Lin Xing was confused, she knew that the woman on the other side didn't like her, but she didn't understand what she was trying to say?She could only smile and said to her, "Auntie, I don't understand what you mean?"

Wan Yinxiu saw that she was ignorant of current affairs, and her tone was a bit colder, "Miss Lin, since you don't understand, then I won't play around with you. My purpose for coming today is very clear. Just to let you leave my son."

Lin Xing's heart tightened. She knew that Wan Yinxiu came to do nothing good, but she didn't expect her to be so ruthless. She looked at Wan Yinxiu sadly, "Auntie, what did I do wrong? Why did you break up Tiannan and me? .”

"You shouldn't be with him." The woman still had no expression on her face, she looked at the overwhelmed young woman opposite her coldly.

"However, it is human nature to love, hate and be happy. Why can't I be with him?" Lin Xing was so sad that he was about to cry.

Wan Yinxiu knew that Lin Xing was pregnant with Qin Tiannan's child, and regardless of Lin Xing who was sad alone, she took the expensive Chanel bag on the side, took out a card from it and put it on the table, "The money in it is your compensation .”

Seeing her slightly protruding belly, Wan Yinxiu closed his eyes again and said, "Also, take him away!"

Take this sentence away!Like a thunderbolt from the blue, Lin Xing felt a sense of suffocation hit his face. She cried and touched her lower abdomen and said, "Auntie, is this the purpose of your coming to me today? Let me leave Qin Tiannan and kill the child? "

Wan Yinxiu nodded firmly, "Yes."

"Auntie, this, is your own grandson!" She was sobbing, not to mention, the child is innocent, not to mention that the child in her belly is also bleeding from her body.

"I'm sorry, please accept my suggestion!" Even though it was her own grandson, the middle-aged woman still didn't show any sign of changing her mind, let alone in her heart, she only recognized Zhang Shiya's grandson.

Lin Xing shook his head and stood up, picked up the handbag at the side and walked two steps, looked at the sitting middle-aged woman with a heart like a snake and said, "Auntie, I may disappoint you." Did not give a wink.

Wan Yinxiu didn't turn her head away, but turned her back to Lin Xing and murmured, "Don't blame me, I'll give you a chance."

The middle-aged woman has been sitting in her seat for about 10 minutes, only to hear a loud noise from the road in front of the milk tea shop, Wan Yin Xiucai got up from the chair, put on her hat and walked out of the milk tea shop, she subconsciously watched Glancing at the excitement on the side of the road, I saw a car parked in the middle of the road, surrounded by densely packed people, and a patch of bright red blood flowed from the ground where the crowd was standing. The redness pierced her like a bright light. In her eyes, she trembled a little, and her eyes seemed to be a little wet. Before she had time to think too much, she immediately left this small city in a car.

The surrounding citizens hurriedly dialed 120, and those who went to watch the scene recognized the woman who was involved in the car accident as the star Lin Xing. This time, they were blown away. More and more people surrounded the scene of the accident, and various news continued to spread. Post it online.

When Lin Xing was sent to the hospital, half an hour had passed. After hearing the news, Zhao Qingli and Lin Yixiong rushed to the hospital and waited anxiously at the door of the operating room. The 120 nurse who sent Lin Xing to the hospital took a handbag Pass it to Zhao Qingli.

Two hours later, Lin Xing was pushed out of the operating room, but the slightly raised belly was flat at the moment. Zhao Qingli burst into tears when she saw it. She knew that the child in Lin Xing's belly was gone.Lin Yixiong didn't have time to take care of Zhao Qingli, so he followed the doctor to send Lin Xing to the ward. Even after being transferred to the bed, Lin Xing still closed his eyes tightly, and there were still wet tears in the corners of his eyes.

The doctor called Lin Xingxiong out of the ward, leaving only Zhao Qingli sitting beside Lin Xingxiong's bed crying.

