelt down unbearably. The makeup artist held a knife rest on her neck and squatted down with her. The movement of her body made the knife wound on her neck bigger. Ma Dezhong squatted down and smiled coquettishly, "Qin Tiannan, I want you to know what despair is!"

He began to pick off Lin Xing's clothes, and when his hand was about to touch Lin Xing's chest, Qin Tiannan yelled, "Ma Dezhong, let her go, I will give you whatever you want!"

Hearing Qin Tiannan's voice of compromise and fear, Ma Dezhong stopped his movements, and he stood up slowly, "Okay! I want you Qin Tiannan's entire equity in Tianxing Media Company."

"Qin Tiannan, I have never loved you, never have. You don't have to worry about my affairs, you leave!" Lin Xing roared loudly, she didn't want Qin Tiannan to give up the entire Tianxing Company for her, she didn't want to owe him of.

Qin Tiannan ignored Lin Xing's words, turned his head and told the people around him, "Go, tell Li Hao to bring the company's equity transfer contract immediately!"

"Qin Tiannan, don't you understand human language? I told you to leave me alone!" Lin Xing shouted again. For some reason, she would rather he didn't come to rescue her.

Ma Dezhong was annoyed by the chirping and chattering of Lin Xing beside him. He pulled out a cloth towel from his pocket and stuffed it into Lin Xing's mouth.

But Lin Xing could only cry "ahhh", and couldn't understand what she was talking about. Qin Tiannan was so distressed that he couldn't stop looking at the time, and every minute and every second was a torment for him.

Soon, Li Hao came in with the contract. Ma Dezhong looked at the contract in Li Hao's hand and his eyes lit up with excitement. Qin Tiannan took the contract in Li Hao's hand and signed it.He took a few steps forward and handed it to Ma Dezhong. Just as Ma Dezhong was about to accept the contract, Lin Xing broke free from the make-up artist's shackles, controlled the knife in the make-up artist's hand with both hands, and stabbed deep into his neck After wiping it off, the makeup artist screamed and collapsed on the ground in fright. She didn't want her life.

Xiao He looked at Lin Xing who suddenly lost his strength and fell to the ground with more blood gushing out from his neck, and shouted "Sister Lin!"

Everyone gasped when they saw Lin Xing who fell to the ground after committing suicide, but Qin Tiannan lost the contract with a pale face, ran and fell to the place where Lin Xing was lying down, and hugged her from the ground Shouting desperately in his arms, "Xing Xing, wake up, why are you so stupid!"

"Hurry up, take her to the hospital." He roared angrily and blamed himself, the person in his arms was like a lamp that was about to run out of oil, and he couldn't even hear his breathing.Qin Tiannan couldn't help crying anymore, the tears fell on her face like pearls with broken threads.

In a trance, she only felt some warm breath passing over her face, but she felt that she was tired and didn't want to open her eyes at all.

She was lying in the car with the tie Qin Tiannan tore off her neck tied around her neck.The car was speeding on the road at the fastest speed, even ignoring the traffic lights, like a racing car. Along the way, Qin Tiannan kept calling her name, but she couldn't hear her clearly.

Soon, she was pushed into the operating room, and Qin Tiannan was slumped on the ground exhausted. When she entered, Qin Tiannan held the attending doctor by the neck, and he reminded him fiercely that if she couldn't be saved, he would ask them to be buried with the whole hospital!
The people in the villa were arrested by the rushing police, and Xiao Fuqiang fled the villa one step ahead of time.

On the way to the police station, Ma Dezhong still tightly held the equity transfer letter signed by Qin Tiannan in his hand, and read it for a long time with a half-smile and half cry.

Knowing that something happened to Lin Xing, Tan Feng immediately pushed the event, and immediately took a plane to Shanghai.When he hurried to the hospital and arrived at the intensive care unit on the highest floor, a man in black stood every few meters in the corridor, and on a chair there sat a lonely man with his head down, unable to see clearly. The person with his face, Tan Feng just felt that he looked like he had walked through the gate of hell. He walked to the ward in a hurry, but when he approached the person sitting on the chair, two people A man in black blocked his way, and Qin Tiannan, who was disturbed by the silence, raised his head, and Tan Feng finally saw his appearance clearly, as if he hadn't slept all night, the stubble on his face had already appeared, especially his eyes, which were red and swollen .

