Qin Shao is fascinated by me

Chapter 12 She Pushes Qin Tiannan Around the Garden

After Lin Xing returned to the room, she concentrated on making a report at the desk, but she couldn't concentrate anymore. She thought about what her aunt told her about Qin Tiannan, and then opened Baidu.

It turned out to be paralyzed, will the spinal cord injury recover?Lin Xing googled again based on Qin Tiannan's situation.Could it be that Qin Tiannan can stand up after working hard to recover?Ignoring his body because of his work, is Qin Tiannan stupid or stunned? What's the use of asking for so much money, wouldn't it be more sad if he has money but doesn't have a good body to enjoy the money he earns?Is it because Lin Xing, an ordinary person, doesn't understand Qin Tiannan, or Qin Tiannan doesn't care.

Lin Xing thought over and over again and came to Qin Tiannan's room. Even ordinary employees should care about their boss's health.

She made up her mind and knocked on Qin Tiannan's door.

 "Boss?" Lin Xing pressed his ear against the door.

 "Come in." Qin Tiannan just woke up at this moment,

 Lin Xing opened the door carefully and walked in.He walked to the bed and looked at Qin Tiannan who was lying flat on the bed.Lin Xing didn't know what to say to Qin Tiannan, he just remembered that he had been sleeping until now.He casually asked, "Have you eaten yet?"


"So you haven't eaten!" Lin Xing asked again in surprise when he heard that he said that he hadn't eaten, but now it's past the time for eating at night.

"I couldn't eat just now, but I'm just a little hungry now."

 "Then I'll go downstairs and get some food for you."

 Qin Tiannan nodded, Lin Xing turned around and left the room, followed the stairs into the kitchen.

 Qin Tiannan lay flat on the bed and looked up at Lin Xing who was looking out, then pulled the quilt up again and closed his eyes.During these three years, he had to slowly accept his own inconvenience and had to accept the care of others.

 "Come on, today's food is delicious." Lin Xing carried the reheated food from Aunt Liu.

"Auntie made ribs soup for you today."

"Yes." Qin Tiannan cherished words like gold.

She opened the table, put all the food on the table and moved it to Qin Tiannan's bed, and then raised Qin Tiannan's bed.Qin Tiannan's upper body rose as the bed rose.Seeing this, Lin Xing casually took a pillow and put it on Qin Tiannan's back, so that he had a fulcrum when he sat up.Qin Tiannan picked up the bowl on the table and started to eat.

"Slow down, it's just hot, it's a little hot." Lin Xing instructed him.

Seeing that he only ate and had no water, Lin Xing silently picked up the water cup beside his bed, took a cup of warm water from Qin Tiannan's high-end built-in water dispenser and put it on his table, then retreated to sit on the sofa , she looked at the strong and stubborn man on the bed eating bite by bite, elegant and demeanor, but when she thought of his body, her heart felt sad again.

 She watched Qin Tiannan for a full meal, and suddenly had the urge to take care of him.After eating, Qin Tiannan wiped his mouth with a paper towel beside the bed, and when he looked up, Lin Xing's starry eyes were looking at him.This time they didn't dodge each other, and there seemed to be an inexplicable emotion communicating in their eyes.

 But at this moment, Qin Tiannan suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He knew that he needed to go to the bathroom, so he frowned.

 "Lin Xing, please help me push the wheelchair here."

 "Okay." Lin Xing pushed the wheelchair to his bedside.

 "I'm going to the toilet."

"Do you need to call Auntie?"

"Aren't you here?"

"Then you kicked me out a few times last time, am I afraid of being kicked out by you!"

"Help me quickly." Qin Tiannan urged her.

Qin Tiannan really couldn't figure it out, if it wasn't for his little salary, with Lin Xing's violent temper, it's really possible that he wouldn't serve him.

Lin Xing stood straight beside his bed.

 "what should I do?"

The enemy doesn't say I don't move, the enemy says I don't move, if you want to avoid being scolded by Qin Tiannan's side, you must obey his orders.After getting along with Qin Tiannan for so long, he understood Qin Tiannan's temper, not very much but seventy percent. There were several times when Lin Xing thought he was caring about him, but he always didn't appreciate it.

 "Help me into the wheelchair."

 Lin Xing followed Qin Tiannan's instructions to support the wheelchair and then opened the armrests of the wheelchair. She waited for Qin Tiannan to move onto the wheelchair with difficulty and did not intervene. She just saw Qin Tiannan who was in the wheelchair bent down hard to pick up the things he hung under the wheelchair. Only with two weak legs did she move.

"Sit down and let me help you."

Qin Tiannan acquiesced.

Lin Xing squatted down and gently placed his legs on the wheelchair pedal, smoothed out the wrinkles on his trousers before pushing Qin Tiannan into his large bathroom with satisfaction.

 "Lin Xing, go out, I can do it myself." Qin Tiannan said to Lin Xing after entering the bathroom.

"Okay, okay, I'll go out, and I'll make it look like I love it." Lin Xing suddenly rebelled against Qin Tiannan, and complained, he walked out of the bathroom and closed the door for him.

