Qin Shao is fascinated by me

Chapter 79 Accept the Confession

It was another day when she slept until she woke up naturally. In the past few days in Dali, Lin Xing enjoyed Tan Feng's care every day. The comfort made her want to live like this, but the assistant Xiao He stopped it in time. The reason for her idea is that the hot spots of public opinion have already faded. Xiao Fuqiang wants her to end the rest period early and return to the company to continue working. Corporate work is indeed a bit of a mystery.

She walked to the kitchen, looked at the busy figure, moved over gently, and sniffed, "It smells so good!"

Tan Feng put down the shovel in his hand, turned around with a smile, "Why don't you sleep more?"

"I'm going back to work tomorrow." She said helplessly. During the past few days, she seemed to have taken root here, feeling a little bit reluctant.

"Isn't the rest period over?" He was a little surprised.Moreover, the storm of public opinion has not completely subsided.

"Xiao He called this morning and said it was the company's arrangement."

"That's it!" It happened so suddenly that he was a little caught off guard, but he couldn't say anything about the arrangement of Tongyi Company, so he had to bring the cooked breakfast to the dining table, "Let's eat first!"

"Okay." She walked to the chair and sat down.

After breakfast, Tan Feng took the opportunity to go out, and Lin Xing didn't ask him what was the matter. After breakfast, she felt sleepy again, and turned back to lie on the bed, enjoying the last leisure time.

Tan Feng, who came out alone, arrived in the urban area. He ordered his bodyguard assistant to buy him a bunch of trinkets that could create surprises, while he himself hurried into a silver jewelry store. A few days ago, he arrived alone without telling Lin Xing In the store, according to my own design ideas, the store asked the store to make a pair of couple rings for him and Lin Xing. I originally planned to come back in a few days to express my love to her. I never thought that the time would change. Fortunately, the small store also counted Heart, made the ring in advance.He put the two rings into the inner pocket of his suit before returning to Erhai Lake.The dream house that I ordered the workers to build accelerated. As time passed, the house was gradually decorated into a dreamy look that girls like very much. The whole house is based on blue. Lin Xing once said that she likes blue, He has always remembered it in his heart.

After confirming everything at the Erhai Lake, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and he planned to take her to the romantic cottage under the afterglow of the setting sun.When he returned to the inn, he saw that she was still asleep on the bed and returned to sleep. He couldn't bear to disturb her, so he retreated slowly, intending to make something for her to eat.

Lin Xing has woken up slowly for a while. She has no work worries at all, except for eating and sleeping. She has gained some weight in a few days, and her face has become rosy. She squinted her eyes and sat on the bed. After a while, her stomach was empty, and she felt a little hungry, so she got up and dragged her slippers into the kitchen, only to see Tan Feng busy inside with his back to her, just like a few days ago, she knew it was him who was there again. It’s time to cook, but what’s different today is that the table has been carefully decorated, with flowers and candles on it. She walked over with a smile and saw the steak frying in the pan, “It also looks delicious Woolen cloth!"

He played with the steak in the pot in an orderly manner, while continuously sprinkled some coarse salt, turned off the fire after a few seconds, and said with a smile: "Looking at the time, you are almost hungry."

"You really understand me." Lin Xing praised him.

He put the steak on the plate and decorated the plate, which seemed to be professional, "I hope you like it." He brought it to the table, "There is also a fish soup, the fish from the Erhai Lake Soup, I'll bring it, wait for me."

"Okay." She sat on a chair beside her and waited.

He turned around and brought over a bowl of white fish soup, sprinkled with chopped green onions, it looked sweet and delicious, Lin Xing looked at him sitting opposite him, and said happily, "You made this fish soup yourself?"

"I asked the innkeeper." He scratched his head embarrassedly.

"I want to try it, I can't wait." She raised the bowl in hand and filled it up for him first, then filled another bowl for herself, took a sip, full of praise, Tan Feng had a spoiled expression on her face Looking at her, it's sweeter than drinking honey.

"I have a surprise for you later." He said while drinking and eating.



After the two finished eating, Tan Feng deliberately changed into casual clothes, which were the same style as Lin Xing's, and then drove her to the romantic house that he had built. He opened the car door for her thoughtfully, and then After getting out of the car, Lin Xing saw the extra room by the Erhai Sea. She was a little surprised, but she didn't ask any further questions until Tan Feng took her hand and walked to the door, opened the room, and the inside was covered with a piece of blue. It was only when she caught her eyes that she came to her senses, her face blushed a little unconsciously, she silently watched him go in, and took out a large bouquet of flowers from inside, "For you." He said softly.

Lin Xing did not immediately accept the bouquet of flowers, but asked, "So this is the surprise you mentioned?"

"May I invite you into the cabin?" He looked at her expectantly.

It was hard for her to refuse him, so she followed his wishes and entered the blue room. As soon as she entered the room, she was about to say something to ease the atmosphere at the moment, but Tan Feng stopped her suddenly, "You can listen to me first words?"

She nodded.

"Please sit down." He pointed to a small but small chair inside.

She sat still, her heart beating continuously, in fact, she guessed what he was going to do.