"How is Lin Xing?" Tan Feng asked first, and it was obvious that he was also very anxious, but compared to Qin Tiannan who was sitting, he was much inferior.

Qin Tiannan didn't answer him. He waved his hand, and the two men in black retreated. Tan Feng came to the door of the intensive care unit. He looked inside through the glass on the door. He couldn't see her face clearly. That person was extremely weak, as if if someone moved her slightly, she might die.

He watched it for a few minutes, and he really didn't know how to relieve the pain in his heart. When he was in England, he only heard that Lin Xing had an accident, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. Here, he also somewhat understands why this incident happened suddenly at Lin Xinghui.

He turned his head to look at Qin Tiannan and questioned him, "Qin Tiannan, it's because of you! Is she like this because of you?"

Qin Tiannan just didn't respond to a word, he just sat there, all night, his heart seemed to be washed away by the heavy rain, in the second half of the night, when the doctor pushed her out of the operating room, the doctor told him, "If Come a few minutes later, and the person will be gone." He felt a little comforted in his heart, but since entering the operating room, she has tightly closed her eyes and never opened them for a moment. Like a long and cold winter, all the despair and pain were staged together, turning him upside down.

Seeing his inaction attitude, Tan Feng was so angry that he went forward and punched him twice, but when he was about to punch him for the third time, he was controlled by the man in black.Qin Tiannan didn't resist, he was beaten so that he fell off the chair, he lay down on the ground, some blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, the man in black wanted to help him, but he persuaded him to leave with a gesture.

"Qin Tiannan, you are such a bastard!"

Tan Feng was held back by the man in black. No matter how he resisted, he couldn't break free from the grip of the professionally trained man in black. "Let me go!"

The man in black was afraid that he would hit Qin Tiannan again, but he still didn't let go, but Qin Tiannan yelled, "Let him go, step back five meters away."

The men in black were frightened, let go of Tan Feng one after another, and took a few steps back consciously. Tan Feng stood in front of him, seeing that Qin Tian, ​​who was so beautiful, was beaten to the ground by him at this time, and he didn't even resist. So he gave up the idea of ​​beating him again, and no matter how much he beat him, no matter how much he vented his anger, Lin Xing would not be able to wake up immediately.

He was so weak that he squatted against the door, guarding the person inside, while Qin Tiannan stood up leisurely, hugged his legs with his hands and buried his head on them, as if weeping.

When Lin Xing woke up, it was already the third day after the accident. When the nurse went in to change her needle water, she found that she was awake, and immediately went out to inform the two people who had not changed their posture. Hearing the news, Qin Tiannan stood up abruptly, Unexpectedly, he hadn't eaten for two days, and he was overly sad. He didn't get up but fell to the ground. The man in black was so frightened that he quickly helped him up. He closed his eyes. The man in black planned to send him to rest first, but He struggled to go in to see Lin Xing, but the man in black had no choice but to help him into the intensive care unit. Inside, Tan Feng was already sitting by the bed, holding her hand in his hand. Wrapped in a thick layer of gauze, with a ventilator on his face, and his eyes half-opened and half-closed, he looked extremely weak.

Qin Tiannan's appearance was not much better than hers. When he was helped into the intensive care unit, Lin Xing, who was lying on his back, had already seen him, but she couldn't speak, so she could only stare at him, and Qin Tiannan was helped over. Some, he looked at the person in front of him distressedly, and said in a low voice, "It's fine when you wake up, it's fine when you wake up."

The person on the bed didn't answer him, but saw that her hand had been raised to rest on her face, and the next second she took off the ventilator on her face, Tan Feng said in fright, "What are you doing?"

But she smiled at him and said in a very low voice, "Can you go out for a while? I have something to say to her."

Tan Feng glanced at Qin Tiannan, nodded to Lin Xing, then got up and left the room.

Qin Tiannan walked towards her a little bit, anxiously trying to hold her hand, but she stopped him, "I have something to tell you."

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