Out of the corridor, the doctor said, "Are you the patient's father?"

Lin Yixiong immediately replied, "Yes, I am her father, doctor, how is my daughter?"

"Don't worry, the patient's life is not in danger, it's just..."

"Just what?" Lin Yixiong was anxious.

"It's just that the child she's five months pregnant with can't be saved." The doctor said regretfully.

"There was also a car accident that caused her left leg to be broken, and there were multiple skin injuries all over her body."

Lin Yixiong suppressed his crying, the man who had been stubborn for most of his life, but now his tone was choked with sobs, "I see, doctor."

"Also, the patient kept crying for the child when he was brought in, child, now that the child is not kept, you should persuade her more!"

"Okay." Lin Yixiong's eyes were bloodshot, and his voice showed his heartache and sadness.

He stood outside for a long time before he opened the door of the ward. Zhao Qingli was still lying on the bed, sobbing softly. He walked over and patted her on the shoulder, "Let's go out! Let her have a good sleep .”

Zhao Qingli got up from the chair, wiped away tears, and followed Lin Yixiong out of the ward.

They sat side by side on the chairs in the corridor, without saying a word to each other, it seemed that in a moment, all the joy disappeared, leaving only pain and self-blame.

Zhao Qingli thought for a while, then fell on Lin Yixiong's shoulder and cried, "It's all my fault, if I didn't go out, this incident wouldn't have happened to her."

Lin Yixiong patted her on the back, "Don't blame yourself, the most difficult thing now is how to comfort her when Xiaoxing wakes up and finds that the child is gone."

When it came to the child, Zhao Qingli cried even more fiercely. She would see her little grandson in five months, but now, there was nothing left.

Lin Xing woke up slowly at six o'clock in the afternoon. When she opened her eyes, she saw the snow-white ceiling and the smell of disinfectant. Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she lifted the quilt with the hand that had just pulled out the needle, He touched his lower abdomen, and it was flat, "How could it be? How could it be like this."

Xiao He who was waiting at the door heard the crying in the room, and rushed in immediately. Lin Xing was half lying on the bed, the quilt fell on the floor, she was crying hoarsely, Xiao He immediately walked over to help her Picking up the quilt, "Sister Lin, don't do this."

Lin Xing ignored her, still crying and shouting, "My child, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you, mother."

Zhao Qingli and Lin Yixiong, who were going out to sell things, just reached the corridor when they heard their daughter crying. They immediately ran into the room. Zhao Qingli left the things in pain and ran over to hug Lin Xing and cry with her. Lin Yixiong and Xiao He stood aside, with unconcealable sadness on their faces.

After a while, Lin Xing's voice was hoarse from crying, Zhao Qingli picked up the paper on the bedside table and wiped away his tears, "Xiao Xing, shall we have dinner?"

"Mom, do you know? My child is gone, gone." She said in a trembling voice.

"Mom knows, mom knows, but can you listen to mom and eat a little? Your body is important." Zhao Qingli kept stroking her back.

"Mom, I don't want to eat." Now she has no appetite at all, like a corpse that has been drained of blood.

Suddenly, a voice rang out from the handbag that Zhao Qingli put aside. Lin Xing wanted to get out of bed to get the handbag, but when she moved a little, she realized that her left leg had a plaster cast, and she felt a sharp pain. Feeling overwhelmed, Zhao Qingli hurried over to bring her a handbag, she took the handbag and opened it, picked up the phone inside, an unfamiliar number called her, she closed her eyes, pressed to hang up key.

Zhao Qingli asked her why she didn't answer in surprise, but she didn't answer, and after a few minutes, the number called again, she glanced at it, and connected the phone.

"You are?" Lin Xing couldn't recognize whose voice it was.

"You don't need to worry about who I am, someone must have sent you some good things in your mobile phone, how do you feel?" A woman's triumphant laughter came from the mobile phone.

"What?" She had only turned on her phone since the accident, and she had no chance to see what it was.