Tan Feng squatted down, and put the bouquet of flowers aside, "Actually, I don't know since when, your appearance has been lingering in my heart. The days of filming variety shows with you always feel too good It was so fast, that period of time is the best memory of my life."

"Tan Feng...me." Lin Xing wanted to say something to respond to him, but was interrupted by him again, "Can you reject me first? I haven't confessed my love yet."

Lin Xing was amused by him and smiled, "Okay, tell me."

He took out an exquisite box from the bouquet of flowers, opened it, took out the custom-made ring, and said affectionately, "Lin Xing, I like you, can you give me a chance to love you once?" Chance?"

Although he already knew what he was going to do in his heart, Lin Xing was still a little at a loss when he confessed to her so nakedly. Instead of taking the ring in his hand, she hesitated, "I, haven't thought about it yet." OK."

Seeing her hesitation, Tan Feng still smiled, and the hand holding the ring still did not retract, but tried hard to win her and said, "Lin Xing, you haven't thought about it, I will think for you, and I will come to you in the future." protect you, okay?"

"I, but." To be honest, she was a little moved. After all, the male god who had liked for so many years suddenly confessed to her. would have promised him.

"Lin Xing, my hands are already sore." Seeing that she was still hesitating, Tan Feng couldn't wait for her to agree to him.

Tan Feng's persistence and his silent companionship these past few days brought back the feeling that she regarded him as an idol. The man in front of her is also a relationship partner that ordinary people dare not dream of. For many people, Tan Feng He is already the person they can't reach, and the person I liked the most at the beginning was also him, but at that time I was too small to dare to ask for him. Now, her idol, the person she has liked for so many years and She confessed that she was also moved, and since she broke up with Qin Tiannan, Zhao Qingli urged her to talk to a boyfriend earlier to make them feel at ease.

Like a ghost, she nodded, and the feeling in her heart made the decision for her.

The moment she nodded, Tan Feng was as if he had obtained a rare treasure. He was so surprised that he forgot that he was a national idol. He was so happy that he didn't know what to say. He just took her hand and took the The ring was on her finger before she said, "Thank you."

From the box, he took out another ring and put it on himself.

That night, the afterglow was scattered by the lake, shining the sparkling water brilliantly. He pulled her out and sat facing the Erhai Lake, and let her lean on his shoulders as he did on the first day. For so many years, he The empty heart was finally filled in that beautiful place.

The next day, Tan Feng returned to Shanghai with her, and before they had time to feel the sweetness of love, they each went to work.

Lin Xing came to Xiao Fuqiang's office, and couldn't explain why she hated this old pervert in sheep's clothing in front of her now. When she thought of the fact that she was drawn out of these public opinions for no reason and that they faded away after a while, she She would suspect that someone was playing tricks behind her back, and Xiao Fuqiang was such a dangerous person, which deepened her idea of ​​leaving Tongyi and establishing her own company.

"Lin Xing, come and sit down." Xiao Fuqiang smiled and brought her a glass of water.

"I don't want to sit down anymore. What's the matter with Mr. Xiao?" Lin Xing didn't follow his will and sat down on the chair, but stood there, as if in case something bad happened.

"Hey, it's better to sit down and talk." Xiao Fuqiang went to hold her hand. Lin Xing was so frightened that he immediately avoided his hand. Xiao Fuqiang was not angry, but smiled and said, "Why? To go to Yunnan is to be so rebellious."

It was really uncomfortable for Lin Xing to hear the greasy words. In order to get out quickly, she chose a seat far away from Xiao Fuqiang and sat down, and said word by word, "Mr. Xiao, may I ask why you came to me so urgently?" thing?"

Xiao Fuqiang saw that she was slightly angry, so he just followed her away from him. His heart was itchy, but he didn't dare to get angry like that. He sat opposite her, took a sip of tea, and said, "Lin Xing , I didn’t treat you badly during your time in Tongyi, did I?”

Lin Xing didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, so he asked in surprise, "Why did Mr. Xiao say that?"

"It's okay, just chatting." Xiao Fuqiang smiled, making people look a little nauseous, "The company's new season's promotional video is still for you to shoot, and you will be notified when the time is set. Xing Media broke off the cooperation with the company?"

"I didn't have time to watch the news. Who cares about these annoying things while on vacation?" Thinking about Tianxing and Qin Tiannan gave her a headache.

"That's right, then you go back first!" It was rare for him to let her go without licking her.

Lin Xing got his permission and left the office as if fleeing. Xiao Fuqiang looked at her leaving back and smiled mysteriously.

She is Tongyi Company's last handle to defeat Tianxing Company.

A few days later, Zhang Shiya came back from France. When she returned to the villa, Qin Tiannan was not there. Liu Huan just came back from the garden and saw Zhang Shiya, "Ma'am, are you back?"

"Well, what about Tiannan?"

"The young master hasn't returned to the villa for several days. He said he was sleeping in the company."