Qin Tiannan was suddenly in a mess inside, did you just say that to me?A big surprise was written on his face.

He suspected that Lin Xing had made a mistake, he was Qin Tiannan, the president of Tianxing Media Company, Qin Tiannan.

 Qin Tiannan steered the wheelchair out of the bathroom.Lin Xing breathed a sigh of relief seeing him come out safely.

"Let me help you to bed and rest!" Lin Xing hurriedly pushed him to the side of the bed.

 "No, I'm tired of sleeping in bed all day. I want to go for a walk."

"But it's night, boss." Lin Xing looked at the dark sky outside the French windows.But she didn't know that this was exactly what Qin Tiannan wanted, only after it got dark at night would he think about going outside to relax, going out during the day would be tantamount to exposing everything about him, especially his disability.

Qin Tiannan didn't speak, he maneuvered the wheelchair to the bed and picked up the blanket he usually covered.When he was about to tidy up the blanket, Lin Xing grabbed his blanket and folded the blanket to cover Qin Tiannan's lap.

 "Let's go, I'm going out for a walk too, I've been bored in the big villa all day." She let the flow take its course and pushed Qin Tiannan's wheelchair.

Qin Tiannan understood that in order not to embarrass him, he deliberately said that he also wanted to go out for a walk.

Qin Tiannan followed her out of the room, as if all of this had been a long-standing tacit understanding.

 Lin Xing carefully pushed the wheelchair into the elevator room to ensure that Qin Tiannan's face was facing the door when he got out of the elevator.In the past three years, except for the closest people around him, no one has ever considered him. He pretended to be strong and powerful outside, making everyone forget that he is actually a flesh and blood person who needs to be taken care of by others.But Lin Xing let him slowly accept her help, and subtly, he was willing to go for a walk or go shopping with a person who he had a certain affection for her. This was something he had never imagined. He had already lost this kind of enjoyment three years ago, and now it appeared again like spring rain, as if there was some kind of recovery in his heart, and it was slowly changing everything about him.

 One of them sat and the other stood to the first floor.

 "Master, you're up! Do you want to go out?" Aunt Liu saw Qin Tiannan being pushed to the gate by Lin Xing.

 "Well, I've been lying on the bed for a long time, and I want to go out for a walk." He said gently to Aunt Liu.

It seems that Qin Tiannan is also a person of flesh and blood, and he thought he was the same to everyone.Lin Xing thought so while watching Qin Tiannan and Aunt Liu talking softly.

 "Also, it's good for your health to go out and breathe the fresh air."

 Aunt Liu looked at Qin Tiannan lovingly, and gave Lin Xing another look, as if to say, "Take good care of him."

 After leaving the gate, Lin Xing pushed Qin Tiannan slowly around the garden outside the villa, feeling like he was holding his hand and growing old together with him.This kind of picture is like them decades later, the old woman pushed the old man with handicap to walk in the garden.

 "Boss, look at how lush the flowers and trees are!" Lin Xing looked at the flowers and plants on the side of the road that Aunt Liu was quietly caring for.She pushed slowly to ensure that Qin Tiannan's body was comfortable.

Qin Tiannan didn't speak.Lin Xing knew that he didn't talk too much, so he didn't care about it. This was the first time he had such a leisurely stroll in the garden with Qin Tiannan, and she actually enjoyed it so much. She looked at Qin Tiannan who was sitting in front of her, even though Qin Tiannan left her with only the back of his head. , but it was so sweet to her.She had never been in a relationship before, and she felt like something was beating in her heart.

Am I really in love with him?

After a series of articles surfaced, she shook her head decisively.She understands that even though the man in front of her is handicapped, he is still like the moon in the sky and is enough for people to look up to for a lifetime. He is excellent, self-disciplined, and handsome. Everything he has seen is better than the sum of everything she has seen in more than 20 years of life. Many, his structure was doomed from the moment he was Qin Tiannan, great and broad, like the sea, he can be the belief of many people, or the white moonlight that many people can't get in their whole life, the desire for him is only It will make her fall into the bottomless abyss, and being able to work by his side is already infinite luck.She, a person like ants and dust, how to let him bow his head and set foot, how to let him shine on himself.

 Qin Tiannan quietly enjoyed the care of the lovely person behind him. The ever-burning lights in the garden cast his figures on the road, a wheelchair, a person sitting, a person pushing the wheelchair, and the person sitting Slightly shorter than the person pushing the wheelchair, it looks like a painting that never fades.Qin Tiannan was carefully admiring the flowers and plants in the garden. The dense grass was blooming one by one, looking very active, just like her three years ago, and her who was pushing the wheelchair behind his back .He suddenly found that he had never appreciated these insignificant flowers and plants so much before. In the past, he would rather spend more time on work to numb himself, but now he enjoys this kind of life very much.Or enjoy counting the days when the petals are counted with her behind her.He closed his eyes, and as the wheelchair moved, he felt that such a day was pretty good.

The reflection not far away is very similar to the picture of two people who have passed their lives and are getting old.

He saw it.

There was a slight smile on his lips.

She saw a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

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