"See for yourself!" The man hung up the phone.

Lin Xing opened a video sent by a stranger with his mobile phone. Looking at the person on the cover, her heart skipped a beat.

She drove Zhao Qingli and others out of the room, and then clicked on the video. In the video, Qin Tiannan and Chen Yuhan were sleeping together, and Qin Tiannan kept calling someone's name, "Xia Xia."

Looking at Qin Tiannan in the picture, her heart seemed to be frozen in ice, her whole body was cold from head to toe.She turned off the phone, recalled the past between herself and Qin Tiannan, and then she suddenly realized that she had always been a substitute for that person named Xia Xia.

A few more tears fell from the corners of her eyes, her heart was ashamed, and she was talking about her now!
On the other hand, because Qin Tiannan was worried about Lin Xing and always felt that something would happen to her, he had already called her dozens of overseas calls, but no one answered, and when he called her last time, the phone was already turned off.

He called Xiao He, Lin Xing's assistant, and learned from her that Lin Xing had been in a car accident. He jumped in anxiety, and immediately called the bodyguards to tell them to prepare to return home.

But what he didn't know was that Wan Yinxiu had already taken his place in Tianxing after he came to the United States for so many days. In addition, Wan Yinxiu was his mother. She gave orders, even the bodyguards around him, because they were jealous of Wan Yinxiu's identity as Qin Tiannan's mother, under Wan Yinxiu's coercion and lure, even though they worked for him, Wan Yinxiu had already made sense of him. In China, Qin Tiannan can satisfy him in other requirements.

The bodyguard rejected Qin Tiannan's request for the first time, and he knew that Wan Yinxiu had played tricks on him.The anger in his eyes was burning, and there was no moment when it was more violent than this moment.The bodyguard was so frightened that he crawled out of the room. Without the help of the bodyguard, although he could already walk, it was impossible for him to go to China immediately.

Holding back his anger, he called Zhao Qingli, and when he got through, he asked anxiously, "Hi, auntie, how is Lin Xing?"

"Xiao Qin, Xiao Xing, she..." As soon as he mentioned what happened today, Zhao Qingli couldn't help crying again. When Lin Xing in the room heard Zhao Qingli call Qin Tiannan's name, he immediately became angry He got out of bed by himself, walked to the door with his arms, "Mom, give me the phone."

Zhao Qingli saw that she got out of bed by herself, trembling like grass fluttering in the wind, she was so frightened that she helped her back onto the bed, Qin Tiannan on the phone silently listened to all these movements, He called out tentatively, "Star."

There was no response, but the phone was off.

He yelled again, and Lin Xing drove Zhao Qingli out of the room again, before she picked up the phone and put it to her ear, "Qin Tiannan, let's break up!"

Qin Tiannan only felt five thunders crashing on his head, and the sky collapsed, "Xing Xing, what's wrong with you?"

"Never see each other again." She hung up in a hurry, hiding in the quilt alone and crying again. The relationship of this year has now become a passing cloud, and she has hoped, dreamed, and beautiful. But now, like a phantom bubble, it burst in the sun, taking her spring with it.

When Lin Xing hung up the phone, Qin Tiannan became hysterical like crazy. He took his own things, sat in a wheelchair, and pushed himself out of the hospital. Even if he had to climb, he would have to climb to Yunnan.

At the gate, he took a taxi, arrived at the airport, and immediately bought a ticket to fly directly to Yunnan. With the help of the airport staff, he boarded the plane. The stewardess looked at him in surprise as he sat on the chair alone. , trying to endure the sadness in his heart, his eyes were bloodshot, and the wheelchair beside him sent him a quilt with concern, always paying attention to his needs,
Being extremely exhausted, he managed to reach Kunming. At this time, the domestic driver he had contacted was already waiting at the airport. He was carried into a commercial vehicle, and the driver accelerated towards Yuxi.

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