"Okay, Auntie, I'm leaving first." Hearing that Qin Tiannan was in the company, she ran out again, drove to Tianxing Media Company, got off the car, went straight to the elevator dedicated to the president, and when she arrived at Qin Tiannan's office, she pushed open the door Walking in, he was indeed inside. Qin Tiannan, who had already sensed her arrival, didn't speak, but Zhang Shiya spoke first, "Tiannan, Auntie said that you haven't returned to the villa for several days."

"Yeah." Qin Tiannan still didn't look up, but a divorce agreement had already been drawn up on his desk, Zhang Shiya didn't pay attention, she stood in the air a little awkwardly, not knowing what to say next, and Qin Tiannan After what happened last time, she didn't know whether Qin Tiannan would mention that matter again.

Qin Tiannan sighed helplessly, but held up the contract with his hands guiltily, and he opened his thin lips lightly, "Shiya, come over and take a look at this!"

Zhang Shiya was stunned suddenly, because Qin Tiannan had never called her by that name before, could it be... She didn't dare to think about it, but she walked over and took over the contract, and the words "divorce agreement" came into her eyes , Zhang Shiya closed her eyes in despair, then opened them again, "Tiannan, I just came back, are you going to welcome me like this?"

"If there is no problem, sign it!" Qin Tiannan had already signed his name in the column that belonged to him, but unlike the previous contracts, he was somewhat guilty of her in his heart, so the contract There is also a column in the book, after the divorce, if she wants, they can be brothers and sisters again.

"Tiannan, let me just ask, have you ever loved me?" Zhang Shiya stood with tears streaming from her eyes.

"No." Qin Tiannan blurted out almost without thinking like last time, seeing his unfeeling without any hesitation, Zhang Shiya's heart seemed to have fallen into ice, her whole body was chilly, after more than a year After all, it was a wrong payment. She wiped her tears, walked over and took out a pen from his desk, signed her name on the woman's column, and then threw the agreement like a throw away. On Qin Tiannan's face, this was her accusation against their short marriage.

Then, she ran out of the office with red eyes, and drove to Wan Yinxiu's cemetery. She sat down suddenly, hugged Wan Yinxiu's tombstone and cried loudly.

Qin Tiannan picked up the agreement that was thrown on his face and fell to the ground, closed his eyes and fell silent for a while, then put the agreement into the desk drawer.

The next thing will be handled by the lawyer for him.

After returning home, Chu Yuyan was locked up by the Liao family of the Chu family for a few days. No matter how noisy she was, it was useless. She still missed Lu Qing in her heart, so she thought of a way, which was to go on a hunger strike. Seeing that she didn't eat, she immediately ordered the servant to release her. As soon as Chu Yuyan left the room, she changed her clothes and went straight to the hospital.

In the hospital, Lu Qing was lying comfortably on the bed and scrolling through his mobile phone. As a doctor, he rarely had to be so busy for a while, and he was also taken care of by his colleagues. It's just sitting, a little boring.

Su Rongfang brought him food in different ways every day, which he also liked, but what he didn't know was that Chu Yuyan was walking towards his room, accompanied by two bodyguards, and at the door, She ordered the bodyguard to stand there, and knocked on the door to go in by herself. Su Rongfang was a little surprised when she saw her first, she got up and walked over and smiled, "Yuyan, why are you here?"

"Auntie, let me come and see Lu Qing." Chu Yuyan got straight to the point, but Lu Qing refused. He sat on the bed without saying a word. After the two women finished talking, Su Rongfang went out, and Chu Yuyan shut it off. When the door came, she stood by the bed, seeing that the person in front of her never gave her a wink, her heart darkened, but the expression on her face was still smiling, "How are you?" She asked cautiously said a word.

"I'm fine." Lu Qing replied flatly, without making too many expressions.

"I'm sorry." She was a little sad, and apologized for hurting Chu Jialiao.

"You don't have to say sorry, I'm the one who should say sorry." He repeated his apology to her again.

"Lu Qing, I don't want yours, I'm sorry, can you try to love me once?" The corners of her eyes were red, and the man in front of her was like an attractive black hole, which had deeply attracted her. She was sucked in, and she didn't know when she started, she was addicted to him, and she couldn't get out of it.

Lu Qing was silent for a while, but still said cruelly, "I'm sorry, I can't do it."

Hearing these words, she burst into tears, and she kept wiping away her tears, which made Lu Qing feel very uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I hurt you, if hitting me makes you feel better, hit me a few times!" He closed his eyes.

"Will hitting you make me feel better?" Chu Yuyan's voice trembled a little. The person in front of her was going to stay away from her after all. She stepped forward and hit him hard in the chest, closing her eyes He suddenly felt a pain in his chest and coughed out, "You know, my heart hurts a hundred times more than what you are suffering now."

Lu Qing didn't speak, he knew that he owed her, and if she could stop pestering him, he would be worth it.

"Why don't you talk anymore, huh?" She was about to go crazy, she fell in love with someone who didn't love her, someone who swept her face in front of the guests, but even so, she still liked him.

"Go away! I'm not worthy of your love." He held his chest that was slammed by her just now, and ruthlessly told her to go out.

Chu Yuyan turned around and leaned towards the window, noticing her strangeness, Lu Qing suddenly got up from the bed, ran to grab her body that was climbing the window, "What are you doing?"

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